
King of Eternal Night

The world of Eternal Night was originally the world of the dark race. The four major races of vampires, werewolves, spider demons, and demons controlled the world. The human race became the slaves and flesh of the dark race, living a dark and miserable life. One thousand and two hundred years ago, the human race emerged from despair and successfully established the Qin Empire to compete with the four dark races. For thousands of years, the strong men of the human race have worked hard to create a balance between the human race and the dark race. The human race who practices the dawn force corresponds to the dark race who practices the dark force. On the continent at the bottom of the Evernight World, Qianye rose from hardship and fell from betrayal. Since then, one person and one gun have walked between eternal night and dawn, but a legend has emerged. If eternal night is destined to be his destiny, then he will also become the master king.

DaoistVCkSbV · SF
70 Chs

Chapter 1 Scarlet Night

It is twilight most of the time in the Evernight Continent, especially in the dark season. The orbit of the upper continent blocks the sunlight, and there are only a few short hours of daylight.Tonight, Alpha Gemini enters a low-Earth orbit, and it is a rare night with a moon.A huge full moon occupies almost half of the sky, as if it will hit the head at the next moment. Even ordinary people without ability can clearly see the huge basin and majestic mountains on the moon.But the people who had not yet fallen asleep were frightened.The full moon was actually scarlet, and the moonlight fell from the sky to the earth like a veil, spreading like a living thing on the undulating and rugged land. Large areas of gray-black silhouettes are rendered with rich red, like huge scars and wounds, with cold metallic light flashing from time to time.From time to time, long wolf howls and unknown beast roars came from the distance, echoing each other and full of violent atmosphere.In the legends of the Evernight Continent, the crimson moon is an ominous sign and is very rare, but once it appears, it means chaos and pain. Whenever the moon is soaked with blood, the kings of the dark world will open the door of disaster and spread violence and disaster to the earth.The legend is not without reason, because under the bloody moonlight, all creatures will involuntarily become more violent, bloodthirsty, and aggressive.Under the crimson night, a small black spot suddenly appeared. It flew from the sky, slowly moved across the sky, and became bigger and bigger. It was a floating airship several thousand meters long!It is extremely worn, the huge air bag is covered with patches, the metal components are rusty, and the joints are warped in many places, making people worried that it will suddenly break.As if to confirm people's worries, the airship suddenly shook violently several times, and many parts collapsed from it, including a large metal component more than ten meters long.The metal component fell to the ground, causing a roar.The airship struggled hard, the rows of copper pipes on the outer wall were trembling, and large clouds of steam were sprayed from the tail mechanical compartment. A total of eight sets of propellers behind the boat made a strange squeaking sound and rotated crazily, barely holding the boat steady.Dozens of thick cables hung messily below the airship, holding a huge, rusty cargo hold. Through the unclosed hatch, you could see that it was full of garbage.The rusty and old airship, like a dying beast, struggled to move through the last section of the journey and finally reached its destination. On the ground hundreds of meters below, there is an extremely vast airship cemetery!At this time, tens of thousands of people were swarming out from various hiding places. They had long forgotten their fear of Feiyue, waving vigorously at the airship, and constantly cheering excitedly!Even on this land that was almost forgotten by the empire, they were the lowest ants in the world, struggling to survive every day.This is the burial place of those once glorious behemoths. The scrapped aerostats flying from the upper continent usually carry a lot of garbage. Over time, it becomes a garbage dump with everything. The people living in the airship cemetery rely on the garbage thrown down from the upper continent to survive.Once the aerostats that transport garbage do not arrive for a long time, a large number of people will starve to death here. For them, the garbage of the upper continent is all hope.And tomorrow... tomorrow is too extravagant a word here, no one will think about tomorrow.The aerostat that had aligned its coordinates groaned in pain, and its propellers stopped rotating one by one. The huge hull suddenly shook violently, bouncing up and down in the air for tens of meters, and then the left front outer wall cracked, and a small airship separated.The appearance of the small airship looked much smoother. It flew around the garbage dump, then turned around and climbed up, gradually flying toward the sky.The aerostat in the air lost power, began to vibrate continuously, suddenly tilted, and slowly fell to the earth!It fell faster and faster, and finally hit the ground and disintegrated with a roar. Countless garbage, scraps and metal components were flying everywhere, creating a rain of garbage over the airship cemetery.The carnival has begun!The sojourners howled and rushed towards the place where the airship crashed, some even running on all fours like wild animals.From time to time, huge metal components fell from the sky. Many people who were directly below the landing point were unable to dodge and were directly smashed into pieces by the multi-ton components. However, their companions turned a blind eye to the danger and still rushed forward with all their strength, just to get to the place where they could grab the garbage first.There were men, women, old people and children among the people. But age and gender are meaningless here. Each group of people is distinguished by size and strength. This is the only criterion for dividing the territory in the cemetery.Those who can rush to the wreckage of the airship are the strongest men in the entire cemetery, followed by weaker men and stronger women, then weaker women, and the outermost circle are the elderly and children.In this way, people formed concentric circles with the falling aerostat as the center of the circle. There are invisible but insurmountable boundaries between each layer.At the outermost edge of the concentric circles is the activity area for children. Hundreds of children rummaged through the rubbish in search of almost non-existent food.Among them was a thin boy who was also rummaging hard.He was about seven or eight years old, and his face was so dark that it was impossible to tell his true appearance. The clothes he was wearing should have been an adult's shirt, and it wrapped around him like a robe. Moreover, the shirt was already in disrepair and was simply a few larger pieces of rags wrapped around the body with strips of cloth.He used both hands to claw at the cold garbage. His little hands were full of cuts, many of which were still festering. But he didn't seem to feel the pain, and he desperately picked at the large pile of indistinguishable garbage in front of him.He hadn't eaten for three days. If he couldn't find something to eat today, he would definitely not be able to survive the next aerospace boat arrival.But no matter how hard the little boy tried, he still got nothing.This area had been traversed countless times before it was left to these children under the age of ten. These children are the weakest people in this garbage dump. And when strong people really can't find food, their hungry eyes will... stare at the elderly and children.This is a place of abandonment, this is an airship graveyard. As long as the people here live, they are no different from wild beasts. Even powerful beasts live with more dignity than them!The little boy refused to give up because of his desire to survive. He kept digging through the garbage, and many wounds on his body re-opened due to excessive force, oozing blood. But he didn't realize it.Another rain of garbage fell from the sky, and a larger garbage bag fell next to the little boy.The shell of the garbage bag was broken, and an oil paper bag rolled out from the various useless garbage, which immediately attracted the little boy's attention. There were oil stains on the paper bag!He suddenly pounced forward with the agility of a wild cat, clutching the oil paper bag tightly in his hand. He didn't open it at all to check what was inside, but tucked it into his clothes. At the same time, he turned his head to look left and right with great vigilance, and then cautiously climbed towards the outside.Among this group of children, there is also competition, snatching, and even killing! The level of cruelty is no less than that of the adult world.The little boy is very thin and weak in this garbage dump. Once a strong older child discovers that he has found something edible and wants to hide it secretly, a severe beating is the lightest thing to do.Fortunately, the little boy managed to escape the area without being seen by all the older children. He seems to have an innate acumen, and he can always avoid the big children who are more terrifying than the beasts.After getting away from the wreckage of the aerostat, the little boy ran like crazy, ran all the way to another mountain of garbage, and got into an empty iron barrel.This is his little nest, a shelter from the wind and rain. In the little boy's mind, this small space of just over one square meter is the paradise on earth.He carefully took out the oil paper bag, held his breath, and slowly opened it with a pilgrim-like expression.There is actually a piece of bread in the paper bag! Just one bite of bread!The first time the little boy saw it, he knew it was called bread. He had never seen such , but he could not remember where or when he knew about bread.In fact, it was just an ordinary piece of round bread. In the upper continent, even the lowest level people might take one bite and throw it away, just like the piece in the little boy's hand. But in this garbage dump, it can be worth several lives.When he got closer, he could smell the faint smell of grain, and the little boy felt that all the pain in his body had disappeared. He held the loaf of bread carefully, in disbelief that he could find such a treasure.Is this a dream?A drop of blood seeped from the wound on his hand and rolled onto the bread. The little boy screamed and hurriedly wiped his hands on his body to wipe away all the blood and sweat stains. He had a sad face, and when he looked back at the piece of bread, he felt as sad as if the sacred object in his heart had been profaned.At this time, the little boy's stomach suddenly growled, and his stomach expressed its desire with twitching pain. So he tore off the bloody part of the bread, mustered up all his determination, and prepared to put it in his mouth.But his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.Just outside the iron barrel, a little girl appeared out of nowhere.She looked like she was only four or five years old, with streaks of black and gray on her face, which completely submerged her original skin color, but the clear-cut lines outlined the childlike appearance of a future stunning girl. And her big shining eyes were extraordinarily beautiful and full of energy, staring straight at the bread in the little boy's hand, unable to move away anymore.The little boy sat up and quietly grabbed an iron rod with one end sharpened in his left hand. This is the most instinctive reaction of people living in the garbage dump. When the food in one person's hand is seen by another person, it often becomes a life-and-death fight.The little girl didn't run away. Her eyes were glued to the bread and she didn't move.The little boy slowly put down the iron rod in his hand, hesitated for a long time before making up his mind, slowly tore the bread in half, and then handed one half to the little girl.The little boy's movements were very slow, his hands were shaking, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. His stomach and all the wounds on his body were protesting with the most intense pain.But the bread still got to the little girl.The little girl seemed unable to believe her eyes. She firmly grasped the bread with one hand and wiped her eyes vigorously to confirm that she was not dreaming.She suddenly stuffed the bread into her mouth with all her strength, and half of the bun, which was bigger than her fist, disappeared into that small mouth in just a few seconds, maybe not more than three seconds!The little girl ate up the bread and licked the residue on her hands. Then she raised her eyes and focused her eyes on the little boy's face for the first time. She looked at it carefully and then ran away like flying.The little boy didn't know what he felt at this moment, let alone why he did this, so he could only sit down slumped. Maybe it was the little girl's pure eyes that touched a certain emotion deep in his heart?But what are these weird things about emotions? The little boy leaned against the wall of the bucket, carefully tore off a piece of bread the size of a fingernail, and put it into his mouth. He did not swallow it immediately, but just held it in his mouth and felt the fragrance of the grains with his tongue.At this moment, a young girl's voice suddenly came from outside his den: "He has delicious food! You promised to share half of it with me!"The boy's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. He saw several older children standing outside.