
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Chapter 49: The Diabolical 2.0

The Members of the Dragon Knights were summoned into their Underground Base for a Meeting, An Information given to them by the Specially Designed Messenger Device that was created by Beatrice.

They were all seated before the Round Table...All According to their Positions!!

Ma Feng as the Captain, Xi Jing as the Vice Captain, Beatrice as the Secretary and then we have Jude, Romeo and Rose, There were all seated while staring at eachother when Ma Feng cleared his throat!

" Yesterday, We went outside the School Premises on the excuse of Fishing but it was on a completely different mission, It was a mission beatrice adviced me to embark on, She figured out a secret rumor "

" Rumors about Smugglers and their different routes into this Academy, A Few Routes of this Smugglers are already known to the Goddesses but they chose not to interfere in anything that is ongoing "

" I, Romeo and Xi Jing went on this mission and we got some interesting Informations that was gotten through the help of Romeo's Torturous Methods " Ma Feng said, He could still remember watching such horrible things done to those men.

" And If I may ask...What are those Informations? " Jude asked.

" You don't have to on a hurry, Jude...I will be dishing out the Informations since I am the Secretary of this Organization, There are six Smuggling Routes linking to different sources in this Academy "

" Two of this Six Belongs to the Academy's Authorities themselves for their secret missions they don't want to be exposed, It's a S Ranked Classified Informations they still plan on hiding and two of this Routes belongs to the Secret Societies "

" The Luminous Society and The Organization called The Black Skull, We are not going to involved ourselves with the Authorities Secret Passages but we will be dealing with the rest of the passages "

" As the Communicator...I will be exposing The Secret Passage of The Luminous Society to trigger them, If by any chance The Black Skull are cooperating with the Luminous Society, We will attack them at all "

" Killing two birds with one stone " Beatrice said.

" That's an Interesting Idea but you only mentioned four of the six secret passages, What about the remaining existing two? Who are they tied to " Jude asked when Beatrice took a deep breath and she smiled.

" One of them is tied to the Punishers and The second belongs to the Goddesses and that's why the Goddesses doesn't get involve, We will be attacking the Punishers, The Black Skull and the Luminous Society "

" It's just too early to plan Against the Seven Goddesses given their position in this Academy, We will only be digging our graves because we lack the source and Strength, We can charge in without a smart plan " Beatrice said.

" I understand what you are saying, Beatrice but we will have to put the Goddesses on our target lists, They will still be an Obstacle to us, They are aware of our Organization already...They are always devious " Jude said.

" Jude is right, Beatrice...The Seven Goddesses are always Deadly and you of all people should know that well, We will have to be careful when involving them in this Lists, They are breeds of Chaos " Romeo said.

" Very well then...They will be treated as Threats to us and we will be blacklisting them, We will attack both as The Communicator and The Dragon Knights " Beatrice said when she adjusted her glasses.

" But there is one other thing that I must add to this, The Punishers is an Organization of The Justice Society, The Students Council who fights Against the Underworld but there is a far devious Organization in this Academy "

" They are called The H.E.A.D. " Beatrice said when she smiled!

" The H.E.A.D? I have heard about them before, My Father wants mentioned them before but I don't quite remember what it is about, But I believe they are directly connected to the Sterling Federation " Rose voices out.

She has being quiet the entire time since she is just a student, And A Junior Student for that matter, But her contribution is really helping them alot, And besides she is quite the better Warrior, A Competitor to Jude.

" The H.E.A.D huh? Are they the Organization that is holding that Black Dragon in captive? Anything being directly connected to the Sterling Federation is bad news, I will have to be very careful " Ma Feng said to himself.

" I will be laying down direct traps Against the Organizations that will be considered as threats to us, No one must be left unnoticed or else they will attack us unawares " Ma Feng said, His words were that of a leader.

" Hey boss...Can I ask a question? " Romeo asked!

" You already asked a question but you can ask your question, What is it? " Ma Feng asked while staring at Romeo when Romeo slowly stood up from the chair he was sitted on, All eyes were on him!

" Ma Feng, You do understand that it will come to a point where Killing would be mandatory? We will have to prepare ourselves for that because this Academy doesn't really care about it's Students "

" The Academy itself has its own dark twists so this will get to a time where we will have Enemies who fights with the zeal and desire to kill us, We will have to be prepared for those times " Romeo said.

" Romeo is right, I can picture our plans going to a point where will be hunted down and killed if we fvcked up, So we must be prepared to kill " Xi Jing said when Romeo sat down back afterwards and silent reigned.

" Hmmmmm...To be frankly speaking, I am not really the type to care about the safety of others but we have secrets to keep, When the time comes then I will know what orders to give but for now, There will be no Killing "

" All of you are A-Level and Above Warriors with the Strengths that are fascinating to my sight, But I don't want to come to a point where there will be a bloodbath, I am trying to be cautious here " Ma Feng said.

" So until the orders are given...You will all fight with no Intentions to kill " Ma Feng said and they all nodded, After all...They are all loyal to Ma Feng, No one here currently has any plans on being disloyal.








Footsteps could be heard inside the Headquarters of The Luminous Society, There were all dressed in red as a symbol of their Organization when The Leader of The Organization walks out of the darkness.

Everyone Present in the Dark Room fell on their knees and they bowed before their Leader, A Leader whose face has not being seen by anyone before, No one has known his identity or seen his face.

" What are this things? " The Leader asked in a harsh tone!!

" Boss, We are sorry to bring this Bad News but this are our Smugglers, It seems like they were ambushed and tortured to this state, We found them at our meeting point wailing in pains while being in this state " One of the men answered.

" Hmph, So if they were ambushed that means they are nothing but Weaklings, Find out who is responsible for this and bring destroy them, Any Informations must be concealed " The Leader ordered.

" Yes boss " All the Men spoke out in unison when the Leader walked back into the darkness, The Smugglers were dragged out like rags and Immediately the Leader entered into his dark Office.

He slowly turns to see The Clown standing at the window angle, Folding his arms while resting his back on the wall, The Clown laughed out loud like a jester while Gazing upon the Boss of the Luminous Society.

" You? Why are you here " The Leader of the Luminous Society asked.

" Why do speak in such a harsh tone, Don't you know that it breaks my heart " The Clown said while placing his hand on his chest, The Leader of The Luminous Society took a deep breath when he sighed.

" You are still a Clown but I still owe you my life, You were the one who saved me from being consumed by the Dogs of The Demon Lord Vergo...That is the reason why I will Destroy the Dragon Knights " The Leader said.

" Very good and I hope you bring me goodnews " The Clown said.

" But if I may ask, Why do you despise the Dragon Knights that you would wish me to Destroy them with my Organization? " The Leader of the Luminous Society asked when The Clown laughed out in a Hysterical manner.

" I do not need to despise someone before I declare my Intentions to kill them but this is also parts of The Demon Lord's Orders, But the boy Ma Feng interests me...There is something about him that got my attention " The Clown asked.

" What got your attention about that boy? " The Leader asked while facing the Clown, The Clown kept quiet for two minutes before laughing, After all...He is a Jester when he slowly walked up to the Leader.

" Boy, When the Time is right...You will know and understand what I am talking about, This isn't only based on the Demon Lord's Orders, This is also my will...I would like to examine what that boy is truly made off "

" Yours is simple...You are to Destroy him!! "