
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Chapter 40: The Seven Goddesses

The News of The Communicator spreads like wild fire and it became the Topic of Discussion in Both the Underworld and the Light, Societies feared that high level secrets of theirs would be leaked to the open!

Plotting ways to Destroy this so called Communicator before he exposes them all to the Punishers and they will get punished, It was a moment of Terror and The Dragon Knights were enjoying the pleasure of their works!

They upped their game immediately they realized that they may be targeted by The Luminous Society, Ma Feng could be seen strolling around the School Vicinity after the Closing Bell was rang already!

Students were already leaving the Academy's Building to their respective Dormitory, Ma Feng wore his light bag which contains a book and a pen, Not that he needs them much of a time since Violet does the listening!

" Hey boy...." An Authoritative Voice called out when Ma Feng slowly turns to see a group of goons approaching him, He kept his composure while facing them with smiles on his face, His smiles were quite cute!

" How may I help you? " Ma Feng asked!

" You are The Student Ma Feng right? You have being summoned by the Goddesses " One of The Goons spoke out, Even though they were mere goons, Ma Feng couldn't afford beating them and letting himself loose!

" I don't remember having a single meeting with the Goddesses, Why would I go with you? " Ma Feng asked when the Goons stared at themselves, Smirking at eachother while chuckling softly as they demonstrated their muscles!

" This is not a Request but an Order and you are delaying the Goddesses "

The One who seems to be the Leader of the Goons said as he smirked evily while holding a sharp pen knife on his hand, Flaunting it at Ma Feng's face but he didn't buldge not for a second, He knew he could kill them all!

" The Seven Goddesses has never being disrespected and they will never be disrespected, This is an Order, Forsake and you will loose a limb " The Leader threatened when Ma Feng took a deep breath!

" You should be careful how you threaten a stranger my friend, You will be the one who looses a limb ofcourse " Ma Feng said when The Leader frowns, He slowly raises his hand up to see that his right hand was already cut off!

All the Goons were left in shock when Ma Feng smiled, He Advanced towards The Leader who fell on the ground while screaming out in pains, No one knew what really happened when Ma Feng smiled!

" Where are the Goddesses? I will be meeting them on my own accord, I don't need to be taken y nuisances " Ma Feng said, The Leader of The Goons told him the Location before Ma Feng left without saying anything else!

Ma Feng was already heading towards the Location when he halted, He slowly turns towards the empty spot on when he frowns, His eyes slightly glowed when his body began to emit Magical Essences!

" You shouldn't have done that, Orochi!! " Ma Feng voiced out!

" My Lord, I am sorry for acting such in orderly but you shouldn't forget that I am your Guardian, Your Bodyguard, Orochi's Existence would be meaningless if he allowed anyone to insult you " A Masculine Voice was heard!

When A White Scaled Gigantic Viper appears before Ma Feng, The Serpent was the size of The School Building while it's body was long enough to contain few miles away but only visible to the Eyes of Ma Feng!

Orochi, The Special Grade Curse tamed by Ma Feng and wasn't given a name since Ma Feng didn't have a good name to give him, Orochi serves as the Guardian of Ma Feng in the Physical World!

" I understand you did it for my benefit but that shouldn't repeat itself again unless I gave the order " Ma Feng said and Orochi nodded, The Serpental Curse Orochi vanishes into the thin air afterwards!

It took Ma Feng three minutes before he arrived at the Location, A Classy Restaurant built for the Seven Goddesses and It was Authorized by The School Board Because of the Authority the Seven Goddesses had in the Academy!

Ma Feng walked into the Restaurant to be welcomed by Guards, Two of them as they surrounded him, Before they could ask Ma Feng the reason of his visiting, They were ordered to redraw!

The Orders was given by Stephanie of the Goddesses!

The Seven Goddesses were the Highest Powers of Students in the Academy that not even the Soldiers of the Academy can defile them, It was simply because they had high Connections with the Main Headquarters of The Sterling Federation!

The Seven Goddesses were sitted orderly while being tended to by the Maids and servants, They were sitted on a straight roll while a chair was placed before them, A Chair created for The Guest!

Ma Feng turns to face The Six Goddesses that were sitted while enjoying their meals, They were seated like queens while the Restaurant was heavily guarded by guards and soldiers paid by the Goddesses.

They had the power Because of their wealth, They were simply spoilt girls and Ma Feng slowly approaches them, His bag was taken by the guards when he went and he took his seat ushered to him by the Goddesses!

" Greetings Ma Feng, You remember me right? I am Gloria " The Student Gloria spoke out!

She was the girl who bumped into Ma Feng and insulted him on his first day, Ma Feng adjusted his sitting Position, The Six Goddesses present were all Beautiful and charming, Elegant and gorgeous!

" Yea I remember your face, And I must I am quite suprised to be summoned today by the Seven Goddesses, What do I owe this Summoning? " Ma Feng asked when he grabbed a glass of wine ushered to him!

They had maids handling the Cuisines, Ma Feng was sitted Magestically, He is seen facing the Six Goddesses who were sitted on the same role but with Chieftaincy Chair like Thrones to Indicate their status!

" Why don't we introduce ourselves better before giving you the answer you need, You are in the Presence of the Seven Goddesses and I am Bianca of The Goddesses, There we have, Siye of the Goddesses, Jane of The Goddesses, Stephanie of the Goddesses and Gloria of the Goddesses "

" And the Last but not the least is Carmella of the Goddesses, And we are quite amazed by your works, Mr Ma Feng... Creating playing two sides of the Game to have the Advantage in the war " Bianca uttered!

" Uhm...I don't quite understand what you are talking about " Ma Feng said!

" You don't quite understand right? We are the Seven Goddesses Ma Feng, There isn't any secret that can be hidden from us, We holds the Power of the World in our Hands... Don't play dumb with us "

" We are aware that you are the Leader of the Dragon Knights and The Communicator at the same time, Playing Tricks with everyone " Stephanie of the Goddesses said when Ma Feng was stunned.

" How did you find out all this things? " Ma Feng asked!

" Before we answer any of your questions, We sent a group of boys after you right? Why were you the only one who came right into our doorsteps, We are the boys? " Jane of the Goddesses asked!

" Their Leader's right hand was chopped off and they became too scared to follow up, Not that I blame them, And now to my question, I made sure I remained at utmost secrecy...How did you find that out? " Ma Feng asked.

" The Luminous Society may be the Highest Power in the Underworld but The Seven Goddesses are the Highest Power of both Sides, Our Powers are so strong that we must remain in the Neutral order " Carmella answered!

" And besides Beatrice was once a Candidate worthy enough to become a Goddess but she chose to reject the title, We kept our watch on her...The Seven Goddesses has eyes and ears everywhere " Carmella said.

" Well now that my secret has being figured out, What is going to happen next? " Ma Feng asked!

" We are Simply an Association of Neutrality but we decided to tell you that we know already, And besides you are simply an Interesting Character to us, Why don't we aid you in your activities? " Gloria asked.

" You would like to support us? " Ma Feng asked!

" Yes but it would come at a cost, We are tired of The Luminous Society so we would like them to be Destroyed anyways, Why don't we bring the Dragon Knights to the top but you guys would be in servitude with us " Gloria said.

" It's an Interesting Offer but I will have to reject it, The Dragon Knights serves no Association and not even the powers of The Seven Goddesses can bully it's will on us, It's a simple equation " Ma Feng said.

" This is an Interesting Case, Any Organization in the Underworld would be in tears of joy having us to support them and yet you rejects our offer? How do you intends on Stopping the Luminous Society "

" They are strong " Siye of The Goddesses asked!

" It's a simple logic isn't it, We crush them down to the bones and blow them into the wind, I learnt that The Luminous Society has remained in powers for decades, It's time to break the streak "

" The Dragon Knights will become the main winners and If The Seven Goddesses chooses to stand against us, Then we will be your Enemies...The Dragon Knights remains unsullied " Ma Feng said when he crosses his legs!