
Chapter 14

Around that same time, Victoria, Leah's mother was at home, sitting by the table with a worried expression on her face. Her husband Mark came down stairs, meeting her in that state. Deep in thought, Victoria didn't hear Mark come down. He walked up to her and then placed his hand on her shoulder gently, but this seemed to startle her.

"sorry. I didn't mean to startle you" Mark said.

"I'm sorry. my mind was not here" Victoria said.

'yes, deep in thoughts I see. What's bothering you?" Mark asked.

"it's Leah, she hasn't called".

"and…" Mark said, not seeing anything in what she said.

"and it's been three days".

"and it's not the first time she has done this. You know your daughter. She can go two weeks without calling, especially if she is swamped with work. So three days should not be anything".


"okay, call her friends. I'm sure she has spoken to her friends. Us, she can live without, but them, nah. Just call them so you can sleep well, because me, I no get problem. I'll sleep like a baby either way".


"what? That's because I know she can handle herself. Just call her friends. Oya call now, let me know if I'm doing all night this night". Mark said which caused Victoria to smile. She picked up her phone and placed a call to Esther. After a couple of rings, Esther picked up.

"good evening ma" Esther greeted.

"good evening darling. Sorry to call this late, but I just wanted to ask if you've heard from Leah since she left?" Victoria asked.

"oh, yes ma. She called us the next day and told us her car broke down. So she might be delayed a bit and that she lost her phone too" Esther replied. Her and Simi had planned this reply since their call with Leah the last time, so it was safe for her to say she was prepared, for anything, well not for anything past this level. So she hoped her mother would end it here.

"oh, okay" Victoria said, her and Mark sharing a look. "thank you darling. I'm sorry for disturbing you. good night" she added and Esther was relieved that it worked.

"it's no problem ma. I understand. Good night too ma" Esther said. As Victoria ends the call a small smile begins to creep up on her face. She looks at Mark who is looking at her.

"just say it. Say it" she said to him, knowing what he was aching to say.

"I will not say I told you so, because it's late in the night. And we don't do that in where I'm from" Mark said.

"what, but you just said it… thank you" Victoria said, then hugs him. After she released him from the hug, they began talking and teasing each other as they went upstairs.