
King Morose

One day, in a kingdom full of fairies. One fairy tried to stand out, the oldest princess, but she was a girl, nobody wanted to pick her and they only wanted boys to rule, So, in her rage, she killed off all her little brothers. She had two little sisters, them being 14 to 17, the 17-year-old sister saved her 1-year-old brother and ran off with him to another land with her younger sister. They lived in Mooningdale, this is where our story begins.

GutiePie_TTV · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Awakening The Leaders

"It's...DOLPHIN MAN!"☺ the man says, they jump in fear and look back, then they see what looks like a human with a dolphin head.

"The heck is that?!"😱 Melrose says, Rosetta "Monster!!!"😰

Morose: "It looks like!!! Like!!! The heck is that?!"😳


Morose looks at Dolphin man in shock,

Morose: "Why do you have a dolphin head, man?!"😳

"I was bitten by a human on my way to the shore, and he bit me in hunger then he ran off."🤔 The Dolphin man says, "Now, I am... HALF DOLPHIN, HALF-MAN!!!"😣

Morose: "That doesn't even make any good sense!"😒

Dolphin Man: "I'm here to help, God has informed me that you need my assistance!"😱

Morose: "My gosh!"😨

Dolphin Man: "Just be happy you have help, boy!"😰

Morose: "What the heck?"😨

Melrose: "Why do you have a dolphin head?" she says in shock.

This is happening to them. God says that. <-- Put this in captions. Not too little, not too big.

"You are...not helping right now," Melrose says in awkwardness.

Dolphin Man: "Anyway, let us begin our glorious journey to the depths of this demonic kingdom!"😁

Morose gave a loud sigh then said "This...nope, this is the weirdest situation I've been in today. I think this is a dream, or isn't it?"😫

Captions: Naaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww, this too good to simply be a dream.

Dolphin Man: "Let me in your car if you wish, I didn't plan to come here. I was golfing in my limo."🙂 he says, wiping his head and giving out a loud and depressed sigh.

Jesus told Morose "He's here to help."☺

Morose looked so concerned that is the only help they had right now but he underestimated his power.

Morose says "Jesus said he was here to help."😏

Dolphin Man got in their car and said "I'm fully capable of your protection!"😏

Rosetta: "Awww, nice dolphin."🙄

Dolphin Man: "That's offensive but I'll let it go, I do that to all the things that offend me."😍

Rosetta: "You don't get mad?"😑

Dolphin Man: "I got offended."😚

Melrose tried to start the car, it wouldn't start.

Dolphin Man: "Ahem, what seems to be the issue?"🤔

Melrose: "I think....the car....broke down."😣

Dolphin Man: "I can fix it, let me touch it!"😫

Melrose: "You sound like a toddler trying to mess with things to destroy them."😒

Dolphin Man goes to the site of the broken car, he raised his hand, it began to glow a bright shiny light, then he slammed it onto her car.

It glowed and made them close their eyes, the car was fixed when the glow was gone.

Dolphin Man said proudly "OPEN YOUR EYES, HUMAN!"

Melrose and her siblings opened their eyes and she started the car up to her surprise.

MelrosE: "It's...working?!"😀

Rosetta: "Dang, we could-"☺

Dolphin Man: "I offered first."😋

Melrose: "Honestly, we didn't need...you know what? Thanks anyway."😥

Morose: "Thanks, dude."😑

Rosetta: "Thanks!"😄


They drive in the car to a gas station.

Morose is sleeping, Melrose is tired and starting to sleep, Dolphin Man is wide awake. Rosetta is wide awake.

[movie - 2D/3D animation]

Rosetta is filling the car up with gas and Dolphin man is setting up his resting place.

He puts the cover he pulled from out of nowhere on him, he then brushed his teeth and gargled his mouth with salt and water. He sprinkled salt on the toothbrush and brushed his teeth with it, then poured salt into saltwater and gargled his mouth with it.

Dolphin man yells "SALT IS GOOD FOR THE TEETH, I SAY!!!"


The dolphin falls asleep.

[movie - 2D/3D animation]

Rosetta is done with the gas and goes to the store, buys a slushie, and goes in the car with it.

Narrator (Only say this if the gov. told us not to drink fountain drinks): Y'all missin' their slushies. The gov. says we cain't drink no fountain drinks, anymore. *cries* You may call them Icy's, those drinks that are juice and crushed up ice you can buy at the gas station or Taco bell.

[as this happens, Rosetta is happily drinking a slushie.]

Narrator (Only say this if the gov. told us not to drink fountain drinks): We even had to animate this because we aren't allowed to have slushies.


Rosetta starts up the car, she is done with the slushie and keeps the bottle.

Rosetta sits in the car for 6 seconds resting. Then she starts it up.

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To be continued,...

GutiePie_TTVcreators' thoughts