
King Maker System

[im stuck with cultural stuff building this world will take at least a year..... come back in 2024] picutre is not mine plus leave a comment to have it removed. hundred aeons have passed since the great sage Ulanga, delivered his prophecy. The Harmony shifts and brings with it a violent change that can ruin the world. Tobe finds the last tome of Ulanga, that give a him vision and maybe a chance to see the end of the world

Lonely_Author · ファンタジー
7 Chs

King Maker Store

▪KMS Shop - Tier 0▪

⬛ - Resonance Techniques

🟪- Artefacts

🟫- Point Lottery

The King Maker System dumps a thick head aching amount of knowledge about the various systems involved in making the shop possible. Tobe even thinks the system is bragging. Tobe goes through the three available options.

⬛ - Resonance Techniques - ⬛

Are techniques that all Sachi must learn in order to grow. The techniques in the system shop are the most optimised. We feature techniques from every aspect of harmony.

⬛ - Harmony's Host ⭐Archon Recommended Technique⭐ - ⬛

⬛ - Earth Resonance Techniques

⬛ - Fire Resonance Tecniques

⬛ - Water Resonance Techniques

⬛ - Wind Resonance

⬛ - Body Harmonising Techniques

Tobe bites his lip. He wants to learn offensive techniques, but the Harmony's Hope Host is body strengthening. He has to save his family and making this decision very difficult. "The system, what should I do?"

💬"Believe in the Archon. System Technique are rarely directly from the Archon. ⭐Harmony's Host⭐ is the Technique that allowed to him to realise the Highest Resonance."

"Can't you tell me more?" Tobe is stressing even though the rare aspects of Harmony are not available, he can at least come out with an attack technique. This should mark him as an exceptional talent.

💬 "Trust me."

Tobe hesitates if only he knew more about what is happening with his family, he could make an informed decision. Also, at the back of his mind, he is doubtful he hasn't died. This is all a bit too crazy to believe. "Fuck!!!" With shaky tears in his eyes, he selects ⭐Harmony's Host⭐

💬 "First Product bought awarding one point!"

Tobe laughs, he doesn't know what he was freaking out for. He checks ⭐Harmony's Host⭐ the technique is like all the others he has seen on tv. It is a crystalized piece of harmony, but it doesn't conform to any colour. Rather like the Hall of Harmony, it is a black crystal with all the various harmonies inside. Tobe also learns through the energy that this is a technique that the Archon developed after hundreds of years of refinement. This is the technique and his personal Exaltation technique that he used to harmonize internal energy.

If Tobe only got the Exaltation, he would be happy, but together with this, he feels excited about the future.

"Are there any more Archon recommended shop goods?" Tobe wants the best for himself. Somehow, just holding Harmony's Host reminds him of the warmth he feels from Ana.

💬 "One item found Sachi Song."

This confuses him Sachi are products he has had one since he turned sixteen. Every kid does, not only is it used for sword practice. Tobe can harmonise with the Sachi that should cause him to able to use Foster level techniques. "System, why would I need the song?"

💬Processing..." system needs access to your memories"

Tobe grants the access it feels like an itch on his brain odd since he has felt nothing like it before.

❗ Error in the host has been detected...resolving

💬"The kingdom uses incomplete Exaltations techniques, that teach the fundamentals but limited Harmonic development. Warning! This creates internal dissonance limiting all pathways. The host must only use system taught exaltations from now on."

The system shows him two visions of children using what he considers one of the most expensive exaltations in the kingdom. A favourite amongst those harmonising with water. They create a blade of water that can they shoot.

The second vision starts with an explanation. A limited Exaltation has set parameters for strength, duration and direction. A complete Exaltation has no such limitations. The difference is that they teach these only after one has reached the age of resonance and has fostered their first harmony. A complete Exaltation lets the user determine all the parameters. This can sometimes lead to the death of one who overestimates their ability. It also describes the effect of the technique and how it is used to harmonize with external energy.

Tobe's world is upside down. He has already paid to receive three techniques. The money he spent on improving his Sachi. "What does this have to with the Sachi Tool."

💬 "...The Sachi tool, is a training tool. low Harmonic development detected. Processing...The kingdom is lacking in Harmonic Development. Analysing...The host needs to think of the other kingdoms and republics. The Kingdom of Luwani is unimportant and not a major player, even in the region.

Tobe is proud of his country, they are small but they are not the worst. If anything, the Kingdom is on the up and up. "We are not unimportant or underdeveloped. We are growing. The kingdom is not even fifty years old yet."

💬 "Can host explain why the difference between the Paxima Protectorate Sachi and the Kingdom's Sachi."

Tobe thinks Paxima is a global power that has been in the kingdom business for a while. They often appear on the news. Their Sachi are stronger and can transform. The ministers has been trying to negotiate for the Paxima made Sachi's for years.

💬 "Correction, they use artefacts to focus their Sachi. A songed Sachi is created from a person's internal harmony. This allows it to grow with the user. The transformation is achievable when one reaches the level of Exaltedness."

"Exaltedness?" He has never heard this term, but it clearly has to do with the divide. The kingdom only takes an interest in people who show potential to reach this level. They administer the test at the end of the year. During the Legion games, where perspective Fosters can show off their skills to join the various legions.

💬 " Exaltedness is the ability to apparate 📌one's internal harmony in the material world."

Tobe sits flabbergasted. This is the stuff of movies and legend. "How long will take?" He could keep asking the system questions, but he doesn't have all week.

💬"Three days, at the weakest resonance."

"How will I know my resonance level?"

💬 "By doing!"

Fine, he uses the point he got to get the ⭐Sachi Song.⭐ The two crystals in his hand, he is going to use the ⭐Harmony's Host⭐ first since improving the body's ability to resonate with Harmony is always a good place to start. Some noble families have techniques passed down.

He sits cross-legged, placing the crystal in his mouth. He breathes in deeply and uses the system taught resonance, "OHM!" The crystal shatters, turning into dust while the lights within enter his body. Sooner than he expects, the burning starts immediately, but he doesn't stop. The longer he can last, the more of the technique he will express. Most high-level techniques only burn after an hour. The normal resonance or Exaltation technique he learnt at school can at most last thirty minutes. Thus, never starting the burning phase. Unless one spends all day every day training.

We generate the burning from the external energy from the technique resonating with the internal energy of the body. Tobe wants to give in his body is in hell. He shivers and his sweat boils. Everything feels wrong. ⭐Harmony's host⭐ primary function is preparing his body for exaltation. The immediate effect is a stronger body. However, if he can last longer, it will also improve the number of Harmonic energies he can resonate with. Having over one Harmonic energy is extremely rare, even the king only has two.

He mentally asks the system, 'How long has it been?"

💬 "7 minutes 53 seconds, low resonance level"

Tobe has to find a focus, something to guide him through. Thinking of Ana helps for a minute. Then the burning jumps up in intensity. His gums make him want to pull out his teeth to get any relief. He is shaking, trying to focus on anything but the heat. He goes to his happy place. The first day he saw Reeva, it was raining, and she was dancing in it. That look of happiness on her face...that same she gave him when she pushed him over the edge.

Like a quenching barrel, his body goes cold. The absolute focus for the next day and a half he survives on the thought of vengeance. Ana has odd views on things. Tobe, as taught, makes his vow of vengeance, "I will kill my enemy, so that they can never strike me or mine. I will kill their allies, for they are my enemies. I will kill their symphony, for they will always be my enemy."

💬"Congratulation! reaching the highest resonance level. As Harmony's Host, you can access every aspect of hers. Detecing...internal Harmony is a special grade would you like to sing your Sachi?

He is dead tired, but something tells this is also the best time when his internal energy is most excited. Through gritted teeth, he starts the next part, placing the ⭐Sachi Song⭐ crystal in his mouth. "OHM!" It's rough and barely audible, but he fills it with his pure Harmony. The energy has a life of its own. He has to bring it under control. It's nothing like the books say.

His internal harmony roars like an uncontrollable beast, it refusing everything he tries running around refusing to become a Sachi. This is mentally draining, like trying to hammer a nail with magnetic force only. He is not using the right, and the system is not helping. This is something he has to do himself...

📌 -apparate - Wiktionary

https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › apparate

From Late Latin apparēre ("to appear"), as of a servant who appears on being summoned. A back-formation from apparition. VerbEdit. apparate (third-person ...

‎English · ‎Etymology 2 · ‎Italian

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