
King and Queen of the business world

The Queen is out for revenge.. She will take the revenge for each and every thing she lost.. She will make them pay ten folds more, who snatched away her happiness, her childhood, her parents and the love of her Honeycake.. Will she get success in taking her revenge? She is like an injured tigress, who had lose everything.. Now she had nothing to lose.. She is now a wild predator, who wants to make her enemy pay for what they have done to her.. Will she able to make them pay the price? Will it be easy for enemies to run from her.? More over... The enemies are the part of The King's family.. Will the King allowed Queen to take Her revenge? Will The King able to tempted this wild Tigress? Will the fate will be succeed in its try? One is afraid of being abandoned and the other hates to be betrayed.. Will the fire of hatred will be expunge? Will the destiny, bring them together at the same path? Oohhh.. So many questions.. But noooo... Worry.. Every question has its answer.. To know the answer.. You have to read the Novel.. Do join this journey with The King and The Queen.. ..... Čč She wake up and saw herself naked on the bed, cover with quilt. And their were red marks on her shoulder look like hickeys. She was so shocked. Her mind went blank. At the time the bathroom door open and come out the dashing and handsome man. Looking at him she got furious and with a fierce voice she said "you bastard how dare you.." looking at her he chuckle and said ohh.. You Wake up how do you feel.".. When he comes near her.. She saw that, there were also red marks on his chest.. She started to throw the things come in her hand towards him.. She don't know what to do and helplessly she cover herself in blanket and start to sob.. Čč He got panic.. And thought did his prank goes overboard. He immediately said.. " Clam down clam.. Nothing happens between us.. Its a lipstick marks. Just to tease you.. Ččć One is the Queen of the business world who has control over the European market and other is the king of the business world who has control over the Asian Market. When the king and Queen comes together what will be the scenario of the business world where the two legends come together and will have a great love between them. To know it, do read the novel... Hey.. Guys. Its my original work, Not translated. Do read the novel and let me know my work. How it is.?

shenshi · 都市
110 Chs

Sudden Entry of Lizard.

After two days..

Tang shiha gets ready.. Today she wore a Tiramisu color off shoulder jumpsuit. With a matching blazer over it. She tie her hair into a side bun.

She left her place and reached at Tang corporation. After completing few things, Tang shiha with her Assistant and two managers left for Sheng corporation.

On the way shiha was in deep thought..

'what if he finds out, who i am. Will he turn his back to me.. What if he misunderstood me..'

At last she took a deep breath.. And left her thoughts behind.

As she entered inside the Sheng corporation.. All the employees were amazed by her.

The way she carries herself.. Her beauty, her personality, the way she walks.. For a moment everyone forget to take a breath.. Literally her beauty was breathtaking.

For a while..it feels like whole world has stopped.. There was pin drop silence.. Only the sound of clicking was coming from shiha's heels.

She ignored the curious glare..

Assistant An who came to welcome them was also surprised.. It was the first time he had seen Tang shiha from this close.

He felt like.. Both his boss and this lady gives the similar vibes.

He directly took them to the conference room through the private elevator.

Tang shiha with her team sat inside the conference room..

Shiha was busy with her documents.

Just then Sheng Ruihan entered.

He greeted them and sat on his chair. And the meeting started.

The whole time Shiha was busy in analysing the documents.. Were Sheng Ruihan was busy in analysing the beauty in front of him.

He saw her hair.. And thought.. 'Again bun..hmm.. I think the bun size is somewhat same.. When i tied shiha's hair.'

Then he looked at her wrist.. And thought 'if shiha had a birth mark on her wrist then.. If they both are same person then.. There must be birth mark on her wrist too..'

But so sad.. Tang shiha had a watch around her wrist.

Tang shiha felt his gaze upon her. She looked at Ruihan, raised her brow..

"Mr sheng! If your analysis is done then can we move further."

Ruihan immediately divert his gaze..He don't know..About Which analysis she is talking about.. About documents or herself.. At last he nodded his head and said.. "sure.. If everything is of your liking then let set the meeting with the government officers. Once we get there permission.. We can carry out our project without any hindrance.."

Shiha gave a slight nodded.. After discussing few things.. The meeting came to the end.

Sheng Ruihan left the meeting room and went to give the call to the government officer.

Tang shiha didn't move from her place. She made the managers leave before her. She was just waiting for Sheng Ruihan's reply. She wish the government officers decide the time after two days.. But so sad..

Assistant Niya left the meeting room with those managers.. She gave few documents to them. Just as she was about to enter inside the meeting room, Assistant An stopped her..

"Assistant Niya.."

Assistant Niya turned around and gave a questioning to him..

Assistant An gave a smile and said..

"Assistant Niya.. Will you help me to get the contact number of Miss shiha."

Assistant Niya gave a blank look and pointed her finger towards the meeting room.. "President Tang's number?"

"ahh..no! Not president Tang's contact number.. Miss shiha's number. One of your employee."

"Miss shiha..? An employee..? You might me mistaken Assistant An, there is no employee with the name shiha in our Tang corporation."

"oohh..its like then.. Then i might me mistaken. I might have mix-up the name." he gave the apologies smile.

Just then Ruihan came. He entered inside the meeting room with Assistant Niya and Assistant An.

As they entered.. They saw shiha was resting with her eyes closed. She lean back on her chair.

She opened her eyes when she felt there presence.

Sheng Ruihan came to sense.. "Miss Tang! The time is decided.. At five o'clock in the evening."

With the wide eyes she said.. "ahh.. Today?"

Ruihan nodded his head.

She gave a frustrating look.. But she can't do anything in it.

This frustrating look was noticed by Ruihan.. Which looked similar to him..

But in his mind.. The biggest question was her face and behavior.

At last she left the Sheng corporation.

Sheng Ruihan entered inside his office. He sat on his chair.. He was thinking something.. When Assistant An entered inside.. "Boss.. I think something is fishy.."

Ruihan raised his brow..

Assistant An continued.. "Boss..today i asked Assistant Niya about Miss shiha's contact number.. But she said there is no one named shiha as an employee in Tang corporation."

Ruihan gave a sly smile.. "interesting.."

Around half past four.. Shiha left Tang corporation. As she reached at the decided hotel.. Just at the entrance she met Sheng Ruihan and his assistant.

Shiha gave a slight node to them.

Shiha was walking two steps ahead of them.

Ruihan was noticing everything.. He feels like he want to stop shiha and question her directly.. But he knows he can't.. What if! It's not like what he thinks.

One of the women working at the hotel came and welcome them.

She guide them towards the meeting room.

As they entered inside the room.. There were two men and a woman waiting for them. They were the government officers. Who are responsible to give the certificate to start the project.

They greeted each other. And sat down.

"its and honour to meet the King and Queen together." said one of the officer.

Shiha just gave a slight smile.

When the woman officer said.. "indeed.. By the way CEO Tang.. Why did you choose the Sheng corporation?"

Shiha just lifted her eyelids.. And gave a look to the woman.. "Because.. Sheng corporation is one of the best raw materials provider. And for my products.. I never compromise..."

Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

After that shiha and Ruihan explained the whole project to them.

The King and Queen finally succeed in getting the permission.

After which they decided to have a dinner together.

They moved towards the dinning place. Where there Assistants also join them.

Shiha sat near the glass window. The view outside was superb..

They ordered the food.. And chatted normally.

Ruihan was sitting opposite to shiha. He was still busy in finding the clue.. He kept his gaze on the glass window. Where shiha's clear reflection was seen. He can't directly stare at shiha. So he stared at her reflection. He too feels like shiha was the great beauty.

Sometimes occasionally shiha used to turn her face towards the window. To see the outside view.

In between.. Shiha can also see Ruihan's reflection.

Once there gaze collide through the reflection. But shiha immediately divert her gaze..

Just then Ruihan saw the Lizard outside the glass. The lizard was moving upwards. When he saw the Lizard, he remembered the thought shiha shared on lizard when they were lost in the forest. Unknown to him.. The smile spread on his face. 'silly girl' he thought. Then he looked at the shiha sitting in front of him. He was waiting for her reaction.

Shiha took a sip from the soup .. And just as she moved her face towards the window.. She saw the Lizard..

"aahhh.." shiha immediately moved little away from the window.

Though the Lizard was outside and can't come inside..shiha was frightened. The sudden entry of lizard gave her the heart attack. It was her first time seeing the lizard at such a close distance.

The people around them gave a look to Tang shiha. Shiha immediately calmed herself. She gave a embarrassing smile.

The woman besides her said.. "Are you afraid of Lizards.."

Shiha took a tissue and wiped her mouth. "ahh.. No. Its just.. Suddenly i saw that's why.."

Saying this she gave a look to Assistant Niya. Assistant Niya immediately got the meaning. She made the waiter to move the lizard away. The waiter started the wiper outside the glass window.

The Lizard was gone.. But it also took away the appetite of Tang Shiha.

Now Shiha was in no mood of eating anything.

Though Shiha denied that she was not afraid. Ruihan saw her reaction clearly.. She was indeed afraid.

When he saw shiha stopped eating.. He knew shiha lost her appetite.. So he deliberately.. Passed her few dishes.

"Miss Tang! Here have this pork ribs. Its quite tasty."

Shiha politely declined.

But Ruihan was enjoying it. So he continued.. He took a fish tail from the dish and passed it to shiha..

"Miss Tang, here have this.. Fish tail is full of protein.. Have some. And it is totally opposite to the tail you saw right now.." he than gave a look to the place were lizard was right now..

Shiha gritted her teeth.. She knew he is doing it intentionally.. She gave a force smile and said.." No Thank you.. Mr sheng."

The woman beside shiha said.. "ahh.. Miss Tang.. Its okay. It happens. But don't worry now the Lizard is gone."

All the other people present gave a look to shiha after listening to what the woman said.

Shiha gritted her teeth..

"ahh.. Come on.. I don't think Miss Tang is afraid of lizard. Am i right Miss Tang?"said the officer.

Shiha gave a smile and said.. "of course.. How can lizard harm oneself. And how can one afraid of lizard.. Its just a small creature."

"ahh.. You are right.."said the officer. He continued.." look i said Miss Tang is not afraid. And how can one afraid of lizard. Which can be easily killed.. "

At that time Ruihan interpret..

"Ahh..I don't think so.. Because someone said to me that.. 'its not easy to kill the Lizard. As the Lizard can climb everywhere.." he looked at shiha and said.. "Right Miss Tang."

Tang shiha was getting angry.. She really wants to beat Ruihan.. But she controlled herself.. And said..

"i think the person might be goofy.. Who thinks like that.."

She took a glass of juice and had a sip.. She tried to ignore the stares of Ruihan.. 'ahh.. Its so annoying.'

After the dinner.. Everyone went to their own way..

"Try to understand people before Trusting them.

Because we are living in such a world, where artificial lemon flavours is used in welcome drinks and real lemon is used in finger bowls.."


How are you all..

I know its a long time.. But what to do.. I was busy with something.

And still i am busy.. But when i saw the comment.. I felt like its injustice to my readers.. I can't let them keep waiting for so long..

So i took out the time to write this chapter..And of course.. Specially for Good_food_is_life..

And i gave the LONG Chapter for every one.

Love you guys.. Don't forget to vote and writ comments.. So i can know that you guys are enjoying my Novel..

shenshicreators' thoughts