

Four thief squad took it upon themselves to kill Mr. Kim, a billionaire and a business tycoon after several attempts to steal from him that proved a waste. They seek to unveil his secrets. Sofia a member of the gang was put to represent the group in achieving their goal. She gets a job in Kim's company as he's secretary. However she fell in love with her target and finds it difficult to continue her mission. Would Sofia be able to cope with her feelings for Kim, when she is held at gun point to finish the job? Killing Mr. Kim tells the story of Kim a business tycoon that seemed unpredictable to all and has no lover in his life. Who is this Kim whose weakness is difficult to attain? The story gives insight on romance, filled with comedy and a little action.

Emmanuel_Enemona · 都市
2 Chs


He's name is Kim Boqin, popularly called Mr. Kim. He hails from northern china. He is thirty-four years old, but younger than a twenty-year-old kid.

Kim Boqin owns Babel hotel, located both in China and California.

He has a very attractive personality that will sure draw all toward him.

He's eyes are glowy black and his hair is black too.

An honest businessman like him is sure to prosper in his business.

I have worked with him for ten good years now and believe me, men like are referred to as beauty and not handsome. His chest is broad and popped out, it is visible in any cloth he wears. He….

"Hold it there!" Bobby interrupted Xiaoli's speech. "We aren't concerned about how adorable the man looks, but only his pockets ".

"His pockets? Well, they are always occupied with his phone and pen"…

"Shut up!!!" Bobby interrupted again. "I meant his account details, idiot!"

"Oh? He's account details, as in credit card or income?


"Ahhh!! I don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Bobby yelled, pointing his gun to Xiaoli's forehead as his anger grew visibly.

"Please, calm down! For a man like that doesn't share his details, it is impossible to know that".

Bobby cracked the gun pointed to Xiaoli's forehead and ordered him to speak.

"Some of his information are in his phone and a few are??? I don't really know" Xiaoli confessed with his lips racing like the legs of a running cheetah, he even went as far as saying things that were not contrary to the question, like where he was born and how his parents died when he was ten leaving him at the verge of the street and how Mr. Kim found him from the streets.

The gangs whispered to themselves, they were deciding on how to get the details.

"Does he keep money elsewhere apart from the bank? A lady asked.

"I don't know" Xiaoli confirmed.

"Do you want to survive?" Bobby asked the anxious Xiaoli. Of course! Xiaoli's answer was yes! But a devastating condition was added to it, and that is, he would have to help the gangs out in achieving their goals in stealing from Kim.

Not having a choice, Xiaoli accepted the request to work against his boss.

Although he felt bad about it, but he needed to escape first.

Bobby looked at the Kim's picture in Xiaoli's phone and gave a wry smile.


He wore a plain blue shirt and a jean short, his legs were buried in the sand as he gazed at the sea. He opened his hands to the wind that blew and felt the warm breeze. Watching the people having fun on the beach excited him.

"Nigeria sights are gorgeous, I can't wait to see them all" the man spoke aloud.

A man ran up to him, panting hard. "Sir. The man called, trying to catch his breath.

"What is it" the former asked.

"It's about your secretary".

"What about him?"

"We haven't heard from him, sir, I think he's missing".

"It can't be, he was supposed to be at the construction site. Have you phoned him yet?"

"Yes sir, but it's not reachable".

"What? What of his assistant?

"He has no clue of his where about".

"Alright I'll look into that" Kim as he was called responded as he inserted his flip-flop to his feet and followed the reporter being.


Late that night a car drove roughly to a closed space where it stopped, and a man was pushed out of it and left there, the car drove off leaving this being with only an underwear and phone. The phone looked smashed, but luckily for Xiaoli it was still able to put a call through.

He phoned a partner for assistance because he could barely walk, he fell at various attempt to but to no avail. They was no one picking his calls at all. It made him frustrated, he decided to craw into the hotel if no one was willing to come out to his rescue, for the cold outside was a tough one, and he wasn't ready to be devoured.

Xiaoli was chased outside by the securities who thought he was mad as he bragged with them to let him in.

Xiaoli was place inside an ambulance and drove away by the paramedics.


Mr. Kim was worried sick for his secretary, if only he hadn't left him alone with no support, could he have been lost? Did he misplace his phone as well?

Kim had hopes that the police were going to find his secretary having tabled the complaint before them, he believed the problem was half solved.

Kim looked through his window and saw how the paramedics dragged a striped man into an ambulance.

"People around here are surely troublesome. I bet that idiot is going to the psychiatrist hospital" Mr. Kim muttered to himself.

A few minutes later a call came from Kim's phone which he picked. And the being that spoke sounded like Xiaoli in tears.