
killing God of Douluo

Becoming God in douluo universe ---------------------------- (A N) : it might contain a few things you have already read and i am just trying to copy but bear with it.... if anyone finds it bad I am sorry..... (a sorry can't solve your all problem but it can solve most of it )

gRiMlOrD · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs


Inside the majestic spirit hall, the air is gloomy and cold.

Bibi dong sitting on a high throne looking at the messenger in front of her with an indifferent look, making him cold all over.

" And I am getting this information in three months,

looks like you guys are not doing your jobs seriously, they leaved the spirit city and I am getting this information now!!! "

At last words her voice became more angry, cold and even killing intent appeared in her eyes. She looked like she will kill the messenger right away.

" I apologize My majesty!!!, we also didn't knew about it the elders sealed the news very strictly, it's only now when I went to call them , the elders said that they went outside "

The spirit master kneeling quickly explained the situation feeling her killing intent.

" Go away "

Bibi dong waved her hand quickly sending the messenger away.

" Ghost "

As soon as voice fell a figure wearing black armor and having black face marks on his face appeared in front of her bowing slightly.

" Yes, your majesty "

" Quickly find them "

" As per your order "

He disappeared again leaving Bibi dong alone inside the Pope hall,

" Don't you dare to go to her or I will "

Her voice came sinking her into her loneliness.

Meanwhile, far from douluo continent, inside a private space.

Bo quickly used his shield facing a sword attack to his throat, then using ground thrones to peirce the shadow in front of him.

" He said we will have our adventures , now I am dying here "

" Don't be distracted in the battle " Wang ping voice came from behind him quickly inserting the stick inside the mouth of another shadow shoulder then his stick enlarged all of sudden bursting shadow head.

" you need to remove that habit, it's gross "

Looking at blood puddle in front of him, Bo said to Wang ping.

" are they last ones? "

" Yes, let's go the camp , who knows there might be more of them "

Nodding towards Bo, they both started walking towards there camp.

" Hey, do you really believe in God's "

Bo asked question while keeping vigilance of his surrounding.

" Is there any other way to explain this insanity "

Wang ping asked back another question making Bo slightly stunned.

" Anyway the task is to survive a year then we will be free , it's already been two months and there number are already increasing "

Bo said looking at a corner inside the forest , from where many suspicious voices are coming and from time to time shadows will flicker there.

Wang ping didn't answer his question but looking at his face it can be understood he is also tired and unwilling to stay here..

After some time they came to a small open valley where there are two tents, You can see Yu rou and Xiu kai making some food while traces of Feng liu and meng can't be seen.

Looking at them coming Xiu kai quickly came towards Wang ping checking him for any injuries,

looking at them Bo also showed a trace of jealousy and looked at yu rou who didn't even looked at him feeling break down.

After some time only he asked about Meng and Feng liu.

" Brother Feng and meng went to check the surrounding they will come back any time now. "

Soon time passed and dinner is in progress.. when Meng and Feng liu came. Although none of them were seriously injured , they both have many minor injuries and there clothes are covered in blood like they had a brutal fight before.

Looking at them Yu rou quickly summoned her lotus and used her second spirit ability to heal them quickly.

In this cursed place , she also knows that a moment of weakness can cost life.

" There amount is increasing very quickly, if they keep up at that rate we will soon be killed "

Bo said to Feng liu, who didn't even responded just sit on a stone and closed his eyes.After a momentary silence he said.

" Everyone , first eat dinner this task won't be easy so it should be better if we first refresh ourselves "

After dinner,

They all are sitting around the camp near the brightly lit fire.

" So, what's the plan ? "

Bo asked he also the main intelligence of the team his wisdom is very good among his peers.

" I can't think of anything, at first we need proper food as hunting for it is going to be difficult if anyone other then me goes out not to mention there attacks will soon reach our camp "

Wang ping on the side also added " It is getting more and more difficult for us to hunt them , even if they are weak there numbers become a problem to fight "

Bo on the side nodded.

" Food can be hunter by you and meng, others should focus on defense since we don't know when they will attack, I will form some walls for protection around the camp ".

He looked at Feng liu, asking for final opinion .

" You are right, your ability of using earth has increased quite much during past years of training but rather then walls you should form some traps and obstacles for them , it will help us to defend and attack at the same time..

As well make an escaping route underground long distance from here the passage will be our last effort. "

" Everyone agree "

" AGREE!! "

Everyone started there work and Feng liu also went to hunt with meng. Looking at everyone busy body Bo couldn't help but sigh " what a drag ~"

He looked at starry sky and couldn't help but think about the time where everything changed in his life.