
Killer Tunes

Daisy_Moreno_4641 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Death doesn't always equal death

So many years had passed since my brothers death, I was now twenty-one. I found music to be the biggest help in my recovery hell i even became a dj for a small night club the next town over. I had always made it a habit to walk or ride a bike to my work, i liked the fresh breeze of the night air hitting my face.I had decided to walk and as i made it to the small park in town i felt a sudden chill run down my spine and heard....her call out. "I finally found you...my sweet....sweet baby girl..." I bolted down the road hoping to god i made it to the club, I felt the pulling force on my leg again making me trip and fall to the ground. She had caught up to me and grab a handful of my blonde hair. "Oh don't be scared honey...I just want you to say hi to your big brother for me ok." My mother snickered as she proceeded to stab me in the chest and stomach.

Blackness....that's all I saw....all I felt was nothing. My soul was drifting aimlessly through all my memories.


I was running around the house (eight years old at the time) with my big brother Ben chasing after me dressed as Link from Zelda. We were so happy then.....Gramps looked at us with so much love a care not caring for the dirty looks my mother gave us.

~flashback ends~

I snapped out of it hearing this loud static noise. "ARGH!!!" I screamed out holding my ears so they wouldn't blow. I closed my eyes firm shut  and my breathing became rapid as I felt the sensation once more...the sensation of being stabbed, i felt the agony of my brothers death remembering his pale lifeless eyes. My lungs felt full of blood making it difficult to breathe, a soft feminine voice called out to me. "I can make your pain go away my child...." I flinched at the voice and yelled in a garbled voice "What do you mean make the pain go away!!!" I opened my eyes to find a slender woman standing before me, her face if you could call it that was stunningly pale almost bone white and her eyes held the stars in them. She reached out a hand holding a blue rose in it. "W-who are you!?" I whisper yelled out of fear and loss of ability to speak. Her ruby red lips twisted into a smile, "I go by many names, most refer to me as the bringer of new life, others refer to me as the bringer of destruction...you may call me Mother Death." I took the rose from her hand a sudden feeling of electricity ran through my arm and down my spine. "W-what's happening to me?!" She seemed to be flying with invisible wings and only chuckled. "Fear not little one, you are only going through the change....i should warn you it does hurt..."

She suddenly passed a hand over my chest, i felt like my body was being torn in two. Part of me was wishing that i was dead another was hoping i was only having a might terror. "Don't worry it will be over soon my child." My body started to glow. My veins were glowing bright blue almost blinding white, my body began to tremble hearing Deaths soft voice "Daisy Jesse Mathews your death is they rebirth. A life taken too soon and by cold hands. You shall be granted a new beginning..." Death then faced me her face only inches from mine before she placed a tender kiss against my lips "Awaken sweet girl.."

I shot up and screamed, i looked around finding i was in my bedroom...was it all a dream? Had i finally lost it? My alarm was blaring, i shut it off and almost flinched seeing it was already the next day. My body felt so heavy as i stubbled out of bed, I gasped looking in the mirror, my clothes were blood stained and i had stab wounds along my chest and stomach...So i didn't just dream that....I kept looking in the mirror my once dirty blonde hair was black as night, my once tanned skin was almost bone pale but what had shocked and amazed me most were my now electric blue eyes that made my baby face pop with an almost hypnotic gleam.