
Killer mode

There is a series of murders in the city. One of them was a high school graduate named Minori. And the killer was ... Some guy who was chopped off by the main character's friend - Rina. But from that moment on, Rina's behavior changed and she began to kill everyone instead of that killer. Minori tries to find out the details of that incident.

FoxyAnd · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 2. New information and general collection.

Chapter 2. New information and general collection.

I decided to go to the library. Not knowing why, I just probably thought I would get some information there. Going there, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. It was only when I had already reached the library that this disturbing feeling seemed to evaporate. I walked a little through the library, which was unremarkable. All the same shelves full of various stories, the same books put aside by someone…

And then, taking one of the books, I saw through the gap between the shelves of my former classmate. He was standing and holding a book. And the moment I noticed him, he closed the books and whispered softly:

— Good afternoon, are you looking for something? However, I expected you to come here for some information. While you were in the hospital, I managed to find a couple of interesting books here that describe similar events, follow me, I'll show them.

We went into the reading room, which was almost empty, which made it a little uncomfortable, because the guy and I were practically alone.

— Don't get lost in the clouds, listen carefully. In one of the books I found, there was a similar case to ours. It was about forty years ago, but little is known about this event, only that everyone who saw the "Killer Regime" was subsequently killed. Those who were under the influence of this regime also died. Therefore, I would like to gather all my former classmates in one place to make it safer. And by the way, we entered the same institute with you, so we can immediately gather in our shelter after school. I've already chosen the place. This is my house, which was left to me by my parents, it is just near the school.

— Do you think any of our people will believe in all this?

— Well, it's better to try to protect them somehow than to stand aside.

"That's right.

There was a noise from around the corner of the room, as if someone had dropped something metallic. There was a pistol cartridge on the floor. We rushed in pursuit of the one who was following us. He also started shooting in all directions, also simultaneously counting how many rounds he fired. Apparently some kind of victim again. The cartridges ran out, but he didn't have enough time to recharge, because he was detained by another classmate of ours, after all. With his huge body, he blocked the victim's path and at the same moment, the one who was holding the gun in his hand dropped it and began to cry.

— Hey, what are you doing? Taki asked this guy.

"I... didn't want to shoot anyone… I... couldn't control myself. Thank you for stopping me.

— What's going on here? Explain it to me, otherwise it's just… Nothing is clear.

— Listen. Do you remember what happened at the prom? So, this is all a manifestation of a certain effect, which we call "killer mode". Anyone who tries to harm one victim becomes the victim of the effect himself, after the first victim loses consciousness. And anyway... read for yourself about what is said here.

He handed over the book and with surprised eyes handed it back a few minutes later.

— So what happens… Are we possibly in danger?

— It's quite possible.

— Then I start calling everyone so that everyone can come together and discuss what we will do.

— Okay, then I'll go and put these books back.

Sarli walked away, and Still called his best friend on the phone. But he didn't pick up the phone. Then he called another girl who was familiar with his friend and she also did not pick up the phone.

I decided to call someone from my classmates, too, but almost everyone I knew did not pick up the phone, then we decided that we would go to every house of our friends together. When Sarli returned, we discussed it and went together first to the house of Taki's best friend. When I got to the house, I felt some kind of coolness and goosebumps ran through my body. We knocked, but no one answered, then we just went into the house. We saw a terrible picture. There was a girl's corpse lying on the floor, completely mutilated, so it's impossible to identify who it was exactly. But the guy… He was hanging by a noose. And he had a note in his hand. I approached him with my nose closed and took this note. It said: "This will happen to everyone who saw what happened at the graduation."

— No... not that… Did everyone else… Quickly run to the others! We need to find the remaining ones faster.

Then we drove to the house of my friend – Mika, whom I also tried to call and did not receive an answer. And so… She was outside playing basketball with her younger brother.

— And? Why are you going to me in three? Something happened?

Then I exhaled and said:

— It's good that you're alive. I'm already all excited here.

"So something really happened?"

— Yes... it happened... just now we were at the house of one of our classmates… And he... turned out to be dead. He had this note in his hands.

I handed her this note and she read it.

— God… Who could have done this, who is making an attempt on our lives at all?

— We can't say anything for sure yet, only that something like this happened forty years ago, the criminal was never found and the case was closed. The book was probably written by one of the survivors then.

— Was the author listed there?

- no. Well, however, if we get together, then the criminal will not take long to wait.

—Don't you think it's too dangerous?" We don't even have any weapons.

— What makes you think that? I have just the same. It's not for nothing that I want to gather all the survivors in my house, I've already prepared everything.

— And what about my brother, with whom will I leave him?

— Hey, sis, then I'll go to my grandmother, and you stay with your friends, I'm not in danger.

— Okay, we've been persuaded, let's look for others.

We put Miki's brother on the train and then boarded another one to get to the station in the opposite direction. We toured all the others, as a result, all the survivors who had previously been alive were still alive. Fifteen people gathered in Sarli's house. And everyone was in complete shock from what was happening. No one understood why these troubles had fallen on their heads, why we should suffer at someone's whim. The house was filled with a raging conversation about the future, what we should do and how to attend universities so that they would not be killed. And so, when we were all talking among ourselves, we heard a creaking at the door. And there was an old man standing on the threshold.

— Well, hello, the chosen fifteen students from the graduation.