

Could he become redeemed? Could she forgive and forget? Give him a chance to explain? These were her thoughts as she watched him begging from the trunk of her Nissan. Had she gone too far? She turned up the music louder to drown out what she felt was a sympathy act. Her hands were sweaty but somehow her anger made her hotter than the engine. But she was far from nervous. She knew what had to be done. Fatal price for an unpardonable act. It seemed fair. Blood for blood. But she had a different justice in mind. "What would God think?" she said to herself. She knew it was wrong. Hell, she talked to him before it had gotten to this point. But nothing could stop her from what she was about to do. He had made it easy so far. Breaking in was an ease. She slipped through an open kitchen window. "He complains about crimes in his neighborhood but leaves windows open, he really is stupid." She slipped onto the cold floor wondering what memories it held before her. Feeling the presence of herself that never left. Excited at the thought of gracing the floors with his blood. He always kept the dishes so neatly in the kitchen but he was far from clean. At least in his actions. She wondered if he ever went to the military. He should've paid more attention if he did. He tried to cover up the dirt but the structure was obviously not there. He carried no weapons. Probably could've saved him tonight. But God wanted this to happen. She felt called. Compelled to carry out the justice. The woman most closest to him. As she crept towards the bedroom, touching nothing as not to leave behind any evidence, she cringed. All those late nights spent hungering after a man who could barely quench her sexual appetite, just give her enough to take the urge off. The infactuation grew and clouded the truth of who he really was. But then she begin to wonder, had she even really knew him. Was he so worthy to steal the innocence of her desire. The innocence of her kindness. The innocence of her own daughter.

How could she have trusted him even once? She should have known. He came to her in need of more than sex. He needed stability. A home from home. A getaway. But she didn't know he was running from himself. All she asked in return is what any woman wants. Affection, guidance and care in every aspect. But not this way. At work, she sensed a dark presence. Something ripping away at her heart. She had been blessed with the gift of thought and sight. She could always sense something wrong and it always came to be. Though she always called many of them coincidences. But something... was deeply wrong. She called to check on her daughter to which he answered saying everything was fine. But when she arrived home, the dark presence only grew stronger. Maybe the presence of something she was all too familiar with as a child. The promises. Screams. Deceit. The silence she had to bear. All of these she put in the back of her mind to live and survive. Became normal for her. She met this man to quench the thirst of this deep silenced secret. It became stronger than her. She would've done anything he wanted her to. But this, was unforgivable. He had to pay. She was too deep in thought standing behind the bedroom door in the darkness when she heard him come in through the door. Keys jingling. Something was off. She felt his own thoughts creep into her mind. She felt the deep footsteps.. Her heart begin to beat as she held the knife tighter. "This is truly suspense." she thought. Could he hear her thoughts like she heard his? Could he hear her breathing? Time to stop. Hold it. She was smiling at the thought of what she would do though she wasn't certain. But he was going in that trunk. He would pay. Bring justice to Renee. Bring justice to herself. She would torture him and ask questions in hopes of him seeing his true self. True demons. He was scum. But this would be a beginning of his deserved redemption....