
Kill me again, Miss Witch [COMPLETE]

Reborn in a different world, Char awakened a golden finger that became stronger every time he was killed by the antagonist. The stronger the antagonist who killed him, the greater his strength increase after resurrection. For revenge and to boost his strength, he went through great hardships to transport himself to the location of the ultimate boss. Legend has it that it sealed a witch powerful enough to destroy the world, shrouded in an ominous curse. Even a slight approach meant death. As expected, the moment they met, Char was killed by the curse. But upon resurrection at the respawn point, his long-stagnant experience bar experienced a substantial surge! Isn't this a way to gain an advantage? "Witch, from now on, I will bear the evil curse that will bring you a lifetime of misery!" "Diary of a Witch - Excerpt" 【A strange human has arrived.】 【That person has reappeared, and when he looks at the curse on me, I feel he is almost gleeful.】 【Sometimes someone comes to chat, and it doesn't seem so bad. Habits can be terrifying.】 【For him, leaving me every time to see him represents death. I asked if it was worth it, and he nodded without hesitation.】 【The book says, if someone is willing to face death for you, it must be love... Does he love me?】 ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Marching into Chang'an

HIT_ME_IF_YOU_CAN · ファンタジー
76 Chs

Chapter 10: Naia Adelaide

Seeing Sergei's unusually "kind reminder," Char subtly furrowed his brow, sensing something amiss.

Although it was just empty threats, Sergei deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the words "Viscount." Was there a deeper meaning behind it?

"Thank you," Tyrus said, lifting his head to glance at Char and speaking softly with a hint of embarrassment.

"It's nothing, just a troublemaker in need of discipline," Char shook his head. "But what about his parting words? Any ideas?"

Although it was possible that the other party was just bluffing, recalling the delayed arrival of the official document and the rumor mentioned by Mr. Sitahl these past few days, there was a lingering feeling that something was amiss.

"Perhaps because he doesn't see you as a worthy opponent, he feels unsettled," Tyrus pondered and offered a hypothesis.

In the academy, apart from Char, all first-year students and most second and third-year students were still at the initial stage of being Knight Attendants, striving day by day with the goal of advancing to Squire.

Despite having renowned instructors and various inherent advantages, in this world, achieving advancement in rank was incredibly challenging, not only in knight training but also in magical studies.

Apart from a few exceptional students who possessed extraordinary talents and came from privileged backgrounds, the progress of the majority followed a similar pattern.

Over the past decade, although Char's advancement had been slow, he had actually reached the level of a Squire long ago, becoming one of the outstanding individuals among his peers.

On the other hand, Sergei was the stereotypical lackey character often found in novels, serving as a foil to enhance the protagonist's image. In the beginning of the school year, he foolishly provoked Char, not realizing his own insignificance. Coincidentally, the academy had a long-standing tradition of knight duels, so Char took the opportunity to teach him a lesson in the arena without revealing his true level of skill.

Whenever Sergei saw Char, he couldn't help but feel intimidated.

However, Char was taken aback by Sergei's reaction just now. Upon careful consideration, he even sensed a hint of schadenfreude and a sense of superiority.

Char recalled Sergei's actions a moment ago and looked around, noticing several students discreetly observing him with ambiguous expressions. As soon as they made eye contact, they quickly averted their gaze.

Something was definitely amiss.

"Tyrus, have there been any rumors about me circulating in the school these past few days?" Char asked.

Char asked in a low voice.

The other person hesitated for two seconds and then shook their head in confusion, saying, "I don't know. Besides you, I don't really have any friends."

That was strange.

Char set down his spoon and took a sip of raspberry juice, keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Soon, he made a new discovery.

Apart from the commotion caused by Sergei earlier, there were still those students who were discreetly observing him. Judging by their uniform style and color, most of them belonged to the upper grades.

As expected, it was just as Mr. Sitahl had mentioned.

However, Char had never had any interaction with the upper-grade students before, making it difficult to connect the dots.

If there was any connection to be made, it seemed to be only with her.

Thinking of that slender and petite figure, Char furrowed his brow slightly.

Naia Adelaide, 14 years old, was admitted to Norton Public Academy ahead of her peers due to her exceptional talent. Currently in her third year, she was the only blood relative he had left in this world.

Since the tragic incident in the village many years ago, there had been very little interaction between the two of them. The few times they did meet were filled with indifference and estrangement. At certain moments, Char would even forget that he still had such a sister.

When Naia was three years old, she displayed astonishing magical talent, catching the attention of a passing stranger who happened to be a renowned sorceress from the capital city. The sorceress expressed her desire to take Naia as her disciple.

Claiming to be a grand mage from the capital, she presented a magical association member badge as proof of her identity and demonstrated numerous high-level and wondrous spells.

Upon confirming her identity multiple times, Char's father, Viscount Adelaide, found himself in a dilemma.

Since their ancestors, their family had always remained in this barren territory, with no one ever venturing beyond. Now, there was a rare opportunity presented to their youngest daughter, a chance to step into a wider world. The question was whether or not they should allow her to embark on that journey.

After pondering for a day and a night, a decision was made.

Despite their reluctance, Char's parents didn't want to waste Naia's talent in the pursuit of magical studies. In the end, they agreed to the request of the grand mage to take her as an apprentice.

Before departing, the grand mage even asked if they could also take Char along. However, the response was a smiling answer, "This little one doesn't have much talent. There's no need to waste time on this path."

At that time, it left Char, who hadn't awakened any extraordinary abilities, feeling frustrated for quite a while.

As a result, just one year after Naia left home, a tragedy befell the village, leaving Char and Delilah as the only survivors.

In truth, when Char initially learned that his sister was safe in the capital city, his devastated heart found some solace because she might be his only remaining family in the world.

After arranging their parents' funerals, he sold the estate and brought dahlia to the capital city.

To Char, the estate was merely a symbolic representation. If it stood empty and desolate without anyone, how could it be called a "home"?

Perhaps, from now on, only a place where his sister was present could truly be called a "home."

With this thought in mind, Char visited the residence of the grand mage based on the given address. To his astonishment, he discovered that she was not just a young grand mage but also a titled court sorceress!

The difference in their identities and positions was like night and day, but Char didn't feel disheartened. Instead, he found reassurance in Naia's current situation.

Deciding to meet with Naia and offer some comfort, perhaps easing the pain she might be experiencing from their parents' passing, Char approached her. However, when Naia appeared with a detached expression and spoke in a distant tone, stating that they need not meet again in the future, Char suddenly realized that the girl before him felt unfamiliar.

He had initially thought that their lack of childhood memories together was due to him being too young when he left home, which created a sense of estrangement.

However, after numerous attempts and approaching her time and time again, only to be met with rejection, he sadly came to understand that some things were irretrievable.

From that day onwards, Char and his sister had very little contact.

But as the years went by, a lingering question persisted in his heart: Even if there wasn't much affection between them, and they couldn't be close as family, was it necessary to be so cold and distant?

What had caused his once adorable and lively sister to become the person she was now?

Char even questioned whether someone might be coercing her, but being of limited abilities himself, he couldn't find anything unusual after conducting an investigation.

Thus, this question remained unanswered by anyone other than Naia.



Tyrus waved his hand, trying to bring his friend back from his reverie.

"Hmm... What's the matter?"

Char snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head, looking across the table.

Tyrus pointed at his own plate, drawing from his extensive experience of participating in "Crazy Tuesday" countless times, and reminded Char, "If the stewed meat gets cold, it becomes tougher and not as delicious."

Char smiled faintly, putting aside all his thoughts and picked up his spoon, ready to continue his meal.

Just then...

"Tak, tak, tak, tak..."

A series of light footsteps drew closer, echoing through the somewhat empty dining hall. The rhythmic tapping of heels on the floor had a crisp and pleasant sound. Just by listening, one could imagine that the visitor must be an elegantly beautiful woman.

Many students dining there were captivated and their gazes were drawn away. The previously noisy hall gradually quieted down.

Since Char had his back facing the entrance, he didn't turn around immediately. It was Tyrus , sitting across from him, who froze mid-action, just as he was about to feed himself a spoonful of stewed meat.

His expression was filled with surprise, uneasiness, and a hint of well-hidden nervousness, like the subconscious reaction one would have when encountering an attractive person.