
Chapter 2 | Explanation

Struggling to lay down the gorgeous but heavy boy onto the heavy sofa, the minutes pass as we catch our breath, his slumped body on the sofa. We both begin to chatter, the alcohol still in our systems, although it's beginning to fade...

"Did we just kidnap a singer?" Anna asks, suddenly worried. Her eyes lock on mines. "You started it, Rose, so if we get caught I'm ratting you out!" I gasp, angry.

"No way! You and Laila both fought and I just tried to calm you two brats! Plus, isn't this what you wanted? For Shawn to pick which one he loves the best?" Both Anna and Laila exchange uneasy glances.

"Well, we used to... but now it seems pretty crazy. Okay, it sound absolutely insane! How could we kidnap a famous singer and ask him who he likes best out of us three when he doesn't even know us?!" Laila shrieks. "We need to get the hell out of here before he wakes up and—"

"I'm awake," a tired voice pipes up.

We both turn around, shocked and scared of the man in front of us. He looks at us. "You three owe me an explanation, you can't just spy on me while I'm naked!" he says. "Thank God I managed to put on some boxers!"

We eye him, catching our breaths. I timidly look up at him, clearing my throat. "Here's the explanation, Shawn Rivera's. Well, me and my friends here are fans of you, and I decided to come up with the crazy idea of kidnapping you in order to find out who the hell you like best!" I say, cringing at how stupid it sounds now that half or more of the alcohol has worn down. I look sadly at my friends, sure Shawn will call the police and imprison us for life.

Luckily, he just laughs. Like, actually laughs. Clutching his stomach, it takes him a few seconds to compose himself. Once he does though, his beautiful brown eyes shine. "Well, that was some explanation, pretty girl," he says to me, making me flush.

"It's the truth, sir. We were drunk, and we kinda still are, so please don't accuse us to the police or anything..."

He smirks, standing up.

"No, I'm not. Don't worry, I'm doing to he doing something else..." he pulls me sharply by the wrist, making me fall atop him. My head collides with his broad chest, causing me to whimper. It's been my dream since forever to be in this position but now that I am...

"Please... l-let me go!" I whisper, my friend's faces gawking in pure terror. Shawn smirks.

"After you've tried to kidnap me? No thanks. Now, before I'll let you go..." he inches closer to my ear, a seductive tone in his voice, making me shiver... making me realize that Shawn Riveras is really something else... "I'll kidnap you."

I let out a strangled noise. "N-no! W-what about my f-friends?" I utter.

"Oh, well, they'll be gone, seemingly you were the one who proposed this idea, yes?" I tremble once again as I nod. He smirks. "Because of this, you will stay with me for a while..."

"But you can't!" I protest. "You're a singer, you're always out! What guarantees you I won't escape or something?"

He glances at me, smirk gone. "No, you wouldn't dare. Because by then..." he says, eyeing me with those brown eyes I've always loved, "...you'll be madly in love with me."