
Let Me Go

By the time the dawn was cracking, Minho was still up, hurled at the farthest corner of the bed and still wallowing. He was lost in thoughts all night that he'd hardly noticed how fast time passed. He couldn't bring himself to sleep, not with the guilt nudhing at him. What sort of an animal would he be if he managed to sleep, knowing he was responsible for everything that had happened to Daesun?

The sound of footsteps approaching broke his trance. He already knew who it was, and he didn't much as flinched. A few seconds later, Jae Hyun was at the door,leaning casually and looking at Minho.

Much as he tried to hide it, part of him felt sorry for Minho. But if Minho was going to be around him, he'd have to grow used to watching people die, or even get tortured. To be fair, Jae Hyun only did what he should have done. He had to, and it didn't matter what Minho thought or felt about it. It was his responsibility to keep his people safe.