
KHR :Prime Generation System

When the Timoteo had visited the Timoteo had visited a 5-year old Tsunayoshi Sawada to seal Tsuna's Sky Flames, a side effect had occurred which caused Tsuna to assimilate with a dying will spirit from a recently deceased person in our world. A new Tsuna was born who will meet the mafia world by a storm. With the knowledge and wisdom from the assimilated Dying will spirit, the old destiny of Tsuna, from being a no-good Tsuna to one of the greatest talents in the Mafia World. Along with receiving access to a system Image Source https://weheartit.com/entry/36280620

LazySatanixDevil · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 13 Timeskips Year 2 p1

[Year 2 after Tsuna obtained the System][ Tsuna Age 8; the Year 1999 ]

Two years after Tsuna had obtained the system, nothing too different had occurred to Tsuna's life that was any different from the year before; in this year, Tsuna had become a grade 3 student in Namimori Elementary along with Kyoko, who was in the same grade, with Ryohei being a grade 4 student.

In this year, Tsuna had managed to gain 16000 System Points from his system in the entirety of the year, which was higher than the year before due to the slight increase of the Random Quests he had completed 70 quests this year around, giving Tsuna approximately adding up to the 6500 he had saved from the previous year, Tsuna now had 21500 system points, which when Tsuna saw that the system points were pilling up a lot now, Tsuna decided to finally use the system shop to buy new skills and other items, that he liked from the system.

But before that, Tsuna had also used 20000 system points, turning her points back to 11500, which finally made Tsuna unlock the second to the last function of the system. which was the Fusion Tab, which had the ability for Tsuna to fuse or unfuse certain items, skills or anything as long as they can theoretically be fused. However, just like the Lottery Tab, the Function requires a payment of System Points to use the system. The system points spent are determined by the rarity of the items being fused, the number of items being fused, and the similarities of the items that will be fused. The fusing tab also allows Tsuna to fuse his skills to improve his skills' ranks and rarity.

Which when Tsuna saw this tab, he was delighted in seeing this tab as due to the various memories he had in the manga, game, and anime cultures more often than not, if a character ever has too many skills on his hands, which would definitely apply to himself in the long run, just by the idea of a having a system Eventually, that character in an RPG would eventually start not using any of his old skills in favor of using the new and stronger ones, at, many unconventional and, quite frankly, a basically useless skill in the skill slot due to not being in use and mos to often than not, the effort you made in getting that skill in the past, would be wasted since you will replace it with a stronger skill in the future in that skill slot. Which common RPG tactics with many skills.

And due to that knowledge, Tsuna had predicted that his Skills that was ranked lower than B class would probably become useless in the future if he receives skills that are higher ranks with a relatively same function as them, so seeing this fusion tab, Tsuna thought that despite the slight expensiveness of the fusing and infusion costs, It like the Lottery Tab, would become pretty handy shortly, so due to those reasons Tsuna was pleased in unlocking this tab in the system.

So even though Tsuna had wanted to unlock the truly last function of the system this year after 2 years after loving and using the system, he still couldn't right now due to it costing 15000 system points, a crazy amount that he could probably use to buy off hundreds of common ranked items as well as tons of E Class Skills, So, for now, Tsuna still wanted to buy more skills from the system that he thought he that could be useful in the future such as the negotiating skills, Lying Skills, and even sports skills which the good ones required at the minimum of 500+ points while the skills below that mark were pretty crappy like a skill called finger skills, which makes you better in using your fingers or a lower rank danger sense, which legitimately only sense danger right in front of your face, which makes it incredibly useless unless your blind or something. And among the Skills below D-class, some of them even have more of a curse than skill; Tsuna didn't even know what could you use a skill known as Constant Burping in practically anything that. Annoying people all around you.

So due to those thoughts Tsuna decided to hold on temporarily unlocking the last tab of the system in exchange for buying himself more skills and items in the system which would help hsi life become more comfortable as well as helping his training to progress further as In the two years of practicing and training his abilities and skills most of Tsuna's had finally a wall in their growth leaving most of them in rank 6 while the assassination skills was finally ranked up to 2 since Raja in this year finally realized that he could use the assassination skills in fighting the animals in the mountains near Namimori, although he still limited the assassiation of Animals as Tsuna didn't want to alert anyone of the slow reduction in the animals in the forests, while also still managing to hide his training location near the mountains, that Tdusna had made the last year, to have a better training location compared to the one he used before, his own backyard at the middle of the night, and luckily at that time, no one realized his actions, but a few months into this training, he noticed that the neighbors seemed to be getting slightly suspicious on the occasional loud sounds coming from his training, so Tsuna decided to change his training location specifically in Namimori Forest quite Near the Highschool in the Town.

Anyways in after much thought, the skills that Tsuna had gotten as well as certain items from the System Shop which cost about 10000 system points, are skills, such as C-class skill Cooking I bought to help out Mom in the house more along with C-class skill Homemaker, which gives me the knowledge on how to be good in managing the house.

C-class skill Drawing, which I planned to use in case I ever ran of cash, from copying certain works of anime and manga, from DWF's memories, although Incomplete and fragmented, I could probably just wing in the missing details on them along with C-class Writing Skill.

Which these four skills alone already costed 1800 skills, due to them being C class skills, and to note, each skill had an improved version of itself like there could be E-S class skills of the same skill, with different costs, for each of them and the C-class skills in the system most commonly cost 400-700 skill points. It can also be seen that items and skills that are not related to combat cost considerably less than those related to combat. So with that fact, Tsuna stacked himself with many C-class skills that are a bunch of non-combative which adding up to the four above, already amounted to 13, which cost all the 10000 points he had planned to use in buying skills this year, which for quickness and shortness are the skills below. According to the system, when D-Class skills reach the max rank, the difference between higher-ranked skills is that they would turn into the C-Rank version of themselves or turn into a different skill with higher ranks. Tsuna thinking that it would be a waste of time since he noticed that the growth rate of skills is the same; if he wears to buy D-class skills base on the time he had already used, it would probably take 3-4 years for his skills to reach the tenth rank, which would turn the skill into C-class, which makes him buying the skills in a higher class, much better in optimizing in time.

/C-class Baseball for entertainment purposes, since Tsuna as a hobby wanted to join the elementary baseball team/

/B-Class Language, which was among the most expensive in the non-combative skills made since Tsuna expected to use it much in the future since he saw that the Mafia of Vongola was based in Italy, so to save time, just learned all the other language in bulk, compared to mastering all the languages individually.

/ C-Class Skill Academics, which basically gives me base knowledge on the things being taught at schools, which greatly improved my grades, as before this, although not too bad, I do kind of suck in learning academically, which would probably the reason why theme from the AU, seems to have lows grades in first years in high school. But thanks to the system, I would relay have to try to learn extensively as long as I sometimes study, which would rank up the skills, which is quite automatic since I still have to study, which gives the skill exp to rank up.

/ C-Class Skill Boxing, which I bought just to become the training partner for Ryohei due to his recent interests in Boxing, which sometimes causes Kyoko to whine at him, since she still didn't want Ryohei to fight again, due to a fight that had happened when some bullies, in the school used Kyoko as bait to lure out both Ryohei and me to fight, and due to me not being able to arrive on time, Ryohei had gotten a scar above his head from the Bullies, and after I beat those kids up, with my close combat skills which is already a national level in a skill until they apologize to both of them. Due to this event and so many guys who still challenge both Ryohei and me, he then wanted to learn boxing to fight the challengers more professionally, according to him. Although she still seems not to like it, Kyoko had allowed Ryohei to practice boxing after much negotiating. Still, she made him promise to fight safely by, Ryohei stopping the fight if he gets in difficult with many injuries, which Ryohei nodded at since his first promise was really inconvenient since he would have to lie to her for years since so many guys still challenge him.

/ C-Class Dancing, Which Tsuna had bought to help Kyoko in her dream to be a ballerina as her partner and musician as he also bought the C-Class Skill Musician which was quite expensive as well as the academics skill due to the skills, having such broad terms, that basically combines many skills such as guitar skill, singing, piano, etc., that relates in one single skill about being a musician.

/ C-Class Weapon Mastery, Another relatively expensive skill, for being a skill basically covering many skills like swordsmanship, ax-wielding, bow mastery, etc. Which Tsuna had bought at the system to increase his battle strength for the future.

/C-Class Skill DWF Mastery, which was a skill that caused Tsuna to bash his head many times, as he only found this skill after a year of using the system, which he only actually found by luck, as he was randomly strolling through thousands of skills stored in the system that he could buy, and just coincidentally found it, as his brain didn't think that there was a skill like that in the system, which caused Tsuna to think of all the wasted time, I creating first summon his dying will flame for months.

/C-Class Skill Minor Recovery, a Skill that Tsuna found to be very practical to heal the injuries and scars that he had obtained the last 2 years of training, as well as pretty convenient if he gets injuries, but since the skill called max recovered despite being D-Class cost a crazy amount of more than 10000+, which he could understand due to its usability, he instead bought this skill, which could heal relatively minor injuries. Still, Tsuna already found it sufficient for now.

And finally, the last skill that Tsuna bought the 2nd year of obtaining the System is probably the most important skill that Tsuna needed in his life is the /E-Class Skill Luck Enhancement which Tsuna thought would be a godsend to him despite it being so expensive in the system despite being E-class since weirdly enough Tsuna realized that he was very unlucky even way before he got the system, and seeing the number of times he had to fight off bullies, him more often than not, despite being stronger, still experience very stupid accidents, such as accidentally going to the girl's bathroom, slipping on a banana so after a while, Tsuna thought that this skill would still be worth it despite its low rank, due to the sole reason it would make him less unlucky than he already is.



A/N Author Note: Due to me not realizing how long this Timeskips would occur in this world until the actual canon starts basically 6 years from this points, should I make small arcs before entering the canon time, since by the end of this 6 year time skip the mc would definitely be op, since he would be able to obtain many skills, in this free time before the plot. Pls comment.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Note I forgot to mention that in this Fic,

after this 5-year time skip, the mc is gonna be hella op; I didn't think the time skip would be difficult to manage In a power scale with a system. so should I Implement some minor arcs, before the canon, or just continue making timeskips until I reach the actual canon time.

LazySatanixDevilcreators' thoughts