
chapter 5; who's scarier

Sheila already knew what Nisha was going to announce but hearing her say it was like her heart was going to burst out any moment, she struggled to control her emotions at the podium and then when Nisha held her arm and called her CEO Sheila that was her last thread. When they got to Nisha's office she hugged her tightly and started crying. Yes she chose not to become the CEO of her father's company and gave it to her younger brother, because after what happened to Nisha ten years ago she was so vulnerable and really needed a friend, a sister, someone who would always be there and she proved true to her words always being there even in work. "now now how did the tables turn, I was the one crying in your arms before and now it's you" Nisha said with a sober grin as she felt Sheila's tears stain her clothes. "shut up but thank you so much I don't know how to feel do you think I can do it?" Sheila asked sniffing. "aren't you the first daughter of Liam Zhou, the heir of the Zhou dynasty, you have it in you, I gave it to you because this is my way of saying thank you for always being there for me, and I trust and love you so much elder sister Lin Ai" she said and the two girls hugged and cried for a while.

Later Nisha was good to go, she had to go and pack her things from the mansion to a small rented house, well to make her story believable and Sheila offered to walk her out. As the went out Nisha's personal driver who was now dressed in a taxi uniform was waiting for her. Well it will be weird if a common secretary had a personal driver so her driver had to disguise himself. The two girls hugged and said goodbye "aha! before I forget don't be too nice and lenient on them it'll make it easier for them to double cross you, you need to be stoic and firm at times if not everytime so that they'll fear you okay" Nisha advised her "yes teacher don't worry I'm an expert" Sheila said pushing her to enter the car "you sure" Nisha said raising a brow at her suspiciously "yes now bye" Sheila said waving and smiling until the car was out of sight.

As soon as the car was out of sight Sheila's countenance changed from that of a loving elder sister to that of a cold stoic woman. The employees that saw her come in were more than shocked. They stared at Sheila with wide eyes ' is this really miss Zhou or has she switched souls with our CEO Jade'they all thought. What she said next made them nearly give up their spirits "Chairwoman Jade asked all the departments of all the branches of our companies to submit their reports before the end of today but I'm asking you all to submit it before 4:00 pm any department that fails to do that will have all it's members fired I'm sure you know it isn't hard for jade's cooperations to hire new staffs, inform the other Branches this way there will be no time for falsification of reports" she said so coldly emitting an aura so not like her and dear lord CEO Jade was so much better how are they going to submit their reports by 4:00 pm it's already 3:20 their jobs were on the line. They better get to work. They now wondered who was more scarier CEO Jade or CEO Sheila.

Meanwhile Nisha who was watching everything that transpired through her tablet let out a small chuckle "and they say I'm cold and mean they're gonna have a lot of fun with elder sister Lin Ai" she muttered.