
chapter 17; Nightmare

Mi Rue arrived home and gently carried Arya who had now fallen asleep during the ride, or so he thought because suddenly Arya started to wriggle in his embrace as if having a nightmare. "Arya" he called out and placed her gently on the bed in his room, he bent closer to hear her muttering something "no please leave me please d.. don't hurt please l..leave her alone please" then she broke down and started crying, saying the same thing over and over again. Scared mi rue started to shake her awake "arya Arya wake up wake up will you, I'm here it's me mi rue please wake up" he begged still shaking her "damn it she's not responding" he cursed and continued shaking her.

Finally she opened her eyes but she still looked delusional, eyes only fixed to a particular spot "he's coming for me, he wants to kill me like he killed all of them, he wants to kill me, no I don't want to die, I don't want to die, no please leave me" she said stuttering while shifting backwards until her body hit the bedrest "no please no" she said and covered her ears shaking her head. Mi Rue was stunned for a second then got really scared seeing her in that state, he rushed to hug her "no one is here your just hallucinating I'm here for you please calm down you'll be fine no one will kill you okay" he soothed and coaxed her. She calmed down eventually and raised her head to stare at him "mi rue you're back why did you leave me I needed you then elder sister Lin Ai travelled that time you're the only one I had and you left me I hate you" she said and started crying leaving mi rue at a loss of words again

He could only stare at her, all these while he thought that she had left him and broken his heart but how come he now felt like the bad guy, he could still remember everything that happened that day, she had come to ask his help for something but he was so angry that she had gotten married to someone else at the age of freaking 18 and was even pregnant so he told her never to contact him again, he still remembered his words "nisha our friendship is over, I can't believe you'd do this to me, forget you ever had a friend named mi rue just forget everything about me" he had said and left not daring to look back he was so mad. Now come to think of it he should have really stayed and listened to her 'what if she was in trouble' he thought then laughed at himself 'you told her to forget you and she did why are you now angry' he scolded himself.

Turning to look at Arya who was now resting on his shoulder , he kissed her forehead " I'm sorry I won't leave you again I promise" he told her, she turned to look at him "are you sure" she asked and he nodded she cupped his face "call me what you always call me my mi rue" she said crying "Bai zhen" he said shivering now wanting to cry, Arya burst into tears and hugged him "i miss you". yes that was the name he used to call her, the name Sheila said she doesn't allow anyone to call her. If only she'll remember this when she's sober, he only hoped, he wanted his Bai zhen, his little hua back he coaxed her to sleep then tucked her in bed left dialing Sheila's number.

Sheila who was still dreaming about her boyfriend was startled when her phone rang, seeing it was mi rue she picked up "yeah" "i want to know what happened to Arya please just tell me what happened ten years ago" he pleaded and narrated to Sheila what happened a while ago. After hearing everything Sheila sighed hard "I told you she tends to act on her subconscious mind when drunk, about the nightmare she has it every night sometimes it makes her not to sleep but she takes anti anxiety pills, mi rue I want to tell you everything but it won't be good for your relationship, first win her trust again then she'll open up to you okay, I'll leave you now to think about your next move" she said and hung up

Sheila sighed, she wondered when Arya's life would be normal again, all Arya wanted was justice and she would always support her

*Ola guys I know it's been long I updated, so sorry. you all are the best readers and author could ask for, please continue to follow mi rue and Arya in their confusing yet intriguing love story.

L.o.l 💞💞💞😜