
Arc 2 - Chapter 7: The Fusion & Meeting

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Chapter 7: The Fusion & Meeting

5 days later*

Chikao ignores the look he is getting from Jang So-Sul as he continues blocking Lee Mong Young's punches with the flat surface of his wooden katana. As of right now, Chikao is kinda being forced to be a sparring partner for both Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young while everyone else didn't dare come near when these two are here.

In fact, Chikao is a bit surprised that Dal Dal Choi still continues seeking Jae Gu Song still after dropping out. Then again, there is a thing call first love or whatever, that make Dal Dal Choi want Jae Gu Song. Making Chikao suppress the urge to smirk, due to Jae Gu Song no longer part of the plot, making Dal Dal Choi not form any bond with either Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young without Jae Gu Song being the main reason for it.

Anyway, if it wasn't for the many other routes he going through. Chikao would rather save himself the trouble by moving away and transfer Asia to a different school. Nonetheless, Chikao is fine with this. Though, sometimes Chikao wonders if Momoyo was grown up, where it was okay to have her male partner have multiple female partners aka being okay being in a harem.

"This piss me more than it should, but this is just plain unfair!" Lee Moon Young shouts as she has not once managed to get Chikao to move a single step and continue to block and parry her punches with any problem. To make it worse in her opinion. She had even gone far as attacking behind, only to find that wasn't enough and the guy continues to block and parry her punches without even looking at her! Like what the hell?!

"I told you before! If you want to be someone who goes for all footwork and punching, then you'll want to learn about [Ki]!" Momoyo shouts at Lee Moon Young, for she has already explained the concept of [Ki] to both Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young a few days ago after figuring out these two would become strong fighters the moment they have access to [Ki] compared to other people.

In hindsight, Momoyo already had access to her [Ki] before even going to Wild's High, making her realizes the huge advantages she has over others, so Momoyo wants to see these two S-Class fighters could do with [Ki]. Even Lee Na has already access to [Ki] and she doing great. Even though Lee Na was nowhere near her level. Momoyo has already checked Lee Na out personally and found she is at the rank: Advanced Master Martial Artist. Not too bad, but wasn't at the very top yet.

Too bad, in Momoyo's eyes. People at the rank of Real Master Martial Artists will only be at the level of High-Class Devil with [Ki] alone. One of the reasons why she left the Murim. Honestly, Momoyo is just waiting for Jang So-Sul to hurry up and train in martial arts already.

"Are you still going on about that?!" Lee Moon Young didn't believe in [Ki], but with the way Momoyo moved was beyond the peak of human's capabilities, even with extreme training in speed movement wouldn't match Momoyo's speed. Making Lee Moon Young begins to doubt almost everything she knows about the world.

"But, your friend here has already begun learning how to use her [Ki] on the demand after finally figuring out how to sense her own [Ki]." Momoyo point at Ingui Yoon, who didn't show it. But, anyone can see the pride in her eyes if one looks very carefully.

"WHAT?!" Lee Moon Young jump out of the ring and quickly ran up to her friend, to look directly at her with wide eyes filled with shock. Completely forgetting she was in a sparring match with Chikao. "You actually have [Ki]?!" Lee Moon Young couldn't believe it! This entire time, she thought it was all nonsense, and Ingui Yoon here, who is someone Lee Moon Young thought the about [Ki] being not really would actually be someone who does believe and not just that, but also manage to use it too!

"Yeah, I was right next to her when she finally releases a hint of her [Ki] and felt it too." Momoyo really couldn't believe Ingui Yoon's talent in [Ki] wasn't that bad. To be able to gain access to her [Ki Reserve] in a few days after teaching her the breathing exercises. Momoyo has already given Ingui Yoon the four steps in order to control her [Ki] and reaching the rank of Real Master Martial Artist upon completing the fourth step.

"Teach me!" Lee Moon Young can't allow Ingui Yoon to move even further than her in fighting abilities, bad enough she couldn't beat Ingui Yoon once and now she has [Ki]?! She needs to learn it as well and surpass Ingui Yoon!

"Sure." Momoyo didn't mind how rude Lee Moon Young is being to her. She would do the same if she was in her shoes. Momoyo even includes the four steps to becoming a Real Master Martial Artist too.

The first step is to gather [Ki] to the [Ki-Center] and then distribute it evenly to the whole body. This step includes applying circulation and distribution techniques. After going through a process varies of duration doing breathing exercises.

The second step is to start physical exercises in order to keep the [Ki] and the physical body in balance. There are more important things about this step, but that's for later.

The third step involves exerting the [Ki] to enhance the body's functions and movements. The result is the use of martial arts, increase to a certain level the healing speed, become able to see in pure darkness, and so on.

After the person reaches the third step, then the three steps are still done simultaneously in a pre-organized training program. With this training, a person can reach the rank of Master Martial Artist.

The fourth and final step of the training focuses on surpassing the body's potential. It is also called the highest level of training. An individual widens their bloodstream, which has a result of a further increase of the [Ki Reserve] and the size of the [Ki-Center]. The result is that one can reach will become a Real Master Martial Artist.

"The three first steps are essential in order for a practitioner to realize the existence of [Ki] within the body and start controlling it. However, be aware that there is a thing call [Spirit Medicine] can distort the order of training. Enabling an individual to use the [Ki] without realizing what it is or increases the [Ki Reserve] of an individual to the point that it reaches the rank of Real Master Martial Artist without the physical body to withstand it. In short, these effects distort the balance of the Simgichehon. Resulting in possibly serious negative impacts on the individual or even death." Momoyo finished explaining to Lee Moon Young. "Of course, you girls can wait until Chikao over there finish studying the [Spirit Medicine] to make a safer medicine to use. Trust me, he can do lots of things that many can't in such a short period of time." Momoyo can already see her boyfriend become a master in [Spirit Medicine] in no time the moment Jang So-Sul get those books for him to learn.

"Quick question. What is Simgichehon?" Lee Moon Young understood most of the parts, but this term was unfamiliar to her.

This caused Ingui Yoon to pay attention too, even Asia on the sideline is now listening extra carefully.

"Alright. Well, Simgichehon refers to the basic composed of four parts. The first is the mind, the ability to think, and generally in the mental process of the person. The second is the breath, which is mainly known as [Inner Energy] aka [Ki] and it is the life force in all creation. The third is the body, where the materials that make up the body including bones and muscles. In other words: The physical structure of the body. The fourth is the soul or otherwise the spirit. It represents the will and determination to achieve something. These four parts are tied together forming the person and they usually strengthen and weaken together." Momoyo continued explaining, not one bit annoyed she has to give out a lecture.

"Dang, I can tell that even with how simple you're explaining this. I just know it will be difficult." Lee Moon Young looks at Ingui Yoon before looking back at Momoyo with determination to be able to sense her own [Ki] and begin working on the four steps before she won't be able to see the shadow of Ingui Yoon.

Chikao blankly looks at this, then over to Ophis, who is currently sleeping in her backpack, making him wonder if there is anything else he could get from her. Other than the [Infinite Cycle Element], because that's just plain near impossible for the current him. So, Chikao looks for other routes that he could do on short-terms.

Thinking about it more, Chikao can reduce the among of different [Magic Circles] into layers of [Magic Circles]. Then, found a few that would make it more bearable for Chikao. So without any hesitation. Chikao merges the [Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition] into the [Arcane Science], which would increase the efficiency further.

Chikao blink as his head feel a bit clearer than ever, making him realize why there were a few routes related to the usage of [Thought Acceleration], [Memory Partition], and [Arcane Science] are always used together.

Thinking about this, Chikao starts searching for routes related to merging [Magic Circles] together and found some that will bring the best results.

The first one is to take the formulas of the [Creation of All Things Technique] and merge the two elements: Light and Darkness into the [Yin-Yang Release Element]. Making this [Yin-Yang Release Element] to be able to do all the same things as the three when it was separated and can do much more together now.

Once that's done, Chikao goes for the set of fusion [Magic].

The [Chakra Magic Circle] merged into the [Trinity God Style], making it much stronger and Chikao can still use the normal version of [Trinity God Style] while adding the [Chakra] will just mainly an add-on really, but still powerful.

Once this step was completed. Chikao can feel the difference between having many [Magic Circles] separate and having overlayed [Magic Circles].

Putting Chikao to a total of 9 different [Magic Circles] to use, where there are 3 out of the 9 [Magic Circles] being overlayed/merged with new formulas.

Shaking his head, Chikao stops there because it looks like today won't be the best time to see if it is possible to fuse all his [Magic Circles] into a single multiple-layer [Magic Circle].

"Hey, Chikao! Time for us to leave!" Momoyo calls out to her boyfriend, where she saw him staring into space again like he does whenever he is thinking about something important and/or about thinking new ideas for new [Magic] or spells. The former is just plain headache while the latter is a pain in the ass. Either one would make Momoyo continue to find it so difficult for her to beat Chikao in any future-friendly spars. And a high chance of her dying if she dares fight him to the death. "We need to get Jang So-Sul to her family."

"Right." Chikao got down from the ring, avoid looking in Jang So-Sul's direction still. After all, Chikao knew exactly why he being glared at for days now. Since Jang So-Sul's body didn't grow up still, making Jang So-Sul's suspect that either something went wrong or this was a trap, that made Jang So-Sul's body stay the way it is while being healthy and using [Ki].

Quickly, Chikao moves to the parking lot where he parked the car and said his farewells to Ingui Yoon, Lee Moon Young, and even Lee Na, who seems to stick around this group more often than doing something else. Then again, Lee Na is Momoyo's junior, so maybe she is sticking around for Momoyo.

An hour later*

"How come you didn't go with them, Chikao?" Asia asks Chikao, for only Momoyo and Jang So-Sul went off to the Sun-Woo Clan, to show that the latter is cured and the former there to make sure to get the books on [Spirit Medicine] as well as making some alliance with the Sun-Woo Clan.

"Politic. Pure evil. Trust me, if you ever been asked to attend anything like politics. You better off praying for someone else to take your spot, because it will be very boring and you won't be able to do anything else for hours." Chikao pause for a moment to think of any other ways to explain this to Asia. "Think of how politic as a big important conversation that lasts for hours and if things weren't going well. Then, the topic could last for days or even longer. You will be mentally exhausted that you won't have time for doing anything else. Like helping people in your case." Chikao mentally sighs in relief, to hear Asia gasp in horror. That she won't be able to have the time to heal people. Something that Asia has been doing lately with her fellow classmates, which Chikao knew those female students weren't taking advantage of Asia's kindness and was also looking after her too.

"Why would people have such a long conversation on just one topic?!" Asia couldn't believe what she just heard!

"Some topics are just that important, where a group of people would only finish the selected topic until everyone or nearly everyone is satisfied with the ending result. Some might even use some tricks to get their way too if the topic is extremely important." Chikao is a research person and a fighter, but he will never go into politics nor anything related to having to do paperwork consistently when he can do something more worth his own time. "Also, there are some people who love politics just for the sake of being in the position of having the ability to have their voice heard by other powerful status people and/or making people with lower status heard them and have their attention.." Chikao knew how some people love having power in status instead of other different things in the name of power. Chikao can see him in the same group, but for [Magic] and other things.

"Oh!" Asia realizes now that when she was still at the church. No matter what she wanted to say. Other people will talk over her, not letting her have a single word other than the words: Yes, okay, etc. Making Asia feel like those people are in the same group that loves politics! This makes so much sense to her now.

Chikao checks with [Numeromancy] and sweatdrop, that Asia completely misunderstood him and decided to reexplain to Asia about politics after making sure Ophis was fed before she starts searching for food to eat, and might eat something she wasn't supposed to.

The next day*

"Wow, I did not expect this." Chikao said in a surprised voice.

"Chikao. Your face doesn't match your tone of voice." Momoyo looks at Chikao, who has a blank look, completely different from the way he spoke just now. "Anyway, these are the Elders of the Sun-Woo Clan." Momoyo point at four elderly. "And that's Kwon Jinie. The granddaughter of Kwon Jae-Kyu and a member of the Sun-Woo Clan too. She is mainly here just to gain some experience." Momoyo point at the girl that should be in her 20s. But, really, Kwon Jinie is 16 years old with such a body figure.

Kim Sul-Joong a member of the council of Elders of the Sun-Woo Clan. He is wearing a unichrome white suit and trousers. Along with his straight build, this gives him a noble appearance. He has shoulder-length dark hair, wearing square glasses, and has some wrinkles on his face.

Min Sa-Oak has a round body shape, with some splotches of age on the left side of his face. He wears a short shirt and white dress pants. His hair only covers the sides of his head. Same as Kim Sul-Joong, he also wears glasses, but small rounded.

Jeon Jang-ll is a tall, middle-aged man with a mustache and beard. Black hair, which is stylized to fall in front of his forehead, wearing a black business suit.

Kwon Jae-Kyu the second-in-command of the Sun-Woo Clan, head of the Elder Council, and one of the Ten Grand Masters of the Murim. He is a short elderly man with slicked-back gray hair. He wears a traditional Korean Martial Artist's attire.

Kwon Jinie is a young, and quite tall, girl with messy, shoulder-length crimson hair, and dressed in punk fashion, where one can see a neck-belt surrounding her neck. Short jeans shorts, and a leather jacket around a white T-shirt.

"And that's Shi-Woon Yi, the former Head of the Sun-Woo Clan before Jang So-Sul came back to get it back. Though, I'm pretty sure the kid doesn't even want it in the first place with the way he acted yesterday. Also, his [Ki-Center] is broken and needs to be fixed. Think you could do it, Chikao?" Momoyo asks Chikao, for she discovered that this Shi-Woon Yi possesses the [Three-Yin Body Type], a lesser version of the [Nine-Yin Body Type] that Jang So-Sul possesses before it was cured. Therefore, Momoyo is a bit curious to see Shi-Woo Yi have his [Ki-Center] fix and cured of his [Three-Yin Body Type], to see if he becomes a Real Master Martial Artist or goes beyond it.