Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other references you notice in this fanfic.
A/N: So let me start off this chapter by answering some more questions.
So, first, Gai wasn't sent by the Hokage. It was just a lucky encounter.
Also what I meant by seal-less jutsu is closer to what Kaguya and the Sage of Six Paths, who can create and perform jutsu without even moving.
Kenji at the end of this chapter is at genin level, skill wise. With the various upgraded equipment, he is a high-genin to low- chunin, just because he is plain trick, and no one really knows what he can do.
Also, I want to give a shout out to 'sumitparida2002'. I changed the chakra levels to something more reasonable. The new power levels are at the bottom of the chapter.
Chapter 8
It was with watery eyes that Kenji looked back at the training ground that used to be the location of his temporary shop.
He had his yellow backpack strapped tight to his back, weighing close to 2 tons, an impossible feat that Kenji was only able to pull off thanks to the two rings on each hand that boosted his strength. Akame dressed in her Miko outfit, sat securely on his head, likely her way of her showing her superiority.
"It's great that I was able to make so much profit, but I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to get permission for another training ground," he huffed at the unfairness of it all.
He had made close to 7 million ryo in his time in these two weeks, taking away the material costs and the new additions, his profit had been somewhere between 5 to 6 million.
From the research he had done previously, a prime piece of land located in Konoha's business district cost somewhere between 4-5 million ryo to rent out for two years. The location was on the main street that was on a straight line between the village gate and the Hokage Tower, which insured that many tourist and merchants would see it right away. While this would normally be an idle spot, Kenji was reluctant to waste all his hard-earned money and effort building up a prosperous business just for it to be flattened by Pein later.
No, instead he was much more interested in finding a nice piece of land on the outer edge of the village, preferably near the wall, and build his shop. Then he could just spend the next few years preparing and fortifying his base.
A few weeks back he had scouted out different pieces of land and found that an old couple were planning on selling a section of their farm land, so they could afford to send their son to a renowned school in the capital. The piece was roughly 1.5 acres (43,560 ft^2) and the asking price was only 2,000,000. He had already met them, and made his intentions of buying the land, and while they were a little reluctant on doing business with a ten-year-old at first, he explained that he was in the academy and would be a genin before summer. He was able to extract a promise from them that, they wouldn't sell the land until the end of June. It normally wouldn't have been that easy, but the land in question was barren with the only other buyers being their bitter next-door neighbors.
'If I buy the land, that leaves me with 3-4 million ryo to construct my shop/home, pay for the different licenses, and materials needed for my products. If I can tighten my belt and cut back on a few expensive I'm sure I can probably make it,' he thought as he turned away from the destroyed land that was littered with battle scars.
The lone academy student was already making a budget plan, now that his sole source of income was no longer possible, he needed to spend his money wisely. The risks of selling illegally in the village without a license were nothing to scoff at, and he would much rather do things by the books than lose everything just to make a few measly ryo.
He waved at the chunin manning the gate and was happy when they waved back. That meant that they already recognized him and wouldn't ask as many questions whenever he needed to leave the village for errands.
Walking down the main road, Kenji was treated to the sound of lively villagers enjoying their time around the village.
Kids were playing, running around with wooden weapons. Friends were greeting each other and making conversation right in the middle of the street before going to one of the many food stalls. A few couples walked hand in hand giggling to each other like a bunch of idiots. Shinobi off all different ranks monopolized the rooftops as their shadows would briefly flash on the ground when they jump from building to building. The village was always busy, there was always something new to discover, somewhere new to explore, and Kenji loved every bit of it.
Every since his creation, he was determined to experience everything that life had to offer. The reason for the shop, the training, and the planning was all for this purpose.
After Gai's visit, Kenji had thrown himself even further into training. The reason for this wasn't some misguided feeling of motivation caused by the taijutsu master's sense of sacrifice, no, the reason was fear. He was scared witless after his talk with Gai. He had forgotten just how dangerous shinobi could be. Gai was willing to risk his life and health just so he could complete his mission, so who was to say that Kenji wouldn't eventually meet an enemy ninja with exactly the same mindset. What if they had a secret technique that was similar to the Eight Gates? He would be a goner for sure, no matter how fast he ran or how strong his armor was.
It was with this realization, that the chubby academy student had spent every waking moment training to be a little bit faster or just a little bit tougher than the day before. He consumed enhancement pill after pill, abusing them for all of their worth, just to feel a little safer.
He took a step back from chakra control and instead focused on taijutsu and body enhancement jutsu. His next goal was to work on his elemental techniques, mainly the Hiding like a Mole Jutsu that let him escape underground and travel like a mole. Kenji also hoped that with a little practice, he could also use it to mine for metal ore and gems.
He didn't know his chakra nature, since chakra paper was an item restricted to only shinobi, so instead he practiced with every single one of them, so even if they weren't his natural chakra element at least he was building an affinity for them.
Sniff. Sniff. GRrrr.
"Look Akame, it's your favorite," the small boy said as they turned to a vendor that was selling roasted duck seasoned with a blend of different herbs and spices that enticed the nose, the skin looked nice and crispy with a golden hue.
The rabbit perked up as she sniffed the air, before wagging her fluffy tail in excitement. Yes, Akame was an omnivore despite being a rabbit. Kenji had found that out when he caught her biting the head off a mouse that was trying to steal the chakra dust. While he was initially shocked at this fact, he later welcomed it, since it meant that he could cut back on her feeding expenses now that she could hunt for her own food. Duck was her favorite so far, closely followed by pork.
Checking his wallet, the plump boy swallowed a thick amount of saliva, "I suppose we have enough for just one quick snack."
The bunny nodded her head in total agreement.
"But we would need to tighten our belts for the coming months understand."
Once again Akame nodded in understanding.
"Okay, since it will be our last good meal for a while," Kenji finished as he walked up to the vendor that was slowly turning the spit. "Oy Mister, how much for two ducks?"
"That will be 180 Ryo little man," the vendor said with a wide toothy grin.
"I'll take them," Kenji said as he took the money out of his purse and handed it over to the man that was packing two piping hot roasted ducks into a plastic container, along with some dipping sauce.
Together the duo made their way toward Kenji's apartment completely unaware of the eyes watching them from the shadows.
(Time skip- 1 month)
Huff. Huff. Huff.
'Oh goddess, I'm dying. Please have mercy on this tortured soul and end me right now,' the small academy student mentally pleaded as he collapsed on the running track.
Akame, wearing her miko uniform, bounced to his side with a hand towel and a water bottle strapped to her back.
"Thanks fuzzball," Kenji said in between breaths as he scratched her chin.
Her response was a sharp snapping of her teeth that would have ripped off his fingers if he hadn't pulled away in time.
Laying on his back, Kenji couldn't help but comment, "At least look at the bright side. I didn't throw up this time."
He had completed 500 laps around the academy track field, an impossible feat for him a month ago.
Thanks to all of the exercise and forced dieting he had to go through, Kenji was finally able to burn up all of that fat. Sure he could have done it with the diet pills, but that would mean wasting valuable products for something he could do with old fashion hard work.
Kenji's once large girth was gone, people wouldn't mistake him for a walking dumpling anymore. He was still small for his age however, standing at 4 foot 6, but that was still two inches higher than a month ago. As a result of all of the strengthening pills and purifying pills he had taken, his body was at the peak of health for someone his age, he had a lean build with tightly wound muscle that were much stronger than one would normally guess.
His once scruffy hair, was now a curtain of silky smooth chocolate locks that reached his shoulder blades thanks to the accidental shampoo he had created weeks ago. He kept it in a low loose ponytail since it kept getting in the way of his training. His usual fox like eyes had turned almond shaped as a result of getting rid of all of the fat around his face, showing off his hazel eyes perfectly. His skin was as smooth and soft as a newborn thanks to all of the testing he need to do for his new line of beauty creams and products.
However, most of these improvements were normally hidden from everyone's eyes as he wore extra padding and armor underneath his clothes at all times, only taking it off when he needed to bath or sleep.
The reason for this was simple, he wanted his shinobi and civilian appearance to be as contradictory as possible. He didn't want to constantly have to look over his shoulder in fear that an enemy shinobi holding a grudge wanted to exact their revenge. He wasn't planning on making any big waves in the world, but it was still better to be safe than sorry. Kakashi was a prime example that this could work, no one knew what he looked like under his mask, so if he just wore dark glasses to hide his sharingan and changed his clothes, no one would be able to make the connection.
Plus, despite how well the villagers might look up at the shinobi, there was still a certain stigma that carried over. It wasn't something overly obvious, but it was clear if you observed long enough.
The way that civilians would become guarded. The looks they sent as if to check that the shinobi wouldn't pull an 'Itachi' and start killing everyone. Frankly, it was hard for them to trust someone that could easily kill others for money, something that Kenji understood very well. He really needed to find a mask when he started going on missions.
Finished catching his breath, Kenji stood up and dumped the rest of the water over his head.
"Ahhhh! I needed that. Come on girl, we still have things to do it we want to eat today," the small academy student said as he focused on the featureless black ebony ring in his right hand.
This was a much better version of the space ring that he had sold to Lady Shijimi.
Onyx Ring +12
Quality: Mid-Human
Defense: 0
+ 50 Agility
10+: Can hold up to 1,000 cubic feet of matter inside (10x10x10 cube). Objects inside weigh nothing and can be taken out instantly.
12+: 50% increase to arm strength.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 300
He saw a room filled with all manner of equipment and supplies, organized by shape and size. In an instant, the sweat stained clothes were replaced with a set of brown leather pants, a green tunic, and a hard boiled leather vest. Then the boy equipped a simple wooden short-bow and a quiver full of arrows.
"Let's go Akame! We worked so hard to get that hunter's license, we might as well use it," the boy called out as he began to head toward the village gate.
(Scene change)
'Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, release.'
"Alright!" the small boy said as he jumped off the tree branch thirty feet above the ground and landed softly on the forest floor. "Oh boy, looks like we'll be having pork tonight Akame!"
With excited grins, the duo crossed the distance in a few bound steps.
He stood beside the large boar that was easily twice his height and at least 15 times his weight. It had a thick black hide with powerful muscles all over its body, and two upward curving tusks that where at least the length of Kenji's forearm. However despite its impressive appearance, it had only taken a single arrow to bring it down.
Kenji could still see the end of the arrow's feathers peaking out of the newly made hole right in the middle of its head. Weaving some hand seals Kenji called out the medical diagnostic jutsu that he had learned from Hana's scrolls.
His hands gained a green light, and he checked the monster boar, "Oh, how lucky. It looks like the arrow managed to burrow deep enough that it completely severed its spinal cord. As expected of this bow."
Wooden Bow +10
Quality: Low-human
Attack: 130
10+: 10% of getting a critical hit on a successful attack.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 140
While it wasn't his most powerful bow, it was definitely the best one for hunting game.
Taking out an upgraded knife from his space ring, he began the troublesome job of dismantling the carcass for anything useful.
Akame didn't bother waiting as she was already in the process of chewing on the still attached ear of the boar.
First, he tied it upside down from two tree branches and made a cut on its neck, letting the blood drain into a large bucket below. Kenji carefully skinned it, detaching the tough hide from the precious meat with expert precision. Making a large incision on its belly, he took out a separate bowl and began to remove the organs. Once all of that was finished, he began to cut it into sections of meat, that he knew the butcher would take. Putting everything in his space ring, he was finally left with just the head.
Grabbing the tusks in both hands, he placed a soft leather boot on the snout and pulled. The hard bone gave out easily and now Kenji was left standing with two sharp bone tusks. "Hmmm, what do you think I should make from these Akame. Knives? Arrow heads? A Viking helmet?"
Akame wasn't even giving him the time of day, as she sniffed the air before her attention went to one tree in particular.
'Looks like we'll be having more than just boar,' Kenji thought as he readied his bow and signaled Akame to get on his head.
The small rabbit nudged her foot twice against his head, indicating there were two potential enemies. Her ears then rotated twice, to show the direction they were at, as well as the distance.
Trusting his partner, Kenji notched the first arrow and prepared the second one. In one fluid movement he released the first arrow while his fingers reached out to his quiver and grabbed the second one, placing it on the string and releasing it a second after.
The two arrows flew side by side, filled with killing intent. They easily punched holes through the trees before hitting their intending target.
Kenji heard two twin roars of anger indicating that the arrows hadn't been enough to kill them in one shot.
He didn't have time to worry however because he heard the sound of trees being snapped apart the next second. Running toward a particularly tall tree that had a thick trunk, he began to use the tree walking technique to reach a branch 40 feet off the ground.
From his new position he could see two burly animals run in his directions, reducing thick trees into splinters whenever they came into contact.
They reached his position in seconds, before they both stood up on two legs and Kenji momentarily had to curse himself and Akame.
Below him were two enraged 12-foot bears, a brown and black bear. Worse, he could see fuinjutsu-like marking on their fur, similar to those on Akame. These were obviously mutated animals and if there was one thing he learned from Akame, it was to never underestimate an animal juiced up on chakra dust.
He was about to make a hasty retreat when the bears suddenly looked in his direction. Kenji could see the two arrows stuck in their fur, the same arrows that had one shot-ed that boar and those trees hadn't even made it an inch in.
"Aw fudge-nuggets," Kenji spoke out loud.
Betraying their size, the two bears were able to reach his position with a single leap, causing Kenji's eyes to open in shock.
One of the bears swiped downward with its sharp dagger like claws, aiming at his head, while the other aimed at his feet.
Kenji could immediately tell that those attacks were chakra enhanced from the blue shine that they gave out, getting hit with even one of those could prove fatal.
He substituted himself with a log, covered in explosive tags, at the last second.
Reappearing on a different tree a fair distance away, he observed as the two chakra beasts were ingulfed in a large fiery explosion that turned the surrounding trees into cinders.
The academy student didn't have to wait long however as two beings emerged from the smoke and landed on the trunks of the surrounding trees, using their claws to cling onto the surface of the trees. They roared at him in challenge, and Kenji could feel them building up their chakra for an attack.
"I'm blaming you for this Akame," Kenji stated even as he strapped his bow on his back and took out a short sword from his ring and handed her an upgraded dagger that looked like two elongated kunai fused together by their handles and wrapped in leather. She placed it in her mouth even as she gave an annoyed huff.
Double Edged Dagger +10
Quality: Low-human
Attack: 300
10+: A chakra blade extends from the two blades, length is proportional to the chakra added. Does twice the original damage.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 240
The blade of the sword was completely red, with the cross guard and handled being gold plated.
Sword of Plague +12
Quality: Mid-human
Attack: 480
10+: Cuts caused by the blade will not heal as quickly, causing bloodletting.
12+: Stab wounds have a 25% chance to inflict the poison effect on targets.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 500
"Get ready," he said to the rabbit.
The bears gave one final roar before chakra exploded from them. The brown bear's eyes were ingulfed in flames and smoke was raising from it's nose and mouth, looking as if it had turned into a furnace. The black bear on the other hand gained an aura of sharp wind around it's paws.
They pulled back their heads in unison and spat out a fire ball and wind sphere respectively in his direction.
Dropping from his position, he took out five talismans from his pouch and used the chakra control exercise to have them orbit his head. Five was his limit while in battle.
Kaguya's Shield Talisman
Quality: Low-Human
+ Forms a semi-transparent shield in front of the target able to block 2000 points of damage. One-time use.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: N/A
The impact of the attack caused an explosion, flooding the area in smoke.
With out wasting time Kenji formed hands seals.
"Earth Style Jutsu: Earth Clone!"
He used 3/10 of his chakra to form 3 clones. He gave them each an upgraded kunai pack as they gave each other nods and split up, "Go! Try to split them up. Aim for their vitals!"
Clone A and B rushed at their opponents, while clone C and Kenji sank into the ground using the Hiding like a Mole Jutsu.
The bears proved to be smarter than one would think as they stood back to back, smelling the air and looking at the ground.
Clone A was the first to reach his target.
The brown bear swiped at him with those dangerous looking claws, the clone used his smaller size to duck and get into its guard. Crouching down underneath it, he filled chakra into his legs and jumped upward aiming his kunai into the beast's neck.
At the same time, Clone B ran towards the black bear and slid between the large animal's legs, aiming his kunai at one of the tendons located in the legs.
Neither attack connected however as the brown bear leaned backwards out of reach and the brown bear jumped in the air. Now it was time for their counter attack, as the brown bear used its powerful arm to place Clone A into grapple hold, making sure to dig it's claws into the clone's side. Its partner landed on all four before aiming a wind bullet at Clone B.
The brown bear threw the clone away as it turned around to dodge the arrow aimed at the back of its head.
Out of the ground immerged a barrage of arrows.
It burned them into ash with a fire attack from its mouth, that closely resembled a flamethrower.
The clone took this opportunity to swipe at its neck now that it was distracted despite its sides beginning to crumple into dust.
It connected, managing to make a four-inch-long cut but nothing serious.
It roared in indignation and with blinding speed turned around and grabbed the clone with one hand bit its head clean off. The head immediately turned back to soil, but it was at that instant that the sticky foam ball located in its head exploded. The brown bear's mouth was shut tight. It tried to burn the substance away, but the chakra in the fire only made the foam expand even more, until it sealed its airway, with a small amount leaking from its nose.
Unable to breath, the brown bear suffocated and dropped to the ground in a bone-less heap.
Kenji still underground maneuvered himself under the bear and thrust his sword upward before twisting.
The red blade burst out of the bear's back before sinking back down again. 'There. That should do it. I made sure to aim where the spinal cord should be located.'
The Black roared in rage as it saw his partner be killed.
Its eyes were filled with bloodlust as it charged at Clone B. The sharp wind chakra around its paws expanded until its entire body was covered in razor sharp winds.
Its speed was also boosted by this aura as it disappeared in a burst of speed, reappearing a short distance behind the clone, that now had its entire left side missing. The clone still had a shocked look on his face as it crumpled away.
Another barrage of arrows burst out of the ground, only to be knocked aside by the powerful winds.
The black bear swiped its paw in the direction of the arrows, and from each claw emerged blades of compressed air that dug trenches into the dirt.
Kenji holding the bow burst from his hiding spot just in time to dodge to the side. Another Kenji holding a kunai appeared a distance away.
Placing his bow away, Kenji took out his sword and the talismans appeared around his head once more. The other Kenji wove hand seals before calling out his jutsu, "Earth Release: Rock Pillar Prison!"
Tall stone pillars emerged from the ground, scattered around the bear to hinder its movements.
It was still covered in wind so together the two Kenjis nodded and climbed on top of two opposite pillars and went through hand seals in unison.
"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!"
Twin balls of fire hit the wind armor of the chakra beast, igniting it on contact.
The bear was soon covered in flames, and unlike it's partner it didn't have any special resistance. The oxygen around it was also used up by the flames robbing it of its breath. With no choice, the bear dismissed its wind armor.
In that instant, Akame struck.
Immerging from her hiding place, she activated her weapon's special ability, and two chakra blades a foot long emerged from each side of her mouth. She leaped towards its legs, the chakra blades did their job as they bit deep into the muscle before she jumped away.
She landed on a stone pillar and used it as a spring board to launch another attack.
Akame became a white blur as she used chakra enhanced hops to jump from pillar to pillar, every time she passed the black bear another rip would appear on its flesh, coating the ground in blood.
The bear roared in anger as it tried to take a swipe at her, but Akame used her superior speed to bounce off the paw and score a critical hit.
This time the beast roared in pain, as it had its eyes slashed open, leaving it blind. It attacked the stone pillars instead of trying to defend itself, crushing them with its powerful claws, forcing Akame to stop her barrage and Kenji and his clone to drop down to the floor.
The bear recognized the smell of his partner's blood coming from the sword and attacked Kenji who was still falling.
"Damn it," Kenji cursed unable to react to the surprise attack.
The bear bit down on his leg, tearing it off completely. He slashed at the bear's head with his sword managing to make a long cut along its snout.
Making the ram hand seal with one hand, he shouted.
The talismans around his head transformed to show that they weren't talisman at all but paper bombs instead. They detonated at the same time around the pair, engulfing them in a fiery explosion.
The other Kenji watched with batted breath as the smoked cleared. The beast fell backwards, its entire head was burned to a crisp. The Kenji that was also caught in the center of the blast dropped to the ground, missing his upper half. The remain body part turned to dust, showing that it had been the earth clone all along.
"It's a good thing I switched weapons when we were still underground, huh Akame?" the real Kenji commented as he took out an upgraded Kunai and threw it at the bear's head. There was no response. "Looks like it's dead. Why don't you go check Akame? You know, just to make sure?"
The rabbit looked at him as if to say, 'Are you stupid?'
Seeing he would get his way, Kenji decided to take one for the team, but not before slipping a talisman in his palm.
Carefully walking around the rubble caused by the pair, he made his way toward his sword that was blown away from the explosion. Placing the blade close to his eye he inspected it for any cracks or chips, "Looks good. It doesn't appear to be damaged, but I should probably check it later in my workshop."
He walked close to the downed chakra beast and stretching his sword as far as possible.
Poke. Poke.
"Looks like it really is dead. Akame it's safe! How do you feel about a little bear stew?" Kenji shouted as he turned around.
The black bear that had been presumed dead took this chance to gather the last of its energy and formed a wind sphere filled with twirling blades. It stood up to its full height and launched its sneak attack on Kenji's unprotected back.
Just as it looked like it would hit, Kenji turned around and stuck out a hand to intercept the attack. The wind ball detonated with the power of a hurricane, ripping the ground around Kenji like it was nothing, and throwing dust in the air.
When the dust cleared, it showed Kenji completely unharmed, not even his clothes were ruffled. The ground behind him was also left untouched. The shield talisman on his palm turned to dust.
"Ha! As if I would really let down my guard, just because of that," Kenji said as he disappeared from his spot and appeared behind the bear.
The bear didn't even have time to look shocked as its head flew off its shoulders.
'I ain't going to be fooled like team 7 was, screw Zabuza. I won't believe an enemy is dead until I see their head cut off, and even then, I'll still be skeptical. Damn shinobi and their bullshit abilities,' Kenji thought as he performed a medical ninjutsu on the body, just to make sure it was really dead.
"What the?" Kenji said with stupefied tone when he found an anomaly in the bear's body. Taking his sharpest knife from his inventory, he made an incision along its chest. Rolling his sleeves up, he stuck his hand all the way to the shoulder as he rummaged inside until his fingers clutched the giant heart. With a mighty tug, he pulled his hand out of the bear, still holding the heart. "Akame! Get your fluffy butt over here!"
Akame crossed the distance in a single leap.
"Gulp. I-is this what I think it is," Kenji shakily asked, before taking the knife and cutting the heart in half.
Right there, impeded into the flesh was purple sphere like gem, the size of a pearl. It was giving off an immense amount of chakra, "This shouldn't be possible, these aren't supposed to exist, …a spiri- no, a chakra beast crystal. Akame let's check the other bear!"
The brown bear also had a beast crystal inside of its heart.
'So it's true,' Kenji thought, 'The spirit beasts in Kenji A's books are real. Was this caused by me, because I carelessly dumped all of that chakra dust down the bathroom drain?'
"Akame come here, we need to check something?" the small boy said as he stood up from his spot. He placed the two beast crystals in his ring's inventory and strapped the bow and the sword to his back. "Leave the bears, they aren't going anywhere, we'll pick them up on the way back!"
The two disappeared into the forest in the direction of where the bears had come from.
A cat Anbu and a monkey Anbu emerged from their hiding spot.
The cat Anbu took out a scroll and walked toward the two bear carcass and sealed them inside with a puff of smoke. "Monkey, take this to the Hokage immediately. I'll follow the target, he appearance to know about where these creatures came from."
The monkey masked shinobi disappeared in a whirlwind of leaves. The cat anbu took out a camera from her uniform and snapped some pictures of the battleground for evidence later. When she finished taking enough pictures she also disappeared from the area.
"…haha. No way," Kenji laughed humorlessly as he stared at the large sewer pipe that drained into a river. He shook with terror as he saw the river flow into the worst place imaginable, Training Ground 44, the Forest of Death.
"What do you think the chances are that those two bears were the only chakra beasts around?" he said to his partner with a hopeful smile.
Akame gave him a deadpan look that crushed all of that hope into dust.
"Well, at least they can't link this to me, … right? I'm sure this will fix itself sooner or later, … but we should probably make plans to leave Konoha as soon as possible just in case," the boy said with a smile as he turned away from the giant keg bomb he had created.
"Ah! It looks like I accidentally lost my memory of the last 40 minutes Akame. We really should get back to the village and finish selling this boar to the butcher" he declared outload, causing the Cat Anbu in the tree to sweat drop at his pitiful attempt to ignore reality.
Minium chakra points needed to reach this level.
Civilian 5
Academy student 50
Genin 500
Chunin 5,000
Jonin 50,000
Kage 500,000
Tailed beast 1,000,000+
I won't even mention Kaguya or the Ten-tails, just because the number is too high.
Now this isn't perfect, but it is at least decent enough for me to get a clear understanding. Tailed beast have more chakra than just 1,000,000 obviously but I won't get to that until much later into the story.
So again, Kenji is a solid genin level ninja after all those pills enhancers, training, and chakra controls. With the unpredictability of his upgraded tools, he becomes a low chunin at best.
Also just to clarify, the amount of dust that Kenji threw down the drain before thinking of using it to make pills and potions wasn't small. He was literally throwing barrels worth of this stuff. Chunin exams are going to be something else I tell you.