
Chapter 7: Truth of the Eight Gates

Disclaimer: I don't Naruto or any other references mentioned in this fanfic.

A/N: So quick note. In this chapter I will try to explain a little more on the eight gates.

The show doesn't really cover much on them, other than opening all eight will cause even a normal civilian to have Kage level power in exchange for dying. So this will be my own theory as well as the explanation used in this fanfic.

Don't worry if you don't understand everything, since I will cover it more in-depth in later chapters.

I would also like to take this moment to point out that there must have been more Gate users in the history, since Madara recognized Gai using the gates when they first met, as well as the fact that many people already knew about the gates before Gai and the consequences of using them.

This is Gai before Rock Lee by the way, they haven't official met yet.

Chapter 7

Standing up from his sitting position, he went to welcome the eccentric jonin.

"Good afternoon," Kenji greeted taking a closed fist and placing it into his open palm before bowing.

Gai gave a dazzling smile, "Ah, you must be the owner of this youthful shop!"

"Hahaha, indeed I am. I feel honored to have Konoha's number one taijutsu expert visit my humble establishment," the fat boy complimented with a smile. If Adult Kenji's memories where to be believed then the man in front of him was one of, if not the most, powerful shinobi currently in the village. As such, he made sure to give as much respect as possible, "I am Kenji Yamamoto."

Gai looked taken aback at the complement and as he rubbed the back of his neck while trying to look humble, "Ah, I wouldn't say I'm the best taijutsu master."

'… I didn't say that.' "Please no need to be modest, it is well known even to someone like myself that Maito Gai is the best taijutsu master in the entire village," Kenji went on causing the person in question to gain a dash of red on his cheeks before trying to compose himself, no doubt he was unused to people normally complementing him.

"Cough. Well I-I suppose I have heard that once or twice," the man said as he stood up to his full height trying to look more heroic in front of the four-foot-tall youth.

Kenji nodded in affirmation, now that he had buttered him up, he could ease him into business. "If you don't mind me asking Mr. Gai, what brings you here? After all, I am just a humble store owner, I doubt I have much to offer someone of your skills, if your reputation is anything to go by."

The green clad man's ear twitched at that before trying and failing to come off as nonchalant, "Oh they talk about me? What do they saw exactly?"

With a mental eye-roll Kenji started spouting some more compliments, "They tell of the Green Beast that has a body made of steel, whose mere fist can turn even the toughest of boulders into nothing but dust. A man, who's speed is like that of wind, so fast that it seems like he disappeared without a trace. They say that his mere presence and youthful demeanor is enough to change the outcome of any battle, uplifting allies while intimidating the enemy… or at least that is what the people say."

Gai had nodded his head throughout his entire speak as if confirming it to himself, before snapping his eyes open and throwing a combination of punches to the side and looking up at the sky, "Yosh! You hear that Kakashi! I am just as famous as you! I shall challenge you the next time we meet!"

This time Kenji couldn't help but the eyeroll, not that anyone else could see with his fox like eyes.

Gai snapped his eyes to the small boy that was waiting patiently, and his smile grew even more brighter until Kenji could see a twinkle, "It is true young boy, I am Maito Gai, the Green Beast of Konoha. You appear to be a fan, how about an autograph."

A sweat drop formed on the back of the chubby boy's head when he saw the excited look and stars shine in the grown man's eyes when he thought that Kenji was a fan, "Haha, perhaps later. Didn't you need something Mr. Gai?"

"Huh? Oh yes, how could I forget!?" Gai said as he regained himself. "Cough. I came here in search of some training equipment? A friend recommended this place?"

'Finally,' the small merchant said now that they were finally back on familiar territory.

"I see, I see! Of course, I have some training equipment for sale! Did you have anything specific in mind or would you like to see a little of everything?"

Putting on a thinking pose, Gai gave him a considering look before taking out a scroll and placing it on the table. With a single hand gesture, he unsealed a large stack of money, "I would like to see a little bit of everything! Money is no issue to those who travel on the road of self-improvement!" 'How was that?' Gai thought as he took a careful peek at the small boy's reaction to his 'wise' words.

Kenji was half paying attention as his eyes were glued to the money, '200 ryo bills stacked in groups of 100. Fifteen stacks with a few loose bills comes out to 398,760 ryo!' In that simple gesture, Kenji's already existing respect for the man grew to an all time high, rivaling that of the Daimyo's wife and Tsume Inuzuka.

"Of course, Master Gai. Your legendary training is well known even to me, I will do my outmost to meet your requirements," Kenji said with a bow as he signaled for them to walk inside.

Gai misinterpreted the awed look on Kenji's face and sealed the ryo back into the scroll as he walked inside, trying to maintain his image of wise master in front of the small boy.

Disregarding everything that was in display, Kenji went into his room and took out the very best of his training equipment from his bag.

Gai, who was inspecting some nunchakus, saw him return and placed them back on the rack.

Together they walked into an open space in the clearing, which by now looked like it had been taken from the middle of a war zone.

Taking the first of the items from the stack, Kenji began. "I will start with this little piece I'm sure you are familiar with." He held up a green jumpsuit identical to the one that Gai was wearing, the only difference were the black racing strips down the sides and a small logo with a picture of a man on the back of the collar, showing that it was a human grade artifact.

Green Jumpsuit +12

Quality: Mid-human

Defense: 230

+ 900

10+: Incoming ninjutsu damage is reduced by half.

12+: Can increase gravity around the user up to 10 times as much. Radius is 5 feet. (User is not excepted from this.)

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 450

"This jumpsuit looks remarkably like my own," Gai commented as he took the jumpsuit that was offered to him.

'That's because I bought it from the same place you buy yours,' Kenji remarked mentally. Despite it's less than fashionable taste, the jumpsuit was made of a durable material that could withstand harsh battle conditions.

"Yes, well moving on. This training suit is actually tough enough to withstand most weapons. Any damage from ninjutsu based attacks will only be half as effective. But the key feature I want to show is its ability to generate a sphere five feet in radius around the user, that is capable of increasing the gravity up to 10 times its normal weight. The user is also affected by the increase in gravity, so it makes a great training tool especially combined with weights.," Kenji went on.

"Yosh, I'll take it!" Gai shouted.

"Perfect but let me demonstrate the rest of my wares before you make your decision," Kenji said as he took another item from the pile.

This item was a wooden training dummy that had been freshly polished. Kenji had found it in a trash bin behind one of the martial arts dojo's in the village. After fixing it up and giving it a fresh coat of paint, he had upgraded it.

During this, he had discovered something new about his ability. While he never knew what type of special ability the items he upgraded would get until the end, he did see a pattern start to form. While quality decided how far it could be upgraded, past actions and lingering intentions could influence the item too.

The wooden dummy for example had been made for the intention of being a sparing partner. Countless martial artist had trained with it hours on end, trying to better themselves, pour countless emotions into it with every punch, kick, or throw. In the end, the dummy had those very intentions engraved in it's very being. Kenji supposed that this was the 'Kami' that the monk had spoken about.

Copy-cat Dummy +12

Quality: Mid-human

Defense: 500

Attack: 400

+ 800 Defense

+ 600 Attack

10+: Mimics the user's fighting style, able to combine and replicate all manner of attacks, including ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu and kenjutsu.

12+: Strength, defense, and speed is always higher than its opponent.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 500

"This training dummy, for example is a mid-human grade chakra artifact."

"Mid-human chakra artifact?" Gai said with a confused look, unfamiliar with the term.

"Yes, it is the highest level of equipment I have been able to make so far. Artifacts are far different from any ordinary object you can find in the world. Take this dummy for example, it might look ordinary, but it contains two special abilities," Kenji said taking a lecture like pose as he placed the man shaped piece of wood standing upright. (A/N: It looks like a wooden version of Sonny from 'I, Robot' if that helps.)

"The first of its abilities, is that it can replicate all types of fighting including any physical and chakra-based techniques. The second, is that it will always be a little bit faster, tougher, and stronger than its opponent. Just add chakra to activate," Kenji, said as he stepped back. The first time he activated the dummy, he was unprepared and got his ass royally handed to him.

"Alright!" Gai cheered as he stood up to the dummy that was roughly his size. It looked just like a wooden mannequin with clenched fists. Placing a hand on its chest he poured a minute amount of chakra.

The dummies eyes flashed blue, and the next thing Gai knew, he had a wooden fist in his face.

'Yeah, I hate when that happens,' Kenji commented as he watched the green dressed man bounce off the ground.

Standing back up a smile, Gai wiped the small amount of blood from the edge of his nose, "Ho. It looks like this thing packs quite a punch!"

Taking the stance for the Goken, the dummy was quick to copy it.

At an unspoken signal they disappeared, leaving only clouds of dust behind.

They were too fast for someone like Kenji to see, but he could still see the after effects, mainly because random patches of dirt kept disappearing for no reason, and he could feel the shockwaves from the impact.

"Kyaa!" Kenji screamed when a patch of earth only a few inches away from his foot exploded.

Reaching into his robes, he took out a yellow orb the size of a tennis ball and threw it randomly in the air.

Sticky Foam Bomb +10

Quality: Ordinary

Defense: 0


10+: Unbreakable growing foam that restricts the movements of targets no matter how strong they are.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 30

As he expected someone broke the plastic capsule containing the foam, coating the person in question in the sticky substance.

"What the?" Gai said as he brought a hand toward the batch of foam rapidly growing on his green jumpsuit. When he tried to pull it back, he found that it was firmly stuck to the foam almost as if it were incased in concrete.

The dummy however decided to take advantage of the opening and shot a fist into Gai's abdomen only to get stuck as well.

The jonin tried to put chakra into his muscles to pull out his hand, but that only made things worse as the yellow foam exploded outward until it covered his entire torso, making him fall down to the ground. He tried to struggle but it slowly incased his body until only his face was visible.

Now that he was sure that he wouldn't accidentally get his head smashed in, Kenji took out a small squirts bottle from its hiding space and walked over to them.

"Sorry about that Master Gai, but you were getting a little too into the fight. Here, this is a solution that dissolves the foam," the small boy said as he started to spray the foam directly.

"Hahaha! Think nothing of it my youthful friend! It's been a while since I fought someone that could match me blow for blow, I suppose I got carried away!" the eccentric man said with a wide smile, his teeth twinkling in the sunlight.

The foam dissolved rapidly into nothing thanks to the solution and the man was freed in an instant. "Fantastic. How much for him Kenji-kun?" Gai said as he stared passionately at the wooden dummy that had gone limp from inactivity.

'Kenji-kun again?' "Well, as you can tell its capabilities are second to none and its ability to grow with its owner means you will never have to waste a single ryo on another dummy ever again. It was made from the best materials and the crafting process was both intricate and time-consuming, as such it is no surprise that it will be a little expense compared to my other products," Kenji said as he began to prod and show the excellent craftmanship on the dummy, all the while Gai was nodding with his eyes closed.

"Yosh! It is as you say Kenji-kun! Such a youthful training partner would no doubt be expensive! But fear not, for I have plenty of money, and determined to take him with me," The man said with fire in his eyes, as he took out three identical scrolls from his pack and unsealed them, showing that he had more money than Kenji had first assumed.

Gai gave him a thumbs up, while an artificial sunset shown in the back, giving him a golden aura. Kenji nearly swooned from all that money and had too close his eyes to not be blinded by the sun, 'Kya! So handsome! Is this what they call a rich person aura!'

'Lets see, 40,000 ryo should be enough right?' "Umm. Well then I suppose I can part with him, for 4-" the merchant began to say only to be cut off mid-sentence.

"Let me guess, 400,000 ryo right!? Such magnificent training equipment would no doubt cost at least that much!" the man shouted as he began to gather the amount mentioned from the pile.

"-Right you are Master Gai! Unbelievable, you guessed the exact amount, as expected of someone of your renowned reputation! Let me just write a receipt and I will hand him over at once," the greedy academy student said as his hands flashed inside of his robes and he took out a receipt pad from out of nowhere.

"Yosh, I think I will call him Tree-kun. What do you think Kenji-kun!?" Gai said as he stared warmly at his new training partner.

'I don't care if you give it a wig, and call it your girlfriend, just pay me first!' "I think that is a wonderful name Master Gai, it suits him," Kenji said with a smile even as he shoved the receipt into his face so that he could sign.

Gai gave him the money agreed upon and signed the receipt without a problem.

'My preccciousss!' Kenji thought as he gently rubbed the stack of money that was now his.

"Yosh! Now he's complete, don't you think so Kenji-kun?" Gai said as he moved aside to show the newly named Tree-kun, that was now dressed in an identical green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers.

Truth be told, Kenji was glad to finally be rid of that training dummy ever since he found it standing over him in the middle of the night. He had come close to shitting himself when he saw that unsettling grin, which should not have been there, looking down at him. When he had sprung out of bed, he had threatened to turn it into splinters, before tying it up in chains and sticky foam, then shoving it into the darkest parts of his backpack.

With a weak smile Kenji replied, "Yes, it suits him quite nicely. But perhaps we should go back to looking at the rest of the equipment."

"Ah! Of course, how could I forget!" Gai roared once he remembered exactly what they had been doing before. "By the way, what exactly was that foam from earlier?" he asked now that he had time to think.

Taking another one of those yellow capsules from the depth of his robes, Kenji was happy to elaborate, "I like to call them Sticky Bombs. It's filled with a foam like substance that activates when exposed to air, and continuously grows bigger by sucking away the captured person's chakra. It sticks to any substance making escape with brute force impossible and its elastic nature makes it difficult to tear or damage, the only way to get rid of it is a special solution I carry with me. By the way, these aren't for sale just yet."

Actually, there were a number of ways to get rid of the foam, like burning it with chakra-less fire or exposing it with salt water just to name a few. Since elemental jutsu contained chakra, it would just make it worse.

Also, despite calling it a bomb, it was actually an elixir that he had placed inside brittle see-through plastic snow globes. The ingredients needed to make them were a little more expensive, so he could only make a few, but he made sure to place one globe in every single earth clone manning the shop. If they were ever to be attacked by a customer or someone else, then the orb would activate and spray the offending party in the sticky foam. He kept the very best for himself after all.

"A shame, I have no doubt it would make a great training item! With it, I could strap a boulder to my back and climb the cliffs without the need for chakra!" Gai said passionately, as he clenched his fist and cried rivers of tears at the missed opportunity of such a great workout.

"Righty-oh then, moving on. The next piece I want to show you is this," Kenji said as he took out a green pill from a glass jar, that gave off a powerful smell of medicine.

(Low) Body Purifying Pill

Quality: Low Human

+Gets rid of any outside impurities from the body.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: N/A

"As shinobi who specialized in taijutsu, your body is your greatest weapon. Correct?" Kenji asked the man as he listened carefully.

"It is true, the body of a shinobi is their greatest weapon. It does not matter what great a weapon you have if you are unable to wield it," he said with a serious face that was a stark contrast to the normally goofy one he had on.

"Correct! And despite how we try, there will always be flaws that we can never fix inside ourselves. What this pill does, is expel impurities found in the body, I call it ummm- The Green Phoenix Pill!" Kenji made up on the spot.

"The Green Phoenix Pill," Gai looked at the pill in awe, by now he had gotten a good estimate of the quality of the boy's products if the dummy and the foam bomb were anything to go on.

"I recommend taking only one, since it will be more than enough," Kenji said as he placed it back in the jar, then took out a new pill. It was a shiny grey ball that looked like a metal barring.

(Low) Muscle Recovery Pill

Quality: Low Human

+Heals and strengthens ripped muscle fibers in seconds.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: N/A

"This is the Iron Tiger Pill, it heals and strengths destroyed muscle fibers without the need for medical chakra. It should be useful for someone that uses your particular fighting style," Kenji explained.

"Now the best for last. I give you this, the Ox Talisman!" Kenji said as he proudly showed off the talisman.

Kaguya's Ox Talisman

Quality: Ordinary

+ Strength steady increases proportionally to the time spent training but begins to rapidly decline once stopped training.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 20

"This is a single use talisman. Once activated, your strength will gradually increase the longer you train. However, you should be aware that it is just temporary and once you stop training, this strength will begin to fade. I recommend using this before a large battle. As they say, hard work can never betray you."

Kenji had already tested one himself. He trained for an hour, and his strength increase to the point where he could rip trees with his bare hands, but it only lasted five minutes. They gave him no real benefits anyways, so he might as well sell them to someone who could find a use for them.

"I'll take it!" Gai said excitedly.

Kenji was unable to hold back the shark like grin when he heard those words. "Perfect. Let me just ring you up."

Green Jumpsuit +12

1x Phoenix Pill

5x Tiger Pill

3x Ox Talisman

The total was around 165,000 Ryo.

Right now, Kenji was on cloud nine as he placed the money in his iron safe, that was decked out with many different kinds of traps and safeguards.

Now that business was finally taken care of, Kenji could focus on something he had been curious about. "Master Gai, if you don't mind, could I ask you some questions about taijutsu."

Gai, wanting to appear as the wise master he thought Kenji saw him as, nodded sagely, "Of course, Kenji-kun! If I am able to raise your flames of youth, I will answer all of your questions!"

Kenji tried not to flinch back at the shinny smile and thumbs up directed at him. 'Rock Lee, I can't wait until you become his student. Otherwise I fear he will try to get me into one of those ridiculous jumpsuits or try to shave my head into a bowl cut.'

Snapping his fingers, an earth clone began to prepare a quick meal for them. "Please, this way Master Gai, I would like to talk as we eat. I hope you don't mind having a meal with me."

"No, no, no, I was just getting hungry myself," Gai said to the plump boy.

They sat around the marble table outside drinking some tea as they waited for their meal, Akame was taking a nap on a pillow placed on another chair.

"So, what was it that you wanted to ask Kenji-kun?"

"Seeing as you are the leading expert in this field Master Gai, what can you tell me about the eight gates?" Kenji inquired as his eyes sharped.

Taken off guard, Gai put on a serious expression for once, "You aren't thinking off opening them by yourself, are you?"

The academy student waved him off, "No, no, I don't want to know how to open them. What I want to know is exactly what are they?"

Gai looked like was going to say something before he stopped himself. "Alright, if it's that much it should be fine. Tell me, what do you know about the chakra pathway system?"

"I know the basics. It helps to regulate the chakra in our bodies through a network of vein like pathways that work just like our cardiovascular system. All the books I've read on the subject also state that it is this very system that is in charge of collecting all of the raw energy from our cell and depositing it into our chakra reserves, located in our abdomens, where it will mix with our spiritual energies to form chakra. The chakra points act as doors, either blocking chakra or letting it flow depending on the situation," Kenji stopped to look up at the jonin's face that hadn't changed from the serious expression.

"The hand seals we use for chakra techniques are a set of gestures that can close and open some of these chakra points located in place that we normal couldn't control like our heads or our backs. Different combinations of hand seals can determine the number of tenketsu opened as well as which exact one from the 361 we have in our bodies, almost as if we were inputting a code. The more times we perform a jutsu, the more our chakra network remember which sequence of points need to be opened and closed, which in turn makes it possible to reduce the number of seals needed to perform the jutsu. It is theorized that it would be possible to perform a jutsu with no hand seals if we could control the closing and opening of all of these points consciously instead of subconsciously, but none have been able to do it," Kenji finished as he took a sip of his tea to quench his parched throat. 'Not even the famed Hyugas, who boast the best chakra control in the village, have been able to manage that. The closest they've come is to expel chakra from every point in their bodies but never close and open them with just their mind.'

The bowl haired man nodded in affirmation, "It is just as you say, Kenji-kun. To open or close these points consciously without hand seals would be no different than forcing your pancreas to secrete insulin into your bloodstream whenever you demanded. Even though our bodies are able to do things like making blood or digesting food, we are never consciously aware of it because many of these functions are run on autopilot. Hand seals provide a way around this, by tricking our chakra pathways, just like how medicine does the same to our bodies."

'I already knew this. If everyone could open and close them whenever they wanted, then why use hand seals at all,' Kenji thought. "So my question is, what are the eight gates, and what is there purpose in all of this."

Taking a paper and a pen from his jacket, Gai drew an outline of the person with eight different points. "The gates are chakra tenketsu that are left out from the normal chakra pathway system. When people talk of 'opening' the gates, what they really mean by that is connecting these chakra points back into the chakra system. However, there are reasons why it is considered dangerous to open even one of these gates."

The small boy was giving his outmost attention as this was exactly what he wanted to know ever since he saw Kenji A's memories. Even Akame who was faking being asleep had one ear trained on Gai.

"The first thing to note, is that the gates, unlike the rest of the tenketsu, are always open. Many that have tried to use the Eight Gates died because they were only able to make the initial connection but either didn't know how or couldn't cut it off in time and had their entire chakra reserves drained in mere minutes," Gai spoke sadly as he stared at the table.

'So if you aren't able to sever the connection, you risk the danger of having your entire chakra leak out almost like a water balloon that has a hole in it. The more I hear of these gates, the more dangerous they sound.'

Composing himself, Gai went on, "The next thing that you should be aware of is that these gates are responsible for the autonomic nervous system which regulate things like heart rate, respiratory rate, pupilar response, digestion, etc. Opening one will force your body into overdrive and these functions will work beyond what is safe."

Taking the pen, he pointed to the first of the gates on the diagram that was located in the head, "For example, the first of these gates is the Gate of Opening. Now normally the brain restricts 80% of the total strength in our muscles so that we don't accidently rip and tear them when we do something as simple as jumping but opening this gate would give the person 100 % of this power. The person would need to work extremely hard to control this new strength as well as understand their body's limits, so they don't accidentally rip a necessary muscle or tendon."

"That makes sense I suppose, I had some suspicion that it had to be something like that," Kenji remarked. From the memories of the show it always looked like Rock Lee and Gai were performing superhuman feats. To be frank, this was the perfect taijutsu for someone like Lee, that was always pushing past his bodies limits.

"The next gate is the Gate of Healing, which is also located in the brain, however contrary to the name, it doesn't actually heal the body. What it actually does is two things, first it floods our bodies with a steady stream of never-ending adrenaline, numbing the pain from the first gate. It then forces the mitochondria in our cells to burn almost all of the glucose stored in our blood system to make more energy," Gai confessed shocking Kenji greatly.

'Damn, now I know why it's considered a forbidden technique. You are literally butchering yourself every single time you use one of these gates,' Kenji thought with a grimace. "Going from what you told me so far, I'm guessing that the next gate, the Gate of Life has something to do with the heart."

The jonin nodded, "Yes, it is just as you guessed, the Gate of Life, located in the spine, removes the restrictions that control our heart rates and in turn the heart will increase blood flow. The skin on the user will usually steam and turn red at this point from a combination of blood pressure and overheating cause by the mitochondria."

"So you are risking a heart attack every time you use this gate is what you are saying," the small boy concluded. The heart could only take so much stress after all and unlike muscles and bones, it couldn't be trained or hardened. "I never new the gates had such a dark secret."

Gai hesitantly asked, "Should I stop?"

Kenji shook his head, he wanted to know the rest.

He opened his eyes to their fullest, showing twin pools of amber and spoke in the most serious voice he could manage from a ten-year-old body, "Please, go on. I want to know everything."

Like that, the afternoon was spent. Kenji learned everything there was to know about the gates without actually experiencing them himself.

Standing up from his seat, he walked in front of Gai, then he gave a 90 degree bow, "Thank you."

"Huh?" Gai said as he hadn't expected that.

"It seems I was not wrong about you Master Gai. This noble persona of yours- this willingness to sacrifice yourself for your teammates and your village, I don't think I will ever meet someone that is more fit for the title of Shinobi. On behalf of everyone in the village that you have protected I want to say… thank you!" Kenji spoke with as much gratitude as he could manage while staring down at the floor.

The show had always made Gai and Lee seem like such comedic characters that it was easy to forget that they used a forbidden fighting technique every day, that they willingly risked death and permanent injury just to improve themselves in the hopes of not being left behind.


Glancing upward, Kenji was treated to an ugly expression as Gai had tears stream down his eyes and snot dripping from his nose.


"Master Gai?"


"M-master Gai?" replied Kenji hesitantly as he started to see imaginary waves form behind the man.


In the blink of an eye, Gai had wrapped him in a bear hug.

"Gahh!" Kenji yelped when he felt the tears and snot on his cheeks. With a quick hand seal he substituted with a nearby earth clone.

Wiping his cheeks clean he made to excuse himself, "You know what, let me check on our meals, they should have been done by know." 'Actually that's a good question, just what exactly has that clone been doing this entire time?'

A/N: Done.

So first things off, I want to take a moment to explain a little more on the gates.

To me, it always made sense that the gates where connected to the autonomic nervous system since it needed to be something that Rock Lee could use while at the same time being a physical change that the sharingan couldn't copy.

I tried to explain it in the most logical way possible, which was hard since it is a fictional ability, but maybe one day Kishimoto will give a real explanation of the gates. This will also form the foundation of Kenji's cultivation.

Sorry if it was too short, but I didn't want to overload my readers with too many unfamiliar terms.

If you have a better explanation I would love to hear them. (PM me)

By the way, if you haven't guessed it yet. Many of the chakra artifacts get their world changing abilities from taking nearby nature energy. That's why the dummy (Tree-kun) only need a tiny amount of chakra to activate, the rest of its energy was supplied from the nature. That being said, the dummy will become inactive if it can't fight its opponent.

The Sticky bombs were something I thought off when I was watching the movie 'Incredibles'.

Also, before anyone asks. No, Kenji will not be Gai's student.

Thanks for reading.