

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

zoya_raichand · LGBT+
12 Chs


Next morning..

A mischievous grin spread across my face. No morning commute? Today was a good day. I reveled in the luxury of a slow start, then finally dragged myself out of bed and into a refreshing shower. Now, get this – thanks to Ma'am's, shall we say, 'unconventional' ways, I don't just have a room at Zior, I have a whole wardrobe pre-stocked! Clothes, shoes, cosmetics – everything a girl could need for any occasion. Seriously, this is one of the reasons why I say that that woman's mind is a labyrinth!

Anyway, after getting myself together, it was time to get the day rolling. Except, instead of coffee, my first mission involved waking up the dragon (affectionately, of course). With a peek at Ma'am's door, I wondered what kind of whirlwind the day would bring. Here's hoping for a slightly less intense one, but knowing Ma'am, that might be wishful thinking!

[Knock knock]

"Ma'am? Please answer if you're awake".


"I am coming in",

[Snore… snore]

She is definitely not a morning person, "Ma'am, it's already morning…Please get up…"

Ma'am was totally tucked in her quilt and was sleeping soundly

"Mmm..Cia..", Ma'am mumbled 

"Yes, It's me Ma'am"

"Is there any important work to be taken care of?"

"No, today you don't have", 

"Then let me sleep…If anything comes up, let me know"

A sigh escaped from my lips

"Okay..sleep tight "



"You're the bestttt…." She said this without opening her eyes, a soft small smile played on her lips.

She looked so cutteee like this...completely opposite to her usual cool self!!! I feel like poking her cheeks...Damnnn this person!!

"I know…rest well", I giggled

Classic Ma'am. No important meeting is equal to no sign of life for her. Must be hibernating after her non-stop work bender. I am pretty sure that she has been working non-stop for the past few days to burn herself like this...

Meanwhile, I, the ever-efficient Cia, have already conquered my entire day's to-do list. It's, like, not even lunchtime yet. So, what's a super productive personal assistant to do? Maybe I should tackle tomorrow's tasks? Nah, too ambitious even for me. Organize Ma'am's already-immaculate desk? Tempting, but too lazy, and it's already been organized yesterday.

Hmm... maybe I could sneak a peek at the guest list and see if any cute celebrities are checking in today? Just kidding... (mostly).

Looks like it's a day for exploring my options. Maybe a spa treatment? Or finally, tackling that novel I've been meaning to read? Decisions, decisions... 

What to do...what to do~~~

As I was lost in my own world, suddenly my phone notifications brought me back


Hmm…Text from the Ma'am! Let's see what it is...

[You can go home after post lunch if you have completed all the tasks today, which I think you have already. Take the rest of the day off..

FYI: If I see you lurking around, your pay is toast.]

Hold on a second. How did she KNOW I finished everything? Does the woman have psychic powers, or is there a hidden camera in my coffee mug? 

I quickly replied to her back [Okay, ma'am]

After I sent and was dwelling on my dream world...a familiar voice chirped....snapping me out to reality...

"Hello Dear..." the voice greeted with a warm smile

"Miss Rin!!"

Miss Rin. Now there's an enigma. The ever-smiling head, seriously, the woman could light up a room with sunshine, and I swear I've never seen her break a sweat, let alone get angry. Not only this but she is the closest person to Ma'am. I don't think I know anyone who knows Ma'am better than her.

But there is a twist, Miss Rin doesn't work here. She works somewhere else which I am not sure yet where. But what I am sure is, that Miss Rin can do whatever she wants here. There are many times she helped ma'am with files and office work. It's like she is the other boss. But when I asked her if she was, she laughed and firmly said 'NO' and her only explanation was that Ma'am is just not any person in her life. She is precious like her life. 

"Good afternoon Cia", said Miss Rin

"Greetings, Miss Rin, how can I assist you today?", I asked 

"Where is Ryo?"

"She is up today in her room"

"Lazing around…I see"

"Haha…no..no..we worked until late night yesterday. So she must have been tired"

"Hmm..till late huh..she also didn't sleep the other nights…must be burned out!!!" Miss Rin said, a hit of concerned voice.

My eyes widened a bit "Huh…how did you know?", shocked evitable in my voice

Weird!! How did she know, because, even I have the same thought...

"Cuz she was with me all the other nights" 

"Oh.. Must have been tough.."

A sigh escaped from her lips "Don't even ask me because of that Idiot my whole body was sore for the whole two days!!!... Just as I recovered yesterday but was again stormed with work...", As Miss Rin was complaining and I couldn't help myself but laugh... 

"haha..then let me walk you up to the room"

"No, it's okay…you must have work to do, I will go by myself…"

"As you wish "

"Take care, Cia", said Miss Rin as she turned around

"Yes..you too"


As soon as Miss Rin left, I again got a message from Ma'am...

[Can you get me something light to eat before you leave?]

Sure ma'am, I will be there soon (Send message)

Okay, decision time! Food for the overworked CEO....Smoked tuna sandwich and salad – healthy but delicious, a winner! With a triumphant nod, I marched down to the restaurant and snagged the chef. Fifteen minutes later, I was back in the elevator, a perfectly balanced meal in hand. Now, to deliver it...

But as I approached the room, a jolt of surprise stopped me dead in my tracks. The door was ajar, and a voice – definitely not Ma'am's – boomed from inside. Hold on, that's Miss Rin's voice! And it doesn't exactly sound friendly... 


"Ryo…you..this…how long…please…"

"Rin..all okay…"


Hold on a minute... fighting? Miss Rin, the queen of sunshine smiles, raising her voice?? This was practically unheard of! Because as I said, this woman wouldn't yell at a fly, let alone Ma'am. So, what could have possibly pushed her buttons this hard? 

What should I do now??!!! arghh..My mind raced. Should I just pretend I never heard anything and slink away? But then what will happen?!!!

I gathered every fiber bit of my courage and decided to go in!!! I'm not exactly a fan of confrontation, but seeing them like this does not sit right with me...Their usual friendly bickering was one thing, but a full-blown fight? No way..not in hell on my watch...

Okay, Cia...let's do this...I gave myself a last push and marched forward...

[Knock …knock..]

"Ma'am, it's Cia", there was a moment of silence before Ma'am called me in

"Come in cia…"

"No…no…don't come Cia..stupid", Miss Rin's voice echoed but it was too late. I already pushed the door open and entered.

"Here is your food...ahhh…I am sorryyy", I shuttered and quickly turned around 

"Huh…what's wrong…", Ma'am asked


"Cia, Why are you still showing me you're back? Look my way.." She pressed 



Ahh..I know this voice tone. She uses this tone when she is super serious. 

"Yes ma'am", I turned back to face her but was still looking down, unable to look at her directly..I mean, come on... how the hell am I supposed to look at you when you're like that??!!!

"Straight to me..Looks up.." She commands 

"Ma'am, your attire…it's a bit...", I blushed immediately as soon as I looked directly at her. This is the first time I have seen Ma'am like this!

"What's wrong?", Ma'am asked me and you can definitely get a hint of annoyance in her voice now


"Ouchhh….what the hell?? Why did you hit me??"

"Are you stupid? How do you not suppose her to get flustered after seeing you like this?"

"Huh..me!?? But am I not wearing my lingerie?", Ma'am complained to Miss Rin who was looking at Ma'am with eyes saying, 'You hopeless creature, would it kill you to shut your mouth'

"Sigh…shut it, I am sorry Cia..this boss of yours has no shame", Miss Rin looked at me with a sorry gaze asking me to understand her.

"Umm…hmm", I nodded to Miss Rin with a smile, assuring her that everything was all good and trying my best to hide the embarrassment at the same time.

"You can go now…thank you for bringing her the food", said Miss Rin

"Yes, please enjoy your time", I kept the food try on the table and bowed a little before leaving the room

My feet pounded a hasty retreat, desperate to escape the place but for some unknown reason I decided to quickly have a look at them to ensure that the storm had passed and now everything is okay?!!! Moreover, a peek is harmless, right?!!


The sight that greeted me froze my mind. Miss Rin, who was now sitting so close to Ma'am, that there was hardly a few inches of gap between them. One hand, with a tenderness I'd never witnessed, cupped Ma'am's cheek. Their faces were mere inches apart, a scene radiating an intimacy. And Miss Rin was wearing an expression that I had never seen, it was not anger that held her a while ago but a raw emotion that I was unable to understand this time.

A strange sensation twisted in my gut. A feeling I couldn't quite place. Something I'd never felt before. Arghhh..what the hell!!! Forget it!!!... I am free for the rest of the day so let's not waste it and it seems everything is okay now...So let's leave for the day!!

As I was walking towards my table, a sudden image of Ma'am in her lingerie crossed my mind

Ahhhh….what was thattttt!!??? Why the hell did I think of that??? And...How can she be all coolll with it? It was like, only I was the one, who was way too self-conscious at that time?!!!... Does she have no shame??!!! Damn..now I am getting all embarrassed just thinking about it..

But she..looked..so…sexy in those black lacy...huh...wait! What did I just think? Sexy?!!!

Argh..just what am I thinking… Imagining Ma'am like that on bed?!!! Stoppp...

[Slap…slap on the cheek]

No…noo…okay all good now…don't think…yesss

I should leave for the day since I already got permission. 

I sent a text to Ma'am saying that I'll be leaving for the day. And she reverted with

[Okay, take care Cia]

I quickly packed my things and was ready to kill myself on my bed...After I reached home, I took a nice long hot bath. 

Ahh, I am so tired today…A hot bath hit the spot at the end of the day…I let my body go loose and let it naturally flop on the bed.

Today was certainly an eventful day huh…I don't know when I doze off...But my eyes opened up automatically after a few hours I guess...I don't know what time it was. Didn't think that I would fall asleep while running the whole day's scenery in my head. 

Mmm…what time is it ??

I reached out to my phone to check the time…

3Am !!??

Urghhh…why…but then again it's natural since I slept way too early..(Growling sound)

Let's eat first then think …

After eating the late-night dinner, I played a system game for a while, and soon it was morning. I can hear the birds chirping outside!

I got up from my gaming chair and decided to leave early for work today because I don't know what I should do more and the main reason is if I don't stop playing now I will definitely be late for work...and I would hate that!!

I reached the office way early since there was no traffic today. One of the advantages of leaving early huh!!

But 2 hours before the work time! Way too early! As I was walking towards my desk I saw Ma'am's cabin light on. Hmm…did the security forget to switch off the lights? 

I opened the door to off the lights but surprisingly Ma'am was sleeping on the sofa and the front table was covered with scattered files. Seems like she was working till early morning again! 

Sigh…if you sleep like this you will catch a cold stupid..

I quickly grabbed a blanket and put it on her. And decided to leave without making any sounds. But as soon as I stood up and turned around. Ma'am's hand holds my hand.


"Don't….stay…!!", Ma'am mumbled in a low whisper 

"Umm.. ma'am?", It seems like she is sleep-talking, but before I can free my hand from her hold, she pulls me.

"Arck..wait…!!!" I lost my balance and directly fell on top of her...

I looked up but a blush crept on my cheeks "Whatt….waiiittttt …. "

"Shushh…let's sleep a little more okay!!!" said Ma'am, tightening her hold on my body. 


what should I do? She is holding me so tightly!!! I can't move….!! I tried to free myself but was of no use...and the feeling of warmth and coziness from the hug was making me sleepy now.

No…no…this is making me sleepy…maybe because I was up early today!!

I was barely able to keep my eyes open now...and like my eyes, my mind was also getting shut!

"Maybe a little sleep should be okay, right!!?? I am so sleepy…" I murmured before dozing off…



I don't know how long I slept but what I do know is that my mind was blank from the cozy feeling and good sleep. 


"mm…Where…", I opened my eyes with a blurry vision which was soon frozen. 

"You up…good morning sleeping beauty," said Ma'am who was holding me in her arms

"Good morning...huh..Ma'am?!", Holy shit…I panicked and tried to create a distance between us which was the stupidest thing I could have done at that time


Oh no ..I am gonna fall!!! Bracing for impact, I squeezed my eyes shut, teeth gritted against the pain to come. Then, a sudden weight slammed against me, knocking the breath from my lungs. Disoriented, I cracked open an eye, expecting a face contorted in pain, the floor rushing up to meet me.

Instead, a strong arm shot out, yanking me back with surprising ease. Ma'am was looking down on me with no anger, no surprise, just an intense focus that sent shivers down my spine. What just happened? How did she…?

It seemed that Ma'am pulled me towards her as I was about to fall and now here I am without a scratch or wound but Ma'am hovering above me, looking directly into my eyes. My heart was pounding so fast and my breath was stuck in my throat, was it by the shock of falling? or Seeing Ma'am like this??!!!

"Why are you so worked up this early in the morning huh?" Ma'am asked while getting off me

"Ah..I am sorry Ma'am"….

Arghh..it's so embarrassing... I got up slowly and continued..

"Um ma'am…I was..", I opened my mouth to explain but before I could explain the situation Ma'am cut me off

"I know" 

"Huh?! Pardon?", I asked, with confusion

"I must have pulled you when you were trying to put the blanket on me right?", said Ma'am 

"Yes.. but how do you know?"

"Rin told me"

"Miss Rin?"

"Yeah…in the past she told me since I did the same thing with her many times"


"Sorry to trouble you Cia",

"No no ..it's not a problem, in fact, I got a good sleep thanks to you"

"Did you wake up early today?"


"I am going up to my room to freshen up",

"Sure ma'am, how about a cup of herbal tea today?"

"Haha..yes…you sure do know what I want Cia"

"200%...then I'll bring the tea to your room"


And just like that, I showed her my proud smile… before Ma'am left the office cabin