

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

zoya_raichand · LGBT+
12 Chs


Let me tell you, the universe seems to have a personal vendetta against my comfort today. It's the kind of hot that makes you question your life choices, even the good ones like that morning coffee. Summer just started, and already it feels like the sun got stuck on "high beam." Walking to work was like wading through a shimmering mirage – ten whole minutes of torture just to reach the blessed gates of air conditioning!

Thankfully, the Zior Establishment is a haven of cool constancy. (Bless the inventors of 24/7 AC, I say!) But for all its perks, there's one downside – the workload. It's not that I hate my job, far from it! As a self-proclaimed workaholic, what's not to love? The only challenge comes in the form of my boss... the one and only owner of this entire empire. Some might find my job dull, a sea of paperwork and emails. But trust me, there's a certain thrill to it. Especially when you're learning from the best – my boss, that is.

My name's Cia, and I'm the personal secretary to the woman who built Zior from the ground up. A seven-star hotel chain, the crown jewel of Asia with branches scattered across the continent. Not too shabby, right? With a quick check of my supplies – files, iPad, and a healthy dose of optimism – I headed straight for her office. Time to greet the queen bee and dive into the whirlwind that is another day at Zior!

"Good morning Ma'am", I greeted with a warm smile

"Morning Cia, You're here, right on time", replied Ma'am

"Of course, Right here ma'am the report you asked for through the text"

"oho..thank you Cia"

"You seem tired! Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Never miss it do ya? Then, please.."

"With pleasure, ma'am"

This person is my Boss the very owner of this establishment 

Ryo - 28th years old - Founder and owner of the Zior.

I have been working for her for almost 3 years now. When I joined, the hotel was not very well known or even a seven-star, more like any 3-star hotel. But within 3 years, it became this big thanks to her hard work. She never stopped working in all these years and has always been giving her all. I don't think I have ever met anyone as hardworking as her in my entire life. I respect her from the bottom of my heart. And to tell you the truth I didn't even think that I would be working for such a great establishment...It was never in my bingo card!!

Me? A college graduate, with zero fancy experience in the corporate ladder!!!

When I got recruited here, I didn't believe it and was just staring at my mail for an entire 2 hours, a mail notifying me that I had been selected for the job and should report tomorrow. First I thought is it a prank? But the official mail ID and signature are by no means prankster. Even to this day, I am curious about how the hell did I get selected?!!! Maybe someday I will ask her... 

And more than anything, Since I have worked from scratch, this establishment is more like a baby to me than a mere workplace!!!

But Ma'am!!...now don't get me wrong, Ryo's amazing – cool, competitive, and genuinely cares about her employees. But oh boy, is she a workaholic! Capital "W" workaholic, even by my standards. Sharp as a tack and strict, sure, but that's just part of the whirlwind that is Ryo...But I Like this part of her!!! Sometimes I think she is only alive thanks to the coffee.

I made the coffee that Ma'am likes, strong with less sugar. 

"Here ma'am, hope you like it", I said while keeping the coffee mug on the table

Ma'am took a long big sip 

"Ahhh…there is no way I'll ever dislike it. After all, you know my taste more than anyone else Thank you, Cia"

"Right..you have a meeting at 4 o'clock for the new foundation today"

"Mmm..anything else?'



I thought that today would be a smooth day but my expectations seemed to hit the reality in the afternoon meeting. Sigh….I guess Mr. Asako hit the rock today!!

[During the meeting]

"Mr. Asako, did you complete the report that I asked you about?", asked Ma'am

"Uhmm...I am sorry ma'am but it's still not completed" 

"Are you kidding with me now? Tomorrow is the last day, isn't it? For what purpose do you think I gave you 2 whole weeks..huh??"

"I am sorry"

"I don't care if you have to pull an all-nighter today but I want the report by tomorrow on my desk. GOT IT?"

"Yes ma'am"

Just as I thought she never goes easy if it's related to work but ….

After the meeting ended, everyone went back to their respective desks. The meeting was held for 2 hours. So it was soon time to clock out. 

"Argh…how can I just forget to back up the file? If it was not for this I wouldn't have had to pull all-nighters and Ma'am wouldn't have been mad at me.", Asako complaining to himself

"Haha….yeah that's true…but don't worry", said one of the employees

"Yeah, you know how our boss is…" said another employee joining the conversation

"Yes," Asako said while smiling softly

"Okay I am off to work..good work everyone"

"Asako, all the best"

"Yeah, good work"

[Typing typing]

"Arghh..stretching…what time is it? I am almost done..but doesn't look like I can catch the last train!" Okay back to work..work..come on...

[Pat on the shoulder]


"Go home now..or else you will miss your train"

"Umm..but the work…"

"It's okay...I will do the rest. Send me the data and everything"

"But…I can't…"

"I am not asking you. It's an order"

"Yes boss'

"Oh and here.."


"Yeah, since you probably didn't have dinner. Heat it and eat it later"

"Thank you, boss"

That's the thing about Ma'am, though – she's a boss unlike any other. Sure, she's a hurricane of work ethic, but she'd never leave her team hanging. It's like having a super-driven older sister who secretly wants everyone to succeed. No wonder everyone in the office respects her – she pushes us to be our best, but always has our backs. Now, that's a recipe for a pretty awesome workplace, wouldn't you say?

"How long do you wish to stay there? Cia."

"Ahh..you knew all along huh", and here I thought that I was hiding well, nothing can escape that eyes of her, is it?!!

"Of course, you should also go home"

"No, I will help you out, ma'am"

"No, it's late"

"It's the job of the PA to assist their boss"

Sigh..."I can't win, do I?"


"Okay but let's have dinner first, I am sure you haven't had it yet"


And just like that, we both started to work on the data after our dinner. The clock kept on ticking and before I noticed it, it was already 2:30 Am in the morning.

"Finally done with all the work" I stretched my arms in the air. My body was all stiff from sitting for so long.

"Yes thank you for the help"

"My pleasure, ma'am. I should go now…"

"Where are you going?"

"huh ..umm..to a nearby hotel to stay"

"Are you stupid?"


"Do you really think I will let you go? This late?? And moreover, did you forget that you got a room of you're own here?"


"Stay here! why are you going to some cheap hotel at this time when you can stay in a luxury one without a fee?"


"Let's go"

"Yes",I can never understand what's going inside her brain

Now, Ma'am does have a crazy side to her workaholic ways. Like, there's a room here for me to stay in when things get super intense (like today!). But honestly, who even remembers with all the chaos? I mean, come on, a personal room in a seven-star hotel? Not just any room, mind you, but a freakin' suite – the kind that millionaires fight over for a single night!

And here's the kicker: the entire top floor is Ryo's private sanctuary. Off-limits to everyone, even those obscenely rich folks with bottomless wallets. It's her own personal kingdom.

I didn't dare to utter a single word and silently followed her.. 

"You have your room card with you, right?"

"Ah..yes", I never even took it out of my cardholder purse. That room card is more like a bank card to me...a damn precious card, Of course, I can't say this to her

"If you need anything or have any problem then call me"

"Okay, thank you, ma'am"

"Night Cia"

"Good night ma'am"

YO, I know the first chapter may not be as exciting for you, but please continue reading because I believe you will enjoy it as time goes on.

zoya_raichandcreators' thoughts