
idk lol

Authors note: This is extremely short so sorry and You and Tsuki are dating just to let you know <3

"Hey y/n" said Tsukishima. "Hey Kei" you say as you walk into your apartment. "How was your day?" he asked while you stepped towards him."Crappy" You say as you hug him "Oh" Tsuki said and sighed "What? I'm the one who should be pissed here" You say and he laughed "I'm not pissed" He says "It's just that I hate to see you in a bad mood" You blush a little and hug him tighter "Hey what are you doing?" He asked in a calm tone. "Nothing, I just want to cuddle" You say "This isn't cuddling" he says and chuckles "I know that" you say in a annoyed-ish tone cause he was acting like you were five.

We just stood there not letting go of each other for a few seconds until Tsuki said, "Well if you want to cuddle we can" "Really?!" you asked joyfully as you let go of him "Yeah really, You think imma say no" He said with a light smile. "No but...I don't know really" You say and put your hand on the back of your neck. He laughs and says "Come on we can watch your favorite movie if you want to" "Ok coming!" you say as you walk from your front door to your small and cosy living room.

You and Tsuki ended up watching movies for a few and fell asleep but before you went to sleep you hear Tsuki say "I love you..." in a tired tone and you reply back with "I love you too..."