
Keep Your Sword On Me

War approaches after every New Year’s Day between the four most powerful color coded kingdoms. Crimson, Sapphire, Onyx, and Viridian. The past eighteen years have been hectic for the most powerful Princess in the Crimson kingdom, as she was known as Miss Peacekeeper. Her birthday, at exactly twelve on January first, would change everything.

LilyandEvergreen · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Unexpected Events

Rosewood sat by the fountain in front of the Crimson castle, her mind wandering to every thought in her head. She thought about being queen, she thought about her siblings, she thought about her parents, and most of all she thought about Raven.

Something about him was so alluring, so sweet that she could barely keep her head from thinking of him. He had drawn her in with nothing but his eyes and his skillful dance. Rosewood had never even looked at someone from a different kingdom before. She always kept herself close to her family, especially on New Years Eve. It wasn't like her to so easily accept a dance or even a gift from someone of another kingdom. But he'd been so sweet about it…

Rosewood could've sworn her heart would betray her if she ever laid eyes on him again. This would mean she needed to find a suitor before the New Year Ball. She overheard her parents mentioning that the Sapphire kingdom would be hosting the event, which Rosewood had to admit she was excited for. The Sapphire kingdom was easily her favorite for looks. They had made it appoint to power their lights with sapphires, giving the kingdom an entirely different feel. The blue lighting at night was like something from an enchanted world. She'd only been a few times for the ball, and obviously she didn't get to walk around the village, but riding through in her carriage was magical enough.

She also had a soft spot for the king and queen…mostly the queen. She was a sweet woman, dark skinned with caramel hair. Her eyes were a sweet golden color and she wore the prettiest things. Blue was the one color Rosewood could look at forever without getting tired…even red had begun to hurt her eyes some time ago. Luckily, nobody wore super bright shades. She could handle the darker colors.

"Princess." The voice of Rosewood's personal guard and best friend had her out of her thoughts quickly.

Rowan was a handsome man, three years older than the princess and a strong guard. He wasn't afraid to kill nor was he scared of being killed. He had dark brown hair and lighter eyes, a charming smile to match. It was a wonder how he hadn't captured a fair maidens hand on marriage by now. Rosewood had even swooned over him herself, but she preferred their close friendship. He was not she type despite his good looks.

"Hey, Rowan. You can call me by my name, you know." She walked over to him with a smile on her face. He had been busy working with the royal guard and she hadn't needed protection as she stayed in the castle most of the day.

"Right, just tired from all the work. I hear your mother wants to offer you up to the Onyx kingdom."

It had been around a week since that conversation. Rosewood still wasn't sure about it. Recently they had gotten word of a murder in the Onyx kingdom. There were very few details that her parents would share at the dinner table, but apparently they want all the kingdoms to be on watch for people dressed in white. It was an odd request and Rosewood wasn't sure how many people wore white in their kingdom. It wasn't uncommon to have a white scarf or accents on your outfit, just as any other color. Her parents explained they had meant all white, rather than one of the kingdom colors. That made her think of the hospital gowns she saw on the bigger villages.

"Yeah, but I don't want to. I barely know the prince, nor anything about his brothers. What if they are all major jerks?" She smiled as Rowan laughed at her use of words.

"Major jerks? Rose, I hear they are the most charming princes in all the land!"

"Better than the Viridian Prince, maybe, but I've got quite a few brothers myself." She rolled her eyes just thinking about them. "Young boys are anything but charming."


"What? I doubt you were as sweet as you are now."

"Ha, fair enough…but still! I hear he's hot." Rowan wiggled his eyebrows. Rosewood couldn't hide her laugh.

"And how would you have heard that? He covers his skin completely!"

"He apparently is also good at getting the ladies in his bed-"

"Oh my goodness, Rowan!" She hit his shoulder hard, playfully glaring at her best friend. He held his hands up in defeat.

"Okay, okay! I was just saying…" he grinned and took her hand in his. "What do you say we-"

Just before Rowan could finish his sentence, an elegant black carriage pulled into the castle. The coachmen were dressed in all black, their faces stoic and their posture perfect. The horses were large black stallions that could have easily squashed Rosewood to death. She immediately knew which kingdom such a carriage could have arrived from. But what surprised her more was the lonely man that exited the carriage.

Prince Raven gracefully hopped out of the carriage, pulling his leather gloves over his hands tightly. Rosewood's eyes met his purple once, his mouth and nose covered by a black mask. He had on golden epaulets, the rest of his attire completely black. He also had a dark gray sash that extenuated the gray accents on his sleeves. His white hair bounced on his head with each step as he approached the princess and her guard. Rowan took a more professional stance, his hand still tangled with Rosewood's. She noticed the Prince glance down at that, but he kept his entire persona stoic.

Rosewood didn't say anything as she took this situation in. Why was he here? Why was he alone? The youngest of four princes' had arrived in the Crimson Kingdom. Was he here to declare a mini war between Crimson and Onyx? Rosewood hoped not. Everyone expected her to make them allied not allow him to start a new war. Onyx and Crimson had been neutral towards each other for some time now, why would they just start fighting? The only real threat was Viridian as they attacked everyone all the time.

"Princess Rosewood, it's a pleasure to see you."

His voice was the same as she had remembered. Although this time, it was more cool and collected rather than playful and curious. But the smooth tone was like a soft lullaby in her ears with each word. She gave him a soft smile and a curtsy before responding.

"You as well, Prince Raven. Where are your brothers? Or your mother?"

"They stayed home…I'm actually only here due to the latest indecent among our kingdom.." His voice trailed as he lifted his purple eyes to her own golden ones.

"You mean the people dressed in white? Word spreads quickly." She stated the last sentence as he gave her a quizzical look.

"So you are aware. Apparently it's an entire organization, a community of people who want revenge on every kingdom. I decided to take care of the matters myself," He spoke with such confidence that Rosewood almost lost her composure. She loved confidence, especially when it came from such a pretty man.

"I see..and why have you come to Crimson?" She let go of Rowan's hand and smiled.

"I am in need of assistance, but I'll have to talk with the king and queen."

With that, Rowan offered to take them to the throne room. Her parents would be in there dealing with some kingdom issues, and Rosewood wasn't to be left alone with the Prince.

The three traveled quickly and Rosewood even talked a little about her kingdom. She explained that they were currently preparing for a big wedding among some close family friends, and Raven mentioned his notice for the extravagant parties that were talked about amongst people. It wasn't uncommon for word to spread like that, especially with travelers or the annual ball.

He would then go on to talk about the people in white. Rosewood was especially interested in that. Every word he gave to her was only adding to her curiosity. He talked about the five dead people, the man who seemed to not care about getting executed. Rosewood thought it straight from a horror, the way he spoke. And how he had specifically talked about Raven? That was something to think on. He had come all the way to Crimson though. She still had no clue why.

They soon made it to the throne room, entering during one of her parents long conversations. A village leader, from one of the smaller villages, was stood in front of the thrones with his hands clasped and his head down. Queen Annabelle seemed to stay silent as her husband spoke. Rosewood wasn't much interested though, these were the little things when it came to life. What she wanted was for them to speak with Prince Raven. She was ready to learn.

"W-what is the meaning of this?" Queen Annabelle quickly changed the subject as she locked eyes with Rosewood and saw the prince.

Raven bowed gracefully and made his presence known, walking towards the king and queen. The village leader got the message quickly, this would have to be continued later. He scurried off after bowing and greeting the princess. Rowan nodded towards Rosewood before leading the man out the castle.

"Your highness's, it is a pleasure to see you again. I've come on short notice, as you may have heard the incident in my mothers kingdom. My older brothers are staying back to make sure everything stays okay while I take on a journey…there is more to this mystery, and I have a request." He spoke the truth, standing tall and smiling with his eyes. He then pulled down the black mask and Rosewood couldn't look away from his smile.

"Prince Raven, my wife and I are indeed shocked to see you." King Adam took the lead of speaking. The queen seemed to still have a loss for words as Rosewood took a hold of her hand.

"I am aware, and I apologize deeply for my unauthorized visit."

"What is it you request, boy?" He eyed him suspiciously, his gaze moving to his daughter.

"This isn't about the marriage?" The queen finally found her voice, and everyone in the room looked at her. Prince Raven's eyes went wide and Rosewood let out a small gasp.

"Mother!" She raised her voice before turning her flushed face to the side.

"What? I know you were thinking about it!"

"Annabelle. Rosewood. Let the boy speak." King Adam grunted and looked Raven up and down.

Rosewood smiled politely and turned to him as well. Whatever may have been going through his head had to have been shock because he looked at her with the most baffled expression she had ever seen. It was almost funny how he was so surprised.

"R-right, well…I was not warned about this marriage…" He seemed to smile at the ground before regaining composure. Rosewood could have guessed he enjoyed knowing they had talked about such a thing. "I was actually here to take your daughter with me on this journey."

"What!" All three of them seemed to have asked. King Adam stood from his chair and marched over to Prince Raven who kept the stoic calmness all over his persona.

"I know it's a bit daring to ask such a thing, but I truly believe she'll make this easier." Raven began to speak, glancing around to see if their was any protest.

"And how do you find that?" King Adam seethed.

"She's become someone I think about often, your highness. And, I've come to learn that every kingdom has a few people who have left to become…the people dressed in white."

The silence in the room rung loudly. Rosewood almost covered her ears just to hear the blood rushing around in her head. But instead, the queen stood and Rosewood sighed happily at the sound of heels clicking against the ground. When she stopped beside her husband, Rosewood knew what would happen.

"She may go." Never mind. Rosewood was in shock. "I trust you'll take care of her."

"Mom?" Rosewood hurried herself over, eyes wide.

"Yes, Annabelle, you can't be serious?" King Adam turned to look at her as well.

"I am serious, darling, I think this will be good. Our daughter will help the situation and he's obviously confident she should go."

"Anna what if this is just some plan to take our daughter away from us? To start a bigger war!"

"Adam I trust him. And if anything we are going to send Rowan."

"Just Rowan?"

"Rowan and Flynn."

"Mother he's in school!" Rosewood finally interrupted. She couldn't comprehend all this quick enough.

"Rosewood Crimson you will not raise your voice at me, you are a princess." Her mother gave a stern voice that told her to stay quiet. "Your brother will be more than happy to accompany you."

"Send Rachel instead." She begged, "Flynn what's his degree. We don't know how long we'll be gone, at least Rachel won't care about missing school!"

"We are not sending both our daughters away with some prince from the rival kingdom!" King Adam was very upset now. "Rachel couldn't protect you!"

"She very strong, father!"

"Flynn is stronger. He's going or you aren't."

Rosewood huffed, anger bubbling up inside her now. She hated to disrupt her brother as he wanted so badly to do good in school and become something great. But she also didn't want to say no to Raven. He was taking her outside of the castle…outside of her home walls. She'd always wanted to travel. To see the world.

"I could leave, your majesty, it was only a request-"

"No! I'll go, I'll go as soon as possible." Rosewood stepped forward and grabbed the princes gloved hands.

"I am honored." He smiled, a warm thing that could melt her heart.

"I'll go tell Flynn to pack. How long will we be traveling, do you think?"

"I'm not sure. We have little to go off of, but I know we can start by searching the outskirts."

The outskirts were a place where no kingdom had control. If there was a group of so-called rebels hanging around, you would find them there. Rosewood nodded and didn't bother confirming with her parents before exiting the throne room. She was determined to do this.

She walked herself up to her little brothers room and knocked on it persistently, waiting until he finally opened the door. Flynn stood there with his eyes tired and his hair a mess. She must've woken him up. Swallowing down the guilt in her throat she quickly told him the situation. He didn't seem upset at all, instead going to pack immediately. She watched him grab his bags and start packing for a moment before shutting the door and going to her own room.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. Or maybe it was. Maybe this was how she died. Rosewood shivered at the thought. If she died during this trip, Raven better propose in spirit.

She froze at that thought. She didn't like Raven at all. Why would she want him to propose? She pushed that one aside as well and got to packing. She put everything in her bag. Clothes, hygiene supplies, more clothes, some makeup, a notebook, food, clothes again, and finally the teddy bear Raven had given her. She then dressed in a more comfortable dress that was simple with only one layer and long sleeves. She grabbed a blanket too, as it was still winter and very cold past the Crimson borders.

Once she deemed herself ready, Rosewood went downstairs. Her parents were sitting there talking to Prince Raven, all her siblings had gathered too. They seemed worried, which was fair. This was so sudden.

"Would you not like to stay for one day? Traveling must be tiring." She heard her mother speak.

"I wish to get home as soon as I can, so I'll travel every day and sleep in the inns around. Besides, sleeping in a carriage is quite the experience."

"Will it hold all of you?"

"It is a ten person carriage. I planned this out greatly." Raven grinned as he saw Rosewood descend the steps. She wasn't sure why, but his smile made her heart flutter.

She spoke to each of her siblings quickly before grabbing Flynn's hand and hugging her parents. They wished her luck as well as Flynn, hiding the tears they both held. Rosewood wanted to cry too. She had never been away from her parents, not like this. But at least she had her best friend and her closest sibling with her. Raven had traveled all alone without his older brother's. Rosewood felt he was much braver than she could ever be.

With the goodbyes and tears from the youngest siblings, they left the castle and climbed inside the carriage. It was spacious, everyone her lots of leg room. Rosewood sat beside her brother and prince Raven while Rowan sat to the other side. He never liked other people.

"Thank you, Princess. Thank you, Prince Flynn." Raven spoke quietly. "I am so happy I will not be alone. My mother does not know I came here, I wanted to prove I'd be okay…but I hate being alone."

"No need to thank us, Raven. We will all be proving ourselves. This will be fun, yeah?"

And Rosewood could only smile as she spoke. So did everyone else. Adventure awaits, and nothing could go too wrong. They were only looking for people, of course. This would be great.