

Danny Joshiro is the grandson of a well known martial artist. Wakaki Joshiro was his name. Wakaki was famous for being the strongest man in Tokyo. But sadly went into a coma after sparing with a friend. That was six years ago. Newly fighters say they are better than him and shit on the name Martial Arts. Danny, now sixteen, wants to make his grandfather proud. And take make his honor back. Buttttt Danny knows nothing about it. And he isn't a fighter at all. All he does is play video games and be a hermit. Will he do his grandfather proud? Or fail him?

GeekyCryBaby · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Episode 6

"AHHH!" Sakura screams in pain as the cloak man pulls her nails off. One by one they come off. Blood running down her legs. Tears fall down her cheeks as the crowd screams in excitement. 'How can someone be this evil?...' She clutches her fists. 'I swear! If I make it out of here I'm going to rip them all to shreds!'

"Your little girlfriend is going to die. And there is nothing you can do, brother." Kyouko laughs evily.

Danny stares in horror. 'Shit! I have to save her!'

"Oh look at her cry! HAHAHA!" Kyouko laughs. "Her cries make me feel so goooood!"

Danny pulls out of Kyouko's grip.

"Where do you think your going?" She goes to grab him but he kicks her in the stomach. "DAMN!" She falls on her ass. Holding her belly.

Joker runs at him. "HEY!" He goes to swing but Kyouko stops him.

"No!" She stands. "I got this!"

Joker nods as he stands away.

She looks over at Danny. "So, you want to fight? Huh?" She grins. "Fine."

"I don't want to hurt you.." Danny looks at her. His stare was cold.

Kyouko's eye's widen. "You're different.."

Danny's eyes glowed blue. His hair did the same but flowed without wind. His marking ran up his arm. 'What is happening to me? Why do I feel so...so powered? I don't fear her. Or anything.' He looks at his arm. 'Is this what Sakura was talking about?'

"Kyouko..." Joker stares in awe at Danny. "He..he-"

"NO!" She shouts. "There is no way he has the power!" She looks back at Danny. "And even if he did...he would never hurt his sister." She grins. "Isn't that right sweet brother?"

Danny grunts a little. 'Shit! Shes right! I can't just hit her!'

"You sure? He may hurt you." Joker questions Kyouko.

She shakes her head. "There is no way." She pulls out her "special" knife.

'Come on! Kyouko! I don't want to hurt you!' He looks up at the screen.

Sakura screams in pain as the cloak man makes slices in her arm.

"You'll get over her. Soon she'll be nothing but a sack of empty flesh." Kyouko laughs as she sees Danny's fists clutch. "Something wrong? Did I hurt you?" She giggles.

Danny clutches his fists hard. A little blood dripping. "P-please Kyouko...I don't want to-"

"SHUT UP!" She runs at him with her knife pointed at him.

He quickly moves. She only cuts him a little.

She falls on her knees. "UGH!" She stands. Turning around to him. "JUST DIE!" She attacks him.

He manages to doge her knife.

Sakura screams. "PLEASE!"

Danny looks up at the scream. "Sakura.."

Kyouko stabs him in the stomach. "HA!" She grins.

"Ah!" He grunts as he looks down at her.

"Even with that power...you're still weak." She twists the knife.

"AHHH!" He yells in pain. 'Damn it! I shouldn't have let my guard down!' He holds the knife's end.

She walks backwards a little.

Danny falls to his knees. 'So..this is what a knife feels like...heh...thought it would be a little better...'

Kyouko pulls out her knife. "I'm happy we finally told the truth.." She wipes her knife on his shoulder. "It was a good run but I think it's better like this."

"Careful. Boss still wants him." Joker approaches her.

"I know." She puts her knife away. "Clean him up." She walks away.

Joke nods. He stands in front of Danny. "Poor baby." He grins as he sees Danny's blood running down to the ground. He pulls out a sewing kit before bending down. "Lets get you cleaned up-" He freezes when he makes eye contact with Danny. "Kyouko.."

"What?" She growls as her back was turned to them. She was watching the screen.

Joker goes to grab his sword but Danny grabs a hold of his neck. "Kyouko.." He manages to say.

Danny stands as his grip around Jokers neck gets tighter. "You are going to pay.." He lifts Joker in the air. This time his whole body glowed blue. "I'm going to make you scream! HAHAHA!"

Kyouko turns around. "Danny?" She looks at him terrified.

Danny sticks out his arm. Causing his sword to appear.

Kyouko falls to her knees. "The...power.." She looks in amazement.

Joker looks at him scared.

Danny grins. "SCREAM!" He stabs Joker in the stomach.

"AHHHHH!" Joker spits out blood. Some getting on Danny's face.

"So beautiful.." Kyouko continues to stare in amazement.

Danny throws Jokers lifeless body. He turns to Kyouko.

She comes to. "Wait! Danny!" She stands. "I'm your baby sister! You can't kill me!" She pleads to him.

He walks up to her.

"Danny?" She looks up at him scared.

He grabs her head. "You! Did that!" He faces her to the screen.

"Y-you want her? I can take you to her!" She yells.

He thinks for a moment. "Do it! Or I'll kill you!" He puts her down.

She nods. "Okay.."

Sakura passes out.

"Oh! She passed out!" The cloak man laughs. He grabs her hair. Lifting her up so the crowd can see her face. "Look at the stress on her face." He drops her head. "Ladies and gentlemen. The finally is coming up."

The crowd yells in excitement. "FINALLY!"

The cloak man grins. 'That's right! Cheer for me!'

*Next Scene*

Ava hums as she stares down at the man, with the spiked orange hair, beat up some people. Bashing their heads in. "Men.." She whispers under her breath.


A TV screen was on the wall beside them. Showing The cloak man talking.

"Sounds like the boss is going to finish up." The man kicks one of the bodies.

Ava shrugs. "Maybe. He still has plans for Danny so who knows."

"Say, have you heard from Kyouko? Wasn't her and Joker suppose to be here by now with Danny?" The man asks confused.

She looks at her phone. "Yeah. Maybe they got caught up with something. Not my fault they don't show. I'm not the one that has to deal with the boss."

The man nods. "Right. But still you were the one that recruited Kyouko."

Something explodes from one of the walls.

"The hell?" Ava yells confused.

The man covers his face from dust.

Ava spots Kyouko on the ground. "Kyouko?"

Kyouko coughs up some blood.

Danny walks in. His sword ready.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?" The man yells.

"WAIT!" Ava yells.

The man doesn't listen but continues to jump at Danny. "DIE!"

Danny slashes his sword in the air. "Die.."

The man gets sliced into two. His body pieces fall to the ground.

"Damn!" Ava runs off.

Danny looks around. "Sakura?"

*Next Scene*

"Ladies and gentlemen! The time has come!" The cloak man smiles big.

A light turns on behind him. Showing Sakura naked hanging upside down. A long table under her. Food laid on it.

Sakura opened her eyes slowly. She was dizzy. She has been hanging for a few minutes. "Danny?..."

The cloak man smiles. "When I cut her throat and let her blood drip on the food..I'm going to let each and everyone of you eat a piece. SO YOU ALL CAN HAVE THE POWER THAT THESE MONSTERS HOLD!"

The crowd yells in agreement.

"Danny..." Sakura whispers. 'Forgive me..'

The cloak man turns to Sakura. "Time to let the truth be with us all." He grabs a knife. He stares in Sakura's eyes. "Sweet girl.."

A loud explosion happens. Causing people to scream in terror.

"Danny?.." Sakura opens her eyes.

The cloak man's cloak falls off his head.

Sakura stares at him.

The cloak man growls. "Damn it!" He wasn't a he at all. Instead he was-

"Mom?.." Sakura says as she stares at the so called "cloak man"

"The cloak man" puts her cloak back on. "I'm coming back for you." She runs off.

Danny spots Sakura. "Sakura!" He runs up to her. He cuts her down.

"Danny?" She slowly closes and opens her eyes.

"It's okay." He holds her in his arms.

Sirens are heard.

Danny runs off. Sakura in his arms.