

Weird savior to a demon race is born. Is he the good guy, or is he truly evil? ********** Migurigum, emotionless beings on the physical plane, feared as demons by all. Geltun Migurigum, persecuted children who 'awaken', becoming something similar to these creatures.  Sanji is a boy with amnesia who wakes up to find himself in the Geltun Migurigum school. Here he is bullied and weird phenomena occur around him. Sico is the second boy of prophecy whose family was killed by the Migurigum. He goes on a journey with a Migurigum-killing sword to kill them all. Part one, 12 chapters, brings the two main characters together. Who is Kazuri, what is Sanji's past and what is the goal of the Migurigum?

RainS · ファンタジー
9 Chs

8: Kindness


"Hey, are you listening? Sanji, which idea do you like better?"

The daydream faded instantly and Sanji zoned back in to see Yoshida and Nabiko staring at him from across the rounded library table. Nabiko kept his brows high and plodded for a response whilst Yoshi settled for giving him pardon, repeating her question for perhaps an innumerable numbered time.

"Nabiko wants to do enhanced abilities and I think we should do the witch trials for the group project," she looked at Sanji patiently, a felt tip pen poised in her hand above the essay paper each Migurigum Basics groups of 3 had been given earlier that period. At the moment, the class had resorted to the library to brainstorm their ideas and then choose a topic to hand up at the end of the day. No one had found out about Sanji's previous day, he hadn't told anybody and so far, with the concealing protection of his two classmates, no one else had approached him to bombard him again.

"I told you the trials isn't a good idea," Nabiko responded to Yoshida, involuntarily re-enacting their conversation. "And I know it by the term demon trials."

"They probably change the name by whatever they think is most evil at the time," a small amount of bitterness was in Yoshida's pragmatic response, "I was almost part of the trials, I really wanna do research on it."

"And Makenshi," Nabiko did his best not to sound too defensive in order not to belittle his friend's feelings, "was actually part of the trials and he's my roommate. He doesn't even like sleeping with the lights off," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I think he probably wet the bed already- I'm not sure though."

"Oh... well," Yoshi resigned out of compassion and the decision was made without Sanji's input whatsoever. "There are a lot of abilities we don't know about and not a lot has been written down."

"Let's just do six of them. Maybe the bestial, rapid regeneration/ healing, the empath, telekinethic... do you know any others-"

"Mind scrounging," the sugary voice came from their right, and the three partners turned to see Sedata emerging from between the bookshelves, her lips in a tight small smile. "That's what you're doing right..? Making up names for abilities???"

"Well there aren't definitive names for any of the abilities," Yoshi responded. She had a tiny embarrassed look on her face. Leave it to Sedata to find whatever it was made someone uncomfortable in the most friendly of ways. "Our Migurigum schooling is new so there aren't really books on any of the stuff. We'll be the ones writing the books in the future when we outnumber the humans... and take over," Yoshi added quickly. "What is mind scrounging anyway?"

Sedata had made it to the side of their table, pitting her in the middle of the group. She stood and appraised the three, turning her eyes upon Sanji. She put a hand up and waved her fingers at him despite them being all in proximity, taking a lengthy pause before answering the question. "Mind scrounging is..." she said emphasizing carefully, "when you read someone's mind when you touch them. Sometimes you hear their thoughts aloud. You can put thoughts into their head too."

Yoshida and Nabiko both seemed disbelieving at the information. Yoshi's face scrunched up as they listened whilst Nabiko managed to hide his bias better. Yoshida glanced at her friend before looking to the other girl warily. "It sounds as though you just made that up," she said.

Sedata's still smile remained plastered on her prepossessing face as she continued to look among the three classmates observantly. "Okay," she replied easily, smiling. Yoshi was taken aback by the flat response.

"Well I mean, " she stammered, "You kinda just like, said that and..."

"Where are Makenshi and Ichiga anyway?" Nabiko disrupted the tense conversation and saved Yoshi from her stuttering response. It managed to draw Sedata's ghostly gaze off the reddened girl as she turned to look at Nabiko instead.

"They're both looking through some comic books together," she said, "we've already chosen our topic and wrote down the sub points."

Yoshi sighed tiredly. "We only just agreed on a subject just now. Nabiko keeps insisting we do it at lunch time since Miss Taka isn't here today. Such a delinquent."

"How am I a delinquent?" Nabiko stretched back on his chair and let his arm lay along the been of Yoshi's beside him, "it was my idea. And what about Sanji?"

The red head indicated Sanji with a bored flourish of his dormant arm and the two turned their attention to the silent one. Sanji, for his part, only stared back as though they were talking about somebody outside of himself. Without saying a word, the attention was on him again. It was funny, but he felt no need to say anything. The silence was awkward for a moment till Yoshida snapped out of her transitory gaping. "Well..." she commenced, "Sanji's just a slacker... but you're a delinquent."

"What is the difference???" Nabiko chuckled and looped a finger around his ponytail for the infinite time.

"A slacker is just somebody who sleeps in class, or doesn't do their school work. But a delinquent... smokes in school, curses, beats up people, does drugs, those kinds of things," she said nodding.

"But I don't do any of that!"

Yoshi giggled amused. Sanji looked at the two as Nabiko pretended to be annoyed and nonplussed. They bickered a lot but they seemed to be quite close to each other. And him, what was he to them still. Even after the weird events, they made no mention of it to him and still talked to him. But what did he want to be to them... Sanji's thoughts were cut off when a figure emerged at the side of his view. Sedata had walked over to his side of the table. Sanji looked at her and then, before anyone could say anything, she sat down upon Sanji's lap casually. Immediately, the giggling on the other side of the table stopped.

Nabiko and Yoshida stared at Sedata flabbergasted. Sedata stared back at them without responding. She wiggled slightly to the side to get more comfortable. "Ow Sanji, you're hugging the chair too much." She put her weight more to his right leg hanging to the open side of the table, shifting more and more till she was seated like a child or romantic companion. Her dress put enough fluff between their bodies, but still... There was an empty seat directly beside them.

Yoshi's brows and lips puckered. Nabiko's ponytail got several more swirls amidst the growing tension. "You can't just sit on someone like that Sedata!"

"Why not, he doesn't mind," Sedata's voice was melody sweet, it was hard to tell whether she was feigning ignorance or not. In all their knowledge, she probably was not.

"You still can't just sit on someone Sedata," Yoshida put more sternness in her voice the second time, the pink in her eyes obvious now. She was awarded with a wider smile from the doll like girl who turned away from Sanji's face to look at Yoshida.

"Ooooh Yoshi you wanna be Sanji's mommy?" she smiled openly teasing, "or are you jealous?"

"Sedata!" A squeak, "why do you say these things?"

"We're all thinking it," Sedata responded. "Besides, Sanji's too freaky for me. No offense."

None was taken. She patted Sanji on his chest and he looked up at her docile smile. This was her personality he'd come to see, and he did not mind her bluntness- there was no deceit for him to wonder and worry about. He smiled lightly back at her and she smiled too. She looked back to the others; a relaxed Nabiko and taut looking Yoshida.

"There's no one to like here anyway, they're all like my brothers, except Nabiko. He's more like a distant cousin that nobody invited." Giggles.

"Actually," Nabiko smiled back, "I'm your uncle." It was better not to be bothered but Yoshida still had to restrain herself. She looked odd amongst the four slightly darker skinned friends with her skin and silver hair colour- the redness of her indignance contrasting with her pale skin and hair. She slowly tensed and untensed the fancy pen in her hand's grip and looked down to what they had not written so far.

Sedata remained chatty on Sanji's lap. He was gazing away just barely there, hand to hold her slightly on the waist so she would not slip or fall off. "I think Sanji's gay too," Sedata was speaking, "I heard one of every ten people is gay so that makes hmmm... one of us 60% gay?"

"You're..." the unexpected sound of Sanji's feathery and lightly raspy sounding voice caused everyone to pause what they were doing and look to him, "very light,' he said to Sedata. His voice, it sounded strange to him as well. Though he hadn't been trying to whisper, his voice sounded as though it could be easily shattered, so unused to exercise and just being on the brink of puberty. They were surprised to hear him speak up on his own. It was in part thanks to Sedata's risque. Each had invited him into their circles in different ways, but the indirect method was best. To include without expectation. He was grateful for their acceptance, for their cover... kindness.

"Thank you very much Sanji," Sedata patted the front of Sanji's shirt again, "but I still think you're gay."

"60% means bisexual," Yoshi pointed out, growing more relaxed.

"Which peasant dares to call us bisexual?" Ichiga and Makenshi emerged from between the antique school bookshelves, walking forward with startling blue lips from some unknown sweet. Shoulder to shoulder, they looked a duo of troublemakers with faces innocent enough. "Dumb cliches, I'll have someone's head."

"If anything my guess is on Makenshi," said Yoshi. The new comer boy gasped and Yoshi smiled. "Lookit his cute cheeks, it fits."

"Nooo," Makenshi held up a graphic novel in front the lower half of his face, "not fair."

"It's always the one you least suspect."

"You know that's not even allowed with humans," Nabiko stated measuredly. "They'll hate you just for that."

"Another great reason to stay away from nasty humans," Yoshida replied.

Now everyone that Sanji knew in his small post amnesiac life was gathered around him in riff raff squabbly friendly pairings. Nabiko shook his head at everyone. "Let's just get back to the project please," he said.

Finally, Sedata skipped off Sanji's legs hopped over to the other side of the table. "Where are you at then?" She leant over Yoshida's shoulder to look at their scantily started project sheet. "It says; Group 2: Yoshida Nabiko Sanji." ... Silence. Yoshi scratched her cheek guiltily.

"We'll get there, someday."

"Ewwww, what's with this dumb baby handwriting?" Sedata covered her hand over her mouth in time to not alert the library ministers. "Yoshida, where are your glasses?"

"But I'll look ugly," whining quietly, Yoshida bowed her head.

"Move aside." She didn't wait a second, Sedata bumped into Yoshida, squeezing into the chair beside her. Yoshi retaliated for a while and the two started fighting over the solitary pen. Beside them, Nabiko shook his head again and decided to stand up. They really seemed like siblings. He pushed his chair tightly up against the other. Yoshida and Sedata finally had enough space to share the seat and they settled down. Sanji observed in silence.

"Princess has really nice handwriting," Ichiga folded her arms like a bodyboard and Makenshi nodded beside her. The stalemate died, Yoshida gave up the pen.

"You're too kind," Sedata quipped the pen.

"It's true," Yoshida's lips twisted to the side, "I'm a weakling." Makenshi and Ichiga went to stand at Sedata's back to look at her deftly cursive penmanship. Group 3 had effectively taken over the project and Yoshida slumped with her head on the desk in defeat. "I'm so bad leader." Nabiko patted the back of her silver crown with a half smile.

"We can," Sanji began. Yoshida lifted her eyes up- all eyes looked his way. But he was only staring at Yoshi. "We can go to the grounds town to get stationary this afternoon."

"..." her mouth stuttered opened as she stared at him.

"All three of us," he finished, moving his eyes onto Nabiko as well.

Yoshi's eyelashes, almost translucent, blinked repeatedly. "I, yeah... that's a great idea, that's the kind of thinking we need."

Sanji nodded quietly at her and she finally placated, smiled back. Looking closely, her irises truly looked pink. Sanji wanted to tell her this, to tell her that her eyes were very weird but he was already tired of speaking for the day. Being present in the real world was draining and made it much harder to daydream.

If Yoshi hadn't been the class rap, she might have surely seemed a weird person with a silver hair and complexion. She was an easy target too: pushover and kind and slightly awkward. But Nabiko wouldn't have allowed it. Even though he was generally aloof, he was the oldest of the group and being the one who had been in the outside world the longest made him the least traumatized. When things became too heated, Nabiko was like the father of the group. Sanji knew they each had their stories.

Sedata, she was usually quiet nonetheless when she became comfortable around the new people, her personality became hyper and blunt. Ichiga, whom he'd only recently met, was also extremely direct but with a melodramatic forcefulness... staying in the sidelines being an average child; playing sports, fighting, and supporting Sedata in doing whatever she pleased apparently.

And then the baby of the group... Sanji passed eyes onto his lab partner. Makenshi missed his human home the most, curly lashes, he always had a snack in hand, and was a bit cowardly. Sanji vaguely recognized him from the past he had forgotten. Sanji's fixated stare upon the unawares boy intensified.

At first, Makenshi didn't feel the gaze upon him, looking around and smiling with his friends. But anyone with a gut instinct would eventually feel such a strong stare upon them when the other person would not even attempt to hide it. The smaller boy looked up and locked eyes momentarily with the strange one. Why... why was he looking at him? His smile froze and the dead stare would not budge. Red muddied Makenshi's face steadily, and with nothing else to be done, he looked down and away with a palpitating embarrassed heart.

Sanji watched his lab partner look away from him and wondered about it. Why... Why wouldn't he look at me..? Sanji thought to himself. Something is wrong with him...


"Mm," before Sanji could continue the thought, the bell rang and all 6 of the friends along with their classmates packed up their belongings and bundled their way out of the library door one by one.

Sanji was to have his answer to one of the mysteries that same morning. The students milled out of the library into the carpeted lobby beyond, where two small rows of lockers and more numerous piles of bookbags were strewn about in its tiny perimetres. He was one of the last out, not wanting to be touched and pressed up against in the throngs of departees. Yoshi and Nabiko were waiting on the other side of the lobby's transparent glass doors on the outside corridor.

Sanji stooped, his back exposed as he faced the corner packing his books into his bag quietly. That was when he felt the shadow drop upon his back and remain there, unfleeing. Steadily, Sanji placed the last book in and go to his feet. Then, he turned around to face his imposter.

It was Makenshi standing before him. The boy was looking as uncomfortable as ever. Sanji looked to his left to the lobby doors; Sedata and Ichiga stood holding the door open for their friend and were waiting in its path. With a short head shake from Makenshi however, they both shrugged casually and departed letting the doors swing close. Sanji caught a glimpse of the other two friends staring at him quizzedly as he waited inside the lobby area too. His lips parted slightly as he looked back at Makenshi standing a few feet in front of him, cozily sheepish as usual.

"???" Sanji waited, looking down. Red rubies nestled comfortably on the cushions of Makenshi's cheeks.

"I uh," Makenshi started, looking down at his feet, "I wanted to say sorry for ratting you out." Makenshi glanced up at Sanji, thought better of it, and looked back down at the floor. "I didn't mean to, it just kind of slipped out and I'm really really sorry. But I didn't tell them anything else about your hands! I promise..." the dramatic movement of his eyes made his curly lashes bounce. Sanji wanted to tell him about that, but he was listening to the boy's words. Sanji didn't have anything against his lab partner so one thing was confusing. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Tell them," Sanji started, "what?"

"..." Makenshi stopped. Sanji stared. "About... what happened to your hands. And how you..." he trailed off, hoping that Sanji would finish the thought or acknowledge his awkward attempt in some way. Instead, Sanji just stared at Makenshi as though he was weird. No words came to speak to elaborate between them and they started to forget what they were doing there in the first place. Before he could back out, Makenshi remembered the second part of his plan.

"This is for you," he brought up the sealed container he had in his hands between them hurriedly and almost shoved it into Sanji's face. Sanji followed the gesture to the clear plastic bowl with something brown nesting in the inside as Makenshi brought it up to his attention. "It's brownies... We made it in Home Economics class yesterday so I just wanted to..." Makenshi trailed off again but atleast this time Sanji brought his hand up and received the bowl. "Give you it to apologize, so I'm sorry again for everything. I will, I will see in class."

Makenshi nodded quickly and dashed off through the doors. Sanju watched him go then looked down at the container he had been gifted, looking through its lids. That was a weird conversation....

The bowl was filled only halfway.

"..." Sanji smiled a little. "Brownies."

The rest of the school day passed fairly simply and well. It was littered with random hopes that made Sanji look up. It felt like everyone was beginning to accept him, accept him as a reserved person. Sometimes it felt like... does one really want to get better? Or is it easier to feel the gloom because you know it's always going to come back?

He decided he wanted to try. He wanted to keep trying until he broke. It broke. But until then, he would do his best to hide, to control it, to fit in, and to accept help. This was his life now. Something as minor as avoiding bullies, was small in comparison.

At the tip of the thought, Sanji rounded the hall corner and stopped. In his direct line of sight, two orange heads chatted to each other upon a pillar wall, taller than him, senior to him, and known to him. The halls were mostly empty, his steps were not... Not quite loudly, but they had sounded. A few metres stretch in the way, the heads turned on him and they both paused and knew him.

A smile began to form on their gossip pieces. Sanji thought for a second to turn, to turn back towards the classrooms and away from the dorms he sought. They were directly in the path, the only path to the dorms, and he had actual plans for the afternoon that he didn't want to disappoint. Only a second passed when a hand barely brushed upon Sanji's covered shoulder. Instantly, he jumped in alarm and the person stepped back as he spun voraciously unto them.

"Wow, I actually surprised you," Nabiko said, giving Sanji a smirk of oblivion, "I mean, you actually showed surprise."

"Nabiko..." Sanji breathed out, surprised as well at his own reaction. He stopped as Nabiko slowly lowered his hand and said no more. Nabiko gradually shrugged his shoulders and glanced at the other two who had stopped their plans of motion ahead of Sanji. They settled back onto the heels of their feet and Nabiko looked between Sanji and the two twins once over.

Leisurely, Nabiko raised a vertical hand greeting, "yo," he said. The twins smiled openly at him and returned his greeting without force. Their eyes passed onto Sanji for a moment before they turned back to each other and continued their conversation. Sanji fixed his eyes away from the twins, into the inner courtyard. So... his luck was finally turning up. Nabiko beside him, went to pat his shoulder again, but decided at the last moment to stick his hand in his pocket and let his voice rouse the now daydreaming boy. "Let's hurry and change so we can head out," he said, and Sanji looked up at him and nodded.

They took up their feet and one step behind the delinquent boy, Sanji and Nabiko headed down the hallway and past their seniors idling by the pillars. Shoulder to shoulder they passed, the chatter continued, their backs passed and then they were halfway down to their dorms. The only excess look exchanged came from Sanji.

"Do you know them?" Nabiko asked when they came out of airshot, peering out the side of his view at his friend's ambling form. Sanji didn't glance back, he felt relief like a breeze within his chest. He shook his head silently, his lips pressed to an almost smile. Nabiko had no cause to ask further about their acquiantanceship so he casually shrugged and they went on.

When they had changed twenty minutes later, the boys met Yoshi at her unshared dorm she was privileged with for good conduct. She wore a white Sunday dress and sprang open an umbrella as soon as the three touched the ground outside the school entrance. The bright afternoon sun encircled her and Sanji looked at her clear exposed shoulders.

She was pale all around, something she seemed to be embracing. She looked back at Sanji's enquiring stare and smiled a little bit, "my skin is sensitive to the sun."

Sanji stepped in place beside her. "Ghost," he said. Nabiko took the girl's other side, frowning over her head at Sanji. "You look like a ghost," was what Sanji said.

Yoshida paused uncertainly. Nabiko shook his head at his friend, "you could have just said she looks like an angel."

Yoshi blushed a little bit but it did alot to her face and body. "Hush baka," she didn't mean it though. "I'm albino you know... So I'm... I'm working on my self esteem." She was smiling still, at Sanji's face then her shoes then Nabiko. Sanji observed everything about his new friends properly.

"Now you look like an octopus."

"..." One member of the trio finally just rolled his eyes, and lead the three away down the slight inclining slope.

The school was situated in the middle of the hidden Geltun Migurigum grounds. It was at the peak of the hill surrounded on the four side by miles of green grass. To the north of the enclosed school castle like compound, about 2 miles back was the residential housing area. Teachers and other members of the small society lived there. To the east was some farmland and crop area giving away to the forest. Sloping down from the school straight south was a very long white path that led to the world beyond but they were heading to the west, the bungalow village was almost a mile away.

Yoshi, Nabiko and Sanji walked until they came upon the very first signs of people. Streets emerged, gates and narrow unwell planned alleys forced them closer together. There were some taller concrete structures but heading toward the centre were more wooden bungalows arranged centrally like an outdoor shopping centre.

Yoshi darted behind Nabiko's frame when the people started looking their way. They were Geltun as well; but Yoshi still stood out to them.

"I thought you were going to work on your self confidence," Nabiko glanced behind to Yoshida who was also lowering the umbrella before her face.

"Yes yes but not here," she said.

"So where?"

"When we're inside a store."

Nabiko scowled like an old man, yet playfully to which Yoshi responded with the short quick giggle of hers. She ducked closer to Nabiko to poke his cheek. He rolled his eyes and hooked his right arm on top of her head. Yoshi ducked under his shoulder and let his arm fall about her neck.

"Careful you don't poke my eye out with your umbrella."

"I think you Want me to poke your eyes out with my umbrella."

A scowl, a quick giggle and glances between the two boys and floor.

"This is why people do drugs."

Sanji was unaware of the conversation. He was not the third wheel on the ride, the casual tricycle passage simply allowed him view of new environments he hadn't perused before. It was a peaceful day, and before long, more passing Geltun increased the dinnuendo as they passed through the village.

It was a beautiful day where for the first time, Sanji was feeling a new emotion. What was it..? Could it be? Was this what it actually felt like...

The three ventured into a bookstore where Sanji watched Nabiko and Yoshi argue over choice of presentation board, Nabiko siding that yellow was too pale and winning that battle. He watched her repeat that yes, she would stop hiding when there were less people whilst walking behind Nabiko toward the cashier.

Sanji felt as though he was in a separate world whilst looking in. It felt like a different day, or perhaps, that time was continuous block upon block of waking events that one will recall. In a way that you would be the person responsible for marking and recording time instead of it being simply time in control, with you passing through it. We could make time last as long as we wanted it to... so many moments, lessons, growth, bonds and histories could be fit into a singular day. We wouldn't be endlessly praying for more life to accomplish things. In one day, we could make an ultimate catalyst or change and decide if something is permanent in our lives. If this was the path we chose to take, and change our destiny even though it was written before time itself. That though, without illusion that time happens like dominoes, we could actively change our path and destiny at any moment and it would have been as though it had always been to go this way. Every moment that we live is the free will to change that future event, our present self knowing only the destiny we envision. Past present and future once- occurring, We are all, presently, setting destiny in stone. And it is pre ordained.

He would be free to choose happiness. And that would accomplish..

When Sanji faded back to the world shared with his new friends, there were many more people walking throughout the stores and that he and Yoshi were heading to the exit, Nabiko finishing up inside. And he would grow- So many people have never realized they are not living in the present at all but constantly thinking atleast 10 seconds ahead.

"Theres not enough shade," Yoshi was saying.

Was that the right way to live? Was everyone's world different?

A tugging at his arm. It didn't even feel like an arm, or a body. Just flesh. "Hey let's find a tree." They were standing on opposite sides of the bookstore entrance, Sanji with his back flat on the wall and Yoshi on the opposite side, facing him with her arm halfway extended. She saw his distant expression and decided to stop. She leant back and imitated his stance against the wall, with her head tilted back. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. It was so hot, she could feel cold sweat beading on her face and body. She breathed harder.

It really had gotten so much better; the sky was beautiful and bright, no longer one endless night. He never thought things could ever change. That it was possible to leave it behind, that life still existed. It was so close behind him, it felt... Did he really have reason to remain in the past as he had? Was the boy in his mind even real? He could see Yoshi at the corner of his eye breathing hard into the atmosphere. She dropped the bristol board and it began bouncing away. "..." He looked at the boards. Why would she do that?

He decided to be responsible and bounded as they rolled further away due to the breezy airs. They lead him like a donkey, hunched over with sun joyfully blasting his back, far away from Yoshi. They carried on quite a distance before he managed to snatch each one up. There, everything all better. Life was fixed, he thought with an inner smile. He turned around, hand up to show his friend he had succeeded in the mission.

...Nabiko was there. Sanjis hand remained up. He looked closer, Nabiko was at the door with a faint Yoshi in his arms, breathing a bit more calm and eyelids fluttering. The sun flashed before the scene, Sanji held up his elbow to shield his eyes. What was that odd expression Nabiko was looking at him with ?

"..." Sanji dropped his arm down, Nabiko's face had changed and he was headed Sanji's way. There was no remnants of any distinct on his face ant longer. Yoshi was also making an attempt to remain awake in Nabikos arms.

"Come on, I saw a water fountain by some trees we passed," Nabiko said to the other boy. "We can also get some snow cones too."

"I'm sorry guys, I should go home," she tried to apologize.

"You need to stop worrying," Nabiko cut her off, and smiled down. There was earnesty there, Sanji could sense between the looks exchanged. He didn't think he was invading any sort of privacy but Nabiko looked up quickly anyway. Sanji was managing to fall behind even with the other boy carrying Yoshida. "So Sanji, did you come from a busy village?"

Sanji stared at his friend blankly and unfazed. He wanted to answer, but all he remembered was literal darkness. Nothing else. He shook his head. It was Yoshi who suddenly spoke up.

"I remember hating those people." She said clearly and no longer faint. They had arrived at the aforementioned water fountain, slightly murky water sprouting from its stony aquaman, but one sure spot of shade under its overarching shadow. Nabiko let Yoshi down to seat upon the stone circling and the three huddled close together in the shade. Yoshi bit her lip wondering whether to continue. Sanji thought about what she said for a second realizing she too, was the main character in her life. She'd gone through things. He could have easily been her.

"And I still do." She made the point, perhaps with embarassment in a restrained quiet sound, and an equally unambiguously concealed crinkle of her brows. Her face was changing rapidly, questioning expressions; flickering from meek to anger then finally surrendering to accept a quiet anger. They, three friends, could be open with each other.

A bit more calmly, but anger within, she continued to tell them about her home church that kept all the strange people in cages in the church back yard compound, that it looked like a cage village. That her parents offered her up because of her silver hair and eyes, and that they were considered the good guys compared to her. Yoshida trailed off, the hostility gone from her voice. "I weas just a witch to them. I even had a slow friend, a girl who just couldnt speak in the cage next to me before the fire happened. I dont know what happened to her." She quickly spun her head to her friends direction. "It was weird, i saw the prinicpal in my dreama nd then the fire happened that night. I dont know if she remained in the village when i escaped..." Nabiko tugged at her hair with his arms slung over their shoulders and the mood had lifted again as her eyes begged him for an answer.

"She's probably still there," he replied. "And we'll find her one day when we go o the field trip. and we will never leave you alone." At this, his eyes swept across to SAnji as well. "We're the samer kind, we're here for you."

A sigh. Yoshi finally tired herself out but was obviously relieved of at least part of her burden. She had received a chance to open up, and maybe Sanji could too. "I think the sun's a bit too hot for me today. I'm gonna head back now whilst there's clouds."

"Are you sure," Nabiko asked, "wew still haven't found the snow cone yet?"

"I'm sure," she smiled and beamed up as though the past 10 minutes hadn't just occurred. "I'll go get some research done. See you guys later," she smiled at NAbiko, and properly at sAnji and then pivoted to head off down the slopes.

"That leaves two of us for the snow cones." NAbiko said as they watched her disappear out of view." Sanji, agreed without reply.

And then there were two of them, somehow having to squeeze through side streets and alleys as the city swelled up. Nabiko's hand brushed up against Sanji's as they squeezed together to avoid the bigger adults. Glancing away, Nabiko alone pretended he didn't notice but Sanji was, for the moment, lost in thought at the wonders of how many people inhabited the world. He was so used to loneliness and darkness.

But Nabiko, he was already up close body to body with the other and Sanji was almost a head shorter than he could look down at the boy. his neck was skinny and he was pale. Even though Makenshi was the smallest and youngest of the three boys, sometimes the newcomer looked so frail. Nabiko looked at Sanji inconspicuously as he had his gaze elsewhere, never paying heed to his surroundings.

He cleared his throat, " You want to try the snowcone, do you know how to??"

Sanji glanced across at Nabiko with an unchanging melancholic or perhaps bored expression and uttered, "uh. ok"

Nabiko smiled sympathetically even though Sanji didn't look his way much. People could stare at him without him ever knowing. Nabiko touched Sanji's fingers briefly, "come on, let's try this way."

They retreated tom the top of the slope where Yoshi had formerly retreated and rose the very top for a view with their milky dessert in hand. They were still pressed up together although they didn't need to be. Arms rubbing together through fabric alone, Nabiko smushed the ice in his cup with the straw to milk the slush together, then he reached over Sanji's shoulder and put a hand on his cup to smush Sanji's eyes. Sanji's snow cone as still mostly intact, the three ears losing colour however as he now began to softly slurp at it.

Nabiko glanced at Sanji some more. "To be honest, Miss Taka asked me to keep an eye on you..." this one was definitely comfortable with vast lengths of silence. "All bad things are over Sanji. We all have a past, but we can overcome it together. If you need help with anything..?"

The Weasel. Sanji remembered this as the snow cone slid into his mouth.

"He's coming..." and then he remembered the dream boy, Kazuri, that voice speaking to him randomly. Compared to that darkness that everyone wanted him to forget, bullies were nothing. He could manage just fine and ignore those images. It was this world with his friends, or the other. KIndness. So undeserving but great, this feeling...

Nabiko thought Sanji wasn't listening to him and decided not to bother. He couldn't tell if Sanji was enjoying himself or atleast not feeling dragged out of his dorm against his will. The breezes passed through his body and tickled him with a fresh new emotion, he felt it all through his being and turned to Sanji to realize it fully when Sanji suddenly plopped down on the floor.

"Huh?" Nabiko opened his mouth.

I think the word is happiness. Sanji watched over his world view, the school and grounds where he lived now. Nabiko closed his mouth where he stood beside him.

"You want to stay long? I really want to go back and check to see if Yoshi's doing ok."

"Mrmph." Sanji nodded and that was the most affirming reply he usually gave anyone.

"Are you sure, I don't want to leave you alone out here."

Sanji turned his head slightly, in what was hopefully the other boy's direction. It was good enough. Nabiko nodded back in agreement and sighed aloud.

"Oh well, if you're sure," he said. "I'll head back but look out for yourself, okay?"


Nabiko smiled small, wondering what was going to happen to all of them here in his isolated profound school with all these characters. He turned and he too left the weird one on the slope where he could be peaceful in his thoughts.

Sanji was finally alone out of the castle's shadows and confinements. he was alive and at home. He was gazing and appreciating the whole of his world, leave everything behind. It was beautiful. It was daylight.

He must have sat there for hours as the sun rolled off his back and forehead and then start to lower into the other side of the universe, still bathing his lashes and face with soft warm love. Everything was bright and right.

And then a black cloak came down over him and enveloped his world.


A few days had passed since the incident on the mountaintop. Sico was still staying with Ayaka at her abodes but they frequently went down into town to have lunch and walk among regular humans, in Ayaka's humble disguise. Whilst Sico left his giant sword behind for the first time, Ayaka became the bodyguard, carrying her pointy sword in her parasol umbrella whenever they went down.

There seemed no reason however, no one paid them heed here and there was no Migurigum tension in the air. Ayala appeared to be, likewise Sico, relaxing and soaking up the peace as they finally could. It was over for Sico, he just wanted to enjoy his time with her.

And he was smiling, they had gone to a buffet the day before and now they were visiting a botanical garden abound with nature's eco life. He was always smiling, smiling at her feminine clothes though he knew they hid fiery talent beneath, smiling at her peaceful face that didn't change whatever the situation was, smiling at how ironic the situation was that he had found himself another Migurigum to be taught and breathe with. A new chapter of his life again, a good one after the weathering storm. He had truly been lost for a little while.

Sico lied with his head in Ayaka's lap by one of the gigantic trees of the garden. Their feet were not distant from the ponds end and the insects orchestra could be heard as they both remained still enough.

"It's really relaxing and quiet here," he said softly to his companion, "in the entire town actually."

Ayaka blinked slow, not in a rush to reply and stir the air with unnecessary chatter. But it was true and impossible to deny. "These villages are very peaceful," she said. "There are no Migurigum here. Neither Migurigum nor Geltun pass through these villages at all."

Sico looked at the sun for a moment away from Ayaka's face. His life before was good too before it started going downhill. Even after the slaughter. The police though, they didn't do anything. His relatives... They. They had been kind. Kind when his family died.

He was sitting in one of the ornate living couches by the left stairwell when the police arrived. His uncle with a full bouncy buildi stood at the side, arm slung on Sicos shoulder as he spoke to the officers ahead of them, offering his nephew comfort. There were even more police and hoardes of people just outside the house as well, albeit it being private proper ty. It was such a rare fascinating story. Some of the people were afraid to come near the manor, but some had been emboldened by the absence of the Migurigum that the curiosity pulled them close and no one stopped them.

Sico could see the spot his father lied dead against the wall. He could almost see an imaginary dark spot there. The couch was facing that wall directly and a mute Sico could only stare numb, mouth lightly open. He hadn't been able to do anything or protest or walk away wherever he wanted. His uncle had been the one to guide him, to seat him and he was so dissociated that he had followed along obediently.

They were talking and talking above his head. About his parents taking on too much to handle, believing they could outsmart the Migurigum. The last time Sico had a family meeting in this room, was about 5 years ago, when Konohimae his Migurigum teacher had arrived. And years later, he was now realizing it was all for the heirloom. It was all an act, all fake. His whole family dead for it. The immortal Migurigum had time to plan and strategize whilst the ignorant humans thought they could stay one step ahead.

His uncle stroked his shoulder some more. "Nothing we can do when it comes to these crimes. Those creatures probably disappeared to whatever hell they came from." That was all the officers said. Simply there to gossip and hmph and look at the place the beings had lived and slaughtered the wealthy family. This was the closest they would ever be to a Migurigum.

"Well thank you for your service," his uncle praised them for their lack of work. "I guess this case is closed, we have the funeral and these things to take care of."

"Of course of course," the police he-hawed. "Well you take care of yourself."

"Will do, thank you," his uncle lead the officers to the door as they continued to glance back all over the house as though they could envision the horrors that had followed the night before. Sico barely got to tell them about all five members who were involved. It was all a daze to him. The case was really closed. In one day. That had to be a record. No one was going to do anything.

The afternoon came. The wake came. Much family passing through to pat and give Sico condolences. Sico was quiet throughout it all. The days passed with the self-same relatives gaining confidence in staying over and then leaving. The furniture upgraded and switched out. Sico spent the time in the barn, grooming a silent and disturbed Snort. She would not eat. She wold not move.. She did not know peace anymore. Something was off about her and his last friend was growing weak.

"Sico," his uncle called him in on a day. He was in the barn stroking Sico for a few hours but still there was no recognition. The handmade ribbon that Sico had made himself, with silver cord and a tiny whispy bell hung loose in her thin, frail feeling viking braid. The shaven tattoo on her rump was in need of a fresh shaving and it was a surprise how long a creature could go without new food. Her hair. His hand dangled away from her mane taking the ribbon with it distractedly. He turned away reluctantly and closed up the barn door for the day. Even if he let her out, she would not walk or graze or move from the spot. He was still sullen too. He went back to the mansion and found his uncle waiting in the meeting room his parents forbade him from in the past.

"Yes uncle," Sico stood at the doorway habitually.

"Come over here," his uncle's slightly larger frame had pushed the heavy wooden chair from the table to fit. Sico walked over to the multi drawer wide desk. It stood on four curves claws legs beneath and claws for knockers on every drawer of the multi faceted body. This was where they kept so many documents and important papers, Sico knew.

"Since I'm arranging the burial expenses and adoption papers, I need you to get some of your father's, files for me. Let's get this started even if we don't want to deal with them."

Sico nodded. He did not know exactly where his parents kept the house deed and identity cards but he was sure he could find them. His uncle directed him and indicated what papers he had to look for. Sico was glad he didn't have to handle any of these adult affairs on his own. Soon after his uncle thanked and congratulated him sufficiently and efficiaously.

A smile of satisfaction all around, Uncle Poul perused the thin shaft of papers one more time with Sico standing long forgotten by the desk. Poul was usually a jolly man, but at present it sharply contrasted the vacant invitee who was staring absent-mindedly out the window and robotically striking the silvery ribbon in his hand. Poul looked up as if now remembering his nephew there and beamed up at him. "What's wrong Sic, something wrong with that horse right?"

Sico startled out of his reverie and blinked rapidly across at his uncle, "Snort?"

"Yes your horse," Poul replied, "I noticed you've been down there a while, I know something's up."

Sico felt a small trembling of appreciation, even if Uncle could not help him; it was some measure of gratitude for someone to at least know what you're going through. He opened his mouth and stared at his uncle... waited to see what would happen next, for he surely did not know what to do.

"I've already called the vet to look at him," Uncle Paul said, "in fact, they must be here already."

Sico's eyes not bright, but wide.

"Let's go see," Uncle smiled again.

They made it down yet another time to the barn far beyond the entire mansion that was brighter than before with its new modern look. Sico only had eyes for his passage rite back to his companion, his uncle supportively at his side.

They went out into the courtyard blossoming trees all around, fountain sprouting water freshly, springs dewing their paths and rosey arches dotting the ferns as though it had never been dampened- wide clean pavements... a beautiful life. Sico passed all this without a thought. His uncle did not seem to want to pass so fast but finally they were at the destination and indeed Sico could see that the veterinary van had been allowed into the courtyard.

Poul parted towards the men leaning against the van, and Sico started inside with hope afresh to see Snort again. He didn't exactly smile, but inside his chest was not so heavy and he stroked and stroked her emphasizingly at her stall. "It's going to be all right Snort," he hardy brushed and brushed her mane with one hand and fumbled opened the stall gate with the other.

How did animals feel when it came to loneliness and trauma? They were like innocent babies, and not with the intelligence of humans to understand what was going on. What was the feeling, to not understand what murder was, and how bad did it feel to not know if it was going to end or what it was or what caused it? An animal that doesn't understand that things would change or... even if someone wasn't coming back... then that pain would surely go on forever. An animal not being able to understand why they feel that way, or why their body feels heavier, or why they feel sick, not knowing why they don't want to eat or move. Just a collection of emotions and ignorance, the feeling could definitely just kill anyone when they don't know how to process it. He had to remain by Snort's side and communicate, though not by words, that things were okay now and it was possible to move forward. Even if the doctor could not heal her, or make any better her ailment, any diagnosis would be welcome. And he would move on from there with his time with her. Even a dead alive existence, he could feed her in different ways and keep her, likewise him, company. And to him that would be only be worst case scenario. But he still had his optimistic personality, and knew somehow things could not become any worsened than that.

The man lead an unresistant Snort into the back of the van, his uncle signed her off and Sico, with faint impressions inside, watched her go.

Nervousness was not something Sico usually experienced since he was always provided whatever he wanted and did not have an active social life outside of his family mansion. But now he did feel a nervousness that he did not believe he needed to feel, knowing he had a request bubbling in his stomach. Besides, it was already understood between they two what was expected to happen. But to voice it made him apprehensive. A one percent negative chance... to say it aloud frightened him. It was illogical to be so afraid, after all he trusted her... but he never had to ask for something like this before.

His eyes found Ayaka's face so she could feel the question coming up from him. And she tuned her ears to listen, but her eyes still elsewhere with her thoughts. "Ayaka," the young boy said, "do you think we could stay in this town? You said it was safe from Migurigum, the whole vicinity of these cities?" They were already doing this, he just wanted confirmation.

The silvery ribbon on her arm was lifting slightly as breezes passed, and even light bugs touching down occasionally did not feel a nuisance. It was as though, even though he hadn't fully realized it, he was properly happy again. These moments looking back he would label as some of the happiest moments of his life. But hindsight alone was knowledge, being unaware of unhappiness was true bliss.

"They indeed are safe from Migurigum," Ayaka repeated her previous elaboration withholding extensive explanation. "Onawa where I found you, and all these towns bordering a certain central city are dangerous to us. I did not recognize this when I arrived." She was talking a lot again, and this was a sign in Sico's observation, that he had to pay attention to upcoming messages of importance. She would never say this much otherwise, and she might not even repeat herself. His brain became alert though he did not stir up yet.

"They do not hire Geltun here but yet they're hired me to take care of the bandits..." her voice a whisper to herself now. "I did not know before, but I realize now why."

Why? Would be the next obvious question but Ayaka did not embellish further. And she continued to stare at the sky as though her next words would not have any effect on Sico

"I have to go see Axishi again," gently and wispily said, "I have one more mission to do with him."

Snort was still away for two days so Sico was remaining in his room, not the halls, for his cousins were merrily about. They left belongings, random food trays, news papers and other evidence of life about the mansion since the count of occupants was growing. Sico found one of these papers in the bathroom that day and went to taking up an old man's task of reading quietly his room.

He skipped all the pages about the killing of his family which seemed to go on and on in every news outlet. But it seemed the massacre had prompted a newfound interest in the beings and similar articles were popping up alongside it. Some people said they spotted tall lanky beings in their neighborhood, glowing red eyes and snarly evil grins. Sico knew these were not true. Articles about disappearing pets supposedly snagged by Migurigum and villages where entire neighborhoods were shut down like ghost towns.

One particular town, far north from Sico's own, claimed that the Migurigum that passed through was a slender ambiguous one with daggers on the body and exuded an unsettling neutrality where they passed. At least it wasn't as far fetched as the others, but Migurigum had no use for daggers, not to mention this village said that there was in fact not one, but a second swifter Migurigum appearance.

Just as Sico was growing weary of the ceaseless newsprints about the alleged Migurigum sightings, his gaze lifted to the huge overlooking windows. He saw a familiar van retreating over the mansion bridge and what appeared to be an able-bodied horse making dances before his uncle's prominent figure in the yard.

That was all he needed to see. He ran swift, like his young once scolded self, down the stairs, over the railing and across the expanse to the barnyard. Not only was this news, but it was great news. His breathing was fast but he didn't stop running till he got there and his eyes widened and he slid to a stop and his big wide smile was stuck looking at the spectacle before him.

His uncle spun facing him, flourishing his arms, "what a beauty he is..." contentment... Something was off. Sico's steps slowly started forward again and his mouth remained agape and untrusting. No. He could tell from this distance even as the horse stopped prancing and turned toward him with glorious bright ebony eyes. But no. Braids and all. This was not Snort.

Sico skipped surprise. One strong pang of his heart stabbed his chest, the beginnings of a permanent impediment to his young body. "Where's Snort?" Grizzly new anger was tingling in his voice, a new voice he had never heard before. His uncle must have detected it too, stilled mid speech. Sico did not care whether he was wrong; he preferred to be scolded and told the truth; that this was an extra horse and Snort was inside, and he should be ashamed for getting so angry before asking questions. He didn't mind that at all. But he wanted to skip quickly to the part where he could see his Snort again.

"Where's My HORSE!??" His uncle's face froze momentarily. Clench unclench, Sico's hands moved on their own. His uncle, who probably had thought he could fool Sico, changed tactic immediately and recomposed himself almost without detection. "What do you mean, of course we couldn't bring the same horse back. I decided to splurge and get you a brand new champion stallion," uncle Poul said, "he's a beaut. That next horse had some kind of Migurigum disease, we couldn't let it stay."

Anger, pain, anger, anger, disbelief, loss... they flashed through Sico's being and he wanted to fly at and throttle his uncle, who was five to ten times his size. But that was it!?? The end of everything!!? He couldn't do anything but howl deep on the inside. His breathing was so hard and raggard holding it back that even his uncle was surprised and was thinking to remedy the situation through more heroic deceit and speeches.

"You know Sic," he started with plump, "you care more about this horse of yours than your entire family. You might just be coming down with some mental illness... it runs in the family and I could get you a doctor too..."

One would think that this was the worst thing that happened in Sico's life so far. He could howl and scream and cry but he had already done so for his father and it had helped nothing at all. He could lunge and attack his uncle who was now berating him about anger problems and the way he should conduct himself, but that would be foolish and naive. The truth and horror was; his Snort too was truly gone, and by way of his uncle Poul's words- he could tell that the clinic she'd went probably decided to put her down.

She was gone. Everyone was gone. He couldn't pretend anymore. He couldn't live a good normal life! No no no no! He wanted to scream. This could not be happening again. He wanted to scream at his uncle. But he wouldn't let his uncle, anyone see his pain again. What would they do with it? Trick him. They didn't deserve it. He wouldn't show himself vulnerable cause they didn't truly care for him.

Please help. Please fix things for me. He felt his inner child was crying. But no. He was at no one's mercy. He would not break down again. He would need no one...

"No no no no," Sico's voice was going up and down and squeeking and he paused, wondering to hide his rising panic. But even if he didn't say it, it would still exist on the inside, so where was the sense in that? There was no point in hiding his emotions from Ayaka, the master of emotions. And he really didn't want to, want to waste time with something impending on the line. Even if he was angry, he needed to push past it swiftly, because Ayaka wasn't going to wait around for nonsense. She wasn't going to be convinced or change her mind because he was mad at her.

Maybe begging was the same way, but that's how he truly felt. He had to get through with his purest emotion, he didn't care how it made him look. She was worth it, he couldn't hold back. "Ayaka, how could you? You said you'd never work for him again... You said it was over! You said you regret... why are you going back to him?? Are you going to leave me?"

"It's different this time master Sico." That title, was it meant to placate him? He was perceiving her differently this time. Had she always been playing him and dragging him along for the ride? He didn't think he believed that yet and he didn't care. He just didn't want her to leave. And if she offered for him to join her... Well.. actually he knew he wouldn't. But still, why didn't she offer... She couldn't just leave him?

All this time she'd been biding time and investigating. She had not been spending merry times with him. Just as Konohimae...

Yet, he didn't have time to be angry. Cause it really wouldn't matter. He just didn't want her to go.

"I have important information I need to deliver to him." Ayaka said passively. "This is bigger than you or I. I have to do this."

"Please don't Ayaka, just please don't leave me. You don't understand, I don't think I can make it without you," to go back to not having anyone aware that you existed. Being alone, no one to ask if you're safe, or when you'd be back, to notice if you didn't eat or notice changes. To alert you to upcoming news or rumors, to know if you're feeling unwell and be easy on you. No one you could ask for advice or opinion or to mark the passage of time. It was so painful. It was really painful to be honest. He could disappear and no one would notice or care. It was painful to know you were born and this was what it came to. What was the point of living if you made no mark or was in the memory of anyone.

Sico didn't want to push Ayaka away with his intensity but what choice did he have? She must know that he was telling the truth. He had to get through to her.

"I'd have to go back and take the ferry cause I can't go straight through." It seemed that the conversation was already over and the way she spoke seemed as if making plans to herself aloud. Sico gawked and tried not to let his heartbreak overwhelm him. Sitting up staring at her, not looking back. She would appear unkind to anyone else, but this was her personality. Letting him know was the gentlest thing she could offer. She too had learnt to close herself up ages ago.. And she had done it to perfection.

"Ayaka, just... please. Please don't betray me..." but there was no reponse. He got to his feet, as if making a declaration. "Don't betray me." An accusation this time. But... nothing again. She wasn't looking at him as he stood above, the insects now becoming a nuisance like a brown dirty morning in the bog. Small streaks of tears started down his face. He knew he was reverting to infantile behaviour and couldn't stop it. The silence started to grow longer and longer till it was so heavy and absolute that he knew it was over.

"What will i do now...." he whispered.

And he knew she would be leaving that day, within an hour. Cause that's how it worked, didn't it? No warning, just gone.

He looked at the ribbon on her left arm. He wouldn't take Snort's ribbon from her. But... he lifted his feet and stepped on the slope beside her. He walked. She did not say goodbye. Walking everywhere and nowhere, that was his life now. He did not say goodbye. He didn't want to look back as he rose over the incline and out of the garden. He didn't want to see her or not see her. See her get up to leave too. She if she had ever turned to look at him that last morning together. But he wasn't trying to be brave.

The weather was getting progressively cooler the further north he traveled but the water on his cheeks felt hot. By the time he reached the incline and was starting across, he knew he wouldn't be able to see her anymore.

Who knew if he would again. Perhaps 5 years would pass and they would be completely different people. It was a wide world and she, or he, might even die without the other knowing. When would he see her again? Would she leave again? It was too painful to be with someone who always abandoned you. Maybe she would be like every other cold hearted Migurigum when they re engaged. No. Not her.


Sico turned and ran from his uncle. All he was doing now was running and crying and getting angry for the rest of his life. Trying to live and be logical didn't work, he would let his emotions consume and guide him. He couldn't hold back everything any longer. He wanted revenge. He wanted to do something.

He burst into his room and grabbed up a random notebook and pen. They weren't trying to find the killers, that's what they were. And he hasn't tried to piece it together either to do anything . But now he would wrangle his memory and jot together the best of what he recalled and keep it for future reference. He scourged his mind to pinpoint how many people were actually there that night. Filter out the fear and try to clearly remember how many voices or backs he has seen. He wrote it down, the crazy killer that sounded like a young guy. His sleezy voice would be impossible to forget. Konohimae and Axishi he knew. A smaller boy with overhanging bangs in his eyes, that kid killed his father in cold blood. And yes, another skinny androgynous one with long hair and skin build. Yes... That was familiar wasn't it.

He pulled out the newspaper again. Whatever lead he could get- he would take. The towns of the Migurigum sighting, he would follow. His eyes scanned the article quickly and he found the name of the town: Onawa. It was very far north from Sico but could get a ride.

He stepped out of his bedroom for a last time and closed it, looking over the staircase at his home below. He was seeing it now. And it was not home anymore. It looked completely different. His uncle has hung his own family portraits around, the regal old fashioned gold black and brown wallpaper had been switched out for a shining modern white. Electronic television and tall entertainment center centred the living quarters and the victorian couches had changed to a sectional. He has not recognized this at all. His kindly jolly uncle was an ambitious opportunist man. And Sico had no idea what power he had given him, reading over his family papers.

But no matter. None of this was important in the grand scheme of things. In the real world where humans and demon coexisted. The most important heirloom he had already received. It was what just family had protected and the Migurigum could not seize from him. The sword. This was his destiny. In the end, he would have to know it's purpose and that he'd never been gifted for a normal life. he did not know how he did it, but he stuck out his arm again and the air around him was raising golden particles. Particles swirling and joining and becoming into the shape of a giant blade. The Renji blade. It was there always, but in another dimension, another realm and it would answer him and come to him only. And it would only leave it's hiding in the house with him. And now, it was time to go.

Dangerous. She said the town was dangerous to MIgurigum and Geltun alike. How could anything be dangerous to the immortal Migurigum and Geltun as well? His eyes scoured the town that looked as prosperous as the towns he and Ayaka had just visited. The infrastructure was epitome, unmarred and well crafted. The stone sign that read Winwood City seemed recently repainted and welcoming and with dotted trees spread out before him, murals and various stores and decoration, there was one thing that stood out to Sico. If this was not a frightened Migurigum town... then where was everybody? Why was it so dead quiet?

It was actually just like every other MIgurigum town but wait- there was an undertone of defiance beneath it. He could sense it now. It was... deliberately still. Whatever the secret was, Sico was going to find out. What else he could wield against Migurigum before he set out again to kill them again. He placed one foot forward.

On the other side of the stony bridge that lead to a massive mansion, a young boy was having a heated conversation with a cab driver. The man was indicating the giant sword with distaste, shaking his head, and the boy had stumped his feet to defend his position. Alas, the cab driver shook his head and headed back into his driver seat but not before pulling out a small piece of parchment from his jacket pocket and handed it to the boy. He drove off and the boy flipped open the small square sheet curiously.

The thick black ink was cursive and so extremely neat. It looked printed although it was handwritten and there were only some co ordinates at the top and a single line in the centre.

'Bring The Sword' it stated, eloquent even on paper. And below, with one single stroke, the letter -K.