
Kazrt Smut

Kazrt (Kaz and Heart). This angel/demon couple has a mix of stories in this book, mainly principle/teacher smut as well as some more interesting stories with this lovely couple! I hope you two enjoy this book I’ve written for you

Evaandlills · その他
6 Chs

Make out

Angel rubbed his eyes as he woke up that morning, the sun shining into their bedroom. It was a Saturday, meaning no work. He was a drama teacher at a highschool his kids went to, something he'd picked up a long time ago.

He smoothed his jet black hair out of his void-like eyes, his Asian features coming out as he revealed more of his face. He stood up and got out of bed, heading towards the restroom. He quickly freshened up, changing into a casual gray sweatshirt and some black jeans. He brushed his hair, the little heart parted in his bangs a signature style for Mr. Heart.

Once he deemed himself presentable he headed out into the living room. There sat Kaz, his husband. Angel felt butterflies as he walked over to the white couch, big enough for at least ten people. Kaz sat in the corner of it on his laptop.

Kaz had brown hair that was cut short to not touch his neck, the front swooping down in front of his eye and a dyed silver streak on the side. His one eye was brown, while the other was covered by an eyepatch with a rose embroidered on the middle. He wore all black, and a hat on top of his head that covered two horns.

"Good morning!" Angel leaned over the back of the couch to smile at his husband, who grinned back at him.

"Good morning, Heart, how was your sleep?" Kaz replied, reaching a hand out to pat Angel on the head.

"Good, I slept like a baby. Are those two awake yet?"

"Not that I know of." Kaz chuckled as Angel asked about his kids. He'd taken on the father role quickly, even before marrying Mr. Heart.

"They must have been up all night again, those silly little gremlins." Angel laughed.

Kaz set down his laptop as Angel hopped over the couch, sliding next to him. He slid his hands into Heart's hair, playing with it gently. Angel leaned into his touch as he smiled at his boyfriend's little bits of affection. The two stayed cuddled up together for a while, just enjoying the calm morning when they weren't at school. Kaz was the principal of their highschool, and that was how he'd met his sweet husband and his kids.

Angel finally smiled and leaned up to kiss Kaz, brushing his brown locks out of his face. Kaz smiled and kissed him back, their lips gliding against each other's. They enjoyed each other for a moment, just tasting the other. Their heart's were both beating quickly and their bodies were heating up, but they didn't mind as they continued their little make out. Kaz reached his hands to trail along Angel's hips and up his arms, as Angel wrapped his own around K.

The two eventually pulled away from each other, but they kept their hands on the other's body. K smiled at his lover, his eye scanning him up and down. His guardian angel. He let his hand trail up his body, watching Angel's eyes flutter close. He let his hand rest on the man's neck, his mind wandering to a less angelic place. Sitting with someone assumed to be holy didn't make the lust any different. His husband was hot and he couldn't get enough.

Angel felt the same way towards his husband, this hot demon he wanted with him at all times. He wanted to let all his thoughts and desires come true, to just feel the heat and passion these two could share together. He had his eyes closed as he felt the demon's hand on his neck, rubbing over his pulse and his collarbone gently. He wanted nothing more than to be marked everywhere his hand traveled.

K seemed to get the hint, or at least he let his own thoughts take over, as he leaned forward and placed his head in the crook of his husband's neck. Angel lifted one hand to rest in K's hair as he felt small kisses to his neck and under his chin. K took his time, wanting to taste his sweet husband. He let his tongue flick his skin every once in a while, which received a small shudder from Angel.

He continued to kiss and nip at his neck, avoiding the spot he knew would be perfect to mark. He soon let his lips rest against a small part of his neck, letting his tongue trail over it and receiving a quiet whimper from Angel. Kaz smiled softly before biting down on the sweet spot, not enough to hurt but at least able to leave a mark. His husband whimpered into his hair as he tilted his head to give K more access.

"You're so pretty." Kaz whispered as he leaned away, admiring the hickey he'd left. He reached a hand out and grabbed Angel's chin, making him look into his eye.

"Don't say that.." he whined.

"I love you." Kaz grinned as his flustered husband smiled.

"I love you too!"

He pulled him into a hug, kissing him softly all over his face. He was always gentle with his lover. Angel laughed as Kaz messed up his hair and pulled him into another deep kiss. He kissed back, running his hands through those brown locks and tugging slightly. That got a reaction out of Kaz as he gripped his husband's waist and deepened their passionate kiss.

He pulled Angel down to grind on his thigh, feeling how worked up he'd already got. He was proud of himself for being the only person who could get his husband to feel this way. Angel continued to kiss his demon, feeling him slightly grinding against his knee. He decided to give him some friction as he pressed it further against his crotch.

They pulled away to breathe for a moment, both taking heavy breaths as they smiled at each other. They were both turned on, just from a little make out. Angel wanted to touch every part of his lover.

Kaz soon heard a bedroom door click, knowing it was Heart's daughter. He smiled sweetly at his husband as he kept him on his lap, grabbing his laptop to make it seem like they were just cuddling. Heart buried his head into his husband's shoulder, earning a soft chuckle from the other.

+Sorry guys, I have to tease you a bit! I promise it gets spicier+ <3< p>

“I can’t help but adore the way you look at me.”

Love you guys -Eva to K and Heart

Evaandlillscreators' thoughts