
Kaystar Isekai Chronicles

After his world had been completely transformed, Leo is killed and through a sacrifice by his cat, he is reincarnated to live in another life strangely managing to retain his old memories, but his traumas and his past make him more stubborn and unconscious. His destiny, however, will be very different and may have two paths. But only he will choose which one to take.

LeoKaystarTV · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2 A Battle for a Promise

The Guardian was mammoth however Leo was serious, although his thoughts and emotions were already blurring his vision and lucidity slightly. the creature's height was about four and a half meters, its armor was made of bone-clad muscles, demonic eyes from which black blood gushed, and in place of its abdomen it had six small fusion cannons and a huge one in the center, from which streams of dark black energy spilled out.

In his back, embedded in his skin he had ultra-technological fusion drills all along his body, also from tiny holes around them leaked a very small amount of electrified steam capable of injuring and slowing down the movements of enemies.

Leo tried to analyze and unearth its weak points, eventually to his amazement he discovered that his eyes saw beyond the armor.

The enemy inside his body had a total of six energy cores, but they were well protected by hands with runic seals, slimy innards dripping with poison, and pitch-black ores in addition to the armor.

???? : "It is a very powerful spirit be very careful."

The boy nodded after the entity reset his vision causing him to come to his senses and with high concentration, he fanned the sword with the tip pointing toward him. in the meantime from the Guardian's helmet of flesh and muscle, a mouth with sharp, pointed teeth materialized, also from the back of his skull tentacles sprang out and analyzed the boy

Guardian: "Boy you will be my next dinner, you just don't know it yet."

He began to laugh sadistically as he looked at him with his multiple eyes on his body staring intently. They were quite noticeable on the nerves and had a look as if they couldn't wait to dismember him and absorb his life energy.

Guardian:" Since I took possession of this feline, I feed on her memories, I feed on her anger, her sadness, her fears."

Guardian: "You think you will succeed."

Leo attacked at a speed six times faster than the speed of sound multiple slashes, the blows lacerated many tissues of the armor and black blood mixed with the poisonous liquid of the innards leaked out profusely.

Guardian: "You dirty bastard now you have pissed me off."

Guardian: "however it hurts like hell and keeps burning me despite the fact that I have a fairly higher than average regeneration capacity, plus it seems to have slowed down and not by a little."

The draconic demon looked at him full of anger, looked at his cat who now had almost no strength left and knew he had to hurry to save her.

Guardian: "Never let your guard down boy, it could be fatal here, you will soon find out that this is not a punishment."

The opponent released the drills, which headed full speed toward Leo like a bolide. The boy was strong enough to deflect them but did not know how much he could take given their speed.

Guardian: "Now you are trapped, prepare for the barrage of fire from my weapons."

Leo tried to find a loophole from this situation, then he had an idea that if it worked he could completely destroy the autonomous drills and eliminate The Adversary.

The opponent charged the cannons with energy, ready to erase the draconic demon from existence and was so excited that he laughed evilly until he completely lost his soul, becoming a being covered with a dark aura and his eyes were completely black and gushing with blood.

When he had finished charging, he opened his eyes so wide that the pressure of the nerves made them collapse, and Leo seized this opportunity by running toward him.

Guardian: "Vanish into the shadows boy Cursed Solar Cannon."

Leo concentrated his power and slowed time so that he was able to use another technique to move away and stand near the feline, blocking The incoming explosion with an energy shield.

When the deflagration of the Explosion occurred, the feline and the boy found themselves in the same building where he and Lumia once lived.

Leo: "that it was all a dream?"

When he felt a small weight on his own body, he noticed his now anthropomorphic cat in close contact with his body, asleep but with a serene smile.

Leo: "at least I saved you like that winter, you were still tiny and malnourished."

Leo: "I swore to myself that I would save as many people and animals as I could, never mind the compliments."

The backlash had set in, and Leo felt heavy contractions, rips in his muscles and tendons tearing at him, and nerve pains so severe that he could barely hold back his screams.

Leo: "This is a burden, but I am ready to bear it as long as I am in this world."

Leo: "However, he had said it was not a punishment, so what did he mean?"