
Chapter 1

Bella's pov.

Today was the day I was leaving Forks to go to Alaska to live with The Denali's clan. Yes they know I'm Vampire/ witch/ whitelighter. The Halliwell's are gonna live in the woods by the Danelis so we could see each other more.

Anyways I just got off the plane with Renesmee. Her Dad and I broke up a few months ago. Jacob, Seth, and Leah trailed behind us so they can talk. There is a new wolf pack around here and Jacob's finally gonna be a leader to the new pack.

"Hey Mommy, can Jakey, Sethy, and Lele move in with us?" Renesmee asked me.

"It's up to them and the Denali's Sweetie." I said.

"OK Mommy." Renesmee said as she ran back to Seth and he picked her up.

You all are probably wondering how I know about the "Power of Three" they are my Sister's we have the same Mom but different dad's. You see Mom was with Victor Bennett when she had Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. The she went to her Whitelighter Sam Wilder and she had Paige and I. I'm the youngest and yes Prue is a full whitelighter and they all have kids.

Prue is Married to her high school sweetheart Andy Trudeau.

They have 3 sons.

Paris Alexander Trudeau. He's 16.

Allen Victor Trudeau. He's 17.

Arthur Jonathan "AJ" Trudeau. He's 15.

Then there's Piper Halliwell and her husband Leo Wyatt.

Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. He's 20. He's Married to Skye Tanner.

Christopher Perry Halliwell. He's 19.

Prudence Melinda Halliwell. She's 18.

Phoebe Halliwell and her husband Coop.

Prudence Brianna Halliwell. She's 19. Finance to Aiden Sawyer.

Parker Cassandra Halliwell. She's 18.

Peyton Charlotte Halliwell. She's 16.

Paige Matthews and her husband Henry Mitchell.

Henry Samuel Mitchell Jr. He's 19.

Sarah Patricia Mitchell. She's 18.

Grace Penelope Mitchell. She's 18.

And then there's my daughter. So ya I know I should've named her Peyton Renesmee Halliwell and it's not to late. Right? (Anyways let me know what you guys think Renesmee's name should be)

As we all got to the Denali's house we walked in to see Carmen, Kate, Eleazar, Irina, and Tanya standing their smiling.

As we all hugged and said hi. They told me that their was people here to see me so I walked in to the kitchen to see 3 groups of people. That's when I see them.

Right to left. Wyatt, Melinda, and Chris.

Brianna, Parker, and Peyton.

Sarah, Henry, and Grace.


Victor Jr.


(Pretend the last 3 our in a Picture together)

I look at my Nieces and Nephews and they all look at me while they look to Grace to me and we both burst out laughing since we look alike.

Wyatt, Chris, Melinda, Henry Jr, Brianna, Parker, Peyton, Victor Jr, Alex, and AJ comes up and hugs me and Grace comes up and hugs me after wards.

"Have you guys met them yet?" I asked them all.

"Yes Aunt Bella we did, we wouldn't be in a house full of Vampires without knowing their names." Grace says.

"You guys know what we are?" Bella asked the kids.

"Yes Aunt Bella. We know you all are the cold ones and Seth, Leah, and Jake smells like dogs so ya we know and can sense it." Wyatt said.

"Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, be nice to your cousins. You can't just go around saying that to Seth, Leah, and Jacob." We all hear Prue scold as she came in to the house with Piper, Leo, Coop, Andy, Henry, Phoebe, and Paige following her.

I smirk and winked at Leah and Leah smirked and winked back knowing what I was gonna do.

I sneaked up behind Prue and orbed out with her as she screamed and we became invisible.

"Where did Prue go?" Henry Jr asked scared.

I became visible while Prue slapped my butt and me laughing.

"Next time you do that you won't be laughing." Prue huffed.

"Sorry Sis but I know you secretly miss it." I laughed hard.

"Ugh." Prue grumbled and sat down with AJ on her lap.

Kate smirked and I knew she has already mated on me.

I walked towards Kate and we kissed.

"Ew." We all hear Renesmee say behind Leah.

"Who's that?" Wyatt, Chris, Melinda, Brianna, Parker, Peyton, Sarah, Henry Jr, Grace, Alex, Victor Jr, Aj, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe ask.

"Guys this is my daughter Renesmee. She is Edwards daughter to but he left me so it's whatever. I Love my daughter and since Kate is my actual Mate I'm glad for her to adopted her and help me raise her. She's 5 you guys. Anyways Renesmee meet your cousins Wyatt, Chris, Melinda, Brianna, Parker, Peyton, Sarah, Henry Jr, Grace, Alex, Victor Jr, and Aj." I said.

"Hi Renesmee nice to meet you." They all say.

"This is your Aunty Prue and your Uncle Andy." I said as Prue picked up Renesmee and tickled her as she laughed.

"This is your Aunty Piper, Uncle Leo, Aunty Phoebe, Uncle Coop, Aunty Paige, and Uncle Henry." I said finishing while pointing at them all.

Later that night.

"Wyatt, Chris, and Henry Jr. You guys share the first room on the right." I said as I opened their door and they gasped.

"Alex, Victor Jr, and Aj you guys share the second room on the right." I said.

"Melinda, Brianna, and Parker you guys share the 3rd room on the right." Kate said.

"Peyton, Sarah, and Grace you guys share the 4th room on the right." Irana said.

"Prue and Andy first room on the left. Piper and Leo second room on the left. Phoebe and Coop third room on the left. Paige and Henry fourth room on the left." Kate added.

Prue and Andy.

Piper and Leo.

Phoebe and Coop.

Paige and Henry.

"Oh and guys theirs a Video game room, a studio, a dance studio,a library, and a movie room." I said.

The game room.

A studio.

Dance studio.

The library.

The movie room.

We all went in to the movie room on the couch where Leo with Piper on his lap. Andy with Prue on his lap. Coop with Phoebe on his lap. Henry with Paige on his lap. Kate with me on her lap. Tanya on Irina lap and Eleazar with Carmen on his lap. Henry Jr, Wyatt, Victor Jr, Alex, Aj, and Chris all sat on the floor while Melinda, Peyton, Sarah, Parker, and Grace sat on the bean bags together.

We where half way threw the movie when Leah, Seth, Renesmee, and Jacob walked in.

Renesmee walked over to me and I picked her up setting her on my lap as Kate put her arms around us.