
The end.

It was a long night when we decided to go play in the woods, I was scared but with him I was bold, strong and fearless. We played like that was the last night's ever of been together. Then I heard a loud cry of pain in the woods then I was lifted off the sand and into the house. I waited every night and day for his return but he never came back. As I grew up, I kept on asking Mama where he was but she kept ignoring my questions, she acted like the questions were rhetorical, ' where is Drake mama?'. She would either prefer to walk away anytime I ask or yell at me to go get something doing. On one of the sunny days in the States of darks, I walked up to Mama in the kitchen cooking, as I walked up to the kitchen, I heard her talking to someone in there, the voices I was hearing sounded familiar, I walked on my toe and pied through the hole on the wooden door of the kitchen, it was not so high for me to see their faces but as I was struggling to see through the hole, the door opened and I fell in, I raised my head gently as I looked at those gentle men faces, the looked more angry than a bull. They looked like a a lion that has not eaten for almost a month, then on of the guy that I saw that night with my brother in the woods,

' that's him right, fine little boy come let's play, come over to my house', the man was stepping forward per word he says then a huge breeze blew across the entire room, he got disappointed and scared then my one and only body guard, my life, my everything walked in through the front door. He was confused when found us in the kitchen with some weird four ugly looking guys. He just stepped forward and walked with the guys and they all left.

it was so confusing, yes he saved our asses but why was it when we felt the strong breeze that he walked in, why was it that he does not cut his last finger nails and am my breath is life and am not allowed to tell anyone. Like all this shit was like we were all in a family cult. Like am tried of all the laws. I decided to plant so many cameras just to watch every of their movement, after since daddy talked to those guys, he often comes home for break fast and when he comes home for dinner and he immediately leave after dinner. I installed a tracker on my mama body, she and papa were heading same way until they spilt up because there were some people in black jeans, black jacket with black Hood with a black nose cover, they looked more like the Hood in the Rivers. The Hood were a great group of wizards until they fought a battle of the undead and they never win against them. The Hoods could not let their legacy just end like that or is this going to be an end to all of us. I got my eye off the computer for just some sec, I heard a gun shot, before I could get back to the system papa was lying in his pool of blood, shock took over the faces of the people in the reception of the hotel. I saw mama walking towards the hotel, I could view her facial expressions from the hotel CCTV camera, she was lost in shock and short of words, she was not sure maybe to scream, cry or run to him, or even call the cops. Normally, she would have behaved like a heartless beast by walking pass papa but she let her emotions show, she ran towards him, I thought he was going to be saved by mama but a fast bullet flew into the air and into her forehead. She fell straight to the ground.