
the control

so if you're reading this so

maybe you're really interested in this so

maybe it's okay if I tell you how it's started

at first actually I have no control in this visions

I mean before that dreams (I mean my first strong one dream)sometimes I just see some visions in dreams and when it's happen It's really hard to me to understand what's going on

like many times I just see some visions to go on a place where I never went before and when it's happen then some people told me maybe i go to a place that was just look like that .

that's why I thought i went before but a night I see a dreams before my school transfer and on that

I was standing there in a festival in front of a bridge with three person and there first one is my elder cousin

and other one is my bestfriend and me and a stranger I don't even know who's the fourth person so i wake up I was so confused

how can I see a person who I never meet

then after 3 months I meet that person in my transfer school everytime I see him I ask him do we meet before and after sometimes when the festival comes then we there like a bestfriend and we decided to go on that festival with my brother and my other bestfriend and we meet on that bridge and when we stand there and then I know back then who was that stranger and I tell my bestfriend that I see you before we meet

he thought I just messing around but on that day I realized that all of this visions are not just coincidences or illusions that are visions of future and after I tried to know how I get this visions like search about my visions on net or finding something helpful to know about this

but it was not that much helpful but many months later I was sleeping and first I see that visions which I see in my childhood and some of I see on those days and when some more visions which back then I didn't even see I start feeling something strange and I tried to remember all of them and on that dream I feel like I spent some months on sleeping and when I see my death and at last I see everything goes black and then there's every where light blue smoke spreads everywhere and then there's a woman who sit on air and coming to me so slowly and when I get something really wrong she's coming to even faster and then I wake up I see a women's shadow standing in front of my room door and a little by little that shadow gone

after that I feel something really so strange because when something gonna happen I got a visions without sleeping and slowly slowly I learn how to see visions because you know back then I told you it was like memories from future I said that because now it's really like a memory to me

a memory but a little bit fussy because on that dream I remember of visions of my life in mind so when it's gonna happen then visions or if

I want to see a visions then I just have to see and feel the stuff was around me because I just remember when I see those stuff who had a connection with my future like if I had a watch and I got an accident in future and that watch was with me on that time so if I just want to see a vision so I just have to touch and feel my watch and it's not that much simple because sometimes I can't if the future accidents or have so much time to happen or if I can't find a stuff which connects to the future and if you think how I find a stuff which has connections with future I just have to see all the stuff and when I see that stuff then I can feel the fussiness in my mind you know it's have a reaction also ahhhhhh never mind I tell you next time

for now thanks for giving me time

see ya

kanvas (ST)