
Episode 13

(The episode opens with a boy who has long red hair, white skin, wearing a brown shirt, green pants, and white shoes is looking sad and looking at the edge of a cliff)

(The boy pricks his finger, then draws circle has a star that has four triangle around it)

Caden (on the circle) (eyes glowing): deen fo emit ni pleh ruoy ksa I, ahsinaK

(Caden gets blasted out of the circle)

(Kanisha as her 13-year-old self wearing an orange shirt, blue pants, and white shoes; has a long snake tail with a v-shaped end appears from the circle)

Kanisha: Hi

(Caden looked surprised)

(Kanisha walks to Caden and helps him up)

Caden: I'm Caden and you fulfill any request?

Kanisha: I do

Caden: Well, then I wish to be erased out of existence and be replaced by a robot that is exactly like me

Kanisha: Well, that is rare

Caden: Can it done?

Kanisha: Sure, but are you sure?

Caden: Yes

Kanisha: Okay, but I can't bring you back, understand?

Caden: Yeah

(Kanisha's body glows, and levitating Caden into the circle)

(Caden disappeared)

(A clone of Caden appeared)

(The clone is wearing a purple shirt, brown pants, and white shoes)

(The clone lands by Kanisha)

Kanisha: Alright, are you ready?

Clone Caden: Yes, but will the parents accept the truth?

Kanisha: Everybody has heard of me, but it might be still takes time because this isn't the only time I erased somebody

Clone Caden: So, I am not the only clone

Kanisha: Don't feel jealous

Clone Caden: That's not apart of my system, but I do appreciate knowing I am not the only one.

Kanisha: If you want to chat with other clones, I have servers you can join.

Clone Caden (eyes glowing): Why is that a thing?

Kanisha: You aren't the only one feeling lonely

Clone Caden: Can I still request stuff?

Kanisha: Technically you are the clone and since he doesn't exist anymore yes

Clone Caden: I request you come with me to explain to his parents.

Kanisha: Jitters

Clone Caden: Big time

Kanisha: Alright

Clone Caden: So, you want to fly or use super speed?

Kanisha (holds Clone Caden in her arms): Let's fly

Clone Caden: Being hold like this is weird

Kanisha (holding Clone Caden in her arms): This will feel weirder

(Kanisha flies off)

Clone Caden: Whoa!

(The screen shows Clone Caden and Kanisha walking up to a house)

(Kanisha knocks on the door)

(A woman who has long red hair, white skin, wearing a gray dress named Leia)

Leia: How can I help you?

Kanisha: I have bad news, ma'am

Leia: You know about my son

(Kanisha shows her tail)

(Leia looked shocked)

Kanisha: He wanted to leave you and your husband something or someone

Leia: (tears coming down) Who?

(Kanisha reveals Clone Caden)

Leia: Is his soul in there or different soul?

Kanisha: Different, I understand if you don't want to

Leia: Arthur!

(A man who has short brown hair, white skin, wearing a brown shirt, white pants, and white shoes named Arthur)

Arthur: What's up? (Sees Clone Caden) Caden, you are safe

Kanisha: Sorry, he isn't the same son, you knew

Arthur: Kanisha, what do you mean?

Kanisha: He is a clone

Clone Caden: Hi

Arthur: What did you do with my son?

Kanisha: He requested to be erased and this is his clone.

Arthur: Get him away from here

Leia (sad): Honey

Arthur: There's no way, I am letting him in

Leia: This is what Caden wanted, you knew he wasn't happy

Arthur (angry): But, not even leaving a note, just leaving without a care in the world.

Leia: He must had a reason

Kanisha: If you need time, I understand

Clone Caden: Yeah, I have his contacts, I could stay with his friends

Leia: I can't kick you out, Kanisha you can help please

Kanisha: I can, only if Caden request it

Clone Caden: I don't want to force anything, I get you love them

Leia: I feel if I let you walk off, I'll never see you

Clone Caden: What do you want me to request

Arthur: Hold it, do I get a say in whatever this is?

Kanisha: Freeze

(Arthur and Leia are frozen in time)

(Kanisha wipes her eyes)

Kanisha: I hate parents that can't decide

Clone Caden: I knew this was too much, please send over his friend: Ken's house and erase their memories of seeing me

Kanisha: You should know he has a crush on him

Clone Caden: You can clear it up

Kanisha: Got it (snaps her fingers)

(Clone Caden and Kanisha disappears)

(Arthur and Leia are unfrozen)

Arthur: Why are you outside?

Leia: I don't know, maybe I thought Caden was out here

Arthur: Then why don't I remember?

Leia: Maybe you hit your head.

Arthur: That makes sense

(The screen switches to Clone Caden and Kanisha appearing by a door)

Kanisha: Are you sure you are ready?

Clone Caden: (breathes) I am, why did I take a breath? I'm a robot

Kanisha: It's nerves

Clone Caden: Okay, knock

(Kanisha knock on the door)

(Clone Caden stands by Kanisha's side)

(A boy who has black hair, white skin, wearing a gray shirt, black pants, and white shoes named Ken)

Ken (smiles): Caden, you are okay and who's she?

Kanisha: Names Kanisha

Ken: Kanisha, like the (sees Kanisha's tail) mutant

Kanisha: At your service

Ken (looks at Clone Caden): What's going on?

Clone Caden: I am a clone, I am not your friend

Ken (looks in disbelief): You're kidding right

Clone Caden: No, I understand if you don't want me to stay (about to walk away)

Ken (takes Clone Caden's hand): No, you can sta, I know the only reason would come here is because you can't handle his parents

Clone Caden: Won't this be awkward?

Ken: Nah, it's just hanging out with the clone of my crush and I am guessing you are a robot

Clone Caden: I am, hope that isn't too awkward

Ken: I kissed my crush on prom night, when he was on a date with a girl that was my best friend, so trust me I know awkward

Clone Caden: I have those memories, it was ugly

Ken: Yeah, that's understatement

Clone Caden: True, Kanisha you can go

Kanisha: Have fun, but not too much

Clone Caden: We won't, thank you

Kanisha: No problem

Ken: So, you want to come in

Clone Caden: Yeah

(Clone Caden and Ken go inside)

Kanisha: I give them two weeks (laughs)

(Episode ends)