
Episode 1

(The episode opens with Kanisha: a 13-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes gets in a jeep and closes the door)

(Kanisha starts the jeep and moves onto the road)

(There is plenty of cars on the road)

(Kanisha is driving steadily, while listening to music)

(The music is hip hop)

Kanisha : (breathes the air) what a lovely day (stomach growls) But I am hungry

(Kanisha's eyes glow yellow and the camera zooms on the Cameo Cafe)

Kanisha: Perfect

(Kanisha's body glows white along with the jeep)

(The screen shows Kanisha and the jeep appearing in the parking lot of the Cameo Cafe)

(Kanisha gets out of the jeep and closes it with her tail)

(Some people are entering the cafe, while others are eating inside)

(Kanisha enter the cafe)

(Inside the restaurant is normal humans, aliens, and mutants as employees and are eating the food at tables)

Kanisha: Oh, classy

  (A squeal is heard)

(Kanisha turns around to see an anthropomorphic octopus with green skin, wearing a red dress and heels holding plates)

Kanisha: Hello, is there any room for me to get something to bite?

The octopus (exclaimed): Oh my gosh, you are Kanisha

Kanisha (smiles): Yes, (Waves) hello

The octopus: Yes, there is an empty table over here, follow me

(Kanisha follows the octopus to the empty table and sits down)

The octopus (gives a menu to Kanisha): Here, pick your food, I'll be right back

Kanisha: Alright, and if you want an autograph just ask

The octopus (squeals): REALLY?!

Kanisha: Yes, but less loud

The octopus: Yes, and could you use your mind reading powers?

Kanisha: Alright Tanna

Tanna the octopus: She knows my name (spins around) (Enters the kitchen)

A 16-year-old girl (comes out of the kitchen with two plates full of drinks)

The girl: That girl has to calm down (sees Kanisha) Kanisha, is that you

(Kanisha sees the 16-year-old girl who has long brown hair, brown skin, wearing a yellow shirt, blue skirt, white apron, and white shoes named Tala)

Kanisha: Tala, didn't expect to see you here

Tala (fake smiles): Me either (pours water on Kanisha's head) jerk

Kanisha: Still haven't forgive me for leaving you to save that old town

Tala (angry): You knew it was last day at Rea High School and I would never see you ever again

Kanisha: But, I visited you after

Tala (angry): You left me with a clone (pours another glass of water on Kanisha) take this advice, stay away from me

Kanisha: I am not following you, I just want breakfast 

Tala (angry): Whatever (walks over) sorry for taking so long

Kanisha: I messed up, big time

(Tanna the octopus reappears with a glass of water and a clipboard)

Tanna: So, are you ready to order, here's some water (surprised, while looking at Kanisha)

Kanisha: Yeah, (drying her hair with fire hands) I would like Korean pancakes, ham Denver omelet, and no water, you got it?

Tanna (while her tentacles is writing on the clipboard): Yes, are you sure you don't want me to give you a towel

Kanisha: No need (Her hair is completely dry) I'm fine, see

Tanna: Alright, I'll bring your order (Walks away)

Kanisha: How beautiful

Tala (walks past): I don't know what she sees in you, but don't hurt her

Kanisha: Please it's a fan crush

(Tala growls as she enters the kitchen)

(Kanisha makes a pepsi can appear, opens it, and starts drinking)

(The screen shows Tanna talking to Tala)

Tanna (while grabbing the food with her tentacles as the food appear): Tala, I get it, you hate her, but stop showing that in front of other customers

Tala: Sorry, I got carried away, she just boils my blood

(A steak gets on fire)

(Tanna panics)

(The fire is sucked out of the steak and the steak is in burnt)

(A woman who has long black hair, white skin, wearing a blue dress, white apron, gloves, and white shoes)

Tala (surprised): Boss! 

The woman (looks at Tala): What did I say about letting your emotions go out of control like that

Tala (apologetic): Breath and walk outside 

The woman: That's right and Tanna what set her off this time?

Tanna: It wasn't me, she saw her ex

The woman (shivers): Oh! Too relatable, regardless No letting off your emotions that leads to this place nearly being burned down, I don't want another complaint from the fire department 

Tala: Even though that cute guy is in charge

(The woman blushes for a moment)

The woman: (clears her throat) That's besides the point, no setting anything else on fire

Tala (salutes): Yes, ma'am

The woman: Good, Tanna, what are you doing, that customer is waiting on her food

Tanna: Right (runs out of the kitchen)

The woman: What am I going to do with her? (Walks out of the kitchen)

(The woman watches as Tanna gives to Kanisha, she looks shocked to see Kanisha)

(Kanisha gives Tanna a dollar and a picture, then winks at the woman)

(The woman looks shocked, then backs up back into the kitchen)

Tala (as she walks out the door): Boss, are you okay?

(The woman nodded)

(Tala looks at Kanisha as she holding plates full of sandwiches, then heads to the table in the back full of anthropomorphic tree people)

Tala (smiles) (hands out the food): Here you go 

A man: Uh, miss, you dropped the napkin

Tala (sees the napkin): Oh

(Tala tries to pick up the napkin)

(The man tries to look Tala)

(A hand slaps the man in the back of the head)

(The man looks shocked)

(The hand is revealed to be Kanisha's as it retracts back to her)

(Tanna is walking into the kitchen)

The woman: Impressive, even though Tala hates her, she protects her

(Tala gets the napkin and walks away)

(Kanisha is finishing her food)

(The man walks out of the cafe)

(Kanisha leaves money and walks out the cafe)

The man: Hey, you are that famous mutant

Kanisha: You like peaking

(The man feels a shock)

The man: Ouch (looks at his hair)

Kanisha: How disgusting 

(The man's shoes catch on fire)

The man: Oh my gosh (kicks his shoes off) what is your deal?

Kanisha: (breaks the man's window with her fist) What's my deal, you are a disgusting pig (scratches the paint) and you wondering what my deal is

The man: You don't have any proof, I was just seeing if she got the napkin 

Kanisha (lifts the car): Don't lie to me, I can read minds 

The man (scared): Fine, I am not lying (on his knees) don't kill me

Kanisha (holding the car): Kill you, oh no no (smiles) the police will deal with you 

The man (scared): Put my car down please

Kanisha: Sure (drops the car)

(The car hits the ground)

(The police appears)

(A policeman talks to Kanisha)

(Kanisha hands a camera to the policeman)

(A short policeman hands Kanisha a notebook)

(Kanisha signs the notebook with her tail)

(A police woman handcuffs the man)

(A line of police has notebooks and Kanisha signs their notebooks)

(The screen shows Kanisha waving goodbye to the police as they drive off)

(Kanisha turns around to see Tanna, Tala, the boss, and many customers looking curious)

Kanisha: Well, I am about to go (heads to the jeep)

(The woman/boss nudges Tala)

Tala: Fine (Runs of the cafe) Kanisha, wait

(Kanisha closes her door of her jeep)

Tala: Don't go, I know you can hear me

Kanisha: I do, I'm surprised you are talking to me

Tala: It wasn't my idea, but I guess I owe you a thank you, that guy has been coming alot, and I hadn't noticed his intentions

Kanisha: You are welcome 

Tala: So, it seems you really weren't following me

Kanisha: I really wasn't, by the way I want to say goodbye to Tanna

(Kanisha snaps her finger as it is glowing white)

(Tanna appears)

Tanna: Oh my gosh

Kanisha: I don't know when I am going to come back to this cafe, so (hands a piece of paper to Tanna)

Tanna (takes the paper from Kanisha) (looks at the paper): Oh my! (looks at Kanisha) (Smiles) Thank you! Thank you!

Kanisha: Call me anytime, in case you want to go on a road trip (winks)

Tanna (blushes): Are you sure?

Kanisha: Yes, I don't mind, you seem like a nice girl

Tanna: Thank you

Kanisha: Well, I better go, have fun

(Tanna and Tala back up as they see the jeep fly off)

(Tanna waves goodbye and smiles)

(The episode ends)