
Chapter 6 - Training Battles III

The atmosphere in Squad 2's rest area was tense despite their earlier battle. Though they had fought hard, the reality of their loss to Squad 3 hung heavy in the air. They couldn't shake the realization that if Squad 3 had been this tough, then Squad 1—who had already defeated Squad 3—would be an even more formidable challenge.

Kasuto leaned against a tree, his arms crossed as he stared into the distance. "Squad 3 was no joke," he muttered, his usual confidence somewhat shaken. "If they were that strong and still lost to Squad 1, we've got a real fight ahead of us."

Rion, still nursing the frustration of his narrow defeat, nodded. "Yeah… and Squad 1 beat them. We need to figure out how we're going to deal with Misimi's strength. He's on another level."

Hanne, more subdued than usual, added, "And don't forget Remilekun and Olive. They're not just going to stand by and watch. We have to be ready for anything, although I'm kind of excited to finally face of Olive."

Meanwhile, over in Squad 3's rest area, Pedro sat quietly, lost in thought. Losing to Misimi had been a huge blow—Misimi's raw power had overwhelmed him, leaving him feeling powerless. But what truly shattered him was his defeat to Kasuto. To lose a battle of wits was one thing, but to lose a battle of strength—where he had always prided himself—had crushed him completely.

Viktor and Alia, aware of Pedro's inner turmoil, kept their distance, knowing that words wouldn't help. Pedro's confidence was in tatters, and it would take more than a pep talk to rebuild it.

As Squad 2 prepared for their upcoming battle against Squad 1, they couldn't ignore the weight of their earlier defeat. Squad 3 had shown them just how strong they were, and the fact that Squad 1 had defeated them meant they were in for their toughest battle yet. But even with the doubts creeping in, there was a sense of resolve among them. They had to be ready. This time, there could be no holding back.

As the moments ticked by, the tension in the arena was almost palpable. Squad 2 gathered at the edge of the forest, their thoughts swirling with the knowledge that their next battle would be against Squad 1—the squad that had defeated Squad 3, which had just beaten them. It was a harsh reality to face, but it was one they couldn't afford to ignore.Kasuto, Rion, and Hanne exchanged glances, the weight of their upcoming challenge hanging heavy in the air. Misimi's name was on everyone's mind, his raw power and unyielding determination marking him as a formidable foe. But Rion, in particular, felt the gravity of this impending clash. Misimi had watched him closely during his battle against Viktor, and it was clear that the powerhouse was eager to test Rion's strength himself.

On the opposite side of the arena, Misimi could hardly contain his excitement. The thought of facing Rion, the one who had hesitated to unleash his full power, had sparked a fierce desire within him. He grinned broadly, his fists clenching and unclenching in anticipation. "This is going to be good," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with eagerness. "I can't wait to see what Rion is really made of."

Remilekun noticed his brother's excitement and smiled. "Looks like you're ready to go all out, Misimi."

"More than ready," Misimi replied, his eyes glinting with enthusiasm. "This is what I've been waiting for."

Olive stood nearby, her expression calm but focused. "Don't get too excited, Misimi. Remember, we're up against some serious competition. Kasuto's no slouch, and Hanne's got some tricks up her sleeve."

Misimi nodded, but his thoughts were already consumed by the upcoming battle with Rion. He had seen the potential in him, the power that Rion was holding back, and he was determined to draw it out.

The arena suddenly began to rumble, interrupting their thoughts. Both squads looked around as the forest setting started to shift. The trees and underbrush receded, sinking into the ground, and the once-dense landscape gave way to a new terrain. The ground beneath their feet began to harden and flatten, transforming into the soft, grainy texture of sand. The arena evolved into an island beach setting, complete with scattered palm trees and rocky outcrops, though the ocean was nowhere to be seen.

Kasuto surveyed the new battlefield, his mind already calculating the advantages and disadvantages of the island beach setting. "This changes things," he said, his voice steady. "We need to adapt quickly."

Rion and Hanne nodded in agreement, their eyes scanning the terrain for potential strategies. The open expanse of the beach offered little in terms of cover, and the rocky outcrops could serve as both a hindrance and an asset, depending on how they were used.

On the other side, Misimi's grin only widened. "Perfect," he said, almost to himself. "No place to hide, just raw strength and power."

The anticipation in the air was thick as both squads took their positions. They knew that this battle would be unlike any they had faced before. The arena, now a sprawling beach under a simulated sun, felt like it was holding its breath, waiting for the inevitable clash.

The robotic voice of the arena's announcer crackled to life, heightening the tension even further. "Squad 1 versus Squad 2. Prepare for battle."

Rion's heart pounded in his chest as he took a deep breath, steadying himself for what was to come. Kasuto, standing beside him, his irises turning ghostly white as his mind sharpened to a razor's edge. Hanne's eyes narrowed as she prepared to utilize her Chloroplastic Control in the new setting. Misimi's excitement reached its peak, his muscles tensing as he readied himself to charge at Rion. The rest of Squad 1 mirrored his intensity, each of them fully aware of the stakes.

And then, just as the signal was about to be given, a deafening crash shattered the silence. The ground trembled, and the air was filled with the sound of crumbling stone. Both squads turned in shock as the massive wall of the arena buckled and began to collapse, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air.

Chaos erupted as the stone wall crashed down, the once calm arena now filled with the sounds of destruction. Palm trees splintered under the weight of the falling debris, and the ground shook violently as the wall continued to crumble. Both squads were thrown into disarray, their battle suddenly interrupted by this unexpected catastrophe.

As the dust began to settle, the arena was left in ruins, the boundary between the two squads now completely obliterated. Silence returned, but it was a silence filled with dread and uncertainty. What had caused the wall to collapse? And what would happen next?