
Chapter 14 - The Calm Before

Connor stood at the center of the field, watching the students buzz with excitement. It was a rare sunny day at the Iconian College of Defense, perfect for a break from their rigorous training. He had come up with the idea of a football match to let the students unwind—and maybe to stir up some friendly competition.

As the teams gathered on the field, Connor took a moment to assign everyone to their positions.

"For Team One," he began, "Rion, you're playing forward. Kasuto, you'll be midfield, Alia on defense, and Hanne, you'll be goalkeeper."

Rion flashed a confident grin, always eager to take the lead. Kasuto stood calmly, his mind already analyzing the best strategies to cover the field. Alia gave a small nod, positioning herself near the back. She wasn't one for the spotlight, but her calm presence on defense would be crucial. Hanne stretched a bit before moving to her place between the goalposts, her reflexes and quick decision-making making her a natural fit for goalkeeper.

Connor then turned to the other team. "Team Two: Misimi, you're forward. Remilekun, midfield. Olive, defense. Pedro, you'll be the keeper."

Misimi flexed, already cracking his knuckles, eager to charge through the opposition. His brother Remilekun stood next to him, offering a small nod of determination. Olive, more graceful but no less determined, took her spot on defense, while Pedro, calm as always, strolled to the goal with his typical laid-back attitude.

Before the whistle blew, Connor glanced toward Viktor, who had opted out of the game. Instead of standing with the rest of the players, Viktor leaned against a tree at the edge of the field, watching with a bored expression. He had made it clear he didn't find such games worth his time.

"Suit yourself," Connor shrugged, before blowing the whistle to start the game.

The match kicked off with everyone springing into action. Rion and Misimi immediately charged at each other, both eager to set the pace. Kasuto kept a close eye on Misimi's movements, while Remilekun's strength was on full display, battling for control of the midfield.

As the game unfolded, Viktor stood in the shade, occasionally glancing at the action. He wasn't indifferent, just uninterested in these types of distractions. To him, this was merely a break from the real training they were meant to be doing. He crossed his arms, the occasional flicker of interest showing on his face as the match intensified.


When the game ended, and the two teams gathered at the center of the field, laughter filled the air. Misimi teased Rion about their next rematch, while Kasuto and Pedro exchanged friendly nods. As they walked off the field together, it was clear: they weren't just teammates anymore—they were friends.

From a distance, Isabella watched silently, standing just outside the training grounds. While the students had been enjoying themselves, a deep worry clouded her gaze. She could see their potential, the promise of strength and unity forming among them, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread gnawing at her. These young rangers would soon face far more than just friendly competition. The world beyond the safety of Iconian College was dangerous, and she feared for their future.

Her eyes lingered on Rion and Misimi. Though they were all still young and carefree, Isabella could see the potential that they had. If only this looming threat of lancers would allow them to develop that potential. Perhaps it'll even be the spark that lights them to be their best.