
Chapter 15 – Adventurer registration 1

〓Adventurers guild branch Berganstadt 〓

(???)「Branch chief! What happened to the Dragon!?」

(Branch Chief)「Oh, the dragon!?」

The question flew when Tetsuya entered the adventurer guild along with the Branch Chief. The Branch Chief answered with a small voice, and all the members of the adventurers guild had a forced smile.

(Branch Chief)「No problem. Dragon's matter was solved! But we were about to have casualties because the Knights ignored my advice and did unnecessary things.」

And the man of the guild who heard this said…

(???)「Again the Knights?」

(???)「Altought they are a bit usable. They are doing much more disturbance.」

(???)「All the Knights, are they all groups of idiots?」

(???)「No, it's only here. The ones of the merchant town and others cities are respectable」

They started complaining about the Knights.When the Branch Chief saw it, he once again displayed a wry smile and called out to Tetsuya.

(Branch Chief)「Please come」


Soon, Tetsuya was guided by the Branch Chief. They reached a room which harbored a sofa, a table, and mage's equipment. After Tetsuya had sat on the couch, the Branch Chief began talking to him.

(Branch Chief)「I'm sorry for what happened a little while ago」

(Tetsuya)「Well everything is fine, like this, I could register myself earlier.」

(Branch Chief)「I'll do it. Then please, fill the paper I gave you with the necessary information.

(Tetsuya)「I'll do it. Should I absolutely fill everything?」

(Branch Chief)「You only need to fill where the ※ mark is displayed」

(Tetsuya)「Can I use a false name?」

(Branch Chief)「You can, but it's better that you don't」


※[Name ]Tetsuya Kanzaki


※[Gender ]Male

※[Special skill]Magic, Swordplay.

※[Battle ability]Sword, Magic

※[Magic]All of the attributes





(Tetsuya)「Is it good like this?」

(Branch Chief)「All attributes?Don't lie.Well, I'll confirm whether it's true now」


(Branch Chief)「Touch this magic crystal, and let a drop of your blood into it or infuse it with magic.」

Tetsuya dropped is blood as demanded.(The reason why Tetsuya didn't infuse the magic crystal with magic, was because he was afraid of breaking it)Then, the crystal shined with rainbow colors.

(Branch Chief)「It's really all attributes...….But it's impossible!」

(Tetsuya)「What do you mean?」

(Branch Chief)「Never once someone had all the attributes!Next please touch this other crystal」

One again, Tetsuya did as demanded and touched the crystal.

(Branch Chief)「No criminal record?」

(Tetsuya)「Yeah, are you surprised?」

(Branch Chief)「Oh well, anyway, I will make the guild card」

(Tetsuya)「Make it quick」

The Branch Chief took the Paper and together with a metal plate, disposed them inside a magical tool in a corner of the room. The two materials started to fuse together.After 10 seconds, "Ching", the sound of an ejection was heard.