
Meeting Ken Dedes

"That's right."

"Indeed, it is true."

"So, that really is Ken Dedes?"

"Yes. Yada, if you don't keep quiet, I will push you to the ground."

Yada immediately covers his mouth. He finally sits upright next to Kamaniya, who is acting as the driver.

During the attack by the two bandits earlier, the coachman and the caretaker of Ken Dedes' carriage fled out of fear. All four guards who were protecting them lost their lives.

Ken Dedes and her maid were not skilled at handling the carriage. Only Kamaniya could do it. As a result, she had to showcase her expertise in guiding the horses.

"There's a village ahead, Kamaniya. We can stay there." Dharsana peeks her head out of the small window at the back of the driver's seat.

Kamaniya nods. The carriage's wheels roll over small rocks and solid ground.

Dust billows, carried away by the wind. They have been out of the forest for almost an hour.

The sun starts to tilt towards the west. The warm orange light cools down the weather that was once hot, inviting sweat.

The village Dharsana mentioned is called Keling Village. It is located north of Mount Kelud. As they exit the forest, the beauty of the mountain greets their eyes.

"We've arrived." Kamaniya pulls the reins to slow down the carriage. The horses neigh and move at a slower pace.

Many villagers observe the arrival of Kamaniya and Yada. Besides the impressive carriage for a rural area, the clothes worn by Kamaniya and Yada also pique people's curiosity.

"Where are we going, Lady Dharsana?" Kamaniya turns the carriage around a large stone in the middle of the road.

"There's an inn at the end of the village, close to the spring."

Kamaniya doesn't need to ask for directions. The sound of flowing water can already be heard as the carriage continues on.

"This is one of the ancient villages in Kediri." Yada scans the surroundings, observing the atmosphere.

Buildings with roofs made of banana leaves and thick wooden walls line both sides of the road. People wearing lurik fabric are bustling around, carrying various items.

Some of the women don't even wear chest coverings. Kamaniya feels a little uncomfortable seeing it, but not Yada.

"Chest coverings indicate a person's social class." Yada shares historical facts from various artifacts and records he has studied.

"The common people usually don't wear chest coverings, but the important thing is that their lower bodies are covered. On the other hand, lower-class nobles can wear fabrics and some jewelry, although not to be flashy more than upper-class nobles."

"Ken Dedes belongs to the upper-class nobility." Kamaniya whispers, trying not to be heard by the passengers behind her.

"Correct. The thick necklace and multiple layered bracelets that Ken Dedes wears show that she is a respected woman. The wife of an Akuwu must not be seen as poor." Yada chuckles softly.

"An Akuwu?"

"If it were in the present time, akuwu would be equivalent to a regent. They rule over a region within the kingdom's authority." Yada explains again.

Kamaniya nodded as the carriage came to a stop in front of a simple inn.

Dharsana quickly gave instructions to the inn's staff, and a commotion ensued as people learned that the wife of Akuwu Tumapel had come to visit the village.

"You mentioned that you had met Ken Dedes and Ken Arok. But why does she seem not to recognize you?"

Kamaniya grinned. "Because this is in a time before I arrived. Probably a few years before my encounter with Ken Arok."

"By the way, can you ask Ken Dedes' maid to buy us clothes appropriate for this era? I feel like an outsider here."

Kamaniya chuckled softly. She was about to walk over to Dharsana when Yada pulled her wrist.

"You're laughing more now," Yada praised.

Kamaniya's nose crinkled in an awkward smile upon hearing Yada's simple compliment. She turned her head away.

Unconsciously, Kamaniya rubbed her palms against the front of her clothes. She couldn't understand why Yada's small words could touch her so deeply.


She looked up, and the beautiful figure of Ken Dedes stood right in front of her.

An aura of grandeur radiated from the woman. The ancient prophecies were right. Ken Dedes indeed emitted an aura of success.

Historical facts stated that Ken Dedes was foretold to be the woman who would give birth to many famous kings in Nusantara. Besides her beauty, it was this prophecy that made Tunggul Ametung and Ken Arok vie for Ken Dedes' heart.

"Thank you for saving me from the evil people in the forest earlier."

Kamaniya smiled faintly.

"Dharsana will bring you change of clothes. Is that alright?"

Kamaniya shook her head. "We did plan to ask for clothes from the Princess. Our appearance is quite conspicuous."

Ken Dedes returned her savior's smile. "Then allow me to escort both of you to the resting room."

"It's an honor for us to be served directly by the wife of Akuwu Tumapel." Yada interjected into the conversation.

Kamaniya gave a cold glance at Yada. Ken Dedes smiled graciously.

With graceful steps, Ken Dedes led her two rescuers to the rooms located at the back of the inn. The windows of the rooms overlooked a small pond fed by the direct flow of water from Mount Kelud.

"Rest for a while. The staff here will prepare dinner for you."

Kamaniya nodded happily. She was indeed tired and wanted to lie down as soon as possible.

"Do you want a room together?"

Kamaniya halted in her steps.

"Usually, husbands and wives sleep separately. Perhaps your husband wants to bring another woman to accompany him in sleep."

Kamaniya's jaw dropped, and a moment later, she burst into laughter.

"He's not—"

"If possible, we'd like one room only."

Kamaniya nearly tripped over her own feet. She shot Yada a stern look.

"I don't know where you two come from. It must be a kingdom very far away because your clothes are so strange, and the language you used earlier is unfamiliar," Ken Dedes observed, trying to hide her curiosity.

"But I suspect you might be having an argument. The lady seems angry at the gentleman," Ken Dedes directed her gaze towards Yada.

"It's not like—"

"Indeed, Princess. My wife is just in a huff. I was taking her for a walk to cheer her up when we encountered those bandits earlier."

"I see. Well then, I will ask Dharsana to prepare a larger room for you."

"No need. This room is sufficient," Yada said, pulling Kamaniya close, wrapping his arms around her slender waist.

"We need to be close. A smaller room suits us better."

Ken Dedes didn't comment further. The graceful lady simply nodded and excused herself.

Left alone, Kamaniya finally jerked herself out of Yada's embrace. She stood with her hands on her hips, giving her fake husband a fiery glare.

"Shh... Let's argue later, Kam. Right now, I'm eager to find out more about this world."

"But not by pretending to be a married couple!" Kamaniya fumed.

"I need your guidance. This is my first time traveling to the past. According to the physics theory I learned, my body should have disintegrated like mush by now. But why am I still intact?"

Kamaniya sighed in frustration. She had no clue what Yada was talking about.

Deciding to maintain her composure, Kamaniya eventually chose to leave Yada. At the end of the corridor, she met Dharsana, who provided her with local-style clothing.

After changing, Kamaniya decided to explore the inn rather than wait for dinner in her room. Staying cooped up was not pleasant for her.

Her decision proved right. The inn was serene, having been rented entirely by Dharsana under Ken Dedes' orders, creating a peaceful atmosphere for Kamaniya's mind.

She strolled along the floor lined with thick wooden panels. The creaking sounds here and there broke the silence of the late afternoon.

Then, by the large window overlooking the side garden, sat Ken Dedes alone.

The lady's face looked melancholic, her hand propped up her chin on the window frame.

In the past, Kamaniya had only seen Ken Dedes from the roadside during a parade related to her husband's power. Now, she could truly get a close look at the phenomenal beauty of the Yada era. Slowly, Kamaniya approached the princess.

"Are you thinking about those bandits from earlier?" Kamaniya asked.

Ken Dedes turned to her, her radiant smile blossoming. "I apologize for causing you trouble."

"No, I happened to be there and could help," Kamaniya replied.

Ken Dedes shifted on her seat, inviting Kamaniya to join her by the window.

"They were hired by my husband's enemies."

"Akuwu Tunggul Ametung?" Kamaniya inquired.

Ken Dedes nodded. "Perhaps you don't know much about my husband's doings in this city. But he is infamous for being a cruel leader."

Kamaniya winced. In the olden days, a wife was strictly forbidden from speaking ill of her husband. It was not allowed to mention the flaws of one's spouse.

However, Kamaniya was already aware of Ken Dedes' feelings towards her husband. Tunggul Ametung had abducted the beautiful princess and forced her into marriage. Moreover, Tunggul Ametung's character was despicable.

"My husband is very fond of playing with women. I am disgusted every time I see him lying with other women while I am confined within the house."

Kamaniya raised an eyebrow.

"Recently, my husband legalized gambling. Many elders in the Tumapel region disagreed with his decision. But he argued that gambling could bring significant revenue to Tumapel."

Kamaniya listened in silence. Her sharp ears and instincts swiftly scanned the inn's front space, vigilant for anyone intentionally eavesdropping.


"Forgive me, Kamaniya. You must find this very strange, perhaps even disrespectful, that I am speaking ill of my own husband. Moreover, my husband is a respected akuwu. He is also close to Prabu Kertajaya, the king of the Kediri Kingdom. I could be sentenced to death by hanging if I were caught spreading malicious rumors about him."

Kamaniya winced. "Why is the Princess telling me all this?"

A brief pause. Tension filled the air as they exchanged meaningful glances.

"I feel that you are the powerful person mentioned in the prophecy about me."

The chair was pushed back as Kamaniya tried to create some distance from Ken Dedes. Yada's warning about her actions potentially changing future history loomed in her mind.

"The prophecy about you? I don't understand. Doesn't everyone in this region know that the Princess is the one prophesied to give birth to great children?"

Kamaniya cautiously avoided revealing anything about the future. Her gaze fell upon Ken Dedes' flat belly. The princess had not yet conceived Tunggul Ametung's child.

"It's not that prophecy," Ken Dedes blushed. "That's just people's overly high expectations."

Kamaniya remained silent.

"This is about another prophecy. A powerful shaman told me that my husband has enchanted me with the Semar Mesem spell. That's why I can't break free from him, Kamaniya."

Kamaniya ignored what the Semar Mesem spell was. She was more interested in the fact that Ken Dedes disliked her own husband.

"Do you want to be free from Akuwu Tunggul Ametung?" Kamaniya inquired.

Without hesitation, Ken Dedes nodded.

"Why, Princess?"

Ken Dedes spoke resolutely. "Because I love someone else, Kamaniya."