
Kallea Chrome: Blood & Silvers

On her way to see her boyfriend, Kallea Chrome had met an accident. In the middle of operation, something went wrong that changed her whole life. "I was born human. Now, I live as a blood sucking creature." Word Count: 1000 to 2000 words

niXieDust_ · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2 - Hallucinations


When I woke up, I had a very strange feeling about everything. It was gaining and learning about senses. My eyes were oddly sharp as well as my sense of smell. My throat feels itchy for no reason all the time.

I looked intently at the nurse as she explained the whole operation that was done to me.

Since my memory was kind of hazy, she said I was hit by a truck and was pierced by a metal rod in the stomach. That explains the bandage that I have around my waist. It actually stings in every movement that I make.

"You had a lot of convulsions. Doctors had to revive to you every hour. You're also in coma for about two weeks." She said. Her voice was shaking a little and her eyes were obviously avoiding my gazes. I could also see how nervous she is to be with me from the fiddling of her fingers.

"I'm... hungry..."

My voice was still a little hoarse from the frequent itching. She nods at me and immediately left the room.

Everything inside this room is white. From ceilings to couches, all I see is white. If not for the almost dried flowers, I'd think of this as a colour torture. This white ambience hurts my eyes. I had never disliked a colour before. Maybe because it was the colour of the dress I'm wearing at the accident.

"Has he visited yet?" I asked myself, thinking about Lyndon. I haven't seen him since I woke up.

I gazed through the side table and stared at the dried flowers. It was a bouquet of white lilies that I really love. Lyndon knows how much I love these flowers.

I reached for the drawer and saw my other belongings such as wallet and a phone inside. I took the phone out and excitedly pressed the power button.

As I searched through my phone, my brows furrowed as I saw that Lyndon's number was gone from my list of contacts. Everything related to Lyndon was erased. From our exchange of messages, call logs and even the notes I wrote about him are gone.

It was like we never met. Like we never had a relationship. Like he did not exist in my life.

I dialled the number I could remember but my call can't pass through. It was beeping a lot before disconnecting.

What's this? Why is it like this?

I took my wallet and check the insides of it. It still contains a little cash and other cards but Lyndon's written letters that I hid were gone.

Did he just abandon me?

Knock echoed from the room. The door opened and a nurse came in, pushing a cart of foods. She was surprised to see me in a devastated state. She rushed and asked if my wound was hurting. I shook my head and wiped my tears.

"Has anyone visited me?" I asked her.

She politely shook her head. "I haven't seen anyone, Miss. You were transferred to this hospital after the major operation."

That has to be Lyndon's hospital. He must have transferred me here to discard me.

Is it because I had an accident? He doesn't want me anymore now that I'm scarred and bruised?

I caressed the scars that I have in my arms. It's still very visible and I assume that if I look at the mirror, it would crack immediately because of my ugliness. I buried my face in my palms and continued to sob.

He left me. He doesn't want me anymore.

The nurse tapped my shoulders and I raised my head to see her. I could still see the uneasiness in her eyes.

"I don't know why you are crying but you know foods may help."

She placed the food carefully after pulling the small table in my lap. The foods look delicious and mouth-watering. It looks very appealing but my nose can sense different. It was pleasant in the eyes but there's a strange smell coming from it.

My hand was slightly shaking as I scooped a portion of the curry. I haven't even munched it when my mouth decided to spit it out. It tasted disgusting. I looked awkwardly at the nurse and shyly wiped the saliva at the corner of my lips.

She spoke. "Your stomach must be new to foods since you were in coma."

I tried the rice but it tasted different. It was like spoiled beans and the meat was like a gooey jelly dipped in spices. I tried the carrots but it tasted horrible, too. She tried to give me a slice of cake but it only tasted like sponge whipped in a slimy frosting. Every food was tasted differently and horrible. It was like eating random things.

My taste buds were so strange.

"I'll bring you a much tastier one tomorrow."

I sighed as I stare back at the almost untouched food.


After two days, I was finally allowed to continue my rest at home. The nurse was kind enough to lend me some of her spare clothes. She gave me a tee shirt, black jeans and an old pair of sneakers.

"Don't mind the bill. It was already paid by someone." The nurse said to me when she saw me counting the money inside my wallet.

I didn't bother asking who paid for it since I knew to myself that it was Lyndon. I was so mad at him for doing this to me. He knew that he's all I have and yet he left me like some piece of random object. He simple vanished like smoke in my life.

As I think of him, a pang of pain surged in my chest.

"Is everything all right? Do you want me to call a doctor?"

I shook my head. There's no doctor that can help me right now. It was my heart that is pierced with an invisible knife. He hurt me in the worst possible way.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

She assisted me out and the other nurses greeted me with a smile. They must be happy that I'm still well and alive after the gruesome accident. After being in a coma and pierced by a metal rod, I was recovering faster than any other patients who undergone major operations too. They were amazed that my body did not take any further shock but instead healing itself quickly.

Even I for myself couldn't believe it either. The other victims of the hit and run accident was still being treated and others were under therapy for their broken bones. I even heard that the truck driver died as well on the spot.

"I would be happy to see you again, Kallea but not in the hospital." She said.

"Me, too, Carol. Thank you and I guess I'll see you around."

We hugged each other outside the hospital and she called a cab for me. I opened the door at the backseat and sat inside as I waved at Carol. I told the driver the address of my apartment. I sat comfortably and leaned at window. I rest my head on it and watch all the stores and people that we passed by.

My peace of mind was ruined as I saw something familiar at me. It's him!

The guy with the blue eyes!

I don't know why but I pressed my face in the window and leaned more to see him. He was standing near the road with both of his hands on his pockets. He's wearing a black leather jacket and I noticed how his face glistens under the sunlight.

Our eyes met.

My heart pounded. Suddenly, I yelled at the cab driver to halt. He stopped in the side of the road and I immediately rushed down the car.

I looked back at his direction but to disappoint myself, he was no longer there.

How is that possible?

"Ma'am is everything alright?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes, I… I thought I saw someone I knew." The driver nods at me and walked back to the car. I quietly did the same thing and sat to my spot earlier. I tried to look back at where he stands a while ago, hoping to see him again but I didn't see him not even a shadow.

I don't know if I'm hallucinating or if I really see him.

Yes, maybe I am having hallucinations. No human being can jump from one place to another. No single person can simply vanish that fast.

No one.
