
Kal Son of Odin

(Repost of my FANFIC STORY) Explore a universe where Kal-El the Last son of Kryptonian instead of being raised on Earth is instead raised in the halls of Asgard alongside Thor and Loki. Join us as we tell the tale of Kal Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, God of Truth and Justice. Superman/Avengers crossover. Superman in Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Possible more DC-related content in the future than just MoS)

Luke5921 · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 51 – A Broken SHIELD (4)  

(Omega-Clearance Level SHIELD Black site – Abandoned Hydroelectric Dam, Washington DC –January 12th, 2014)

"You know Lex, I'm a little surprised to see you here. I thought you'd be one of the first to sign up for Pierce's new world order." Nat glanced at the bald man who was walking next to Maria as they ventured deeper into the black site they'd been summoned to. "You were pretty chummy with the guy, and you have no love for SHIELD."

"Calculations, Miss Romanoff, calculations," Lex responded showing no outward sign that Nat's words were bothering him. "I will not deny I had certain knowledge of Pierce's faction, though I did not know their true extent. My relationships with them were mutually beneficial, and before you cast me in the role of villain I would remind you that, until a few days ago, everyone here happily worked either for or with them as well, including our resident god."

Kal scoffed at that particular point but did not deny Luthor's claim. Although as he glanced at the bald mortal Kal couldn't help but feel the same sensation he used to get around Loki. Everything he heard, although correct, was being filtered through a thousand different lenses as it was mixed with half-truths.

"So why break that relationship?" Nat shot back, not bothering to keep the accusation out of her voice.

"Because despite what you might think, and others believe, I am at heart an individualist, I believe in self-determinism and forging one's own path." Luthor's voice was so honest that it caused even Maria to look at the man, sceptically not used to hearing the tone from Lex. "HYDRA is about absolute control, which is terribly narrow-minded."

"Why?" Kal's voice caused everyone to jump a little as Lex half-turned to look at the god with a grin.

"Because chaos, randomness, freedom is the engine of progress and advancement. Without chaos, the world stops, and humanity will never achieve its rightful place in the cosmos." Lex turned back to the corridor ahead as they came to the doors that lead to the surprise waiting for them. "And I do intend to see humanity advance"

"That's great and all but, um, we still have the small issue of the giant murder ships launching tomorrow that will kill everyone." Olsen chimed in coughing as he took up the rear with Sam both men feeling a little out of place amongst the legends in front of them. "So do we have an actual plan?"

"We do, but it'll be better coming from him," Maria responded without looking at the junior agent as they reached the heavy double steel doors at the end of the hallway.

Before anyone could ask who the "him" was, Maria placed her hand on a pad causing the doors to open and reveal a makeshift surgical suite. In the very centre of the room, propped up on a bed, was Nick Fury himself, the one-eyed and one-armed man managed a slight smirk and wave as everyone stared at him. Nat wasted no time getting over her shock and striding into the room, ready to yell, scream, punch or hug the man, and she wasn't sure which was going to win out. She never did find out as she suddenly found her path blocked by a wheelchair-bound blonde woman, wearing scrubs and a lab coat.

"It's all right Doc, she's a friend." Fury managed to wheeze out as the handicapped doctor stared at Nat, gesturing for the group to come closer.

"Yeah, sure just ignore the advice of the only medical professional in the room." The Doctor threw up a hand and shook her head before wheeling back over to Fury checking his vitals as she went. "But if you pull another stitch, you can put yourself back together."

"We understand Lena," Lex sighed as he moved fully into the room. "You don't have to be overly dramatic."

"Well seeing as you're an icebox and robot when it comes to human interaction Alex, someone in the family needs to show some emotion." Lena was almost juvenile in her retort to Lex, and every one half expected her to stick her tongue out at the bald billionaire as she moved over to give Fury another injection.

"Wait, Alex?" Olsen couldn't help but smirk at the woman's statement and her teasing of Lex but as he turned to face the man, he was instead greeted by the stoic face of Lex's right-hand woman Mercy Graves.

"Nick, how are you even alive?" Nat asked, ignoring the confrontation that Olsen had stumbled himself into.

"Alive is a stretch." Lena chuckled as she finished up Fury's treatment for the moment.

"Lacerated spinal column, a cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache." Fury's voice drew everyone's attention back to him as he adjusted him with his one remaining hand.

"Don't forget about the collapsed lung." Lena chimed in as she moved over to a low desk piled high with medical equipment and files.

"No, can't forget that." Fury coughed. The lung in question still caused him immense pain whenever he breathed. "Otherwise, I'm good."

"They cut you open, and your heart stopped," Nat shot back as she moved to stand next to his bed whilst everyone else formed a semicircle.

"A modified form of Tetrodotoxin B, a curiosity of Mr Luthor there." Fury explained gesturing to Lex who just nodded when Nat met his gaze. "Slows the pulse down to a crawl."

"The good Doctor Banner created it for stress, didn't work out for him in solving his little anger issue. So, I found another use for it." Lex's smug voice made Nat grimace and resist the urge to punch the man who was clearly only helping to save his own skin.

"Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve's blunt question caused everyone to look at the living legend who didn't look pleased or friendly at the moment.

"Any attempt on the Director's life had to look successful. It's protocol." Maria spoke up, coming to her boss's defence as her eyes lingering on Steve.

"Can't kill you if you're already dead." Fury joked, with a grimace.

"Indeed, although I chose a less direct approach for that." Lex's comment earned him a glare from Nat whose knuckles cracked as a threat but failed to elicit any reaction from the man.

"In short Cap, I wasn't sure who I could trust. Now I am." Fury brought the conversation and focus back on him not wanting Nat to get distracted by Luthor's smugness. "Now let's get to work, tell me everything."

Nat shared a look with Steve and Kal, both of whom also exchanged a look before nodding at the spy, who let out a deep sigh as she started to tell Fury everything they learned. "Warning you Nick, you're not going to like any of this."

It was over an hour before they managed to relay everything that had happened during which time Fury had left his bed, after a vehement protest from Lena, and seated himself at a nearby table to look over everything as it was laid out. Pierce's betrayal, although he had suspected it, didn't sting any less when he heard it confirmed. Another name crossed off the very short list he could trust. His eyes also widened as Steve told the room about the Winter Soldier and that he knew the man behind the mask. That the legendary Bucky Barnes was not only alive but a Cold War-era super-assassin was going to take some time to get used to.

When Olsen and Kal spoke about their encounter with Corben and the ambush, he eyed the god with a little suspicion, noting Kal had said nothing about what had happened to Patriot or Binary. As for Corben, he was not the least bit surprised, the man had so few emotions and morals he made Nat look like a talk show hostess.

"This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility." Fury shook his head as he looked at a picture of his old friend Pierce before throwing it on the table with disgust. "See, it's shit like this that gives me trust issues."

"We have to stop that launch." Nat leaned in as she looked from Fury to Steve and then to Kal.

"I can do that, but we also need to get the proof that Steven spoke of." Kal gave Nat a nod as he crossed his arms. "Which is not something I can do whilst destroying a fleet of ships."

"Me, Nat, Olsen and Sam can deal with that." Steve pitched in, earning him a nod of agreement from those that he named. "You deal with those ships, we will get the proof and release it to the world."

"Wait, we don't need to do that. The council may not take my calls but I have these." Fury pushed a large box on the table and opened it up showing three black computer chips.

"What are those?" Sam asked looking at the large flat computer chips.

"Project insight requires targeting parameters and satellite link up. These chips will stop that from occurring and eliminate all traces of the Insight Algorithm, giving us back control." Maria answered Sam's question showing him a computer model of the desired result. "We just need to get in them, and replace the targeting chips, no need to destroy anything."

"Leaving you with a gun to the world's head." Steve's blunt reply caused Maria and Fury to look at the man who was just shaking his head.

"I know you don't like it, Steve. But this is the best way to salvage what's le-" Fury's response earned him no reprieve from the Captain's anger who just cut him off.

"We are not salvaging anything." Steve took a step forward and the look on his face told Fury that the man wasn't backing down. "We are not just taking down Pierce and leaving the carriers, we are getting rid of it all. The carriers, Peirce, everything. SHIELD included."

"SHIELD had nothing to do with this," Fury shot back, his voice almost desperate as he tried to save the organisation he had dedicated his life to.

"You gave me this mission, this is how it ends." Steve leaned forward over the table looking at everyone in turn before focusing on Fury. "SHIELD's been compromised. You said so yourself. HYDRA's been running the table for years, murdering, creating assassins, and making superpowered individuals. They grew right under your nose and nobody noticed."

"Why do you think we are meeting like this, in a cave?" Fury shot back leaning forward himself, trying to show he was still in control despite the circumstances. "I noticed."

"How many paid the price before you did?" Steve's retort made the room fall silent, as Fury just leaned back and the super soldier's words forced him to cave.

"Look, I didn't know about Barnes." Fury sighed, hating the fact that he had missed another piece of crucial information.

"Even if you had, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalised that too?" Steve asked rhetorically, his blunt statements caused Fury to glance away from the man. "SHIELD, HYDRA, it all goes."

"He's right," Maria's voice caused Fury to turn to his right-hand woman and look at her in shock which softened when his eyes met hers.

Fury's eyes then flickered around the room looking for support, Nat just leaned back in her chair giving her boss a small nod showing she backed Steve. Lex just shrugged showing no more emotion than he usually did, although Fury knew what the billionaire was secretly thinking. Sam and Olsen exchanged a look before both shaking their heads at Fury indicating that they stood behind Captain America. As Fury's eyes landed on Kal he saw that the room was unanimous and that he had to let go of the hope of salvaging SHIELD.

"Steve is right, old friend. When enough planks of the ship are rotten it is time to lay the vessel to rest." Kal gave Fury a small regretful smile knowing it was not what his longtime ally wanted to hear, even though it was the truth.

"Well…" Fury sighed before releasing a small chuckle and reflecting on the absurdity of his life. "It looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain."

Steve looked around the table. His eyes met everyone's and with the exception of Lex, whom he still couldn't read, he could see everyone was on board with whatever he wanted to do. He took in a deep breath and then took a seat before hammering out the plan. Priority one: he was going to need a uniform, and he knew just where to get one.

(Morning January 12th, 2014)

Steve didn't want to say anything, but he swore his old suit was a little snugger than he recalled. After liberating his old "fatigues" from the Smithsonian, he had wasted no time in redonning his wartime gear. Now, however, he was regretting his hasty decision as he was starting to feel it chafing around his waist and other places that his mind didn't want to linger on. He luckily received a distraction from his current state when he felt a rush of wind behind him as Kal landed on the old dam they were using as a base. The Asgardian had said that he needed to retrieve something for the upcoming battle and so had departed the night before.

"I thought you were going to get changed?" Steve remarked, giving a nod at Kal who was still dressed in the clothes he had borrowed from Sam.

"When I summon Gram back to me, my armour will return," Kal replied, moving next to Steve, looking out over the land they would march into battle to protect.

"So, what did you go and get?" Steve asked curiously, Kal's part in the plan was pretty straightforward and shouldn't have required the god to retrieve anything.

The plan was pretty straightforward, Nat and Fury were going to confront Pierce, keeping the HYDRA leader distracted whilst Maria, himself, Sam and Olsen took control of the communication system. HYDRA would only get flushed out if everyone in it knew they were in their midst and were forced to overreact. Not too subtle, but there was a reason that surprise was the oldest and most effective military tactic. Kal's role was to assault the carriers when everyone else was in place, in truth Steve pitied the men they were sending the Asgardian up against.

"…..The Winter Soldier, he is your friend?" Kal asked his own question, ignoring Steve's question for the moment.

"He is or was….but if I'm honest, Kal, he's more than that." Steve sighed his fist tightening, as his mind flashed with his life before all of this when he was still that skinny kid from Brooklyn. "Bucky's my brother, when I had nothing, I had Bucky."

"Do you believe he can be saved?" Kal went quiet at the question, and his eyes fixed on the distant horizon as the sun started to fully break free from the bounds of night.

It was Steve's turn to go silent and look out to the horizon as the golden rays of morning flooded the world before them. "…..I have to."

The two fell silent...

"Hope," Kal spoke the singular word before turning away from Steve and moving over to the rest of the group that was now gathering to depart for their attack on the Triskelion.

It took Steve a few moments to realise that the single word was Kal's response to his original question, causing the man to smile a little. Steve took one last look at the dawn before he too turned to the group and started moving over to them, sending up a small prayer that he was doing the right thing.

(Triskelion – Washington DC - January 12th, 2014)

"How was your flight?" Pierce moved swiftly through the reception hall of SHIELD HQ as he escorted the World Security Council to watch the launch of Project Insight.

"Lovely," Councilwoman Hawley replied, her voice its usual neutral tone albeit a little sombre which Pierce suspected was due to Fury's death as the two had been close at one point. "The ride from the airport, less so. Your man is very thorough."

Pierce took a quick glance at Agent Corben, who had thrown himself fully into the job of securing the Triskelion. Corben's head was on a swivel as the man eyed everyone whilst keeping an iron grip on the case attached to his hand. The cold darker part of him humorously reflected that Corben would have likely suggested terminating everyone not essential to the project if he was allowed to, to keep the building secure.

"Agent Corben is just ensuring yours and the Project's security. I assure you when you see Project Insight fully operational, you'll understand his zealous defence of it." Pierce gave his best smile that even after decades of perfecting was still hard to pull off when dealing with idiot politicians.

"Is Captain America included in things we need to be kept secure from?" The American Councilman Douglas Rockwell asked with a snort looking at Pierce.

The snarky question earned an almost imperceptible tightening of the fist from Corben, who had to resist the urge to turn and shoot the man in the forehead. Pierce however just let out a small chuckle and kept his perfect smile on his face as they moved to the elevators.

"This facility is biometrically controlled," Pierce ignored Douglas's question as he was handed security badges by an attending agent. "These will give you unrestricted access, now if you would accompany me."

Pierce gestured for the group to head over into a waiting elevator, wanting nothing more than the launch to happen already so that he could drop the pretence and just shoot these people. As they entered he noticed that Corben was suddenly listening into his earpiece and although the man made no visual sign of his discomfort Pierce knew him well enough to know when Corben was troubled.

"Send two STRIKE units to secure launch control, another to investigate the breach and the remaining two I want on standby for immediate reaction," Corben whispered his orders into his comm device just loudly enough for the mic to pick it up.

He then gave Pierce a look, which earned him a subtle shake of the head as the elevator rapidly ascended to his office. Pierce knew what the look was for. Corben had been pushing for them to engage the Hades protocol and take the HYDRA leader off-grid and underground since Kal reappeared. Pierce had solidly rejected the plan, the die had been cast and there was no turning back. Insight would either be his triumph or his tomb and if it proved the latter then his defeat would only instruct the next heads of HYDRA what to avoid in order to one day gain victory.

As they gathered in the observation room to watch the unveiling of his life's work, Pierce felt a tingle go up his spine, a tingle he hadn't felt in a long time. It was fear. He cast a glance over to Corben and found that he was fanatically whispering into his com device, for the first time ever he saw a frown on the man's face. Something was happening, something that had sent Corben into a spiral and was causing fear to creep into his mind for the first time since HYDRA had hammered it out of him.

"My friends, please take a glass," Pierce turned his attention away from his agent and returned to the group in front of him, a group he could shortly dispose of. "I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth, and some of you would have gladly kicked me out of the car along the way. But we're finally here. And the world should be grateful. To the new order."

Pierce raised his glass to the group, however as he did so the PA system turned on causing the group to look around in confusion.

"Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers," Captain America's voice sounded out clear from the PA system, causing Pierce to sigh and move over to the window while Corben moved next to him. "You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth."

"Sir, I suggest we activate Hades now, burn down this site and exfil you." Corben leaned over and whispered into Pierce's ear as looked at the World Security Council.

Pierce however just waved off the man and continued to look out over the Triskelion and the artificial bay they had made that contained the Helicarriers. He knew what was coming and was prepared to face the consequences.

"SHIELD is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader." Steve's revelation caused the world security council to turn and look at the exposed traitor, who just shrugged at the news as if it was of little concern. "The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there."

Corben moved to place himself in between Pierce and the other occupants of the room whilst his boss took out his phone and signalled for Insight to launch now. Corben's eyes flick between the occupants of the room and although none of them looked formidable, he knew that if Rogers was out there announcing their presence, Romanoff was somewhere in here. He just had to wait for her to make her move, then react, but this time he didn't have to worry about playing nice and could finally rid himself of the troublesome assassin as he had wanted to all those years ago.

"If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them." Roger's voice paused as he took in a deep breath, which caused Pierce to shake his head. Even in triumph the man was weak. "I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom has always been high. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

"You smug son of a bitch!" Councilman Douglas sneered at Pierce, knowing that his gut feeling about the man had always been right. "They're going to lock you awa-"


Douglas was cut off as a hole appeared in his head causing the man to fall backwards. Pierce released a sigh and looked at Corben, shaking his head at the man's zealous defence. Although he supposed he couldn't blame him. Douglas had always been an arrogant self-centred little man, and an irritation to listen to. As the sound of gunfire started to pepper the air outside, he guessed that many of his loyal followers were following Corben's lead and shedding their masks.

"I guess I have the floor," Pierce just gave the room a small smile as he moved forward stretching out his hand to Corben who quickly gave his superior his weapon before retrieving his backup piece. "I would say, I'm sorry I had to be this way, but as you know I'm a blunt and honest man. So, I will simply say goodbye."

Pierce lifted the pistol and levelled it squarely at Jakuna Singh's head, intending to start liquidating the council. However, as he was about to pull the trigger councilwoman Hawley suddenly spun herself forward, grabbing the pistol from his hand and slamming her elbow into his face. Her movements caused Corben to explode forward, he levelled his own gun and waited for his boss to be pushed clear before firing. Pamela rolled out of the way, however, Corben was as accurate as he was cold-hearted and an explosion of curses came from the woman as two bullets clipped her side and another cut her cheek.

She managed to take cover behind a table and brought the gun she had taken from Pierce up and readied herself. As she drew in a breath she felt the Photostatic Veil over her face start to flicker, forcing her to tear it from her face and revert back to her natural face. Natasha winced as she heard two loud shots sound out, and for a moment feared that the temporary distraction had let Corben get the drop on her. However, as she peered round the corner, she saw that Corben had simply shot the two remaining Councilmen, twice in the back, as they attempted to flee.

"That you, Romanoff?" Corben's voice sounded out as he moved slowly around the room trying to get an angle on his target.

"You've only got two rounds left Corben, and it'll take more than that to stop me," Nat shouted back as adjusted herself wincing as she felt that her ribs were cracked, but it was a small price to pay and thanked go the body armour had worked. "Give it up now, or don't, I really want to shoot you in the head."

"Always with the clever lines," Corben responded without humour as his grip on his pistol tightened as well as on the briefcase still attached to his hand. "However, jokes won't stop a bullet to the frontal lo-."


Everyone froze as the sound of glass being tapped caused everyone to turn to the large wall-to-wall windows that overlooked where the Helicarriers were being launched. Corben's and Pierce's eyes widened as they floated just outside, wearing a Washington Redskins XXL jumper, was Kal who was looking slightly amused at Nat. He pointed to himself and then over to Corben and raised his eyebrows questionably with a small smirk on his face that just earned him a roll from Nat.

"Aren't you supposed to be blowing something up?" Nat asked knowing that Kal was more than able to hear her.

The god just turned his head and looked over to the artificial bay that was now opening up revealing the three Insight Helicarriers. He just turned back over to her and mouthed the words 'I've got it covered'. Just as he finished mouthing the words there was a pair of blurring streaks behind him, that slammed into two of the Helicarriers causing a series of explosions to occur from within them. As the ships started to burn behind him, Kal lifted one hand and closed his eyes.

Nat, as well as Corben, looked at him in curiosity tilting their heads to one side. Their questioning gaze was quickly answered as the room shook for a moment before suddenly a streak of bright metal exploded through the floor. The solar sword Gram sliced through the floor and smashed the window in front of Kal, allowing the sounds of explosions and gunfire to pour into the office. As the hilt slammed into his hand Kal quickly pulled the blade free causing him momentarily to become as blinding as the sun. As it dissipated, the floating Avenger was once again in signature golden and blue armour.

"Apologies, did I step on someone's moment?" Kal smirked as twisted Gram in his hand before he smoothly placed it back into the scabbard on his waist.

Corben looked at Pierce before moving like lightning and twisting, discarding his gun as he did so, so that he could bring up the briefcase in his hand. The room became flooded with an eerie green light as the piece of Kryptonite that was in the case started pulsating in the presence of the last son of Krypton. Kal winced slightly before becoming a blur himself and was suddenly upon Corben before the man could react at all. The god gripped Corben by the throat lifting the man up as a snarl of dark intent appeared on Kal's face, Corben attempted to save himself by shoving the briefcase into Kal's chest. However, the action merely annoyed the god who just shook his head and slapped the case away causing it skid across the floor and stop by the shattered window Kal had just entered by. Although sickly green veins were appearing on Kal's face, and his skin was becoming paler it was clear that Gram's presence and Kal's fury were greater than the meagre amount of poisoned rock they had.

"You abused the heritage of my people! You assault my friend! Betrayed his Trust!" Kal moved towards the open window as he spoke, his eyes flashing with red as anger and fury started to swell in his chest. "You used my children!"

Corben made no move to reply even gasping for air as he was the so-called metal man of SHIELD was still as stoic as ever. However, the glare in his eyes told Kal all he needed to know the man before he was burning with hatred and held no remorse for his actions. As they approached the window Kal stopped as he held the man over the open ledge, before crouching down to take the poisonous chunk of rock into his hand despite the pain he caused.

"This is a piece of my homeworld, whose legacy you wished to pervert for your own aims…." Kal turned the burning rock in his hand as he glared at the one who had attacked his friends and family. "Allow me to GIVE IT TO YOU!"

Kal's fist rammed into Corben's chest, lodging the piece of Kryptonite in his body and destroying his heart. His only reply was a twitch of pain and furious glare, as the man refused to make a sound. Kal watched as Corben strained and rasped with agony as he stared into the god's eyes, unwavering even as blood started to trickle up from his lungs and past his lips. Kal watched only for a few moments before releasing his grip, and the dead man plummeted to the ground below.

"Don't even think about it," Nat stated bluntly, levelling her gun straight at Pierce's head, as the man eyed the door.

The head of HYDRA just let out a deep sigh and raised his hands showing he had no desire to continue a lost battle. Kal looked out over the bay as the two blurring figures streaked across the sky tearing through two of the Helicarriers with precision and speed whilst the third ship's point defence weapons vainly attempted to stop them. Kal turned to face the spymistress and just earned an approving nod signalling that she had this handled. As Kal sped out of the open window towards the third Helicarrier, Nat just smirked at the defeated HYDRA leader.

"Now let's show the world what you really are," Nat gestured with the gun for Pierce to move towards the secure network terminal in his office, ready to dump the entirety of SHIELD's database on the web.

"Even you can't through all of SHIELD's security walls and passcodes," Pierce stated bluntly as he moved over to the terminal at gunpoint with a satisfied look on his face. "Hell, even I can't access the entirety of the database, it would require an access code that doesn't exist and an executive order requiring two Alpha-Level members."

Nat just tilted her head before lifting up a memory stick that had the LuthorCorp logo on its side. "A present from Luthor. He told me to tell you, you really should have let him or even Tony write your codes."

"Luthor…. Bastard hedges his bets that's for sure." Pierce shook his head as he chuckled grimly at Luthor's naked opportunism. "Should have killed him years ago. But even that little MacGuffin won't get you past needing two Alpha-Level members."

"Actually, we have that covered too."

Pierce's eyes widened in alarm, and his head whipped around towards the source of the voice. He was greeted by the grimacing face of Nick Fury. "Now, as the lady said, let's show the world who you really are."

(Insight Helicarrier)

Kal was more durable than the two other individuals that were attacking the other two ships and so could have simply slammed through the Midgardian craft and destroyed it. But there was someone on board that he needed to remove first, someone that he knew Steve needed to try and save. His vision shone through the structure easily, and he found who he was looking for. As he crashed through the glass under-dome of the craft, he was greeted by a silent figure who stood poised to strike. The Winter Soldier was armed to the teeth, and there was a large duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

Neither made the first move, instead, both eyed each other as the world outside of the ship continued to explode in a hail of bullets and destruction. The Winter Soldier's eyes narrowed as his mind started to race, analysing the threat in front of him.

'Danger Level: Maximum. Use extreme Lethal force.

Outcome: Non-favourable.

Avoid Target, distract until Insight's operating elevation is achieved. Impair vision and avoid direct contact.


The Soldier gripped his weapon tightly, preparing to aim squarely at the alien's eyes to blind it and create an opening for an attack.


A spray of automatic gunfire rang out, and Kal raised his hand to his face after the first dozen rounds struck him straight in the eye. He let out a small snort and a smirk of admiration appeared on his face. The weapon did no damage to him, but his enemy was using it to quite effectively eliminate his field of vision. It was then that he felt the presence of several objects collide with his feet, peering down he saw several small spherical balls, which suddenly exploded with the intensity of the sun, even melting the steel slightly.

The Asgardian closed his eyes for a few seconds, which was all it took for his opponent to spring into action. With superhuman speed, the Winter Soldier reached into his equipment bag and tossed a flurry of fist-sized machines into the air, which took flight and began circling the room. The function of the drones became clear as they began to dive-bomb Kal and detonate against the back of his head. His hair was singed, but otherwise he was still unharmed.

"Gah! Barnes! You must stop thi-"

'Change tactics, deploy sonics, then primary and secondary blinders.'

The Soldier quickly discarded his rifle and brought a tube-shaped launcher to bear before tapping his ear twice. Kal's eyebrow raised slightly before his world erupted in shrieking pain.

"RAAAAAAGH! What in the name of Helheim is that?!" He snarled as he looked around for the source of the noise. There, on the ceiling! A set of emitter dishes were blasting high-pitched soundwaves straight at him. A lesser being would have been paralyzed instantly before their nervous system collapsed soon after. Kal gritted his teeth in frustration as his eyes heated up, ready to destroy the-


Something heavy impacted his head, and his view went dark. He quickly deduced that the Winter Soldier had fired something from the device in his hands to block his vision. Feeling around, his hands touched an assembly of hard metal over soft foam.

'An insulator to block my heat vision, then lead plating to dull my sight. Annoying, but creative. Got to find a… there!'

Kal's fingers gripped a gap in the contraption's shell before wrenching it off his head. He glanced around, irritation starting to creep in. What he saw were several man-sized shields standing upright around the room, and to his mounting frustration each one was also a barrier to his sight. Portable lead shields, another gadget from the Soldier's bag of tricks.

"I am here to help you, Barnes, but my patience is wearing thin! I have dealt with HYDRA's enforcers already today, and it is in Steven Rogers' name that I spare you from that fate!"

Huddled behind one of the barriers, the assassin's breath quickened. Something warmer, something kinder was trying to break through the icy shell of HYDRA's brainwashing.

'Orders are to eliminate target, orders must be followed. But… why? ORDERS MUST BE FOLLOWED. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. COMPLIANCE WILL BE REWARDED. No! That's a load of bunk and you know it! You have to stop!'

The soldier reemerged with a grenade launcher in his hand.

"Target acquired, Hail HYDRA." His voice was completely emotionless, punctuated by a volley of bombs.

"ENOUGH!" The god's voice boomed as he furiously grabbed a single grenade in his hand, then vaporised the others with his heat vision. He held it in front of him before crushing it, intent on showing the mortal how futile his efforts were.

*Puff, sssssshhhhhhh*

A cloud of green gas burst from his fist, engulfing his body in a fog of Kryptonite vapor.

'Once target has inhaled exotic matter, move to terminate. Don't… HAIL HY-'

The Soldier unholstered his sidearm, but before he could blink, a divine fist had swatted aside the grenade launcher, hooked around his vest, and lifted him off the ground. Kal The Invincible leaned in, eyes blazing like twin suns.

"That…. was not wise. The last person who tried to use this poison against me was an irredeemable monster, and they are dead. You have murdered countless innocents, James Barnes, but I am told that you were once a great warrior who sacrificed everything for your realm." He said. The god of light and justice took a long, shuddering breath. The Midgardian aircraft was climbing higher, he had to end the battle now.

"Steve Rogers is one of the finest men I know. I believe him when he says that evil has made you its slave, for I see the struggle within you. You can still recover your past and become the man you were."

Kal looked downward, and he watched as the Winter Soldier's metallic fist slowly opened to allow the pistol he had been holding to drop to the floor. Raising his head up, the two of them locked eyes before Barnes slowly nodded. Quick as lightning, Kal brought his hand forward and flicked the enhanced mortal with enough force to knock him out instantly. He huffed irritably.

"Rogers, you owe me one," Kal mumbled as he looked down at the defeated assassin before moving to place the man over his shoulder in a fireman's lift. "Now then, what in here looks important… oh yes, you'll do."

Kal's eyes flashed red once again as his twin beams started to cut through steel and armour plating to reach the main reactor of the craft. He then wasted no time in turning and leaving the vessel as it began to explode and crash into the bay below. As Kal landed on the banks of the bay he looked out over the destruction that had been wrought, before the two streaking blurs landed next to him.

"So, we are 100% the good guys…Right?" Patriot asked. His eyes stared out at the vast piles of wreckage that had formed already.

He was really glad to be fighting with Kal, but the scene did not fill him with an abundance of confidence. Especially since the place they had just laid waste to was supposed to be the home of Earth's greatest spy agency and the first line of protection against chaos.

"Yeah…. if the Black Widow didn't come through with proof, I don't think we're going to be very popular…with anyone." Binary backed up her brother's assessment as she watched a section of the Triskelion collapse under the weight of a destroyed Insight Helicarrier.

"Do not worry, Natasha never fails," Kal reassured his….children. Parentage was a new idea to him, so while he knew how to lead an army and give rousing speeches to quicken the blood of his fellow warriors, truthfully, he was at a loss. He took a deep breath and hoped for the best.

"Son, daughter, this is your first step into a larger world, and I am sorry I wasn't there for the ones before it. In the years ahead, you shall encounter greater challenges, but you won't face them alone, for-"

"Hey, slow down there, big guy. I'm focused on what we're going to do if today doesn't end well. " Patriot pressed again, his eyes moving from Kal to a very large burst of flames coming from the launch bay as a fuel tanker detonated, causing the ground to shake.

Kal coughed, then fell silent for a moment as he looked into the distance.

"….In that unlikelyevent…." He was forced to pause again as he watched another series of blasts, this time as the SHIELD Quinjets exploded while people started to evacuate the facility now that the battle was over. "…..We are going to spend some time away from Midgard and visit family….on Vanaheim….very far away Vanaheim."