
Chapter 42 – A Dark Intent (4)

(Throne room- Royal Palace of Valaskjalf -Asgard - November 14th, 2013)

"We are unable to restore power to any part of the city, and even if we were, the shield generators have been destroyed beyond repair. Our defences and artillery cannot detect them. Even Heimdall and Kal are unable to see them," Fandral reported gravely, fidgeting slightly as he made his report to the assembled war council such as it was.

He was not used to making such reports, but given the losses of the past days, Fandral found himself as not only one of Asgard's greatest warriors but also one of its most senior. He exchanged a glance with General Tyr who had survived the battle and helped rescue the palace, carving a bloody swath through the enemy's ranks. Despite his victories, the legendary commander did not look good, his armour was charred in places, and he had deep wounds to his sides along with a vicious cut to his head that Fandral swore he could see bone sticking out of.

"…My King, we are all but defenceless," Fandral concluded his grim account causing the war council to become silent as they waited for Odin to reply.

However, none came. The Allfather looked blankly off into space, a trait that had developed since the loss of Frigga and which was beginning to concern all who had met him. Fandral turned his attention to the only other royal present, hoping Kal was in a better frame of mind. However, whereas Odin was seemingly lost to the world, Kal's face was one of pure dark intent. He stared at the map of Asgard, his eyes raking over it like a hawk searching in the grass for the smallest sign of his prey.

"How many casualties?" Kal asked, surprising everyone with his question before tearing his eyes from the map to look at Fandral and Tyr.

"It is bad, my prince." Tyr was the one to reply as he knew better than most that losses were part of wars while ill-informed decisions lost them. "We have lost all but a dozen light craft vessels and two ships of the fleet. Of the men stationed on Asgard, we have lost more than half and those who survived are wounded in some way. We have more soldiers stationed across the Nine Realms, but I am not sure we should risk bringing them back, men marching down the Bifrost Bridge would make too easy a target. As it stands, we have about 10,000 men at arms able to fight, barely enough to hold the palace and its grounds."

"How many casualties did the enemy take?" Kal asked. His tone remained even and he made no visible sign of concern at the losses Asgard had just suffered.

Tyr and the rest of the war council exchanged worried looks with each other, not liking the callous nature that had come over their usually level-headed prince. Tyr, however, shook off his concern. He was a soldier, and this was a war, which meant he needed to do his duty rather than questioning his prince.

"Heavy from what we can tell, sir. Although energy-based attacks proved mostly useless against their crafts, physical strikes worked well enough. We managed to destroy about 6, and at least 4 destroyed themselves striking the city." Tyr accompanied his report by waving his hand over the map of Asgard that showed the locations of the ships they had managed to take down, showing that out of the ships they tracked only 2 had survived. "As for the ground forces, we annihilated every single elf we found, some nine to ten thousand, however at a great cost for everyone we slew they took near five of our warriors in return."

Kal merely gave a nod and then grew silent as he did the math within his head. He had searched both Asgard and Krypton's records for the ship that had descended on them. It was apparently an Ark ship, one of the greatest types of warships ever to sail the void. However, although mighty it did not possess an abundance of space. Kryptonian records stated that they held only 12 of the lesser crafts he had seen and no more than 12,000 men which, if true, meant that the enemy had spent nearly all their strength on this first attack.

"So, she is your prisoner now?" Thor's sudden voice caused everyone to turn around and see the prince of Asgard with a look of anger on his face as he stared at Odin.

Odin turned briefly to look at his son, however his expression was still blank. His eyes focused a moment before they returned to staring at empty space. Odin then, without replying or seeming to make any move to do so, merely turned back to gaze at the map of Asgard. Thor's anger faltered for a moment, and he glanced at Kal whose look of dark intent also paused.

"Leave us," Kal commanded, knowing whatever was about to be spoken would not be good nor served with an audience present.

The order was quickly followed as no one wished to get in between Odin and his sons in normal circumstances and given all that had happened they believed that this would be far worse. Tyr set the pace as his long fast strides from the hall made it look almost as if he was running. The only one to linger was Fandral who gave his friends a quick worried look before departing himself, giving a nod as he left.

"I do not wish to fight with you." Odin finally spoke as he turned and started to descend the stairs. His movements were clearly made with great effort and his voice was weak, detached, as if he had barely the energy to breathe let alone speak.

"Nor I with you." Thor replied, giving Kal a quick look before he moved to follow his father who was walking slowly down the stairs. "But we intend to pursue Malekith."

"We?" Odin asked his head briefly, turning to look at Kal who replied with a nod of his head confirming Thor's words. He looked ready to argue before merely sighing and Kal for the first time ever saw Odin too tired to press the attack. "It does not matter. We possess the Aether. That…thing will have to come to us."

"Yes, and he will destroy us," Thor responded, his voice clear and his mind sharp, having thought long and hard about this matter.

"You overestimate the power of these creatures," Odin replied, moving away from his sons, his whole demeanour one of tiredness.

"No. I value our people's lives." Thor's harsh words caused Odin to stop, as he looked up at the crashed Dark Elf ship still laying in the very centre of his throne room. "I will take Jane to the Dark World, and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane, me, Kal, Lady Carol and the others will destroy him and it."

"The Aether cannot be destroyed." Odin responded by shaking his head as he turned to face his eldest son, viewing him again as a small child.

"Maybe so, but we can still destroy Malekith, and I am certain that Kal's knowledge of Krypton's technology will allow us to contain the Aether." Thor turned to Kal for support who was quiet for a moment before nodding.

"I will have to consult the records, but with Malekith dead and no longer able to interfere with the Stone I should be able to contain it, possibly even revert it to its natural state." Kal replied, weighing the options and what he currently understood of the stones in his head and calculated that Thor was likely correct.

"If you fail, then you risk this weapon falling into the hands of the enemy. You would risk the Nine Realms and the very nature of this reality." Odin responded his eyes flicking between his sons challenging them to oppose him,

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing." Thor met his father's gaze with one of his own and then gestured to the destruction around him. "His ship could be over our heads right now, and we would never even know it."

The room was silent for a few moments as Odin soaked in Thor's words before he turned his head and looked at a destroyed statue at the edge of the Hall. It had been of Frigga, but it was now a pile of rubble; the queen of Asgard's face was cracked in half and laying on its side.

"If and when he comes, his men will fall on 10,000 Asgardian blades, or more!" Odin declared standing tall again projecting confidence but Kal could see something darker lingering at the edges of his father's eyes.

"And how many of our men, of our people, shall fall on theirs?" Thor fired back in disbelief as he gestured around to the destroyed Hall and out to the city, parts of which were still burning.

"AS MANY AS ARE NEEDED!" Odin's sudden rage caused the room to shake and Thor to step back as his father almost became feral. However, as the son of Bor stood there looking ready to strike out in rage he suddenly became pale and stumbled, clearly exhausted even by the meagre effort of shouting.

Both Kal and Thor looked at each other and moved forward to help their father who looked ready to collapse. However, they were stopped as Odin slammed Gungnir on the floor to steady himself and command respect again.

"Ah!... We will fight!... Until the last Asgardian breath, until the very last drop of Asgardian blood." Odin declared his voice becoming solemn as he stared off into space once more.

"Then how are you any different from Malekith?" Thor asked, his voice quiet and his face one of disbelief at his father's callous declaration.

Odin's response did not ease his son's fears about his state of mind as he suddenly laughed. It was a mirthless, callous laugh that one would expect from Loki but not the Allfather himself.

"The difference, my son, is that I will win." He declared finally, causing his sons to look at their father in silence as he then moved off.

As they watched, Kal joined his brother at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes on Odin until the Allfather had left the hall. He then turned to his brother with a frown, although not for the reason Thor believed. Although Kal supported Thor's desire to draw Malekith away from Asgard, it was not for Thor's nobler reasons of protecting lives. No, Kal just wanted to make sure no one was in his way when Malekith showed himself, and his plan was to have no one between them while he took his revenge.

If he was honest with himself, Kal agreed with Odin's reasoning, although his father was blinded by his own grief it did not make him wrong. Thor's plan was too risky and if it went wrong, they could doom all of reality to eternal night and kill trillions. So if it had been just his decision as King of what to do, though he hated the fact, it would have been the exact same as Odin's. However, Kal was not king, and Asgard had no need of him in order to hold itself together. All he was now was a son seeking vengeance.

"You could have been more help," Thor finally spoke, turning to face Kal with a slight look of annoyance on his face as his brother had largely been silent during the exchange.

"… Father is blinded by grief, but there is truth to his words, Thor. Your plan is risky, so much could go wrong, and we are more likely to succeed if Jane and the Aether were kept here." Kal responded as the grimace on his face morphed into an expression of regret.

"You would doom Asgard and Jane if the decision was yours?" Thor was shocked that Kal would support such a plan. His brother had always been more tactical than him and more like their father than Kal liked to admit, but Thor never thought Kal had the ruthlessness Odin had when making decisions.

"Asgard would survive, just weakened. Our main force would be depleted, yes, but we still have men amongst the realms enough to project strength. None would know of our losses but us." Kal justified his position and his father's as well, a steely look on his face that reminded Thor far too much of Odin. "And I swear to you that Jane would be fine, I would ensure it."

"And if you couldn't, or if it was Carol?" Thor responded with a challenging gaze on his face which merely caused his brother's grimace to deepen.

Silence was all the answer Thor received as he widened his eyes, realising that Kal's silence was not hesitation because Thor had shamed him but because he knew he would not like the real answer. At that moment Thor realised that the threat of Carol didn't work as she wasn't as fragile as Jane. The woman had cosmic power flowing through her already, so likely could withstand the energies of the stone. As for Jane, Thor knew Kal would do everything he could to save her life and remove the Aether, but if it ultimately came down between the mortal woman's life and keeping the Stone safe, he wasn't sure Kal would choose Jane.

"I take it father has placed Jane in her chambers under watch?" Kal asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over them.

"He has," Thor responded wearily, no longer certain he could count on brother's aid for what he had planned. "Carol is with her; father was not stupid enough to try and prevent that."

"Good, Carol can help us retrieve Jane." Kal then turned and started heading towards the city to gather the others.

"What?! Wait!" Thor called as he strode after his brother causing Kal to stop and turn around. "You are still going to help me? Even though you believe father, right?"

The question hung in the air for a few moments as Kal stood considering how to respond. Should I be honest and tell him thatI am doing it only because it grants me the greatest chance of slaying Malekith with my own hand? Kal guessed that Thor would be even less likely to take his support if he knew how dark Kal's mind was of late and that he was willing to risk reality just to kill one man.

"I promised you that I would do everything I could to help Jane and avenge our mother." Kal finally spoke, his words were careful and slow, as he released a deep sigh. "I will not lie if the decision was solely mine Jane would stay and we would fight here. But you are my brother, and mother trusted you, so if you think this is the best course I will follow you into Niflheim itself."

Thor was silent himself for a few seconds before a smile broke across his face and the two of them clasped hands. "Thank you, brother. I swear we will slay Malekith, save Jane, and get justice for mother."

(Central London, United Kingdom, Earth – Darcy Lewis's Apartment – November 14th, 2013)

"I can't believe they let us go so quickly, can you?" Darcy asked her intern not really expecting a response as she dumped her bags onto her couch. "I mean I was fully expecting to be locked up in, like, a tower or something, they do that in this country right?"

"Well not re-" Olsen tried to respond but was immediately cut off by Darcy who just kept talking.

"Seriously, what was that? A few hours in a cell and then it's suddenly 'Sorry for the inconvenience, you can be on your way Gov'nor'' Darcy recreated the clearly fictitious version of her release with a terrible cockney accent and before Olsen could correct her just kept going. "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be free but that is some bad policing right there. And what do I find when I get out, nobody will return my calls, Jane isn't picking up, Eric isn't picking up, even SHIELDisn't picking up. I mean really, what is…"

Olsen stopped listening at that point, realising that Darcy in no way needed or even expected him to respond, so he instead used his vast training to do something incredibly difficult: pretend to listen. He carefully unpacked their bags and moved Darcy's stuff off the couch as she paced back and forth ranting, all the while nodding his head. His own mind, however, was on how to explain to his superiors his use of SHIELD credentials to get them out of a London jail cell and partly blowing his cover.

The whole mission was unravelling fast, he could tell that because Jane and Darcy kept going off all the time and he hadn't heard back from the Triskelion, which was bad. SHIELD HQ always responded, even if it was a slightly dismissive message confirming your report had been received, but he wasn't even getting that. No, SHIELD had gone dark on him, which meant either two things, both very bad: Either he was being blacklisted and disavowed, or HQ was scrambling for a response and currently didn't have a plan.

However, as he currently couldn't really do anything about either situation, he had to decide what actions to take. No one in the Agency had changed his orders, so he was in a holding pattern keeping up his charade of a dumb college student. Dr. Foster was beyond his ability to protect, so he was now focusing on Darcy Lewis. The woman may not think of herself as such, but she was a vital member of the Doctor's scientific crew, and although Jane had the more famous reputation, Darcy was held in high regard by many individuals, a notoriety that made her a target for others.

"… Doesn't that just piss you off?" Olsen refocused on Darcy's voice as she stopped pacing, throwing up her arms in disbelief as she turned to look at her intern.

She had turned to face the couch believing him to be there but a confused look appeared on her face as her intern was not sitting on the couch and was not actually in the room. She twisted her head around and then leaned to look at the front door, checking it was still closed and that the young man hadn't just left. Although she would be super annoyed, she wouldn't have been surprised, who could've blamed the guy for wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. A lot of craziness had happened in the last two days, to put it very mildly.

"Yeah, it really does." Olsen responded, surprising Darcy by appearing from the kitchen carrying two cups of coffee, one of which he handed immediately to Darcy.

She took it gladly and quickly took a sip which turned into gulping of the delicious roasted brown liquid that almost made her shiver in pleasure. She gave the intern a grateful smile and was glad that she had hired the unpaid lackey. In truth, she was feeling bad she had dragged him into this and remembering how New Mexico had ended was thinking she might need to cut him loose. She had hired him because he had looked cute when he asked for a chance to work with them, all dressed up with his corny bowtie, bright red hair and freckles. She really had not expected all this alien god stuff to happen…well, happen a second time.

"Look, I'm sorry for all this." Darcy began releasing a sigh, despite what people thought she was not heartless. "You seem like a nice guy and I will make sure you get full credits for your program but I think it might be bes-"

Darcy never finished her offer. Without warning, her intern turned around throwing his mug with expert precision at a black shape that had appeared out of nowhere in the kitchen behind him. Before she could even register what was happening, Olsen had spun around and lifted her up with one arm before flipping the couch with his free hand. Now with a makeshift barricade, Olsen deposited Darcy on the floor and grabbed his bag, laying on top of her to shield her. He pulled out the camera he always seemed to have on him. Darcy was about to scream a demand for answers, but went silent as Olsen twisted the lens funnily and triple-tapped the shutter button. Suddenly, the harmless camera shifted into a futuristic handgun.

"Miss Lewis, stay down." Olsen ordered, his English accent gone, replaced by a North American one and a commanding figure in place of the dumb nervous bowtie-wearing college boy.

Darcy could do nothing but nod, bowled over by the presence of the confident man that was in front of her. Having got her to stay down Olsen took a deep breath and prepared to face whoever had breached his security net. His senses were in overdrive, he had just been making coffee for Darcy seconds ago, who could be so skilled that they could bypass.

Olsen raised himself above his makeshift barrier and levelled his gun ready to sacrifice his life to protect his charge. However, the moment he caught sight of the intruder, Darcy saw his commanding demeanour and fighting stance disappear. His gun dropped to the side while a look of annoyance appeared on his face. Darcy, seeing that he was no longer going all Kyle Reese Terminator on her, peeked a look and saw what was causing his change of attitude.

Leaning against the doorway of the kitchen was the Black Widow herself, sipping from the still-full cup of coffee that Olsen had thrown at her, which she had caught with ease. Natasha Romanoff was smiling at Olsen, debating whether to tease him some more, but decided the look on his face was enough. She was currently wearing her full field uniform, widow gauntlets included, showing that whatever intel she had gone in without, she had the feeling none of it was good.

"I could have shot you." Olsen stated bluntly, his voice clearly reflecting his wounded pride.

"Not without this you can't." Natasha's grin grew as she watched his pride take another hit as she casually lifted up the magazine for his gun. She threw it back to him and with a slight huff, he jammed it back into his weapon. "But enough playing, we've got work to do. I need you and Miss Lewis here to fill us in on what's happening."

"Understood ma'am." Olsen gave a nod of his head as he fell back into his role of a SHIELD agent.

"WELL, I SURE AS SHIT DON'T!" Darcy's extremely loud voice caused her "intern" to wince as he turned to the woman who was clearly not sure if she should be awed, shocked, or angry, leaving her face attempting to do all three. "Why is the Black Widow in my kitchen? Why do you have a gun? Why was the gun a camera? AND what the hell happened to your accent?!"

"Miss Lewis, if you'd kindly, Darcy I can expl-" Olsen tried to explain before he was cut out and his pride took another hit as yet another person turned up in the apartment.

"Quite simply, Jimmy here is a SHIELD agent assigned to watch you and Dr. Foster following your departure from the SHIELD Clubhouse." Clint Barton appeared from the kitchen too, eating one of the sandwiches Olsen had made earlier and left in the fridge. "And weare making an appearance because Jimmy boy says Kal and Thor showed up, Jane now has weird magic powers with which she broke a few police cars and is now on Asgard, and also your highly specialised equipment that detects wormholes keeps going off. So we're here making sure the world isn't, you know, ending."

"YOU'RE A SHIELD AGENT?!" Darcy screamed at Olsen ignoring the fact that another Avenger had appeared to focus solely on the red-haired young man. "I knew you were too cute and well-mannered to be English…. wait, is that why you were taking all those pictures and asked me to pose?! Was it for some sort of creepy SHIELD file?!"

"Wait, what photos? SHIELD didn't authorise any surveillance."" Nat couldn't help but jump on that point as Jimmy suddenly went as red as his hair, asking her question in a teasing tone.

Jimmy began coughing as his nerves started to flare up and Darcy's look of rage suddenly changed to mild embarrassment as she too went bright red, having connected the dots in her head. She was currently wishing that Jane's new weird space magic had killed her.

"Um, I was, that is to say- ttthhhhaaaattt, um" Jimmy started to stumble over his words as he frantically looked between the now-embarrassed Darcy and the teasing Black Widow. "Okay, look and we just get back on point here?"

"Come on Nat you're embarrassing the kid." Clint intervened as his own teasing smile grew as he looked at Olsen who was desperate for aid. "We already came here, crashed his sweet cover and hurt his pride, then we blew through his security net like that."

Clint snapped his fingers to emphasise his point earning a groan from Jimmy who was in no way happy that he had been outclassed. Feeling the need to defend his dignity and professionalism he took the bait Clint had just laid out.

"Well, it is you two and there is no security system on the planet that you haven't beaten but I guarantee if you had to break in here with another person then my se- OH COME ON!" Olsen cut himself off as gestured to the bedroom that opened revealing another intruder.

"Sorry, I needed to get changed. They grabbed me from a World War 2 VA event down in Dover." Steve apologised as he gently closed the bedroom door having missed the conversation. He looked impressive in his own full costume, and he had his shield on his back.

"Okay, Captain America doesn't count!" Olsen quickly pointed out, earning a grin from both Nat and Clint who just fist bumped at their victory.

Olsen was about to try and salvage his ego in a vain effort to try and still look impressive to Darcy who was just staring at Steve in wonder. He was stopped from speaking though when the sound of a flushing toilet and running water sounded out causing him and Darcy to turn around.

"If you didn't like that, you're really going to hate this," Nat said, her teasing voice having returned.

As she finished her sentence the bathroom door opened up, revealing Bruce Banner who was drying his hands before stopping dead when he realised that everyone was looking at him. He offered a little wave and then clumsily tried to back out causing him to bump into the wall behind him and knock off a framed photo. He frantically caught the photo before it broke and then managed to get it back on the wall, albeit very crookedly.

"Oh, sorry, I needed to… go." Bruce offered his apologies to Darcy and Olsen raising his hands as he spoke, he then cast a glance towards the small hallway leading to the front door. "Also, I kinda tripped and broke a vase on the way in, sorry about that."

Olsen blinked a few times as his brain shut down and he decided that he really wasn't cut out for this job. He was beginning to think about becoming a wedding photographer or maybe a reporter when Steve brought everyone back on topic.

"Miss Lewis, Agent Olsen, my apologies, but we need your help." Steve moved forward to speak directly to the two offering a friendly smile as he did so. "I am told that you are one of the world's leading experts on interstellar wormholes."

"Umm, I mean, sort of. Look, I haven't finished my doctorate in astrophysics yet so I'm not really an expert in anything." Darcy explained suddenly feeling very uncomfortable and more than a little shy in a room full of Avengers. "If you want an expert you're going to need like Jane or Erik, I can't even turn off half these devices."

Darcy gestured to the half-opened bag of equipment that Jane had created, which were still going off.

"Dr. Foster's not available, we already have Dr. Selvig, which is why we need your help." Steve explained, his kind voice and soft tones were making Darcy feel more relaxed. "Now, SHIELD took notice of Thor and Kal taking Jane off world, and they have been detecting a massive surge in anomalous readings in London. Bruce read your proposed thesis and he says you might be one of the brightest minds of your generation, so please, we need your help."

"You really think so?" Darcy looked over to the quiet unassuming Doctor who seemed startled that someone was talking to him.

"Oh, yeah, absolutely. It was exceptional, brilliant actually." Bruce promptly supported Steve's statement, his bumbling words made him just seem more honest to Darcy.

"Thanks." She responded by giving him a genuine smile, it was the first time anyone had given her such a compliment. "Okay, I'm not sure I can help, but I'm in. Intern, start making coffee and drinks for everyone."

With that Darcy moved towards the equipment and her laptop to get set up and explain what little she understood of the situation. Taking her cue, the Avengers in the room moved to sit on the two couched and the several chairs around the room. Whilst Olsen who had gone from smiling at Darcy's happiness to confusion as her words hit him.

"Um, wait what?" Olsen's confusion was evident in his voice as he blinked trying to reconnect with reality.

"You heard the lady, intern. I take my coffee black, two sugars." Clint teased as he moved past Olsen giving him a pat on the shoulder as he went.

The once-again intern sighed and shuffled into the kitchen knowing that it was pointless trying to fight Darcy. After all, he had failed to do so for three months. He also hoped that doing this might make her a tiny less angry about the whole fake college kid cover.

"No Stark?" Steve asked Nat as he took his shield off to sit comfortably on the single chair next to the couch.

"Tony's in-country, but he's babysitting the two 'assets' that HQ sent with me and Clint." Nat replied. Her usage and tone of the word piqued Steve's curiosity, as she half sighed half groaned the sentence.

"Assets?" Steve prompted. Since he got out of the ice he had worked extensively with SHIELD, and it was rare for them to send other heavy hitters when he, Nat and Clint were deployed together, let alone the rest of the Avengers.

Nat didn't try to suppress the groan that escaped her lips or the tone that conveyed what she really thought about the subject.

"Two enhanced individuals, top secret SHIELD R&D projects apparently. The World Security Council and Secretary Pierce shoved them onto Fury, and Fury shoved them onto me and Clint to keep an eye on." Nat reported she kept her voice low as she looked over at Darcy who was still setting up. "Fury's not keen on them, codenames are Binary and Patriot, apparently they volunteered for some experimental Super Soldier programs."

"You don't buy it?" Steve pressed, his voice also going low, although he was one himself he wasn't overly keen on the idea of mass-produced Super Soldiers. He had seen what the Red Skull had done and wasn't sure if having more people like either of them was a good thing.

"That's the thing, they've come out of nowhere and it's all…... weird. Fury isn't saying a word about where they come from so either it's highly classified or…." Nat explained her weariness about the two assets she had been stuck with.

"Or he doesn't know himself." Steve finished Nat's troubling thought and found himself grimacing.

"Precisely, either way it's not great and we are stuck with two unknown and untested enhanced individuals going into whatever this is. I don't like it, but orders are orders." Nat eyed Darcy again who looked ready to start and so she finished up her private talk with Steve. "Fury wants an assessment if this comes down to a fight and would appreciate an extra pair of eyes. Given your background I thought you'd be the best one."

Steve gave a nod that earned him a grateful smile as the two sat up straight again to listen to Darcy start just as Olsen brought out the drinks he had been ordered to make. However, Steve's mind was still on these two enhanced people they were being stuck with. Whilst he wasn't opposed to more help, he wasn't sure he liked SHIELD being able to create Superpowered individuals, let alone the fact that it was possible.

His thoughts again turned to Erskine and the Rebirth Program that had created him. He remembered how desperate the Doctor had been to try and undo the damage his serum had caused after evil men had taken it. He also remembered that although Colonel Phillips had pushed to mass produce a successful serum, Erskine had always wanted to limit the amount of people receiving it. That was why, he guessed, the good Doctor never wrote his formula down or trusted anyone with it.

However, he pushed those thoughts aside as Darcy started showing the readings that she, Olsen and Jane had gathered, and immediately the soldier was lost again. Science had moved way beyond his ability to keep up, in fact it had just completely abandoned him in favour of a whole other world. So he did what he always did when he had no idea what was happening: he leaned forward, put on a serious face, nodded whenever he was looked at by the speaker, and waited until after when Bruce simplified it for him.

(Late at night - Asgard – Royal palace of Valaskjalf -Hall of Glitnir - November 14th, 2013)

"Malekith can sense the Aether. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time he will lay waste to what remains of Asgard." Thor addressed the gathered group of his friends, all of whom had come in secret to listen to his plan. "We must move Jane offworld, draw the enemy away from our people."

"This plan is insane. Thor, I wish for vengeance as well, but the Allfather has sealed the Bifrost and the Tesseract is locked away in the vaults. Even if they weren't, the risks of such a venture are ….beyond dangerous" Sif voiced her opinion of her friends' plan with an uneasy look on her face. As the Lady of Ida she had a duty to report such treason to her king, yet friendship stayed her hand.

"Yes, but all actions now carry risk, we must seek the path that will do the least harm to our people" Thor smoothed her worry with a simple statement of truth.

"There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few." Heimdall spoke, causing Sif to turn her attention to the Gatekeeper of Asgard who had no current duty due to the Bifrost being sealed.

"One actually." Kal's words immediately caused understanding among the group and a look of horror appeared on Volstagg's face.

"No, you can't trust him, he will betray you as sure as the sun rises" Volstagg leaned forward with a pleading look on his face.

"He may, but not before he delivers us to Malekith, and we have had our revenge." Kal responded his voice almost as dark as the coldness in his eyes which caused Carol to look at him with worry. "Loki will aid us. For revenge, my brother would plunge into Niflheim naked."

"That is all well and good, but what is to stop him betraying you to escape and get revenge all by himself?" Fandral spoke with a look of disbelief on his face as he knew Loki would betray them.

"Because he knows that neither I nor Thor hold hope that our brother is still in there, a hope which protected him before." Kal spoke coolly, his voice almost detached from all feeling, he leaned forward to emphasise his point. "It died with mother, and if he betrays us I will rip his black heart from his chest, for I have told him as such."

The room was silent for a few moments as everyone including Thor was uncomfortable with the darkness that seemed to cloak his fair brother. He had seen Kal's rage before, it was a wrath that was rightly feared, as hot as the suns of Asgard and worse than any storms he could conjure. However, this was not rage, it was something far darker and worse, although he wanted vengeance for their mother, he did not want it to cost him his one remaining sibling.

"Okay, well after we…. free Loki, what then?" Fandral broke the silence as his bold nature made him unused to sitting in unease for long. "Might I remind you your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of Einherjar that will see you coming from miles away?"

"Which is why it is not I who will be the one to retrieve her." Thor's vision turned to Carol who looked a little surprised she was being trusted with this task.

"You want me to break Jane out?" Carol asked, looking between Kal and Thor.

"Yes, you are currently allowed to keep her company and your skill in battle is more than enough to get through her guards." Kal responded to Carol, his dark features softening when he looked at her, before releasing a sigh. "I know this is dangerous and would not ask if it wasn't necessary."

Carol was quiet for a few seconds before a smirk appeared across her face. "Well, I guess I just won't be invited back for family Yule. And plus always wanted to rescue a princess from a tower, count me in."

"Good, I shall aid the Lady Carol." Sif spoke up although she wasn't pleased with the plan she was ready to help.

"You will not." Kal's words caused Sif's eyes to go wide and she opened her mouth to respond only for Thor to cut her off.

"We need you to rally Asgard's forces when it is discovered that we are leaving. So, you can't be clearly involved at the start." Thor quickly explained curtailing Sif's anger. "If we fail then Asgard's forces need to be ready for the convergence and to fight the Dark Elves. As the Lady of Ida, you will have senior authority whilst Kal and I are gone."

"What of Odin?" Sif asked, looking between the two princes. "You will be gone but Odin will still be able to countermand any order I give even if Tyr sides with us."

"I will take care of my father." Kal stated softly causing Sif to look at him in alarm, this conversation was turning to dark. Seeing her fear Kal explained his meaning, knowing what she thought he planned. "I swear he will be fine, but I will ensure he will not be able to countermand much of anything until it is too late."

Sif wanted to press for details but swallowed her doubt for the moment and merely nodded her agreement leaning back into her chair whilst crossing her arms. Thor gave her a grateful smile that caused her to become more cheerful and at ease at the current plan before her.

"Heimdall has agreed to stand by on the Bifrost in case Kal is unable to distract father before he joins us, in which case Heimdall will provide us our opportunity." Thor looked over to Heimdall who nodded, and with the plan set everyone moved out of the hall.

However, as Carol made to leave, she noticed that both Kal and Thor had stayed behind and both were looking around the hall. Seeing the reminiscing looks on both their faces she decided them to their private moment and quietly slipped from the hall herself. Kal watched his love go out of the corner of his eye, a grateful smile on his face, before he returned his attention to the Hall of Glitnir, the hall of the sons of Odin.

As he looked around the hall for what he guessed would be the last time, he noticed Thor kneeling by the grand fireplace. He approached his brother and saw a smile brought forth by an old memory fixed upon his face as a rough hand gently traced a set of etchings on the wall. Kal found a smile appearing on his own as he saw the words that he had almost forgotten carved into the stones by their younger selves.

Here in this hall

The Sons of Odin do swear

by scared oath of blood

never to fight, quarrel or oppose each other

whilst in this, their hall

Kal Loki Thor

"The Oath of Glitnir, if only it had been stronger or better worded" Thor joked half-heartedly as he looked up at Kal with sadness on his face, his voice then dropping to a whisper. "Or was it merely a brotherly promise doomed to fail?"

A look crossed between them for a moment, and they both knew what Thor meant by his last statement. Kal released a sigh and turned to lean his back against the wall. He then slid to the floor so he, like Thor, was sitting on the polished stone with the old oath between them.

"Loki's deeds…. he… it was not your fault." Kal responded honestly, looking his elder brother in the eyes.

"Wasn't it? You were both my responsibility, and looking back I did little to pull Loki from his path. If anything, I darkened it much with my actions." Thor lamented feeling the shame of recent events and past misdeeds wash over him.

"Our brother still chose to walk that path, no one forced him…no man nor god can change fate, not even you nor I." Kal's words caused Thor to look at him, he considered them for a moment before a reluctant grimace of acceptance appeared on the thunder god's face. Kal went quiet for a moment before he asked the question that Thor's behaviour had pushed into his mind. "I know what I said to the others and what you and I have spoken about, but….Do you truly hold faith in Loki no more?"

"I do not." Thor's response was without hesitation and his expression was more one of sad truth than grimness at the fact. "Do you?"

Kal merely shook his head, his expression a mirror as the two marvelled in sadness at the state of affairs they found themselves in.

"What a world we have made, no?" Thor asked rhetorically, earning a bitter chuckle from Kal. "Likely our last night in this hall, once filled with our dreams and now both of us are without any trust, hope or faith in Loki bar the bitter revenge we share…. Did I ever tell you I had a vision of us when I was young?"

"No," Kal replied, looking at his brother in surprise as Thor was not normally one for keeping secrets.

"It was more a dream than a vision, I think. It was of…... Ragnarök" Thor whispered the word that seemed to cause a cold wind to blow through the hall as he said it. "However, I was not afraid, as you, I and Loki were together, the dead of Niflheim had surrounded us, death itself had come for us and Surtr was burning Asgard, but we were together, shoulder to shoulder, and even as the great Wolf Fenris and the Black Serpent came for us, we did not run, we did not cower, for we had each other."

Thor fell silent as he finished his telling of the vision he had so long ago, his eyes that had been bright at the memory had returned to their dull forlornness as his gaze returned to the oath carved in stone. He released a sigh as a bitter smile appeared on his face, while he reconciled the dream he had once so believed would come to pass with the darkness which was his present.

"…...So much for the dreams of youth, brother." Thor spoke softly in resignation as he returned to his feet. He gave Kal one last gentle smile and a nod of his head as he headed for the door to get some rest for the trials the morning would bring.

Kal lingered briefly, his gaze on the oath he had made so long ago before he too stood and made for the doors. He stayed a moment in the doorway looking at the Hall he and his brothers had made theirs and spent their childhood in, casting his mind back one last time to the past. As the old memories started to fade, Kal closed the door on the Hall and the past, leaving Glitnir, The Shining Hall of the Sons of Odin, for the final time.

(Asgard -Odin's Chamber - Morning November 15th 2013)

Odin had not slept all night nor had he slept for the past two days. He could not bear to sleep in any bed knowing that the warmth of his wife would not be beside him. However, he pushed those thoughts away as he focused on the task at hand today, Malekith would return for the Aether, and Asgard had to be ready. He would station the mortal deep within the Palace and place every blade they had left between the Dark Elves and their prize, he would call up the reserves, the young and the old, to fight as well.

If the Dark Elves sought victory he would bury them as his father Bor had done: under a tidal wave of Asgardian blood. Their superior numbers and valour would carry the day, allowing him to destroy the filth once and for all.

"Father, we need to talk." Odin turned to see that his youngest son had arrived. He was carrying a small barrel under one of his arms, in his eyes Odin could see the same loss that was gripping his own soul.

"And what does Kal-El Odinson need to discuss with his King that could not wait until the war council?" Odin asked, turning to face his son and raising himself to his full height.

"Many things, but before we reach that I would like to share something I found whilst going through mothers things." Kal moved to a small table that had his father's untouched morning meal upon it and set down the small barrel he was carrying. "It's a barrel of-"

"Your mother's mead, she used to make it with Kvasir, before you were born. I thought it was all gone." Odin gave a gentle smile remembering happier days moving over to touch the barrel his son had brought. "When I was younger, I used to start my day with a cup of this"

"I know, mother told me. She said it had restorative properties and made one man feel like ten." Kal gave his father a gentle smile as he opened the barrel, the smell of honey reaching their noses, a scent that reminded both of the woman they had lost.

Kal gently took two cups and filled both with the amber liquid giving one to his father. Odin took the cup and brought it up to his mouth smelling the sweet nectar and giving Kal a kind smile, happy his son thought to share this with him. They both raised their cups in a silent salute before they brought the cups to their lips and drank in remembrance of their lost queen.

"Thank you, my son. Although, I think you are here to try and get me to support Thor's reckless plan." Odin sighed as he had to move the pleasant moment knowing that Kal was here for something else than shared grief.

"No, I am not." Kal's response caused Odin to look surprised. His sons had been of one mind lately, especially when it came to challenging him. "You were never going to agree to let Thor take Jane off-world; the risk is too great, and his plan is ….. well, a poor one."

"And what would Kal Odinson do, if he was King of Asgard?" Odin asked, setting down his now-empty cup and looking at his son.

"But I am not." Was Kal's simple reply dodging the question as Odin thought he would, Kal never liked thinking of himself as a ruler.

"But if you were?" Odin pressed, wanting to know what his last and most reasonable son would advise.

"If 'I' was King…..." Kal responded thinking for a moment as Odin could see his mind at work, he sighed and then revealed what his stratagem would be. "I would evacuate our people through the sewers out of the city, whilst I recalled our forces from abroad at the same time, and ensure that as much of the artillery was ready as possible. So, no matter who they targeted we could respond in kind, we would lose many true, but it would mostly be soldiers who knew the risks of service. I would then attack their ship with every force I had at hand and if they did not take the bait, well, I would have strengthened Asgard with more men and be ready for their next attack."

"It is a good plan." Odin conceded the stratagem was good. More than good, it was Kingly, lessening the risk to their people whilst still keeping the enemy where they wanted them, it even took into account that sacrifices had to be made, something Thor struggled with. "And tell me son, would you give the same counsel if your mortal was at risk?"

"I would." Kal's quick response caused Odin to be surprised again and look at his son with shock, although the Allfather did not miss the grimace on Kal's face at the word mortal. "Carol would be able to handle the power that is killing Jane, and even if she couldn't, she is a soldier, she would gladly shoulder the risk in order to protect others."

"So, this is the strategy you would advise then. If I was to adopt it, would you counsel Thor to abandon his foolish plan?" As he spoke, Odin suddenly started to feel lightheaded and tightened his grip on his spear.

"No, I am not advocating that." Kal responded, setting down his still full cup causing Odin's eyes to widen as he felt himself weakening. "For that does not give me my best chance at killing Malekith. No father, my plan is Thor's plan, for that brings me closest to vengeance."

"How?" Odin asked as he stumbled to the floor feeling tiredness starting to overcome him, disbelief in how Kal had managed this feat.

"As it turns out, Fulla does know all of mother's secrets, including the herbs and spells she used to help you sleep." Kal stated as he knelt down next to his father making sure Odin did not injure himself as the drug overtook him. "You will be fine, the potion will merely make you slumber for a few hours and weaken you for a day or so. Enough time for Thor, I and Loki to avenge mother."

"You…would, risk…..everything…for….vengeance?" Odin asked between laboured breaths as he felt darkness starting to overcome his vision.

"You would ask me that? The man who gave no thought to the innocents put in harm's way by his own retribution?" Kal's features became as hard as stone as the dark anger he felt welled within him. "You who made me what I am? There was a time I would have done anything to win your love, to be the son you wanted even if that meant being your weapon."

Kal took a deep breath as he steadied himself not wanting the fury he felt at the loss of his mother to consume him and deal a reckoning to the wrong target. Odin might have done wrong and been a poor parent at times, but he was still his father and Kal still loved him dearly. Asgard would also still need its King, especially as at that very moment Kal had just committed high treason and Thor was doing the same alongside their friends in the city.

"I do this because of that fact. Because I, Thor and Loki felt we had to win your approval…We never had to with her." As Kal spoke, he felt tears threatening to break from his eyes as anger, rage and sadness mixed together in his hearts. "There was not a day, not second, from the moment she first held me to the last that I held here where I felt I had to earn that love. I knew, we knew, she treasured us, no matter what. With all her heart, she loved us."

Kal felt red hot rage burning in his chest as the images of Frigga's cold lifeless body entered his mind, eclipsing all other thoughts or memories, he had of her.

"So, you are damned right that I would risk everything for her. I would cut off my arm and gouge out my own eyes if it meant having a chance to kill Malekith myself. And I will kill him, father, I swear that on my honour"

Odin was now asleep in his arms, and he gently placed the wizened king in bed. As he did so Kal's great hearing picked up the explosion of artillery outside, causing him to turn and look through the wall. He saw that Thor, Loki, Carol and Jane had taken the Dark Elf ship from the palace and were making their escape. A grim determination settled over him as he clenched his fist and took a deep breath before departing to aid their escape.

As Kal reached the Dark Elf ship his brothers were escaping on, he had to dodge multiple blasts of fire from the defensive cannons and took great care not to hit any of the dozen ships. Whilst he had the opportunity to cripple the ones pursuing them, he elected not to as Asgard needed every ship it still possessed. Had he not known Thor's plan, Kal would have thought this the most idiotic escape ever, the whole of Asgard seemed to be chasing them and if he had not incapacitated Odin, the Allfather's magic would be raining down on their heads.

He did move to intercept a blast that would have struck the ship as Thor suddenly plunged the flight path downwards and cruised over the sea of Asgard. As the side door slid open Kal spotted Fandral move his boat up from the water's surface alongside the black ship, he was about to aid in transport when Loki was suddenly pushed from the ship. He could not help a smile from appearing on his face hearing the almost girl-like yell and seeing his brother land on the ship in a heap. As he landed on the vessel himself, Carol jumped from the vessel landing on her two feet whilst Thor landed with Jane in his arms.

"I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful Loki!" Fandral quipped from the helm, chuckling at the trickster's sprawled nature

"You lied to me! You tricked me!" Loki exclaimed as he stood up recomposing himself looking at Thor and then to the skies above as the Dark Elf craft flew on followed by what looked like the entirety of Asgard. "I'm impressed. Also, hello Kal, Thor made it seem like you would not be joining us."

"Enough Loki, do as you promised, take us to your secret pathway." Kal stated bluntly causing the smile on Loki's face to fade as he shrugged at his brother's words.

Loki then moved over to take the helm, gesturing to the controls that were still in the hands of the blonde Fandral. The leader of the Warriors Three gave Kal and Thor a weary look but a nod from both of them caused him to release the rudder. Loki took hold gladly, a mad glint of joy appearing in his eyes as he suddenly jerked the vessel to the right towards the mountains, all the while gaining speed.

As they soared over the sea, the water next to them exploded as an Asgardian ship swooped down to fall in behind them, blasting away to prevent their escape. Carol made to move but was stopped as Fandral suddenly jumped onto the gunnel of the boat and leaned over to look at the attacking ship. A smile and look just as mad as Loki's had appeared on his face and he turned to look at his friends while still balancing on the railing.

"Well this is my cue, ladies, it was lovely meeting you." Fandral gave Jane and Carol a wicked smile before he pulled out his sword and leaned back falling from the ship loudly declaring. "For Asgard!"

Jane rushed to the edge and saw that the warrior had twisted in the air allowing his weight and momentum to carry him to the pursuing vessel. He had crashed into the prow of the ship but had then sprung onto the deck itself. He was a blur of motion fighting a dozen men at one with his rapier in a scene that reminded Jane a little of a Zorro movie. However her admiration of the event ended suddenly as Loki pushed their vessel to go faster and started weaving between the mountains of Asgard.

Loki suddenly then turned and pointed them directly at the side of Mount Skade, the largest mountain of the realm. Everyone expected the ship to slow, believing the mountain their destination and home to some secret chamber of Loki's. However, the god of Mischief did not slow; instead he pushed the craft faster and faster until the metal planks it was made of started to buckle.

"Loki?" Thor asked in alarm as he watched the side of the mountain growing larger and larger before them.

"If it were easy… everyone would do it." Loki replied, his voice low as a look of pure concentration filled his eyes.

"ARE YOU MAD?!" Thor yelled, turning to look at his brother as brought Jane close and clung to the ships railings.

"POSSIBLY!" Loki shouted in mad glee, this time a wild happy grin was on his face,

It was then he began muttering ancient spells as the mountain approached, causing a green glow to encompass them and the vessel they were on. It was at the last moment that Loki's hand suddenly snapped forward in a strange gesture no mortal could have made, causing a passage to appear before them in the mountainside. Their vessel slid through, and Kal had to grip the edge of the ship as it jostled within the narrow passage, he also had to shield his eyes as the crystals embedded in its walls started to glow.

There was a bright light and a sound like a volcano exploding, which was followed by a massive gut-churning jolt before Kal felt the ship steady itself. As he opened his eyes he was met with nothing but darkness and shadow, it took him a moment before his eyes adjusted to the little light there was, then he saw where they were.

"TA-DA!" Loki exclaimed, causing the passengers of the ship to turn to the god who gave a flamboyant gesture around them, which was accompanied by green orbs of light appearing above them conjured by Loki so all could see his greatness. "I welcome you, my brothers, to Svartalfheim, realm of Darkness and home of the Dark Elves."

(Authors Notes)

Hi everyone so, next week I am on my camping trip so there won't be a chapter next week but rest assured the week after that we should return to our regular schedule :)

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, and like always please Review, Follow and Favourite as you desire.

Luke5921creators' thoughts