
Chapter 20 – Brother of a King (3)

(Asgard – Odin's Bed Chamber – 2010)

Kal watched from the foot of the bed as the soft shimmering barrier covered his father, the golden rays of the healing magic attempting to aid the Allfather in the Odinsleep, as small almost imperceptible laboured breathes escaped the Allfather's lips.

When his father had collapsed in his arms Kal had feared the worst, and it turned out rightly so, as Chief Healer Eir informed them that the Allfather had, in fact, stopped breathing, and his heart had stopped beating as well for almost a minute. A result she explained of him postponing the Odinsleep for so long, a trance that not only restored his power but healed both his body and soul from the great strains of his power.

They had worked constantly on his father, healing spells of such power and magnitude that Kal had thought some of them to be mere myths until he saw them performed, some causing the walls to crack at the power used and their conjurers to collapse from the strain. Even then after such effort, all the healers were able to accomplish was to place Odin into a semi-stable Odinsleep and watch in hope that his great powers would return on their own.

The room was now deafly silent as the only remaining occupants were the sleeping Odin, Loki, Kal and their mother Frigga, who upon hearing of Odin's state had rushed to her husband's side. The rest of the healers and guards had been dismissed as there was truly nothing else to be done except watch and wait.

Unless someone felt like finding an Infinity Stone to use, which Kal was almost considering doing, but he only knew the location of one and to gain it Kal would have to pay a price he did not think he could.

"I will never get used to seeing him like this," Loki spoke softly whilst looking at his father from the side of the bed he was occupying, a strange tentativeness was in his eyes.

"He has put it off for so long now, so very long and the stress of everything that has happened with Thor and …" Frigga cast her gaze briefly at Kal before looking back at her sleeping husband. "And everything else, I fear…."

Frigga's voice trembled and she gently reached out to stroke the sleeping hand of her husband trying to gain assurance from the touch and was rewarded as Odin's laboured jagged breaths seemed to ease at her touch as if he knew she was present.

"We did this…. I did this" Kal spoke softly a feeling of guilt entering his stomach, as he looked at the shell of a man that was his father, sunken cheeks and gauntness handing over him.

He and Loki had attacked their father with harsh words and did not let him defend himself at all, Kal had let his resentment and anger consume him again, making him blind to how fragile his father had been. He had lashed out 5 years ago without thinking and then like a child had left without healing the wounds the knowledge of his parentage had created, wounds that had clearly harmed Odin as well as he looked at his father. All of which he had made worse by supporting Loki's rage in his own anger and blind rage instead of tempering tensions allowing for an actual talk instead of blind accusations.

"No, no Kal it's not your fault, neither of you is at fault," Frigga stated a pained look on her face as she looked at her sons, wanting to ease their pain as all mothers do. "It is mine if anyone's, I kept secrets from both of you and we have handled telling either of you the truth so poorly, so, so, poorly."

Frigga sighed as she returned her pained gaze back towards her sleeping husband, her mind betraying her as she felt guilt twist her memories asking her questions that would only cause pain. What if she had told them both when they were little? Or had told Odin that she was telling Kal the truth five years ago? Would everything be different now? Would Odin not have felt attacked and handled Kal with fatherly affection rather than Kingly stoicism.

"Mother," was all Kal could respond with, as he looked at her, feeling he needed to say something to alleviate her guilt but did not know what.

"How long will it …. Last?" Loki asked hesitantly drawing both of their attention, his eyes fixed on their father, his real questioning lingering unsaid.

"I don't know it's different this time, we were unprepared, and he has been so, so tired lately," Frigga responded as she stroked Odin's hand, fear and uncertainty in her voice.

"So why did he lie?" Loki's question was given with a hardness that Kal was both surprised by but also could not fault his brother for, Loki's pain had raw and fresh whilst he had had five years to cool.

"Loki this is not the ti-" Kal began, wanting to put off that discussion for a better time but his mother silenced him with a gentle look.

"We both kept this from you because we never wanted you to feel different, either of you." Frigga looked between her sons. "Both of you are our sons, my sons and your father loves you both more than you can know." Frigga's voice was gentle and sounded almost desperate as she needed her sons to believe her.

"So, I know what I am, but what is Kal?" Loki cast his gaze to his little brother that stood at the foot of the bed as they sat, Kal was definitely no frost giant despite his size.

Frigga's gaze turned to Kal to see how he wanted to handle's Loki's question, the secret of his patronage was no longer hers to tell, that responsibility or more accurately burden she thought was know Kal's. Her youngest son looked at Loki and then turned to meet his mother's gaze, there was an unspoken moment between the two and then Kal gave a single subtle nod.

"Your father found Kal adrift in space….." Frigga began to tell Loki everything they knew about Kal, both his origins and his gifts.

It was a longer tale than Kal thought it would be as she covered everything from finding him in space to her telling him the truth, his pod not providing any answers and the abilities he had. Loki just sat there an unreadable expression on his face as he learnt the truth about his little brother, where Loki was just a Jotun taken in, Kal was the last scion and surviving member of the mighty people of Krypton. Once she was finished Loki just turned back to Kal and looked at him before asking the question that was burning on his mind.

"Was this why you left for five years?" Loki's face was still unreadable, as his eyes searched Kal's face for something.

Kal took a deep breath as he tried to organise his thoughts properly. "Yes, I had an argument with father after mother told me, I said something that I will not repeat. But afterwards, I left to find answers about me about where I came from."

"Did you?" Loki asked, he could help the curiosity that entered his voice.

"No, just storied and myths." Kal shook his head as he spoke as he pulled the pendant forth to show Loki it was tied to his neck via a silver chain. "All I have is this and it does nothing."

"I am sorry to hear that ….. brother." Loki's voice was quiet and was very honest, as he gave Kal a look of acceptance.

"Thank you, brother." Kal was happy to return the sentiment and put all the honesty he had on the single word that meant the world to him at the moment.

"Well, this explains how you captured that Sun-Eater of D'Rill," Loki gave a small smile as he joked trying to alleviate some of the tension in the room.

Kal chuckled slightly remembering the incident, in truth, it was not that big of a deal, Sun-Eaters were very large organic creatures that served the cosmic cycle just like Celestial's, were one created star the other fed off dying ones and been thought a myth until Kal had captured one. The one Kal had captured had just been a baby Sun-Eater, lost and afraid trying to eat a very young star, so after a small battle, Kal had subdued the creature with care and Odin had it locked away in the vault until it was fully grown to be released again.

"So, what should we do now?" Loki asked their mother who was smiling slightly at her son's interactions.

"We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother," Frigga said with a sense of relief, that her sons were again on common ground.

"What hope is there for Thor?" Loki asked a sense of urgency in his voice that caused Kal to look at Loki cryptically, not sure if Loki was worried about Thor or about his possible return.

"There is always hope, your father never does anything without a reason." Frigga gave Loki a smile, taking his urgency as a sense of longing to see his brother again.

With that, she returned to caressing Odin sleeping figure with all the tenderness and love one could expect of a couple married for longer than most civilisations had existed for. As she did Loki met Kal's gaze and gently gestured to the door with his head, an act Kal nodded at and the two quietly slipped out leaving their father in their mother's care.

The two walked for a little while in silence before they reached a courtyard and Loki collapsed onto a bench running a hand through his hair as let out a long frustrated sigh. The two stayed there for a few minutes both of their minds clearing processing everything until Kal finally spoke breaking the silence.

"So, brother what would you have us do?" Kal asked Loki, causing the elder to look up at Kal with confusion.

"What?" Loki asked in confusion.

"Loki, Thor is banished, father is …. Indisposed and mother will not leave his side. According to every law and tradition of Asgard that makes you King, and we need to act." Kal explained his self-confidence returning as he focused on his duties.

"King?" Loki's eyes widen for a moment, and a look Kal did not like flashed briefly before him on his brother's face, however, he pushed it aside, Loki was his brother and needed his help, not doubt if they were to do the task they had been handed.

"Yes, and we need to act. We are at war with Jotunheim, Thor is banished, the Allfather is in the Odinsleep, and the people need reassurance." Kal pressed his brother, hoping the action would dispel his feelings of uselessness that had fallen on him when his father had fallen before him.

"Yes, right action," Loki whispered as he stood up from a bench, gears already turning in his head, after a few moments he turned to look at Kal. "What would you suggest?"

"We need to summon the Royal Council and start preparing for the worse in case war is truly unavoidable. I suggest we get the Einherjar in a state of readiness and start calling up recruits" Kal's eyes focused as he started thinking about everything that needed to be done, years of training kicking in.

"Okay, I will deal with the council and you get the Einherjar ready." Loki gave Kal a reassuring smile whilst placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Me? Loki I appreciate your confidence but General Tyr -" Kal began before Loki cut him off.

"Is not a member of the Royal Family, and with Thor gone, we need a new Champion of Asgard to lead our forces into battle if it comes to that. I can think of no one better than you brother." Loki gave Kal's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "As my first act as King, I declare you the Champion of Asgard and Supreme Commander of the forces of Asgard."

Kal couldn't help but smile not at the power or position Loki had handed to him but that despite everything Loki had just learned about the two of them and all that had happened that Loki still trusted Kal completely.

"I will do my best brother." Kal straightened and gave clasped Loki's shoulder in a brotherly embrace of his own whilst giving a grateful smile.

"I have no doubts you shall prove every bit superior to Thor in every way." Loki smiled and a dark glint entered his eye that Kal did not like, a glint he had seen before. "And when father wakes, you and I will have saved the Realm and shown him who the worthy sons are."

Kal just gave a strained smile at Loki's words and a curt nod before breaking apart watching as Loki turned and depart down the corridor to call his first royal council as King. There was a sinking feeling in Kal's stomach as he pondered on Loki's words and the glint that he had seen in bother's eye, both were troubling, in truth all of Loki's recent actions were causing Kal to have doubts. Hogan's words rang in his ear again about traitors in the house of Odin and the fact that if anyone could bring Jotun's into Asgard it would be -.

'ENOUGH' Kal thought to himself cancelling out the growing doubts in his mind as his heart reminded him who he was thinking of 'This is Loki, my brother, who loves Thor and Asgard as much as me he would … he would never …dare….. Would he?'

Kal just shook his head slightly dispelling his thoughts for the moment as he too departed making his way to the Royal Barracks to start his own council, not a royal one but one of war. He needed to call General Tyr, Lady Sif, The Warriors Three as well as contact the Dwarves of Nidavellir there was much to do to get Asgard ready for war after a thousand years of peace.

As Kal walked he sent up a small prayer to the Norns that fate would be kind today and help them avoid war and return all of his family back to him.

(Royal Throne of Asgard – A Few Hours Later)

Loki was bored and more than a little frustrated, his first Royal Council as King of Asgard had just ended and he had found the entire thing to be a complete and colossal waste of time.

Now, Loki respected Kal's advice, apart from their mother, Kal was the one person that Loki actually thought was somewhat intelligent, but he was now having serious doubts about his brother's understanding of statecraft and rulership. All the Royal Council had done was talk and debate, then talk some more, anything suggested by one of them, the other's picked apart then debated, then they talked about the debate, absolutely none of them had any decisive plan or idea.

Then when he had offered his own plan, they had had the audacity to debate his plan!

Like he was merely one of them, not their King who obviously had more resolve and intelligence than any of the so-called advisors. So, after an hour of useless talk, Loki had had enough and simply dismissed the entire Royal Council declaring, as he knew his father would have in a time of crisis, that he personally would make all decisions until the crisis had passed.

In truth, Loki knew he should not think so lowly on Kal's mistaken advice to call the Royal Council, he was just doing what father had always done and obviously was ignorant to how useless the Council was without a firm hand to guide them. His little brother was the opposite of Thor when it came to plans or leadership, Thor was always an oaf charging in without thinking, whilst Kal debated everything endlessly and wanted to talk everything out before acting.

Loki supposed it was a result of Kal not having royal blood in his veins, unlike Loki who despite also being adopted was at least the son of King and destined to be one. Kal had always avoided power and whilst dutiful had never once pushed his claim to Throne despite many who would have supported him. Even now with their father laying in the Odinsleep and Asgard on the brink of war the Warrior Prince Kal had merely adhered to tradition and given Loki the throne instead of seizing it for himself on the pretext that he was a universally respected warrior.

'Yes, that's it, Kal had never wanted the throne because deep down Kal knew he was not royalty, unlike Loki and Thor both of whom were born to be Kings.' Loki's thought to himself as a smile went to his face. 'Poor little brother, well no matter, I have all the kingly resolve either of us will need.'

Loki's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the throne room doors opening and the steady tread of multiple people approaching the throne. His barrow furrowed for a moment, the only person he was scheduled to see was Kal and that was not for several more hours, so his curiosity was peaked as to who wanted to see him.

"Allfather we must speak with you, urgently." Sif's voice rang clear across the room as she came into view a hand placed firmly on her chest in respect to the King.

However, she suddenly went quiet and stopped in her tracks as did all of the Warrior's Three standing next to her, as a look of shock appeared on her face as she clearly had not been expecting to see Loki seated upon the Throne of Asgard. Loki resisted the urge to smirk at having finally silenced the insufferable Lady Sif, instead, ensuring he sounded suitably saddened at the news he was to deliver.

"My friends," Loki spoke gravelly as he gripped Gungnir, the spear of the King which was now his.

"Where's Odin?" Fandral demanded almost causing Loki to snarl at the upstart warrior, but he kept his cool.

"Father has fallen gravely ill at the stress of all that has happened and has entered the Odinsleep. Mother fears he may never awaken again." Loki delivered the unhappy news solemnly, resisting the urge to smirk at their dismay that he had finally triumphed over them in terms of position.

"We would speak with her." Sif boldly demanded as she moved forward, confident that once she spoke to Frigga this nightmare could all be ended.

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside." Loki's words halted the group in their track as Sif looked startled at the news. "You can bring your urgent matter to me, your King."

Loki rose and firmly struck Gungnir on the ground as he often saw father do and smiled a little at the commanding sound that resulted from the actions that slightly startled the warriors before him

"What of Kal? Where is he?" Volstagg asked looking at Loki with a hint of suspicion in his voice as if he suspected Kal too had been banished like Thor.

"Where is else would my brother be, attending to his duties as the NEW Champion of Asgard, and gathering the full might of Asgard for the war. I am surprised you are not with him." Loki asked a slyness entering his voice he could not resist.

Loki's words caused the group to look back and forth before Volstagg gave them a subtle gesture with his head and began to kneel before Loki as was excepted as warriors of Asgard. Fandral and Hogun quickly followed, whilst Sif was the last to do so a grim look on her face as she slowly knelt before Loki.

"My …... King, we would ask that end Thor's banishment." Sif asked managing despite the awful taste in her mouth to sound if not submissive at least respectful.

Loki's reaction was immediate he scoffed at the request as he boldly strode forward so that he could loom larger over the so-called greatest warriors of Asgard. Although he fixed a noble and controlled look on his face, he was secretly loving the power he had at that moment and a dark glint occurred in his eyes.

"My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last. We are on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people need a sense of continuity, in order to feel safe in these difficult times. All of us must stand together for the good of Asgard." Loki explained, using the speech he had already rehearsed in his head for just such a moment.

Sif immediately stood up and was about to lunge at Loki but was stopped by Hogun and Fandral who gripped her tightly however were not able to prevent her from speaking. "And what of Kal does he feel the same?"

Her question caused Loki's careful façade to crack slightly as a scowl crossed his face. "My brother supports me completely; this audience is now over. Leave now"

"If I may, might I humbly beg the indulgence of Your Majesty to perhaps reconsider…" Volstagg attempted to salvage the situation but trailed off as he looked at Loki's face.

"We're done! Leave now." Loki commanded as he was now glaring at his 'friends' all of whom stood up silently.

As the others turned and left the hall Sif just stared at Loki for a few moments longer a serious thought entering her head about simply gutting Loki where he stood. However, calmer thoughts prevailed and she turned swiftly storming her way out of the Throne room.

"We need to get Thor back" Volstagg whispered as they exited the throne room.

"We need to talk to Kal, now" Sif replied as she took the lead and started off to find the one person on Asgard that still able to stop Loki.

As they departed Loki returned to 'his' Throne and gave a dismissive wave of his hand dispelling the few remaining guards in the room, leaving him completely alone. Loki's thoughts turned dark, what if Thor did return? What then, would Kal still support him or would Kal demand Loki give up the Throne as the law demanded. Loki was not ready, he had plans that he was now enacting none of it had truly been planned when this all started but now he knew what he needed to do, to prove he was the worthy son.

He knew Kal secretly hated Thor as he did, it had always been him and Kal, hand in hand growing up, but Kal lacked the resolve to do what needed to be done. Once he was finished Kal like everyone else would see, but until then he did not want to burden his brother with things only a King could understand.

As he thought of his brother, Loki suddenly realised, he had no idea what was happening on Midgard, how was Thor? Was the oaf on his way back right now hammer in hand ready to be forgiven for all his sins as Thor always was. Or was he dead? A smile graced Loki's face at the thought, had the mighty Thor now mortal simply gotten himself killed, the mortals of Midgard after all were a violent savage bunch.

Loki smiled as he knew what he had to do, he had to check on his dear brother and make sure Thor was still alright and had not gotten himself killed, saving the realm totally from his idiotic rule. And if Thor was completely fine, well Loki had an idea of what he would say to his brother, to make sure that even if Thor did reclaim his power he would never want to set foot on Asgard again.

(Shield 0-8-4 Containment site - Mjolnir Crash site – New Mexico – Earth)

Thor was sitting quietly in the mirrored room the Midgardians had dragged him off to after his failure after he had proven unworthy.

'Unworthy, Unworthy, Unworthy' The word sounded again and again inside Thor's mind like a hammer beating an anvil.

The Midgardian man before him was speaking asking Thor a myriad of questions all of which Thor could hear but none truly reached his ears, as the weight of Thor's failures both crushed him and drowned out everything else. Unworthy, just that singular word rang in Thor's mind as he felt his guilt slowly eat away at him from the inside, slowly sapping every ounce of will Thor had.

"…..Why don't you tell me where you received your training?..." The man in front of him asked, a hard look on Coulson's face as he hammered away at the blonde intruder.

Thor's eye's glanced at the man before him, at any other time on anything day in the past Thousand years, Thor would have answered, he would have mocked this small mortal for questioning the Mighty Thor, but not this day. Today, Thor had no energy left, and even if he had his near-boundless will was gone all he could do was just glance away as the man kept talking as Thor's own mind tortured him.

'That had been the problem had it not, my arrogance, my vanity …... my cruelty. Apart from killing what have I done for Asgard, what have I ever done apart from swing a hammer?' Thor asked himself, reflecting on over a thousand years of his life, and found the result lacking.

What came to mind now made him sick, it was just a never-ending sequence of fights, drinking, arguments, more fighting and sleeping with maidens, not exactly anything to actually be proud of.

How many of the legions he had killed could have been avoided if Thor had just talked first?

How many arguments would have been avoided with his bothers if had just listened?

How many maidens like Jane had he ignored in life, leaving after a pleasant night for him not thinking or caring for their feelings?

Suddenly Thor saw not the Midgardian before him but his father Odin standing tall and proud once more, in his mind he was a small boy again. The seat he was in was far too large for him, his father was a giant once more and all he could do was listen as his father shouted at him, a look of disappointment etched on his face.

"You are unworthy of these realms! You're unworthy of your title! You're unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed!" His phantom father declared. "You are UNWORTHY"

With each word, Odin grew older, grew more tired, grew angry and grew more distant, fading before him until Thor was once more alone in the room with Midgardian questioning him. As Thor glanced down he imagined the blood on his hand, a war, a WAR, that is what he had started for nothing more than pride and vanity.

A strange beeping noise drew Thor's attention back to the world, as the man before glanced at a device on his belt before he signalled to be let out of the cell, as he departed he turned and addressed Thor.

"Don't go anywhere". The man half ordered half-joked as he left, a stern look on his face.

As the man left and the door slid closed Thor felt a slight rush of energy in the air around him and looking up was suddenly greeted by his brother Loki standing before him wearing Midgardian clothes. He did not know how Loki was here and in all honestly Thor did not care, he was just happy to see his brother again.

"Loki, what are you doing here?" Thor asked a smile appearing on his face despite the circumstances.

"I had to see you." Loki's voice was quiet and solemn a pained look upon his face.

"What's happened? Tell me, is it Jotunheim? Let me explain to Father..." Thor began to talk, to try and undo the damage he had caused, determined to finally change his ways.

"Father is dead," Loki announced bluntly cutting Thor off.

Thor went silent as the shock of the statement crashed into him harder than any blow he had ever received. The statement was so finally, so absolute, so total yet at the same so impossible all Thor could do was stare blankly at Loki in disbelief. His father was Odin the Allfather, King of Asgard, Odin couldn't just be dead.

Not Odin, victor of a thousand wars, vanquisher of Surtr, tamer of Sleipnir and God of Gods.

"What?" Thor managed to utter, as his mind completely shut down at Loki's declaration, the impossible nature of it eating away at his brain.

"Your banishment, the threat of a new war... it was too much for him to bear." Loki's voice was soft and delicate like each word pained him to say. "You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen." Loki explained slowly as he looked at his brother with painfilled eyes.

Each word was like a dagger of ice into Thor's heart, which as it was pulled out took pieces of him with it and left nothing but numbness in its wake. His father wasn't just dead, his father had been murdered, by him. Thor in his blind stupidity, his arrogance and his dammed stubbornness had killed his own father, his actions had robbed Odin of the years he could have had, robbed his brothers of their father.

Loki paused for a moment, he had intended the lie to cause pain and sow doubt forcing Thor to recognise his unworthiness and so keep him from wielding Mjolnir ever again but at that moment Loki felt that he had maybe gone too far. As Thor, the Champion of Asgard, the feared unstoppable, relentless warrior, his older brother, started to cry.

It was the first time Loki had ever seen Thor do such a thing.

Thor's head hung low and tears freely followed from his eyes, they were bitter tears that took with them nothing but left a hole in Thor that he felt could never be filled, even if lived for a hundred thousand years.

As Thor cried, Loki pressed on although his voice wavered slightly, "It was so cruel to put the hammer within your reach knowing that you could never lift it. The burden of the throne has fallen to me and Kal now."

"Can I come home?" Thor asked raising his head, tears still in his eyes. All Thor wanted in the Cosmos was like any boy that had just lost his father was to just go home and cry amongst loved ones, share his grief with those that could understand it.

"The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile." Loki slowly replied, his answer shattering Thor's last hope.

"Yes, but... couldn't we find a way...?" Thor asked desperation in his voice, he needed to go home, he needed to see his father one last time, see his mother and his brother Kal again.

"Mother has forbidden your return and Kal ….." Loki trailed off as if he did not want to say a harsh truth but in reality, Loki just wanted Thor's mind to do the work for him, the best lies are the ones we tell ourselves Loki thought.

"Kal" Thor whispered the name as realisation struck him at what this would mean about his relationship with his younger brother for the rest of their lives.

'Of course,' Thor thought as his world broke further. 'Mother would be destroyed and Kal, he would be seething with rage.'

'The dutiful, the noble, the honourable Kal Odinson, would never let the murder of his father back in his home, no, Thor knew Kal's wrath well, it was feared across galaxies, Kal would tear his beating heart from his chest before Thor was ever let back home. And Thor would not blame him at all' The bitter realisation caused Thor to break down once more.

"This is goodbye, brother. I'm so sorry." Loki offered solemnly staring at his brother potentially for the last time.

"No. I am sorry, for everything I have ever done. Loki could you …." Thor looked up at Loki before trailing off.

"What is it?" Loki asked carefully as curiosity and confusion in his voice.

What could Thor want, he had just told him that his father was dead and that his family hated him, was his brother so arrogant that he could still make demands?

"Could you tell mother I am so, so sorry" Thor started as tears began running down his face and his voice began to break "And tell Kal, tell him I was so proud to be his brother, please tell them that."

Loki just blinked at Thor for a few moments clearly shocked at Thor's words, "I will brother, Farewell."

With that Loki vanished just as the door opened again and Phil Coulson stepped back into the room.

"Goodbye," Thor whispered at the space his brother had been, just loudly enough that Coulson could hear it.

"Goodbye?" I just got back." Agent Coulson asked confused, although everything about the man in front of him was vexing.

However, as Coulson again began to question the man and this time makes threats all Thor could do was sit quietly and think about the disaster which was now his life, and all of which was his fault.

(Asgard – The Plains of Ida – Asgardian War Camp)

Sif and the Warriors Three had been surprised to find that Kal was not actually within the confines of the Royal Palace. When Loki had said Kal was gathering the full might of Asgard in case war proved unavoidable they had at most expected to find him in the Royal barracks or discussing potential options with General Tyr and the other warriors that made up the command tier of the Einherjar.

However, as Sif mused in their head they had forgotten who they were dealing with, Kal Odinson had never done anything in half measures and had never since she had known him had ever shirked his duty.

So instead of finding him gathered around a table with a bunch of old men discussing plans or in the training yards with a few hundred men they instead found Kal with the entire army on The Plains of Ida, an army which was steadily growing before her eyes. Sif was amazed by what she saw, the Plains of Ida were large open flat fields that stretched to the horizon that her family were entrusted with the stewardship of. In times of peace, they grazed vast herds of cattle and horses on the land but during a time of war, the vast area was given to the crown to serve as a place the army could gather, train, be equipped and then deployed.

The latter Sif had only heard stories about as she had been barely more than a babe when the last true war Asgard fought had ended, but her father had told her stories about how the fields of their home had once been swathed in fabric tents, wooden palisades and men as far as the eye could see. However, she need no longer rely on her imagination as before her was her father's stories made manifest.

"By the Allfather, Kal has done all this in a day?" Volstagg asked as he took in the sight before them as they crested the hill, his voice showing his awe and slight disbelief at what he was seeing.

"Less" Hogun stated in his usual bluntness causing Volstagg to look at him.

However, it was Sif who explained what Hogun meant, as Volstagg had just given his friend a look of confusion and she knew Hogun rarely expanded upon anything he said.

"The Allfather, was fine yesterday, so Loki would not have had the power or authority to order Kal to assemble anything until at least this morning and it's not even mid-evening, Kal has done this in less than a day," Sif explained with admiration nodding at the field below, mere rows of soldiers even now were drilling and marching in formation.

As the group descended into the field below, they noticed how the Einherjar had already set up a perimeter, checkpoints, organised training areas, mess tents, supply stores and the beginnings of a vast stable. The elite Einherjar were not the only warriors present as they passed through the first checkpoint, Sif spotted old veteran warriors donning new war gear in their midst, former members of the Berserker Army coming out of retirement wielding their signature Staffs and a host of young men wearing a collection of clothing, from day labours to noble sons.

'Raw recruits, Kal must have called for volunteers' Sif thought to herself, as she gazed at the young men who were being examined by healers to see if they were fit for duty.

"Halt, identify yourselves" The voice returned Sif's attention to the world.

The speaker was an Einherjar warrior wearing the elite golden armour of Odin's personal guard, he was standing guard at a closed gate around an inner palisade wall that stood in the centre of the large war camp. Looking up one could see that similar guards stood on the towers that flanked the gate and the top of a very large tent could be seen as well, which Sif knew Kal would be in.

"The Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, we are here to see K-" Volstagg started to speak in his usual friendly way before the guard cut him off.

"You are not on the schedule please leave now or be removed." The guard spoke harshly his voice filled with duty as he eyed the four of them with slight suspicion.

"Now see here, we are -" Fandral began to intercede but as he moved forward the guard dropped into a battle stance, shield raised and spear suddenly at Fandral's throat.

"I said to leave" The guard's voice was firm and it was clear he would follow through with his threat, the sound of bowstrings being pulled back was heard and Sif could see the guards on the towers were aiming at them.

However, before anyone could react the gate behind the guard opened up and General Tyr appeared, wearing his full battle armour that Sif had not seen since the Tournament of Titans. "Stand down, Prince Kal has been expecting them."

The guard without saying a word, in a single fluid motion moved from his battle stance to standing to attention to one side allowing the group to pass unobstructed, which they promptly did. Passing through the gate, they were met by a scene of a very large tent with dozens of men running back and forth between various tables that were inside, carrying documents and reports in their hands. In the very centre of the scene was an incredibly large table which a host of men had gathered around, and as the group drew closer Kal's voice started to reach their ears.

"I need the grain report for the past years not five months, I need to know how much food we have in stock. Organise the new recruits into battalions make sure veterans are mixed in, for the training. We need more horses for the Cavalry, go ask the nobles again, remind them of their obligations. AND someone check this report I can't believe these numbers are right and if they are, someone is dangerously close to treason. It's either incompetence or corruption I want to know which." Kal's voice was commanding and stern, as he shouted at orders to the men gathered around him.

With each order, he handed a report to a man next to him who without question promptly departed, to carry out Kal's wishes, the entire tent was a storm of activity all centred the calm eye of the hurricane which was Kal.

As they pushed through to stand directly across from their old friend and prince, Sif could not deny that Kal looked like the warriors of old from the Saga's her mother told her as a little girl. He was dressed in golden glorious shining war armour, with highlights of silver Uru contrasting perfectly as it glinted as the light and a bright crimson cloak trailing behind him. The armour was clearly new as Sif had never seen it before and looked to be styled after Odin's armour the only difference was that Kal's signature crest was emblazoned on the chest.

As Kal stood tall from where he had been leaning over the table to read the sea of paper in front of him, he looked taller than usually which for the already tall Kal made him seem a giant among men. He radiated power, authority and for the first time in her life Sif actually noticed how commanding Kal looked. Thor had always commanded her because he was her friend and a great warrior but in truth, he had never had that commanding presence with her.

Looking at Kal now she felt small next to him but also like she was in the presence of a leader that if he ordered her to march she would march into Helheim itself, knowing full well he would be with her every step of the way.

Kal's face broke out into a smile at seeing his friends had arrived but as he met Sif's and the other's eyes his smile faltered a pained look flickering on his face before his confident grin returned. He turned his gaze back to the men around him giving a look of gratitude to them all.

"Lords, Generals, Warriors. Thank you all for your assistance you all know your duties and what is expected of you. Please see to your duties." Kal's words were accompanied by a grateful nod to the gathered men.

A chorus of confirmations rang out as the gathered warriors suddenly broke apart and filled swiftly out of the tent to attend to the meticulous details of organising the army Kal was putting together. The few guards and servants that were left, departed when Kal gave them a subtle gesture to leave him alone.

"My friends it is good you are here, there is much to do." Kal smiled at them, his voice was friendly and warm.

However, it was clear that there was a strain in his voice and his smile was forced as he clearly knew they were here to talk to him about something he was not going to like.

"Kal, we need to talk" Sif stated bluntly, Kal had never been one for dancing around the topic. "It's about Loki."

Her words caused a sigh to escape Kal's lips as he ran a hand through his hair as he leaned forward again his gaze falling to the table. The confidence and commanding presence that Kal had just been exerting suddenly disappeared, in its place was tiredness, frustration and a hint of hesitation.

"No, we don't," Kal spoke softly frustration evident in his voice, "My father is indisposed, and Loki is King, that is all the discussion we need for now."

Sif was silent for a few moments as she choose her next words carefully knowing full well how protective Kal could get with either of his brothers.

"Kal, you know something is wrong." Sif pressed gently her voice firm but not confrontational, needing her friend to listen to her.

"DAM IT!" Kal's his fist slamming into the table as he shouted out causing the table to crack from the blow, "WE are at war, we cannot have division within our own forces, and you cannot undermine the King."

"I am not, I doing what is best for Asgard and you are avoiding the obvious" Sif moved forward pressing her cause, whilst the Warrior's Three watched with bated breath, Sif knew that Kal maybe be stubborn at times but he was at least reasonable.

Kal was silent for a few moments as he stared at Sif, before replying, a critical sound in his voice "What is best for Asgard or what is best for Thor?"

Sif grimaced at that comment but did not react as she had expected such a response her feelings for Thor were widely known. "They are not exclusive in this regard. Kal, you know we have to bring back Thor" Sif was moving closer now, standing almost before Kal.

"I know nothing of the sort, Thor got himself banished by the Allfather," Kal stated turning his gaze away from her again, wanting to the conversation to be over.

"Who is now in the Odinsleep and unable to keep him safe. Kal! Do you really think your father intended all this to happen this way?" Sif looked at her friend, her voice rising as Kal looked away.

Kal was silent and his gaze did not raise to meet any of his friends as he continued just staring down at the table before him, his face hidden from his friends yet his body was clearly tense. Seeing an opportunity Sif pressed on, taking Kal's silence that he did not find any fault with her argument or else had no solid rebuttal.

"Kal, I am not denying Thor has done wrong and maybe banishment is a fitting punishment I don't know but we are at war, and I just want my friend somewhere safe that I can protect him until it's over." Sif pressed placing herself firmly next to Kal, looking down at her friend who was leaning on the table his body tense.

Kal was silent for a few moments as he felt the eyes of his friends upon him as he was struggling to decide what to do. Sif made a decent point and in truth, although Kal agreed that Thor needed to be punished, he knew Odin would have planned to be awake for Thor's exile to prevent a war, but that obviously was no longer the case.

Releasing a heavy sigh Kal shook his head slightly as he looked up at Sif clear reluctance in his eyes but also agreement. "Very well."

"So, you'll help get Thor back?" Sif asked as hope returned to her voice.

"I will talk to Loki, and we will get Thor home, BUT he will have to remain under guard, he will not be given any authority and if war is avoided then he goes straight back to Midgard," Kal explained as he stood once more, his voice making it clear there was no room for argument.

However, Kal's eyes narrowed as he caught a nervous glance shared between the Warrior's Three and Sif was suddenly uneasy as well her gaze also flickering to her companions.

"What?" Kal asked bluntly, clearly seeing he was missing something.

"Well, you see. We have already seen Loki …." Volstagg began scratching the back of his head as he did so.

"And?" Kal pressed raising his eyes at Volstagg to finish his recount.

"….and it, well, it went, I guess you could say, sort of, -" Volstagg started dragging out not wanting to be the one to tell Kal what had happened.

"Bad, it went bad," Hogun stated bluntly in his grim tone, cutting off Volstagg's rambling.

"Poorly is the word I would use personally." Fandral qualified backing up his friends, nodding at Kal. "Poorly."

Kal's gaze turned to Sif, it was hard now and Sif knew they had to tread more carefully than ever as her friend clearly believed they were trying to undermine his brother by going around Loki's back to Kal. Something that Sif knew full well that Kal would not be in the mood for and likely respond poorly to.

"Kal, he refused outright, he won't even consider it and I think -" Sif started to explain before Kal cut her off.

"Out NOW!" He declared, suddenly he was commanding again a cold fury radiating off of him as stared at his friends.

Sif met Kal's gaze for a moment she bit her lip as she judged whether she should push her luck to try and convince Kal of what they were saying or else abandon the attempt and come up with some other way of beating Loki. Kal's eyes did not waver, and Sif decided that given all that had happened in the past few days, Kal was likely in no state to be reasonable or thinking clearly at the moment. She started to back away and turned to make to exit the tent, her companions following her lead.

Before she left however, she felt she had to say one last thing to hopefully start getting Kal to start seeing reason and that Loki was not to be trusted with the power he now wielded.

"Who convinced Thor?" Sif stated, whilst turning in the exit in the tent to look at Kal who was still gazing at where she had been.

"What?" Kal asked turning to gaze at her, his eyes narrowing expecting some trick to drive a wedge between him and his brother.

"Thor is many things" Sif stated softly. "But to go looking for answers in the house of an enemy is not one. So, I wonder who convinced Thor going to Jotunheim was even an idea?"

With that Sif turned and departed both leaving Kal alone and depriving him of a chance to reply whilst also forcing him to think on her words. A little whilst after the group left, General Tyr and several commanders re-entered clearly wishing to talk to Kal about the growing army they were gathering, however, as they approached Kal was still staring at the exit of the tent.

"My Prince?" Tyr asked gently not liking how Kal was standing silently.

"General Tyr you have command, keep things in order until I get back." Kal suddenly looked at the General before he started to move around the table to leave.

"My Prince where are you going?" Tyr asked in bewilderment.

"I need to talk to my brother," Kal stated without even stopping as he left the tent.

(A little while later - Royal Throne Room of Asgard)

Kal's footfalls were heavy as the weight of the great armour he now wore added much weight and power even to his simplest movements. The hammering of his feet echoed off the walls which were almost drowned out by the clash of the chainmail he now wore that beat against the inner side of his breastplate.

As he approached he could see that the Throne Room was mostly clear except for a few guards that were standing by the doors and at the base of the throne. As Kal approached he could see Loki sitting securely on Hlidskjalf, Odin's seat the High Throne of Asgard, and although Loki did have the right, the sight still irked Kal slightly. Reaching the steps to the throne Kal gestured with his head for the guards to leave, which caused them to glance at each other.

"Leave us" His command boom across the hall.

Kal already exasperated by Sif and the Warrior Three was in no mood for pleasantry and his command was immediately heeded, the guards quickly filing out, leaving just him and Loki. Who from his high seat just smiled down at his brother as he sat snugly with Gungnir gripped in one hand, another fact that irked Kal more.

"Brother you are looking fine in your War armour, being Champion suits you." Loki smiled, as his usual overly friendly sly tone dripped from his silver tongue.

"Loki, I am not in a gaming mood. I have just been told that you have refused to even consider bringing Thor back to Asgard." Kal stated bluntly, a sternness in his voice.

"I thought you would agree Thor needed to be punished and that we could not undo father's last command?" Loki asked a confused look upon his face, although there was a hint of something sinister in his eyes.

"I agree Thor needed to be punished, but he is still our brother and with war looming, we may need to bring him home to keep him safe. Father would want that." Kal explained, trying to sound reasonable and not let his anger enter his voice.

Kal let out a heavy breath trying to calm himself, what he did not need is to start a fight with Loki, the Kingdom was already uncertain due to all that happened a division between the princes now could be disastrous.

"Father made his will very clear when he banished Thor" Loki quipped back, clearly in a gaming mood even if Kal was not. "Are you challenging the ruling of the King?"

"Loki, I am not challenging anyone but we need to be on the same page, otherwise people will try and sow division between us. Because next time it may not be someone as good intentioned as Sif and our friends," Kal sighed as he started to move up the stairs of the throne to be more level with his brother.

"Good intentioned?" Loki asked staring at Kal now his veneer of joking, starting to crack the more Kal spoke.

"Yes, Sif is not trying to undermine you Loki, she is just blinded by her …... 'friendship', with our brother and is concerned from his is all. I think she may have a point about certain things, and Thor would be safer on Asgard would he not brother?" Kal pressed as gently as he could knowing full well how sensitive Loki could be.

Loki was silent for a few moments although he kept a smile on his face Kal could see the gears turning behind his brother's eyes, as his mind began to conjure up thoughts and plans. What those thoughts and plans were Kal could not tell, nor if they bode well for Asgard, but he knew one thing for certain now, Loki was scheming.

"I appreciate your advice brother BUT think it would be unwise to bring Thor back, and as 'King' the decision is mine." Loki finally spoke his voice was friendly and he smiled, but Kal could tell when his brother was acting.

"Loki, this something we should seek the advice of the Royal Council on before we decide anything, perhaps they can come up with something that doesn't necessarily require Thor returning to Asgard." Kal's statement was gently put but there was a sternness that was entering his voice.

"That wouldn't be necessary as I have decided to go to Jotunheim personally and alone to negotiate peace. Therefore, any need to keep Thor safe will have passed." Loki's voice was equal parts friendly and stern as Loki stood up.

"Wait what?!" Kal exclaimed in shock. "Jotunheim, ALONE, that is insane, Loki they will kill before, you say three words! Did you tell the Council this? I can't believe they would even let you discuss such an idea!"

"I can assure you that I will be fine, brother. I will ensure peace for our people." Loki spoke commandingly, striking Gungnir to signal the topic was over like Odin would.

However, Loki was not Odin and Kal was not some foot soldier so easily dismissed, instead, he pressed on.

"Loki, wait, we need to summon the council back and talk about this" Kal pressed as disbelief entered his voice upon hearing his brother's plan.

"I have made my decision" Loki spoke more forcibly and struck Gungnir again causing another loud boom to sound across the hall.

Again Kal was undeterred, his voice becoming more forcible and worried at his brother's insistent on his plan. "Loki, this plan is insane, lets summon the council and just talk about it."

"I HAVE DISBANDED THE COUNCIL!" Loki shouted his patience finally snapping as rage erupted from behind his now cracked façade.

Kal just blinked as his mind could not comprehend what Loki had just said, it sounded like Loki had just said he had dismissed the Royal Council but that would be truly insane. The Royal Council were the most powerful and influential people on Asgard and there was no way in all the Nine Realms, that they could govern without their support. The council did more than just advise the King, they were the people that helped organise everything, in short, they were beating the heart of Asgard that kept everything running.

"Loki, what did you just say?" Kal asked as his voice went quiet.

Loki just sighed as he took a deep breath to compose himself

"It doesn't matter Kal, you and I can handle everything. In truth, they were superficial, I will manage everything." Loki spoke warmly placing his hand on Kal's shoulder as he started to descend down the stairs past Kal.

"Loki -" Kal began to say looking at his brother with worry.

"Trust me," Loki gave Kal a soft smile "You do trust me, brother?"

Kal was quiet for a few moments, he had so many thoughts swirling in his head about, Thor, Father, Loki, his mother, duty, honour, and what was best for Asgard, that Kal wasn't sure what to think anymore. He was being torn in multiple directions and he had no idea what was the right choice was, and he was starting to doubt if there even was one anymore, when had everything got so complicated?

"Of course, brother, always" Kal gave a smile and nodded at Loki, as seemingly choose to trust his brother.

"Good then keep everyone in line until I get back, I won't be long," Loki commanded as he swiftly departed, leaving Kal alone to watch Loki depart.

As he watched Loki leave, the doubts in Kal's mind had not quitted in fact they had done the opposite, leaving Kal with decision to make.

Duty or Family?

King or Country?

Loki or Thor?

(Author's notes)

So I hope everyone liked the chapter so far.

I am trying my best to show the struggle any man would be in when forced to choose between a mix of things all conflicting with each other.

I hope I am keeping it interesting, and that everyone is looking forward to what will happen next!

Please review, follow and favourite as you desire

Luke5921creators' thoughts