
Kal Son of Odin

(Repost of my FANFIC STORY) Explore a universe where Kal-El the Last son of Kryptonian instead of being raised on Earth is instead raised in the halls of Asgard alongside Thor and Loki. Join us as we tell the tale of Kal Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, God of Truth and Justice. Superman/Avengers crossover. Superman in Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Possible more DC-related content in the future than just MoS)

Luke5921 · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 16 – A Marvel (2)

(Earth - Planet C-53 - Rambeau Residence- New Orleans, Louisiana - 1995)

Kal was having a very surreal experience, he had expected to discover at most a Kree agent or agents on Midgard hunting down a group of Skrulls that had fled to the planet to try and find a safe haven from the war under the protection Midgard had from Asgard.

Protection that was universally known, as where the consequences for violating it, very few would be brave or stupid enough to provoke the full might of Asgard.

However, what Kal had instead discovered was a massive complex web of interlocking parts, starting with a Kree defector helping Skrulls, which was unheard of. However, the web also included a human gaining cosmic powers from a light speed engine, Kree's Starforce unit assassinating the defector and a secret lab somewhere in orbit.

Kal was not having the best of times, to say the least.

"So, there is a Kree death squad on its way to find this engine's Core, murder General Talos, along with all the Skrulls present and anyone else who knows about it. You have cosmic powers, and there is a secret Kree Lab in orbit. Am I missing anything?" Kal asked, looking around the room.

They were currently in the dining room, Kal sitting at the head of the table which had been given to him so he could look at all the evidence that Carol and Fury had collected. His gaze shifted to everyone, Fury was sipping his drink, Maria had a cup of coffee and Talos just shrugged.

"Well, there is likely an Accuser Fleet on its way to blast this continent to dust to make sure the Skrulls are dead and there is no evidence." Carol sated in an almost trivial tone, a gentle shrug.

"Of course." Kal sighed, he was really not enjoying this assignment.

"Aren't you Asgardians supposed to be protecting this planet? I was surprised that we weren't surrounded the moment we crashed." Talos asked curiously, whilst he sipped his drink through a straw.

"Yeah, I was wondering about that too, I was always told that we had to avoid C-53 and the other planets in the Nine Realms, for fear of angering Asgard. Yon-Rogg made it sound like it could spark a war." Carol also looked at Kal for an explanation.

Both of them knew who Kal was, whilst they had never actually met the man until today, he still had a reputation, a very impressive one that spanned much of known space and even parts beyond it. It was a reputation however that was partially shrouded in rumour and myth, Asgardians hardly ever left their homeworld let alone the nine realms and when they did, it was usually violent. So both were a little weary of Kal as they had no idea what about him was exactly true and what wasn't, but from what Carol had heard Kal was apparently a very honourable and just man, who also just happened to be able to slaughter an army if he felt like it.

Talos on the other hand had only heard vague stories that soldiers of any culture whisper and trade about people they had never met. Kal Odinson, was the right hand of Asgard, a hand that usually came in the shape of a fist if the rumours were true, there were many stories about the one-man army that was the youngest son of Odin. They said he once threatened to level the Kree homeworld single handily nearly a thousand years ago if the Kree broke their treaty, he was also apparently single handily captured a rouge Sun-Eater that had threatened the D'Rill system. In truth, until this moment Talos had been pretty sure that Kal was just soldiers gossip or merely propaganda that the Asgardians fed to others, but looking at Kal in the flesh he wasn't too sure now.

However, Kal's answer to Carol's question wasn't exactly what they had been hoping for, they expected something grand, something godly, something mythic instead they got an almost human reaction. Kal looked a little embarrassed like a kid who had been caught not doing his chores when he should have.

"Yes, well we do protect a vast region of space but it's clear….. we have … missed a ….few things in recent years." Kal coughed and starched his head in a bit of embarrassment. "Although in fairness this planet is seen as a -" He stopped as he looked at the mortals in the room, clearing his throat at the same time.

"Seen as a what?" Maria's voice was suddenly defensive and she looked at Kal with arched eyebrows, apparently, her sense of national pride included the whole of planet Earth.

'Backwater, floating ball of garbage, a complete pile of Skitr' Kal thought to himself as he tried to think of the diplomatic term for what Midgard was seen as by the wider universe, none of the more widely used terms were diplomatic though.

"Seen as a, well the polite term would be underdeveloped and a little primitive." Kal tried to make his statement sound better by taking a friendly tone and smiling his usual charming smile.

It did not work.

"Excuse me?" Maria exclaimed her eyes going wide at Kal's statement, a clear patriotic pride for her world evident.

'Evidently, Midgardians still have a great deal of pride, even though it is misplaced' Kal thought to himself as he watched the Midgardian woman prepare to defend her homeworld without any wider context as to what the cosmos was really like.

He was saved by having to defend himself by Carol who just chuckled at her friend's defence of their homeworld and gave a signal to drop it for the moment. Which Maria did but not without still staring at Kal, indicating they were far from done.

"So, you're what like an alien cop?" Fury asked, moving to sit at the table, doing his best to assess Kal.

"Cop?" Kal asked unfamiliar with the word.

"You know like law enforcement, go around making sure people aren't breaking the law, keeping squatters off the moon stuff like that." Fury explained, gesturing with his coffee mug as he spoke.

"Uh no, I mean sort of, not like you are thinking I believe. I am a Prince of the Realm Etern-, uh another world called Asgard, I'm royalty. My world has treaties with other worlds that include protecting this world. When we detected a Kree signal, I was sent to investigate." Kal replied trying to simplify who and what he was, which was more difficult than he thought it would be.

"You're a prince?" Fury asked a little sceptically, even after the last few days he was having, an alien prince was still a stretch, felt a little too Star Wars for his liking.

Kal was about to respond when surprisingly Carol spoke up, prompting him to look at the blonde woman who was sitting casually in her chair despite the weirdness of the situation.

"Yes, he is, Fury, you are in the presence of Kal Odinson, a defender of the Nine Realms, Prince of Asgard, Slayer of Dragons and defeater of armies. Also, arguably one of the deadliest beings alive." Carol's voice was all matter of fact, and she finished her statement with a sip of the coffee in front of her.

The room fell silent as the Midgardians in the room looked at Kal with a renewed concern, Maria shifting in her seat slightly to position herself between Kal and her daughter more, whilst Fury's hand unconsciously went to his gun. Both actions Carol picked up on and quickly clarified her previous statement.

"He is also known as one of the most honourable and just men alive, believe me, if he wanted to hurt us, we would not be sipping coffee with him right now." Carol gave a reassuring smile to Maria and a telling nod to Fury, which seemed to defuse the situation.

"So do you just attack people where you're from or is that part of being honourable and just?" The question came from Maria who was sitting next to her mother, still clearly unhappy at Kal attacking her Aunt Carol.

"Apologise again for that. However, the Kree are incredibly dangerous, you were in possession of Kree technology, and you have Kree DNA, so I acted swiftly to protect the people of this world, but again apologise." Kal directed his comment to the whole group but mostly to Carol, who just smirked at his apology.

"Don't worry about it, Rocketman. Would likely have done the same in your shoes" Carol quipped giving him a friendly smile, her blue eyes meeting his.

"Rocket man?" Kal asked confused having no idea what Carol was on about.

"It's because you can fly… like the song, Elton John, you know, it's a callsign" Maria explained her friend's statement, to the bewildered man.

"Yep, all good wingmen need one and its actually its because of how I sent him hurtling up during the fight, just like a rocket from Cape Canaveral" Carol gave Maria a smile causing her friend to chuckle.

However, when she looked at Kal it was clear her little joke had just gone completely over his head, a bewildered look upon his face clearly not following what was going on.

"Call sign? Cape Carn-av-ral?" Kal was even more confused, than he already was, which was an achievement, a series of nonsensical words had just been spoken at him. "And who is this, Elton John an ally?"

"Just forget I said anything." Carol shook her head a chuckle escaping her lips "But we do need to decide what we are doing next. I know you are here to take us to Asgard but if we leave Yon-Rogg and Starforce will get the core before us." Carol implored Kal hoping to get his help in preventing a disastrous situation.

"And slaughter my people with its power," Talos stated bluntly his war-weary eyes meeting Kal's, wanting to bring the topic back to why he was there in the first place.

Kal's mind started processing the options in front of him, in truth, he was torn but he knew he shouldn't have been.

He had orders, which were clear what should do was take Talos and Carol to Asgard immediately as proof that there had been a violation of the sovereignty of the Nine Realms. Proof that proved what many had suspected that the Kree were violating their space brazenly an act which could lead to war. He knew that this Light Speed Engine Core no matter how remarkable was not enough to warrant him disobeying his father's orders.

He had learnt long ago the cost of disregarding his father's instructions and involving himself in affairs not his own.

However, he could argue that by helping he was just doing his duty to protect Midgard from the Kree, which was clearly part of his duties as a Prince of Asgard, his father had always said he and his brothers were to protect the realms. Also, he would arguably have more evidence to bring back to Asgard whilst also learning about the technology this Mar-Vell had been creating, which his father would no doubt want to learn about.

In truth, though there was a part of him screaming for him to just simply help, the Skrulls had suffered a thousand years of constant slaughter, they had been reduced to refugees fleeing into the void, even their homeworld was gone. It didn't help that Kal was old enough to remember the Skrulls before the war, to a time that Talos likely viewed as a myth, when the Skrulls had been renowned as artists, innovators and actors, throughout the known universe

However, his father deemed it not their concern, it was an internal affair between two people that did not concern Asgard and whilst Kal was loyal to his father, he still felt it was wrong.

"When would they get here?" Kal asked Carol, surprising everyone in the room, who had excepted more resistance.

"A few hours, maybe less. The Accusers will likely be shortly behind them." Carol stated, looking hopeful at Kal's response.

"Very well, you will retrieve this Core from the lab keep it safe and once this situation is resolved we will decide what happens next," Kal stated looking at the people in the room, all of whom although happy with his decision were more than a little surprised.

"And what about the aliens coming to kill us?" Monica asked looking at the adults, her voice although brave was still laced with a fear only a child could voice.

Carol opened her mouth to offer a plan and reassure the child but was cut off by Kal, who rose from his seat.

"When they arrive, I will deal with them." Kal's statement was final and offered no room for compromise. It was also directly entirely towards the small frightened girl who seemed to immediately feel safe, after Kal's statement.

Fury squinted at Kal and then looked at Carol who just shrugged her shoulders indicating she didn't have a problem with it. At his rising Goose decided it was the perfect time to enter the room and started brushing against Kal's leg, causing him to look down at the creature studying it for a few moments.

"…Why do have a Flerken? You know they are incredibly dangerous" Kal asked looking at the incredibly dangerous creature purring at his feet.

Talos raised his hands in vindication, as Carol just chuckled and Fury knelt down to starch Goose's ears, telling him to ignore the mean man's comment. Which amazed Kal, who thought the Midgardian was either the bravest or stupidest man he had ever met, a single starch from the creature possessed a deadly nerve toxin, whilst harmless to Kal could paralyze or blind other species easily.

The next few hours passed swiftly with Norex the Skrull scientist that had been with Talos working on the Midgardian aircraft Carol had brought, his knowledge was impressive and not wanting to intrude Kal had politely stayed out of his way. Whilst he was very knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects including Advanced mechanical engineering, Midgardian vessels were ludicrously primitive, and he wasn't at all confident with working on one for fear of breaking it, so he thought it best to stay out of the way.

Kal was standing on the far end of the porch, Gram still disguised as an umbrella by his side, as he was watching the conversion of the aircraft into a spacecraft. Behind him, Carol and the Midgardian child Monica were talking, just loud enough that if he wished to he could hear them even without his superior hearing.

However, his mind was elsewhere, he was currently reading one of the few documents about that lightspeed engine that the Kree defector Mar-Vell had created, which Carol had given to read when he had asked about the engine. He was aware that there was a journal as well that Mar-Vell had written, having spotted it when Carol had gone to give him the document he was reading but he had yet to see it as Carol was clinging to it tightly like it was made of pure Uru either because of the information it held or sentimentally.

Whatever the case Kal had decided not to push the issue by demanding the journal, wanting to maintain a diplomatic approach to the situation after his unprovoked attack on her. His reading of the notes on the engine would be enough for now, and they had in fact uncovered something very interesting. The sprawling Kree glyphs dotted throughout her notes made mention that the design of her engine was based on the wreckage of something called a Phantom Drive, that she had discovered, with the drive itself being a remnant of an apparently Kryptonian ship.

Kal was fascinated, the ancient and mighty people of Krypton had always fascinated him, it was like he was drawn to them for some reason, however, he knew very little about Kryptonians, mostly because of his parents. Odin and Frigga had always encouraged his interest in knowledge but for some reason, he did not know they were always hesitant about his studies into the near-mythic Kryptonians, it was more his father than his mother but still, he had always found his interest curtailed by them.

"So, you're an alien?" The voice belonged to the one called Fury, causing Kal to turn slightly and ending his thoughts about Krypton.

"Indeed. I am an Asgardian from the Realm Eternal." Kal offered, setting the notes down to one side, turning his attention to the work that was being done on the aircraft in front of them.

"Realm Eternal sounds important." Fury stated in a suave tone, a tone Kal knew from Loki, it was the tone of some flattering you to get information.

"Ask your questions, I am not one for playful banter or colourful words." Kal's voice was blunt, he was much too tired to play the same games he did with Loki, especially with a mortal that he could read like a book.

"How do you know I want to ask questions?" Fury's voice became all business dropping his attempt at charm, sounding both impressed and little warry that Kal had figured out his game so quickly.

"My brother, he is a master of deception and charm, I learnt to recognise both well. So well in fact the people of your world once named me God of Truth." Kal chuckled at the memory although the humour did not reach his face.

"Are you? A god I mean." Fury leant against the porch his back to the work facing where Carol and Monica were talking.

"In a sense, people from across the Cosmos have called me that, but in truth, I am no different from you, I live, I eat, I age and one day I will die. I just do it slower and have a few more natural abilities." Kal stated truthfully, remembering what his father had always said about Asgardians.

They stood quietly for a few moments Kal looking out at the work that was starting to wrap up whilst Fury looked at Carol and Monica, both lost in thought.

"Why are you here?" Fury asked his voice low not wanting Carol to overhear him.

"Like I have said I have orders to -" Kal began to explain his voice oddly emotionless.

"No, WHY are you here helping us. I get Carol she's human and has a personal stake in wanting to help the Skrulls but you?" Fury turned to look Kal in the eye, trying to get the measure of Kal.

"You could have taken those State Vectors flown away grabbed the core and then dragged Talos and Carol off to King Space Wizard or whatever. So why are you helping?" Fury had a critical gaze in his eye like Kal was puzzling he was putting together and one of the pieces didn't fit.

Kal was silent. Why was he helping? Fury made a good point he knew where the lab was, and there was nothing stopping him from soaring away and then coming straight back. So why was he waiting?

Kal released a sigh and leant forward his hands resting on the porch's railing.

"Because it's the right thing to do," Kal started being honest with himself. "This Core, the Light speed engine it would be one more thing my father would lock away, never to be used because of its dangerous nature but to Talos, his people, its life, it's a chance to, to … survive, to live."

Kal felt a weight was coming off of him that he had not realised until that moment he had been carrying, and the words started pouring forth.

"My father is a great man, my brothers too are great men in their own way, but I have never wanted to be great. Great men in my experience do a lot of bad in service of their version of good, or usually don't act at all because they fear what their actions might unleash." Kal gave a sigh as he stared up towards the night sky which was illuminated by stars beyond counting.

"My father told me once that I was to be a 'Just and Honourable Man' and that's all I have ever wanted." Kal was lost in deep thought, as he gazed off into the distance, he pressed on slightly forgetting that Fury was even there.

"And in my life, I have learnt that Justice and Honour come from right action, not self-declared righteousness, not self-importance, not a blind duty but doing the right thing, regardless …. regardless of the consequences." Kal's voice trailed off, as his mind conjured images of a blonde woman that filled him with doubt at his words.

He turned to face Fury who was clearly trying to measure of him, Kal's eyes meeting the spy's with unwavering resolve.

"So, your disobeying orders you think are wrong?" Fury asked rhetorically, chuckling slightly. "I've been there myself a few times. Sometimes the man on the ground just knows the situation better than anyone else."

"I don't know better than my father, my youth proved that ….. I once tried to separate what I wanted in life from what my life was … at the time I thought I could have it both ways, but all it did was lead to tragedy." Kal admitted the doubt he felt creeping into his heart, making him question his present choices.

"But my father has let the Kree slaughter the Skrulls, without lifting a finger to help and although he is right to avoid war, he is wrong not to help," Kal admitted to himself oddly relieved at admitting his position, the doubt he was feeling falling away.

"You want Talos to take the Core and the Light Speed engine," Fury guessed and when Kal was silent took it as confirmation that he was right. "But won't that get you into trouble?" Fury asked his voice genuinely sounding concerned, he was starting to like the man in front of him.

Kal chuckled slightly, "I have a good reputation as a loyal solider that will allay suspicions. And if this works out, I will have this Yon-Rogg and the elite Kree Starforce Unit to prove Kree involvement, as well as the research on the engine. If the Skrulls escape whilst I am busy, well that cannot be helped." Kal stated a knowing smile on his face as looked up at Fury.

Fury returned the smile and gave a subtle nod of his head. "I suppose it can't, they are tricky bastards after all."

The two were interrupted by Norex who was approaching the porch, "We're ready".

Turning around Kal noticed that Carol had augmented her uniform instead of the standard Kree colours of green, black and silver, her uniform was now red, blue, and gold. Walking over Fury gave a whistle, to which Carol responded by giving him a playful wink.

"Nice look, very patriotic" Fury commented with a smile on his face.

"Thanks, all Lieutenant Trouble here" Carol stated nudging Monica next to her, a grin appearing on the girl's face.

"What about you? Planning to fight in a three-piece Suit?" Carol asked Kal gesturing to his current attire.

Kal looked down and realised that he was still dressed like a Midgardian, the fight had been so quick he had no reason to change until now.

Kal smirked and lifted the umbrella he was holding, a flaming flash of light engulfed him and as it disappeared Kal stood before them, Gram a sword once more shining in his hand, with him now adorned in his golden, blue armour with his billowing red cape. His change of appearance caused several reactions and comments at once.

"Cool you have a sword!" Monica exclaimed looking at Gram with wonder almost reaching out to torch the searing hot blade.

"What does the S stand for?" Fur asked looking at the emblem on Kal's chest.

Whilst Carol just gave a friendly smirk and said, "Copied my colour scheme I see. The cape's a bit much Rocketman."

(30 minutes later - Earth - Planet C-53 - Rambeau Residence- New Orleans, Louisiana - 1995)

Kal waited, sitting on the steps of the front porch, his sword Gram firmly planted into the ground scorching the earth slightly as he waited. He heard the ship before he saw it, the hum of the Kree's ship engine rippled through the air, however, Kal stayed exactly where he was knowing that all he had to do was wait.

It didn't take long for the Kree to come to the house, fanning out in all directions in a standard pattern.

The Kree that approached him, were a mixed bunch of varying colours and sizes but they were led by the one Carol had told him about, Yon-Rogg who was exactly as she had described him both in appearance and attitude.

Kal had been raised around warriors all of his life and could recognise what Yon-Rogg was, he was a fanatic, — someone who was unquestioning, unyielding, a traditionalist in the real sense of the word but also inspirational as well if you didn't know better, someone that could lead others through respect instead of fear.

As they approached Kal remained seated not even reacting when several of the Kee raised their weapons at him and he could see at least a dozen more regular Kree soldiers lying in wait behind the nearby treeline and several squads ready to disembark from their ship.

"Who are you? Where is Vers?" Yon-Rogg demanded his voice full of fury as stared at Kal who just sat before him.

"I'm right here, what took you so long?" Carol Danvers exited the house wearing her Kree uniform in its original colours, giving Yon-Rogg her usual smirk.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking" Yon-Rogg quipped back but he was still tense as he stared at Kal after addressing Carol.

"PRY46-B…" Carol said giving her identity codes but was cut off by Yon-Rogg, whose whole demeanour had changed.

"You're not her." Yon-Rogg's body tensed, and he raised his hands ready to fight, a look of contempt on his face as he stared at the fake Carol.

"You are very clever, what gave him away?" Kal finally spoke raising his head to look directly at Yon-Rogg, as Norex morphed back into his native form.

"My Vers would never have said her code in front of anyone that wasn't part of the unit, and she would have made another joke," Yon-Rogg stated bluntly his eyes burning with anger now. "WHERE IS SHE?"

"Not here and she is not YOUR Vers anymore, but that is not your concern, I am." Kal stood up causing every single weapon at him to be readied.

The only thing preventing a barrage of energy projectiles was Yon-Rogg who raised his hand signalling his men to hold fire which they did but all kept their weapons trained on Kal.

"And who are you?" Yon-Rogg asked his eyes narrowing as Kal moved past his sword on the ground.

"I am Kal Odinson, Prince of Asgard and a Protector of the Nine Realms. You are violating the sovereignty of Midgard and the Nine Realms as a whole as guaranteed by Asgard, which is recognised by the Kree Empire via their treaties with Asgard." Kal stated as he walked forward his voice calm and collected, only raising as he finished his statement.

Yon-Rogg was a fairly tall man for a Kree yet as Kal approached he felt small as the Asgardian Prince towered over him, radiating power and control. It took all of his Kree discipline not to show any fear or even to take a step back, his natural instincts telling him to run.

"So, in short, you and your soldiers will surrender your arms and will come with me to face the judgement of Odin, the Allfather." Kal's eyes narrowed as he looked Yon-Rogg directly in the eyes, delivering his ultimatum.

Kal stopped close enough to Yon-Rogg that he had to look down to see the man, the Kree warrior to his credit didn't even flinch.

"I've heard of you, so tell me Odinson, what happens if we refuse?" Yon-Rogg was tense he could feel what was about to happen in the air.

"It isn't a request; you will be coming with me." Kal's voice stayed calm and controlled, which somehow only added to the tension in the air.

The entire area fell silent for a few moments and then it suddenly exploded in a hive of activity, Yon-Rogg tried to move first but Kal's fist slamming into his chest stopped that, sending the Kree flying. The remaining Kree opened fire on Kal the air becoming a complete blur of green energy blasts that were so heavy that it became impossible to see anything, as they kicked up dust as they struck Kal.

The intense barrage was halted after a few moments, as weapons magazines went empty or else people stopped firing for fear of overheating, however, the main cause was that Kal was no longer visible. The barrage had fully engulfed him leading to the Kree to fire blindly at where he had been standing, forcing their officers to call a halt unless they risked shooting each other by mistake.

There was a lull as the members of Starforce and their fellow Kree lowered the weapons pretty certain that nothing could survive the concentrated fire that had just been unleashed. Suddenly, two red beams came out of the dust cutting cleanly through the air and vaporising an entire line of Kree soldiers.

"NO!" Yon-Rogg yelled as he pulled himself up from where he had landed, a large indent in his chest armour and he was pretty sure his ribs were broken.

As the dust settled everyone just stared at Kal who was standing exactly where he had been the ground around him was completely scorched and craters littered the ground, however, he was completely unaffected. His eyes returned to normal as he surveyed the surrounding area, looking to make sure the barrage hadn't damaged the Rambeau Residence, he didn't want to get on the wrong side of Maria Rambeau.

"That tickled," Kal said casually, stretching out his arms and rising into the air. "Looks like we will do this the hard way."

The entire area again exploded into activity except for this time it was not a coordinated strike more a general scene of chaos, as Kal proceeded to tear through the gathered Kree. The Elite Starforce personnel managed to avoid the worst of his attacks, but the regular Kree foot soldiers that were there to help, stood no chance.

Yon-Rogg tried to intervene to save his men, rushing forward and using his Magnitron Gauntlets to briefly hold Kal in place, bending gravity to stop him mid-flight. However, Kal simply twisted and unleashed a powerful blast of energy at Yon-Rogg, forcing the Kree to deploy a shield to protect himself.

Yon-Rogg was rocketed back again, as Kal's beams tore through his shields, it was then that he realised that the fight was pointless as they were not even slowing Kal down and more importantly they were wasting time. He guessed this Asgardian was just a distraction meant to keep them occupied whilst Vers, the Skrull Talos and the Light Speed Engine the real goals, slipped away.

Yon-Rogg activated his communicator "Everyone, get back to the Helion, we need to get to Vers and General Talos"

"Sir that is going to be a little difficult this thing will tear us apart that moment we try to run" Minn-Erva's voice sounded over the comms, as she fired at Kal, then dodging his counter attack barely.

"Leave the regulars to distract him, there expendable and I am deploying 9168, which should take care of the Asgardian," Yon-Rogg stated raising his arm and activating his suits command panel.

"Boss isn't that a bit much, 9168 is meant for use against armies" Att-Lass questioned such a drastic measure.

"We don't have a choice now everyone back to the Helion," Yon-Rogg ordered as he entered the final command sequence into his command panel, causing 9168 to become active and detach from their ship.

Kal's hearing picked up the strange noise and as he turned to face it, he was met by a massive blast of energy that drove him into the ground, it only ceased when he was at least a dozen meters into the ground. Kal exploded back up flying so he was hovering a few meters off the ground, making him level to his attacker.

In front of Kal was a fully deployed Kree Sentry, Kal had heard of such weapons but had never personally witnessed the walking one-man army that was a Kree Sentry.

Kal darted forward however before he made impact felt himself being swatted away like he was a fly, causing him to spin as he went until he levelled himself out and hovered in the air. The blow had not been especially harmful but was more powerful than Kal had expected, the Kree Sentry turned to face him, and another powerful energy bolt ripped through the air.

This time Kal dodged it, moving to his right before he hurtled forward, this time avoiding the Sentry's attempt to strike him and landing a powerful blow on the large mechanical figure's chest that caused the Sentry to stumble backwards. However, apart from knocking it off balance for a moment and the small dent where he had struck, the sentry was unaffected, its eyes glowing once more.

Kal raised his hands abruptly forming a cross guard to take the brunt of the incoming strike, he was forced back but this time it was not haphazardly the energy beam merely forcing him back to the ground. His feet now planted Kal skidded back only a few feet and proceeded to respond with his own twin beams dropping his crossguard and allowing his beams to connect with that of the Kree sentries.

The result was as he hoped his own beams began cutting through the Sentry's, the processes took a few moments longer than he wanted but his beams fully struck the Sentry's head causing an explosion and the machine to fall back. Kal stood straight and surveyed the damage that had occurred to the Rambeau Residence, Kal's splitting of the Sentry's beam had caused widespread damage, the displaced energy had been spread widely like light shattered by a prism.

The various trees that lined the property were cut in half, the small outbuilding was on fire and Kal winced as he saw the hanger that had contained Maria's plane was nothing more than a smoking wreck. Maria's plane was clearly visible now only as a twisted burning wreck, a causality of direct energy strike. However, turning to face the house that was behind him was thankful that none of the stray energy beams had struck it.

'Well, at least the house isn't damaged' Kal thought to himself, not looking forward to facing the forceful Midgardian woman Maria when she saw the damage to her property.

A small energy blast struck the side of his head and he turned to see one of the remaining Kree foot soldiers standing a little distance from him with his weapon raised. Kal just looked at him his eyebrows raised, and the soldier promptly dropped the weapon, Kal then gave him a low-level blast from his eyes to knock him unconscious, shaking his head slightly afterwards.

"Well, that was exciting," Norex called exiting the main house in which he had been hiding.

"Indeed, I best be off before Yon-Rogg and his forces reach the others. Stay here round up the Kree and keep them under guard until I return." Kal stated already searching the skies for a sign of Yon-Rogg's craft.

"Of course, good thing you destroyed the Sentry's Auto-Repair function in its chest or that would have taken forever," Norex said already moving off to gather the few surviving Kree.

"It's what?" Kal whirled around to face Norex and felt the Sentry's energy beam strike him again.

The blast was more powerful than before and Kal, unfortunately, struck the top of the main house causing him to make a hole through the attic as he went through the building. Norex on the ground started running as the Kree sentry turned to face him, he headed for the only structure left standing the main house.

As he went, he tripped and fell over, sprawling face-first onto the ground wincing slightly as he felt his nose break on impact, however, his pain was soon replaced by dread as the shadow of the Kree Sentry fell upon him. Norex pushed himself onto his back so that he could see the mechanical face of his doom, he quietly closed his eyes as he prepared himself to pass beyond the veil and hopefully be reunited with the loved ones that were waiting there.

He felt the surging energy build up in the Sentry's eyes but then he felt the ground beneath him shake, he opened his eyes and found himself still very much in the land of the living, with Kal having crashed into the earth between him and the sentry. Kal was pure fury and he looked like fury incarnate as he stood in the sunlight, his face one of pure irritation and fury.

"ENOUGH!" Kal growled, clearly tired with the battle.

He lifted up his hand outstretched behind him, Gram suddenly pulled itself from the earth and flew into his waiting palm, in one swift motion he turned his body and threw the blade through the sentry's chests. Gram pierced the Sentry's armour melting it as it went, the blade then exploded out the other side of the sentry's metal chest embedding into the ground behind it, leaving a gaping melting hole in its wake.

Norex watch in awe as Kal sprinted forward the earth cracking as he pushed off and struck the mechanical terror with such force that a wave of sound was produced that quickly flattened everything in the surrounding area. The Kree Sentry suddenly became a small dot in the sky that quickly disappeared, leaving only the melted metal Gram had cleaved from it behind.

Kal was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down and rolled his shoulders in an effort to ease the tension out of his body, he lifted his hand and Gram returned to him. Turning he faced Norex who was still laid on the ground, Kal approached and with his free hand helped the Skrull up.

"Apologies, that was just annoying. Are you okay?" Kal asked scanning Norex for injuries finding only a few bruised bones and a broken nose.

Norex was speechless and just nodded at Kal. Kree Sentries had been the bane of his people, leading slaughterers that haunted the memories of every Skrull and made them the stuff of night terrors for their children. Kal had just devasted one like it was made of paper, true the Sentry had gotten in a few hit but when Kal had actually lost his temper the stuff of nightmares became little more than a broken toy.

Kal opened to mouth to say something more but his head snapped into a completely new direction as if he had heard something, his eyes narrowed and before Norex could ask what was happening Kal was already gone.

Norex surveyed the demolished grounds of the Rambeau Residence and the various unconscious as well as deceased Kree littered around the area.

"Okay, I'll stay here," Norex called after Kal.

(Midgard Upper Atmosphere – Above California – 1995)

So, things hadn't gone exactly as she hoped.

They had managed to retrieve the Core or Tesseract as Mar-Vel's notes called it, but they had then been set upon by a very haggard and injured Yon-Rogg along with her former Starforce comrades. Despite, Kal not stopping them from reaching the secret lab he had clearly given them hell, which Carol could appreciate, however, he lost points as it had led to her present circumstances.

Carol was falling fast, very fast, having been knocked off the dropship by Yon-Rogg's Magnitron Gauntlets. Despite the distance, she was falling Carol felt remarkably calm as if she was in no true danger, she felt the rush of energy coursing through her bones now she was free of the inhibitor and she closed her eyes channelling the wondrous feeling outward.

The energy exploded out of her and enveloped her in a great hue of energy that bent the very force of gravity to its will. She marvelled at the feeling for a second before she noticed that Kal was hovering nearby giving her a surprised but friendly smile.

"Guess I did not need to rush over after all." Kal quipped, a friendly smile on his face.

Kal had been pushing himself to the limit to try and catch the falling Carol but had feared himself too late, as he was still about 100 meters away as she seemingly struck the ground. However, before she had, a burst of energy had burst forth from her with such force that it had thrown him back in the air a little.

"Nope." Carol grinned back, a look of pure exhilaration on her face.

Carol turned her head; in the distance, she could see that Yon-Rogg's dropship was now attacking the Quadjet she pushed herself forward and began soaring through the air, racing towards her friends.

Kal followed, however, he hung back slightly so that he could observe the now glowing Carol, she seemed more powerful and confident than before, like a great weight had been taken from her shoulders. He watched as she struck Yon-Rogg's ship her fist tearing through the wing of the vessel like it was made of paper.

Yon-Rogg's craft immediately started to lose altitude and hurtled towards the ground however its descent was stable enough that he was likely to survive so Kal instead returned his vision to Carol who was experiencing the joy of flight for the first time.

Carol did a loop in the air and shouted in joy, Kal couldn't help but smile, he still felt the same joy when flying, although a thousand years of doing the act had lessened it slightly for him and he supposed that he did take it for granted now. Yet could still remember the exhilaration of his first flight and watching Carol brought back pleasant memories.

She wobbled slightly she levelled off, still getting used to her new ability, despite being a novice Carol was a natural and flew much better than he had the first time he had discovered his powers. Kal soared to join her, hovering so they were a few meters apart, wanting to give her pointers.

"You want to keep your arms out in front of you" Kal offered, with a smile demonstrating what he meant.

"What?" Carol asked trying to keep level as she hovered in front of Kal, either not hearing him because of the rush of wind or else just confused by his question.

"When you're flying. Extend your arms out in front of you makes for a more aerodynamic shape, and when hovering you want to constantly move in minuscule circles, it makes it easier to dodge attacks and the constant outward force in all directions keeps you in one place better." Kal explained as he observed Carol, offering what he had learnt from his years flying.

She was impressive, very impressive, Kal thought, not just the energy coming off of her or her powers but in general, she impressed Kal. She had gone through a major shift in beliefs in such a short time but instead of breaking, or fighting it like he knew many would, she had embraced who she was and what she was and had chosen to fix the mistakes she had made instead of run from them.

Carol on her part was just focusing on staying aloft without accidentally turning off her newfound ability. Seeing no reason not to take his advice as he seemed friendly and was the only one, she knew with a flying experience like this, Carol decided to trust Kal. She started gyrating in an almost imperceptible circle and found that it helped stabilise her as he had said, and she was about to thank him when they both turned their heads to the sound of ships entering a drop point.

The Accuser fleet had arrived whilst it was only 4 ships, those 4 vessels still had enough firepower to render the majority of the planet to ash, covering up the Kree intrusion onto the planet.

"Looks like we have company, care to help Rocket man?" Carol asked smiling at Kal.

"It would be my pleasure. After you." Kal offered a small bow and gestured for her to go first, his own rare humour playing up.

As they soared upwards the Accuser Fleet opened up then fired a series of missiles thundering down towards the planet promising to unleash devastation, unlike anything earth, had ever seen. Kal's eyes glowed ready to destroy the incoming objects however Carol's voice interrupted him.

"I've got this," Carol stated, causing Kal to halt his assault and watch the blonde woman, curious to see what she would do.

Carol grabbed the first missile and after a moment of struggle, she threw it back upwards causing it to collide with the others and create an explosion that destroyed them all. Carol continued pressing on soaring faster and faster until she broke through the upper atmosphere, with Kal swiftly following.

As soon as they arrived the Accuser fleet launched waves of fighters at them that started to shoot at them. Kal merely smirked as the energy blasts broke against him doing nothing to slow his progress, he merely went through the fighters in his path, tearing through them as easily as if he was taking a stroll. Carol, however, took several hits and was knocked back Kal turned suddenly concerned that she was vulnerable but that fear quickly faded, as Carol surged forward.

She was magnificent, like a Valkyrie of old, swift, deadly, unstoppable and awe-inspiring to behold. She flew with grace and elegance that Kal could do nothing but admire, her blasts were precise tearing ships apart and she was truly a marvel to behold.

As she tore through the last fighter she cried out in joy and then with an elegant turn proceeded to cut her way through an entire Accuser Warship, Kal just watched as the ship began exploding from the inside with Carol quickly exited the burning ship from the other end from that which she had entered. She soared towards him and levelled off a confident grin on her face as she looked at him, a daring smile on her face.

"Feel free to help anytime." Carol quipped, friendly competitiveness in her voice, which told Kal she was not serious.

Kal just raised an eyebrow and smirked, clearly amused by Carol's joke. His eyes glowed red and without much effort he unleashed a devastating assault on one of the three warships remaining, cutting the ship in half lengthways before he turned back to face Carol.

"I did not want to make you look bad." Kal joked back, as the Warship exploded behind him, adding to the confident grin on his face.

Carol just laughed and the two turned their attention to the lead Accuser warship both of them flying to be level with the command deck. As they levelled off Carol made an impressive display of her power, she started glowing more brightly and slammed her fist into the palm of her hand sending a shock wave that shook the vessel slightly.

"Go deal with Yon-Rogg, I have this," Kal said to Carol after her display, she merely turned nodded, recognising Kal needed to take it from her and quickly surged back towards earth.

Kal surged forward and penetrated the Accuser vessel through the bridge observation window, causing a moment of depressurisation before an emergency bulkhead slammed down sealing the breach. Kal was immediately greeted by fear, every Kree present stepped back as he rose, except for the lead Accuser who stood tall holding a hammer in one hand and was clearly thinking about attacking him.

"Do it and I swear it will be the last thing you ever do." Kal's eyes glowed red as he made his promise.

The Accuser leader quickly dropped the weapon and backed away as Kal approached, once Kal was in front of the command counsel he spotted what he was after and deactivated the ship's shields. He turned back to the Kree and smiled, which just unnerved the Kree even more.

"Heimdall!" Kal yelled causing the Kree to wince slightly at the loudness of his voice.

A moment passed before the color of the Bifrost exploded on the bridge, dozens of Einherjar came pouring forth from the light lead by Sif and Thor. The brave warriors of Asgard quickly moved to secure the bridge whilst Sif locked down the Accusers and Thor approached his little brother. Thor looked at Kal for a moment with a look that Kal couldn't quite describe, but that quickly disappeared as Thor was grinning again and was back to being his boisterous big brother.

"You have been busy little brother," Thor smirked and patted Kal on the shoulder, lifting Mjolnir to place it on his shoulder.

Kal returned his brother's smile, a grin on his face as looked about the ship. "Nothing too difficult, so are we taking them back to Asgard to answer for their crimes?"

Thor's smile disappeared and he looked a little frustrated "Unfortunately no, we are to simply escort them from the Nine Realms, then they can be on their way."

"WHAT?" Kal asked incredulously.

"Father's orders, whilst you were on Midgard, the Kree sent a delegation. I don't know what was discussed but after they left, father declared there was still peace between us and that once you had secured the rouge Kree on Midgard we are to turn them back over to the Kree." Thor explained clearly unhappy with the outcome.

"Rouge Kree?" Kal spat the words out, in disbelief, his mind already knowing where this was going.

"Apparently so." Thor's voice was also disgusted as he stared at the Kree. "Where are the Skrulls?"

"I need to talk to father, Heimdall," Kal shouted and the hues of the Bifrost quickly enveloped him, leaving Thor's question deliberately unanswered.

(Earth - Rambeau Residence- New Orleans, Louisiana – Several Hours later)

Carol sat at the dinner table sharing a meal with her friends, as they discussed what had happened and where they would do next. Maria was mainly focused on fixing her house and property, her land was littered with craters, broken trees, demolished buildings and burnt runes in the earth. The latter Norex had informed them had been caused by a beam of light that had taken away the captured Kree and debris from the fight.

"So do think we will see Flash Gordon again?" Fury asked, his eye still closed from when the Flerken starched him.

"Who?" Talos asked confused, looking at Fury, humans were very strange people.

"He means Kal, and I don't know, the Accuser Fleet is gone so I suppose he is back on Asgard dealing with the fallout of the Kree being on Earth. Likely shouting out some Kree diplomat or else getting ready for a war." Carol offered with a shrug, signalling she didn't know which was more likely.

"Well, he better be back he owes me a new roof and a new yard." Maria quipped standing up to grab more drinks.

"I am sorry for that, and I will make it up to you." Kal offered, as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen, still dressed in his armour.

His sudden appearance caused everyone to smile except for the rescued Skrulls, Soren Talos' wife and their daughter who was alarmed at the sudden appearance of the strangely dressed stranger. Soren moved swiftly putting herself between her daughter and Kal, she was only stopped by Talos who gently held her, giving his wife a comforting smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. He's a friend, Soren this is Kal he is an Asgardian." Talos explained comforting his wife. "Also a prince."

"So, your back. How are the Kree enjoying Asgard dungeons." Carol joked with a smile, that immediately vanished when she saw Kal's face.

"What is it?" Fury asked having seen the look of a man bearing bad news before.

"The Kree have left the Nine Realms, my father has negotiated a settlement to avoid war ….. however, the Kree that attacked this world have been declared a rogue element by their government and as part of the settlement were given back to the Kree Empire to face punishment from them, not Asgard." Kal's face was grim when he delivered the news.

"What?" Several people shouted and started talking at once, however, Carol remained silent just looking at Kal.

"What happened?" Carol asked plainly her voice cutting through the noise, silencing the room.

Kal sighed and rubbed his eyes as he sat down. "I do not know, the Kree sent a delegation to my father whilst I was gone, and they agreed to terms, and before you ask I don't know what they are. Just that Yon-Rogg is being declared a rogue element and the Accuser Ronan is being 'reprimanded' for his incursion into the Nine realms, to try and stop him without permission but I know Asgard will do nothing more."

Kal was quiet nursing his head as if he had a persistent headache that he was trying to dispel.

"So does that mean the bad guys aren't going to be punished?" Monica asked the question to the room full of adults.

"Not by me or my people little one. I am sorry." Kal sighed he then looked to Talos and Carol "Truly I am but I could not convince my father to take further action."

"So, what do we do now, has Odin decided to hand us over to the Kree to keep his precious peace," Talos stated his voice tinged with anger, as he clearly saw his people being used as pawns in other people's games.

Carol placed a comforting hand on the General's arm to prevent him from lashing out in anger, which she knew was justified but not towards Kal who had done none of this he was just the messenger.

"No, my father is under the impression that any Skrull on Midgard as well as the Lady Danvers here has already left," Kal stated, looking the Skrull General in the eye, with a knowing look.

"Why would he think that?" Soren asked, confusion in her voice, her question however just caused Kal to smile knowingly.

"You lied to your father?" Carol was impressed, mostly that Kal had gone out on a limb for them and from the fact that by what she had heard Odin was a hard man to deceive.

"No, no I did not lie, I just did not correct him from his assumption he drew from my vague report on the subject." Kal cleared his throat after making his statement. "However, you, unfortunately, cannot stay here, treaty or no Asgard's protection will not extend to you as long as the Kree hunt you."

"We understand, we have already made plans to leave, I guess it will just be sooner than we wanted," Talos said a little dejected at having to move, but appreciating what Kal had tried to do at least.

"I'll help you home, finish what Mar-Vell started," Carol stated after a moment of self-consideration, her offer brought an appreciative look from Talos.

"But they can stay here with us can't they mom?" Monica asked, not truly understanding what the grown-ups were talking about.

"I'm sorry sweetie but it's not safe for them here. Auntie Carol is right they need their own home," Maria spoke softly to their daughter.

"I wish I could assist as well but my duties prevent me from offering any aid beyond helping leave Midgard." Kal offered his face slightly tense at his perceived uselessness.

"Thank you." Soren offered a polite smile to Kal that helped ease his guilt at the situation.

After the brief discussion, the group broke apart, Kal left with Talos and his family briefly to assist in organising the move from Earth. Kal hated what was happening, his father had sent him to bring the Kree to face justice, instead, he was forcing refugees from one of the few places they might have some safety.

Kal understood his father's reasoning and part of him agreed with it, the conflict was not theirs to fight and peace with the Kree Empire and Asgard was beneficial to many. However, Kal did often wonder if the price of that peace was too high, it was never at a cost to Asgard, true, but there was still a cost it was just often paid by the lesser races of the cosmos.

Despite, Kal's disagreement of late with Thor he did agree with Thor on one point, Asgard was largely seen as inactive in the wider cosmos. Many like the Kree no longer saw Asgard as any type of power or threat, just an ancient people who just sat on their rock and bothered no one. Whilst he did not think the situation was as dire as Thor made it seem, it still troubled Kal and he honestly felt like he should be doing more than just keeping the status quo.

A thousand years of being the loyal son was something he was proud of but he had truly little to show for it.

"Thank you for the help." A Skrull offered as Kal moved the last of the boxes, he gave the Skrull a nod as Talos came over.

"That is the last of it, I will leave to tell Carol that you are ready," Kal spoke as he surveyed the gathered supplies.

"Well, I'll see you around. Thank you for the help, truly." Talos offered Kal his hand which he took gladly.

"I wish it could be more, but I am not allowed to offer any aid, not even to tell you about a report about a large group of surviving Skrulls on Hy'lt Minor." Kal gave a small smile which Talos returned grateful for the information.

"Thank you." Talos shook Kal's hand firmly as he whispered the thanks before Kal departed to tell Carol the Skrulls were ready to depart.

Kal arrived just as Carol was preparing to leave the Rambeau Residence, she was doing a final check of her gold, red and blue uniform ensuring there was no lasting damage. She was stood in the living room and gave the Flerken goose one final pet before she was about to depart.

"They are ready," Kal spoke softly as not to alarm the Flerken.

"Good so am I. It's been nice working with you, sure you don't want to tag along, you make a good wingman?" Carol offered with a deep friendly smile. "You even have your own callsign and everything"

"That is more tempting than you know, but I cannot, unfortunately. However, I think we will see each other again especially if you are planning on protecting the Skrull and battling the Kree. Just try to avoid any Asgardians or our space, whilst you are out there, I hate to beat you senseless again" Kal offered a smile with his joke.

Carol just laughed "I think you are misremembering that fight, but I did hit you pretty hard Rocketman so it's understandable."

Kal chuckled and shook his head. "Before you leave, did you discover the Core or any remains of the Phantom drive Mar-Vell spoke of?"

Carol looked a little nervous for a moment as she weighed what to tell Kal she liked him and he seemed trustworthy but he was also a Prince with duties that he had made clear took president over his own feelings at times. She debated in her head before deciding to try and trust him with the information and see what he would do with it.

"We did not find remains of the Phantom Drive she was inspired by, but we did find the engines Core. It's safe and Fury is going to keep it hidden on Earth." Carol spoke slowly as to judge Kal's reaction.

Kal gritted his teeth, he had wanted to discuss what to do with the Core and hadn't really wanted it to stay on earth. Asgard was arguably the safest place for such a power source, but Carol seemed to believe it would be safe with Fury and both of them were honourable and trustworthy people as far as he could tell. Carol had just proven so by deciding to trust him with the information when she could have easily lied and besides from what Kal knew the Core was just a power source for the engine so it wasn't like he was leaving an infinity stone behind.

"Very well, I do not like it or think it the wisest choice, but I will not overrule your decision. Fury shall keep the core safe" Kal offered his hand which Carol shook gladly. "Let's just hope he doesn't do anything stupid with it."

Carol laughed at Kal's statement before breaking off their handshake and turned to leave the house to say her goodbyes to her friends. Kal remained on the porch as Carol said her goodbyes to her fellow Midgardians, taking a leather jacket from Monica before she departed from Earth, giving one last salute before disappearing. As she disappeared Kal moved forward to make his own departure from the world.

"Lady Maria, although I cannot stay to fix the damage, I caused, please accept these as both recompense and a token of my friendship." Kal offered his hand and gave Maria several very large diamonds.

Kal remembered that Midgardians for some reason valued the solid and condensed form of carbon molecules, which he believed to be ridiculous but who was he to judge. He had merely taken some coal he had found, in a nearby quarry and simply superheated it and crushed it within his hand to create the diamonds Maria now held.

"Oh my god, wow. Um thanks, it's very appreciated" Maria stumbled over her words as she just stared at the very large diamonds now in her possession.

"So, if I need to get a hold of you, is there a way to do it? Special spell, word or dance? Sacrifice a goat on a full moon?" Fury asked with a smile at Kal.

"Unfortunately, not, although my duties may take me elsewhere know that I will always gladly assist to protect this world. Be well, Lord Fury, may you know nothing but victory in your battles ahead." Kal offered Fury his hand which the spy took a little hesitantly.

"Um, you as well. Have a good journey" Fury offered and gently shook Kal's hand, whilst he liked the alien prince, he still felt Kal was an odd one, he talked like a man at a renaissance fair.

With that Kal walked to the middle of the field and took one last look at the Midgardians "Until we meet again my friends, Heimdall take me home!"


(Authors Notes)

SO big threshold as I post this chapter we have broken 500+ followers and favourites as well as over 50,000 views which is just insane! And major motivation for me to keep going.

So I hoped you liked the second half of the Captain Marvel story arc and the first adaptation of an MCU movie.

Now the next capture will take place between Captain Marvel and Thor, then will we go straight into the plot of Thor. Honestly no idea how many chapters that is going to be so we are going to have to wait and see.

Like always, please Review, Favourite and Follow as you desire.

Luke5921creators' thoughts