
Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill

What happens when a person with no memories of his past or how he died, isekai'd into the dark anime: Akame Ga Kill as Kakashi?

Sato_Koji · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs


Inside the meeting room of the Night Raid.

"Everyone is here. I have three pieces of bad news to relay, so listen carefully. First, I can no longer contact the local team." Najenda relayed.

"Local team?" Kakashi asked.

"The Empire is vast. We specialize in carrying out assassinations in the Capital, but there is another team that handles the areas around it." Akame answered him.

Najenda continued, "It's currently being investigated, but the likelihood that they are dead is high, so be prepared for that. For the time being, I think it may be necessary to strengthen the security around the hideout."

Lubbock nodded. "Yeah, I'll increase the range of my threads."

"Secondly... Esdeath has finished conquering the North, and she has returned to the capital." Najenda said with a frown.

"That was much faster than anyone thought it would be." Akame said.

"God, she's always causing so much trouble!" Lubbock said in an irritated voice.

"I've heard rumors of what's left of the North, and I don't know what's in more of a sorry state, their citadel... Or their 'hero'..." Kakashi commentated.

Najenda replied. "Speaking of, it seems her army was left in the North to keep watch, though."

"Then it's safe to say that she wasn't suddenly brought back to deal with the revolutionary army, right?" Bulat assumed.

Najenda sighed. "I can't figure out what her next move will be. Currently, it seems she is throwing herself into her work at the government's torture facilities. Leone, I want you to go to the capital and observe her movements."

"Roger ! I've always wanted to know what type of person she is, after all." Leone grinned.

"Leone... Observe, don't even think of fighting her alone. She's more skilled than you think." Kakashi warned her.

Najenda nodded. "She's a homicidal maniac who enjoys slaughter. Be on your guard."

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you." Leone placed her hands behind her head. 'Fufu... And then... I'll be a good person and take her out if the chance comes up! The extremely sadistic general known as the Empire's strongest... Taking her out would have the same impact as killing the prime Minister!' She thought, ignoring Kakashi's warning.

"And finally, there has been a string of murders in the capital. The targets are civil officials. The deaths include 4 officials, and 61 bodyguards. The problem is, these posters claiming to be from Night Raid have been found at all the crime scenes." Najenda stated the last piece of news.

"So they're trying to frame us." Bulat said, as he read the poster that was left behind in one of the scenes.

"Isn't this bit too obvious? Why would we start claiming responsibility?" Tatsumi asked.

"That what I thought at first... But it seems people believe we are the culprits." Najenda replied.

"Why?" Tatsumi asked in surprised.

"The murdered officials all had powerful guards. No ordinary criminals could have touched them." Najenda answered him.

"Then that means they are just as powerful as us. They might even posses some Imperial Arms." Kakashi said, understanding the situation they are in.

"I just want to let you know..." Najenda puffed up a smoke. "Those who were killed, were good people who wanted nothing to do with the current Prime Minister. They were people who made the minister feel ill at ease. In other words, the Prime Minister is getting rid of is enemies, and having Night Raid take the blame. Good people like these officials will be essential in creating our new country. We cannot afford to lose any more of these talented people! What are your opinions on this ?"

"It's a trap, to lure us out." Bulat stated.

"It definitely is... However, we can't let our names be tainted with fake rumors. Let's go and kill them all." Kakashi said.

"HAHAHA! That's exactly right!" Bulat patted Kakashi's back.

Najenda nodded, "There are about five officials who we suspect of being targeted. Of those five, only a few have plans to leave the capital soon. We have narrowed it down to two officials... Akame and Lubbock... Tatsumi, Kakashi, and Bulat, you will provide protection for them!"

Kakashi raised his hand. "Sorry, I can't be part of the mission this time. According to my intel, it seems that Esdeath is creating another group of Imperial Arm users. I will have to check this one out, to confirm it." 

Najenda eye widened. "Understood, be careful out there."

"Um... Where does the official we need to protect plan to go?" Tatsumi asked.

"The outskirts of the capital. He plans to board the ship that is anchored at the start of the Grand Canal. The massive luxury liner..." Najenda stopped suddenly. "Ryuusen!"






"So how's life, Kakashi?" A a fairly-muscular young man of above-average height with short, dark blue hair and eyes. Like Tatsumi, he also has a cowlick. He asked Kakashi as they were both sitting on a bench.

"Mmm not bad, I'm enjoying the books that the author, 'Jiraiya' wrote." Kakashi replied. "What about you? Any luck finding a job as a guard here, Wave?"

Wave shook his head, "Nah, not really honestly. Oh, by the way... thanks for saving me from being scammed. I almost lost all my money." 

"That's no problem, I know a scammer when I see one." Kakashi chuckled.

Wave suddenly stood up. "...I've decided! I'm going to join this new group of Imperial Arm users, that general Esdeath is going to found... After all, I have my own Imperial Arm as well."

Kakashi eyes widened before having a smirk. "Well then, be sure to update me on the group... if you managed to join them. I might join you as well in the future." Kakashi stood up and started to walking away.

Meanwhile, in the Capital - Main Street.

Esdeath was inside a sweet shop. "Bring me your best sweets."

"Y-yes, ma'am, Right away!" The shop keeper replied, and quickly went to get them.

Leone was hidden on top of a roof near the general. 'This would be the perfect chance to attack her, but my heightened senses are screaming that her apparent vulnerability is a trap. The intense, murderous evil radiating from her every pore says it all.' 

*Sweat dropped*

Kakashi: Leone... Observe, don't even think of fighting her alone. She's more skilled that you think.

'I thought all I needed to do was catch her alone, but I was a fool. Kakashi was right...' Leone gritted her teeth. 'I must follow my instincts and retreat!'

'Hmm? The presence disappeared. They didn't take the bait, huh?' Esdeath thought, as she knew that someone was spying on her. 'What a shame. I was itching to test some new torture methods.'

"This isn't half bad." Esdeath complimented after taking a bite of the sweet she was holding. Maybe I'll buy some for the three, when they're back from the mission."






After Kakashi was done collecting his information, he quickly ran towards where Tatsumi and Bulat are. 'Damn it, Bulat can hold them on their own... But Tats doesn't have an Imperial Arm, and the scroll was activated on their body. I just hope I won't arrived there late.'

On the deck of the Ryuusen.

A musical note could be heard playing throughout the ship.

"As always, such an elegant tone. It suits the ship, doesn't it..." Liver said to Nyau, who was playing a flute.

*Flute-type Imperial Arm, Scream. Which can manipulate the emotions of anyone who heard its melody.*

"The ship has left the sight of the shore. The timing is just right." Liver continued. 

"I've been playing my recorder for a long time. So even if I stop, everybody will still be lacking willpower." Nyau complained.

"There may be some people outside the range that haven't been exposed to the sound of the flute... Don't be negligent." Liver ordered.

Nyau sighed, "...Yes, sir. I'll play just a bit more for you!"


"Hey, wake up...! Tatsumi was trying to wake up a passenger. "What in the world is going on?! Ugh... Even though I want to call Aniki(Bro), all the strength in my body is escaping me...! That recorder sound from earlier... Is it because of that? Even when I shut it out I can hear it... It must be an Imperial Arm!" He made his was to the deck.

"Ah... Staying in hiding was so dull... Oh? Despite Scream, someone's still fighting? Even under hypnotism, you may remember this. So if you're allowed to live and see what we do..." Daidara's voice could be heard as entered the deck shortly after Tatsumi.

Realizing who they are, Tatsumi yelled. "So that means... You guys are the Impostor Night Raid!"

"Ah! So this here's one of the real ones! This is good." Daidara grinned widely. "Here, take that!"


Daidara gave a strong vertical slash downwards missing Tatsumi, as he dodged away. "You did well dodging that, considering you're under the effects of the music. How about, this!"

Daidara's Imperial Arm split into two, and he threw one of them at Tatsumi.

Tatsumi was able to dodge it at first, before it suddenly came like a boomerang and slashed a bit of his stomach.

"Guh!" Tatsumi held his stomach. "I see... That's your Imperial Arm."

"That's right! The Double-Bladed Axe: Belvaac." Daidara answered. "Not anyone can just wield it!" He threw one of them again at Tatsumi.

It slashed a bit of Tatsumi's cheek, before he started rushing towards Daidara, while the axe was chasing him. "If that's how it works... I'll make you it hit you! Fall by your own hand."


Tatsumi was suddenly punched by Bulat who came out of nowhere. "Are you an idiot!" Bulat yelled angrily. "Your opponent was waiting there looking like he was ready and everything ! However you look at it, it was a sure victory for him!! What were you planning on doing rushing carelessly into his range?!"

Tatsumi, who was holding his nose couldn't do anything, but be scolded by his mentor. "A-Aniki.

"Hey you!" Daidara pointed his weapon at Bulat. "You're awfully energetic. The music should have affected the whole ship."

Bulat turned around facing him, "Oh, so that's what that little performance was for. Sorry to say this, but you're out of luck. The fiery blood that courses through my veins isn't so easily quelled!"

'This guy...' Daidara not buying his excuse, saw the wound mark on Bulat's leg. "You're an interesting fellow. So you physically injured yourself to break its hold on you, huh?"

"The name's Bulat, of the Night Raid. But you can call me, Handsome." He said in a cool tone.

"I am Lady Esdeath's servant, Daidara of the Three Beast Warriors." Daidara introduced himself.

"Tatsumi... Watch this battle closely. Burn it into your memory. Bulat said still facing his enemy forward. "Incursio!" Bulat yelled, activating his Imperial Arm, transforming into his armor and having his spear at hand.






"Fuck... I have to run on water..." Kakashi cursed, seeing how far the ship was from the port. He took a deep breath and...


He rushed towards the ship in a quick speed, creating a gust of wind behind him. 'Good thing, Obito and Rin told me how to walk on water...'

After a few moments, Kakashi was able to reach the ship and jumped on board.

'What is this music...' Kakashi eyes narrowed. 'It seems the passengers are just asleep... This music is really pissing me off. Where the hell is the source?' Kakashi stealthily kept walking closer and closer to where the sound was coming from. 'Found you...' Kakashi saw Nyau playing the flute.


Kakashi threw a kunai at him, but Nyau blocked it with a flute. "It seems I have an unexpected guest, hehe."

"Who are you?" Kakashi asked, stepping out of the shadow.

"I'm one of general Esdeath's faithful servant! Nyau, one of the Three Beast Warriors!" He replied. "What about you?"

"...Red Eye Demon." Kakashi said coldly.

"Oh! I've heard about you! Frankly... I'm quite interested in what you will sound like when I'll skin you alive!" Nyau gave a nasty grin, before rushing at Kakashi.

Kakashi was able to block slashes and kick him away. Nyau landed softly, looking up to see Kakashi already in front of him. 'So fast- Guh!'

Kakashi punched him in the gut sending him a few inches away. "I'll show you why I'm called, the Red Eye Demon." Kakashi said coldly, activating his sharingan.

Nyau for the first time in his life, felt fear from someone other than Esdeath.


Nyau lifeless body flew between Bulat and Liver. Bulat having slash wounds all over his body, while Liver's ears were bleeding looked. Both looked at Nyau's body before seeing Kakashi walking through the hole he made, by launching his body.

"General Liver..." Kakashi said, recognizing the enemy.

"Hm? Do I... know you?" Liver asked, not recognizing Kakashi.

"No, but I have heard of your accomplishments. You didn't even accept the Prime Minister's bribe in the past. I've heard that all too well with the soldiers from the capital... So, let my ask you this... Why are you suddenly working for him?" Kakashi asked.

"I see... I thank you for your praises about me, but don't get me wrong. I'm not working for that bastard... I'm only serving general Esdeath, my saviour from that hell hole." Liver replied.

Kakashi sighed, "Tatsumi... catch." Kakashi threw a vial of something at him. "Bulat stay down and let Tatsumi inject you with an antidote."

Liver eyes widened. "You know about that poison?"

"Of course I did, I know exactly of that strength boost vial... A comrade of mine died because of it." Kakashi answered with a sad tone.

"I see... your friend was probably using it without realising the risks..." Liver eyes closed succumbing to his wounds.

"Bulat... how's your body now?" Kakashi asked him, after Tatsumi injected the poison.

"I'm feeling better... but, I don't think I can use Incursion any more. Its damaged a lot, and doesn't see me as its host due to the battle I had." Bulat gave a sad smile.

"Tatsumi... try to wield the Incursio." Kakashi said, picking up the sword from the ground and threw it in front of Tatsumi.

Both Tatsumi and Bulat's eyes widened. The later giving a small smile. "Go for it, I know you're compatible with it. Trust me."

Tatsumi looked at Bulat with his eyes moistening. "Aniki..." Tatsumi looked at the Imperial Arm on the ground, remembering all the emotion he felt. He was useless against Liver. He almost died on his first mission had Kakashi not supported him. Lastly, seeing the deaths of his friends from the village. All that frustration vent up of not being strong enough.

He picked up the sword and yelled out with all his might. "Incursio!" The armor showed itself behind him... but no one expected it to do something like that.

Bulat eyeing the scene in front of him. "The armor... is changing its form to suit Tatsumi's body!"

*Incursio was created by purifying raw materials taken from the Tyrant, a dragon-type Danger Beast with life force stronger than any other. That dragon could wander any land, whether burning desert or freezing tundra. It could survive any environment by evolving itself and adapting.*

'Even after being formed in an Imperial Arm, the dragon's flesh is still alive!' Bulat thought. "Tatsumi... I see. Your burning passion... has caused Incursio to evolve once more!" Bulat commented after seeing it finally on Tatsumi.

*clap* *clap*

Kakashi clapped at the scene. "Tatsumi, any difficulty moving? Any strains on your body?"

Tatsumi replied, "Just a bit. I'm just not used to it yet."

"Good... try punching me with all your power." Kakashi suddenly requested.

Tatsumi and Bulat were caught off guard from Kakashi's request. "Ka-Kakashi... are you sure? I know how powerful you are, but I feel Tatsumi's on a different level than I was, when I had Incursio." Bulat asked.

"Even better... I need to gauche out its strength anyways. So give me your best shot." Kakashi said and went into a defensive guard, with his arms forming an 'X'.

Tatsumi took a deep breath, before rushing and punched Kakashi at his guarded area.


Kakashi was launched into the hole he made earlier.

Tatsumi eyes widened seeing blood on his fist and called out to him. "Kakashi!"

Kakashi walked out of the hole, with blood dripping on his arms. "Ow... That hurt..."

Bulat seeing the state Kakashi, was surprised how little it damaged him. 'Kakashi... How powerful, are you?'






"...And that's the report of the mission regarding about Tatsumi and Bulat's mission." Kakashi reported to Najenda in the meeting room with everyone present.

Najenda sighed in relief, "You have my thanks for saving Bulat. How was your personal missions towards the new group of Imperial Arm users?"

"It seems that it is true that Esdeath is in charge of it. I know someone who's going to try and join it. He's like me and Tatsumi. Trying to work as a guard to earn money for his village. However, he does somewhat know that the capital is corrupted. And don't worry, he doesn't know me as the Red Demon Eye, just as Kakashi." Kakashi quickly explained.

"I see, if he does have more information, try to see if the group is as powerful as ours. Other than that. A well good job on all of you. Go get the rest you all deserved. This meeting is over." Najenda ended the meeting as everyone left the room.