

Tiny_Legend · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 9

As he gathered his belongings, Kaito set his mind on a rigorous training regimen. He needed to hone his skills, sharpen his instincts, and bolster his strength. The encounter with the Night Stalker had revealed his vulnerabilities, and he was resolute to turn them into strengths.


Five days passed since that harrowing night. Each day, Kaito pushed himself harder than ever before. He ventured deeper into the forest, seeking out challenges that would test his limits. He fought off wild beasts, scaled treacherous cliffs, and practiced his swordsmanship until his muscles ached and his mind was sharp with focus.

Kaito stood at the edge of a cliff, gazing out over the dense forest that had become both his adversary and his training ground. His once-pristine office suit was now entirely torn, the remnants hanging in tatters from his waist. His bare chest and arms, now bronzed and hardened by the sun and relentless battles, displayed well-defined muscles.

His sword, which he had meticulously cared for, gleamed in the early morning light. Kaito felt a profound change within himself. His movements were more fluid, his mind sharper. He had become attuned to the forest, able to sense subtle changes in the environment and react instinctively.

As he prepared to descend the cliff, Kaito heard a rustling in the underbrush below. Instinctively, he activated his Analyze skill.

[Creature: Dire Bear]

[Level: 12]

[Weakness: Agility]

[Description: A powerful beast with immense strength and a thick hide. Its slow movements make it vulnerable to swift attacks.]

A smile crossed Kaito's lips. This was the perfect opponent to test his newfound strength and agility. He leapt from the cliff, landing nimbly on the forest floor. The Dire Bear roared, sensing the challenge.

Kaito moved with a grace and speed. He darted around the Dire Bear, striking at its vulnerable points while evading its powerful but sluggish swipes. Each successful hit filled him with a surge of confidence.

The battle was intense but brief. Kaito's relentless attacks and precise movements soon brought the Dire Bear to its knees. With a final, decisive strike, he defeated the creature. Breathing heavily, Kaito stood over his fallen foe, feeling a rush of exhilaration and satisfaction.

[Experience Gained: 1050 XP]

[Level Up]

Kaito felt a surge of energy course through his body as the familiar notification appeared before his eyes. He had reached a new level, and with it came the opportunity to choose another new skill. He sheathed his sword and took a moment to catch his breath, then opened his status screen.

Character Stats:

[Name: Kaito]

[Level: 10] [Experience: 130/5500]

[Class: Swordmanship]

[Trait: None]

[Strength: 26]

[Agility: 18]

[Magic: 11]

[Endurance: 12]

[Stat Points: 3]

[Skills Unlocked: 3 (Analyze,Fireball,Piercing Strike)]

Kaito distributed his stat points, focusing on agility and strength.

[Strength: 27] [Agility: 20]

Satisfied with the distribution, Kaito then turned his attention to the new skill notification. He selected the option and a list of five skills appeared before him.

[Please choose one of the 5 skills listed]

[Crescent Slash]

[Arcane Blast]

[Quick Reflexes]

[Night Vision]

[Shield Barrier]

Kaito read through each skill carefully, considering their effects and potential applications in his Growth and battles.

[Crescent Slash]

Description: The user channels their strength into a single, powerful slash, unleashing a crescent-shaped wave of energy that cuts through enemies in its path.


•Energy Wave: Releases a crescent-shaped wave of energy that travels forward, slicing through enemies and obstacles.

•Piercing Power: The energy wave can penetrate multiple enemies, dealing significant damage to each.

•Knockback: Enemies hit by the energy wave are knocked back, disrupting their formation.

Kaito imagined the potential of such a powerful offensive skill. It would allow him to attack multiple enemies at once and create distance in crowded battles.

[Night Vision]

Description: A skill that enhances the user's vision in low-light conditions, allowing them to see clearly in darkness with exceptional clarity.


•Amplifies the user's ability to perceive details and shapes in low-light environments, providing clear vision even in the darkest of nights.

•Increases the contrast between objects, making them stand out more vividly against the background.

•Expands the user's visual range, enabling them to see farther in low-light conditions than would be possible with natural vision alone.

Considering his encounters in the forest, Kaito knew Night Vision could be extremely useful for nocturnal confrontations and ambushes.

[Quick Reflexes]

Description: The user's sharp instincts and honed reflexes grant them an edge in combat, allowing for swift reactions and evasive maneuvers.


•Swift Reactions: Enables the user to react quickly to incoming attacks, increasing their chances of dodging or parrying blows.

•Evasive Maneuvers: Grants the user enhanced agility and speed, making it easier for them to evade enemy strikes and reposition themselves in battle.

•Counter Opportunities: Provides the user with openings to counterattack after successfully dodging or evading enemy assaults.

•Combat Awareness: Heightens the user's awareness of their surroundings, allowing them to anticipate enemy movements and respond accordingly.

Quick Reflexes resonated with Kaito's growing agility and would significantly enhance his combat prowess, allowing him to dodge and counterattack more effectively.

[Arcane Blast]

Description: Harness the raw power of arcane energy. Cast powerful blasts of magical energy to damage and disrupt enemies. Skill level increases the power, range, and efficiency of arcane blasts.


•Powerful Blasts: Enables the user to cast bursts of arcane energy, dealing damage to enemies within range.

•Range Extension: Increases the distance at which the user can cast Arcane Blast, allowing for attacks from a safer distance.

While Kaito was more focused on physical combat, having a powerful ranged attack could provide a useful versatility in battle.

[Shield Barrier]

Description: A defensive skill that generates a protective barrier around the user. This barrier absorbs incoming damage and grants temporary resistance to status effects.


•Blocks any types of attack with a strong durability that varies on magic power.

•Grants resistance to status effects.

A defensive skill like Shield Barrier could be invaluable in tough battles, providing protection against both physical and magical attacks. but kaito knew his not suited for this skill as he was more focused on Strength and agility.

Kaito weighed his options carefully, knowing that each skill had the potential to drastically change his combat style and effectiveness.

After carefully considering each skill's effects and their potential applications in battle, Kaito made his decision.

"I choose Quick Reflexes," he declared confidently.

With a decisive nod, Kaito felt a surge of energy as the chosen skill became imbued within him. The knowledge of Quick Reflexes settled within his mind, ready to be honed and mastered through practice and experience.

[Skill Acquired: Quick Reflexes]

As the notification faded, Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Quick Reflexes would provide him with the edge he needed in combat, allowing him to react swiftly to his opponents' movements and seize opportunities for counterattacks.

With his newfound skill chosen, Kaito glanced once more at the breathtaking expanse of the forest before him. He knew that more challenges awaited, and he was eager to put his enhanced abilities to the test.

With a determined resolve, Kaito set off into the wilderness once again, his senses heightened and his muscles primed for action. He was ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead, confident in his newfound strength and the skills he had acquired through his trials and tribulations in the forest.

As Kaito delved deeper into the wilderness, the air thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, he felt a sense of anticipation building within him. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig underfoot, heightened his awareness, sharpening his focus as he ventured further into the unknown.

The forest seemed to come alive around him, teeming with life and energy. Birds chirped in the canopy above, while small creatures scurried through the underbrush below. Kaito moved with a silent grace, his senses attuned to the subtlest of changes in his surroundings.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down Kaito's spine. He instinctively reached for his sword, his muscles tensing in anticipation of danger. Peering through the dense foliage ahead, he caught a glimpse of movement, a pair of glowing eyes shining in the shadows.

Without hesitation, Kaito activated his Analyze skill:

[Creature: Shadow Wolf]

[Level: 14]

[Weakness: Light-based attacks]

[Description: A cunning predator that stalks its prey under the cover of darkness. Its fur blends seamlessly with the shadows, making it difficult to spot until it's too late.]

Kaito's heart raced as he assessed the situation. The Shadow Wolf was a formidable opponent, known for its speed and agility. But Kaito was undaunted. With his newfound skills and honed reflexes, he was more than ready to face the challenge head-on.