
Kaiser of the New World

After the alarms, sirens and nuclear warnings, Kai wakes up in an empty white room. With no idea what to do, he just waits for anything to happen...hoping something will happen. Only when the voice of...something... breaks him out of the monotonous life of the white room, he realises the problems he will have to face just to survive. Note - First few chapters are slow, monotonous and downright terrible, I mean, just going back and looking at chapter three has me cringing. My writing gets better as the story goes on, but it still has a few info dumps. The first few chapter are the shortest by far, like chapter 30 is the same length as 1, 2 and part of ch 3 combined. Honestly, you can just skim the first five and then maybe read it a little more in depth. Thanks, and please, go easy on the first chapters, I already hate them. Schedule is new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Kerplunkered · ファンタジー
247 Chs

Good boy?

Kai gazed sceptically at the King, wondering what was to happen. Up until this moment, Kai couldn't understand a word either the King or Queen had said, yet now he could?

"So you do speak English?" Kai inquired as he continued to shield Petunia.

"English?" The King repeated, confused. "Is that your home language? Well, no, I do not speak your so called English."

Kai frowned slightly.

"Then how are we talking?"

The King smiled softly before tapping the golden circle attached to his clothing once more.

"With the help of this little charm here." He said as he pointed to the golden circle that was pinned to his clothing.

"You see, as a way to make tutorials easy, participants are granted an innate translator to talk with anyone and everyone. However, once the tutorial ends, so does their ability to understand other races and languages.

That's where this charm comes in, it acts as a translator, making you understand my words."

To prove his point, the King pressed the pin again and said a few words Kai couldn't understand while smirking before turning it back on again.


Kai saw all right, and he also got the answer to one of his questions that he had in the tutorial.

Turns out, everybody wasn't speaking English, it was just that everything was getting translated into English.

"Alright then..." Kai said, licking his lips cautiously. "Can I have one?"

"No." The King chuckled. "Why would you need one? As long as I activate my own, you understand me."

Kai frowned again.

"And what about when you don't have it activated?"

The King's smile softened.

"Then it's a conversation that you're not meant to here."

Kai dropped the subject there, not wanting to antagonise the King anymore

Especially when he noticed the way the blue haired swordsman was looking at him.

"Now, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Castillian Venescence, but you may call me Your Majesty, or King Castillian, or Your Highness."

Kai listened intently, thinking to himself that Castillian was a strange name.

Then again, so was Failure.

"This" Castillian began to speak as he pointed to the woman beside him. "Is my first wife, Queen Anastasia Venescence."

Queen Anastasia smiled politely, yet why did the look in her eyes remind Kai of a snake?

"You must treat her with the respect she deserves, anything she asks you to do, you must do. I will not tolerate any slander of her."

Kai cringed slightly, why was he so overprotective of her?

After huffing and puffing, Castillian smiled and gestured towards the blue haired swordsman who still stood behind him.

"And this, is Sword Saint Ezekial. He is the highest ranking of our City Guard and the strongest being in this entire Subdimension."

Kai was about to frown, but quickly composed himself. The blue haired man was the strongest in the entire Subdimension? Surely not.

Ezekial was strong, there was no doubt about that, even though Kai was able to see the blue haired man's soul and Stat Sparks, he couldn't make out his level, meaning he was near the threshold of the limit of Kai's skill.

But he was the strongest? Did that mean there was no A-Rank beings here?

But how did that make sense? This Subdimension had won Kai's bid while against some of the main Dimensions, yet their limit was B-Rank?


"Alright, nice to meet all of you. King Castillian, Queen Anastasia... Sword Saint."

Kai knew that Sword Saint was always a rare title in any sort of story he had read, yet the blue haired boy was apparently one?

Kai wasn't going to judge based off appearance, he had seen Ezekial's soul after all.

But was he Sword Saint level? Kai had no way of actually knowing. He had never met a Sword Saint before this after all.

"Oh, and my name is Kai."

Kai caught what a glimpse of what looked to be the king rolling his eyes, but not even a tenth of a second after the action had began, Castillian composed himself and smiled.

"Yes, we already know that. However, we don't know much about the little one behind you."

Castillian then crouched down and smiled at Petunia, slowly edging closer to the young girl.

Instinctively, Kai angled himself in a way that shielded the young girl.

Castillian's expression darkened for a split second before it was replaced by a hearty smile.

"Oh you don't have to worry, I wouldn't be able to bear hurting a child like her. She's adorable, it's no wonder that My Queen wanted to buy her."

Kai's expression softened ever so slightly, but he was still on guard.

Castillian then sighed and straightened up, a look of sorrow on his face.

"You see, no matter how hard Anastasia and I try, we just can't seem to produce a child. That is why we decided to adopt one of the children in the tutorial, and my Queen was just so drawn to that cute young girl that I just had to bid on her."

Kai frowned.

"She already has a father, and I'm sure that he'll look for her as soon as these six months are up."

Castillian's smile disappeared, replaced by a look of annoyance.

"Hmm, well, yes, but we can deal with that in six months time."

Kai's expression darkened.

The more time that passed, the more he didn't like this King. He hadn't even been here a full 5 minutes, yet he already felt as if he had gotten on his bad side.

Then again, Kai felt as if something was off about the King in general, making him wonder if if was a smart idea to even get on his good side.

"Well then why did you bid on me?" Kai asked. "If you wanted to find a 'daughter' then what was the point of also bidding on me."

Castillian frowned slightly.

"Hmm, I am also wondering that."

Kai's expression darkened.


Suddenly, Castillian clapped his hands and smiled, an eager look in his eyes.

"Now, I'm sure that the both of you are extremely worn out after the last few months, and I know that the summoning process isn't a pleasant one, so how about we show you to your rooms?

Ezekial, do you mind showing Miss Petunia to her room?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Instantly, Ezekial reacted. His footsteps were faint, like he wasn't even touching the ground in the first place, but his strides were long and meaningful. Even though his strides were long, he somehow covered more ground than what should be possible in a single step, only helping to throw Kai off.

Some sort of skill?

Then, Kai noticed Petunia's panicked expression as Ezekial approached her.

With a kind smile, Ezekial leaned down and took Petunia by the hand.

"There's no need to worry, I'll escort you, my lady."

Petunia's worry eased from Ezekial's words, but Kai's only grew, something was definitely off about this whole situation.

But what could he do?

Even though he didn't believe that Ezekial was Sword Saint level, he was still much, much stronger than Kai, enough so that he could probably one shot Kai.

So all he could do was watch as Petunia was led through the two gargantuan gates at the end of the spacious hall, leaving Kai's sight.

"Now, it is a little bit of a shame, but we had a bit of commotion so no one is allowed to leave the castle for the next three days. I apologise if you wanted to see some of the city, but you have to comply with this rule."

Kai's mind raced, but a polite smile etched its way onto his face.

"That's fine, I'm sure that I'll be able to last three days."

Castillian smiled in response to those words.

"That's great. Now, how about I show you to your room, I'll show you some of the-"

"Ah, dear, how about you let me do the honours?"

Anastasia made her way over to her husband, swaying her hips and doing a little too much in Kai's opinion.

She traced a finger along Castillian's jaw, whispering something in her ear in the process.

A strange smile wormed its way onto his face, but to Kai's surpise, the King relented and said:

"Of course, my Queen, I will see you tonight."

Then, both Kai and Anastasia watched in silence as Castillian exited through the same doors that Ezekia and Petunia just went through.

"Now." Anastasia turned to Kai and smiled sweetly, somehow making his heart flutter. "How about I show you to your room?"

Kai followed Anastasia out of the hall he was summoned into, watching as her dress trailed along the ground.

He always was confused by these sorts of items of clothing, wouldn't it just get dirty by doing that, especially with how old and dark the stone floor was.

"You're quite a good looking young man, I'm sure you've had your fair share of ladies back on your home world."

Kai cringed slightly, wondering at what the Queen was getting at.

"Ah, you flatter me. Sadly, all this only came to be after the tutorials first began."

Anastasia tutted judgementally.

"I see, that's a shame then. Still there's plenty of time, you're still young.

Ah, I remember when I was young, I met His Majesty when I was quite young, you know."

Unaware of the potential dangers, Kai was just about to ask how long ago that was, but at the last moment he remembered the warning he received from the shopkeeper.

Never ask a woman her age, and a merchant how much money they have.

Of course, the second part of that statement was useless, but the first part had maybe just saved Kai's life.

"I see... that's nice to hear."

After that, the remainder of the walk was in silence. Kai had thought that Anastasia would say something else, but she seemed perfectly content with walking in silence.

Still, Kai was a little upset that whenever he tried to look out a window all he saw was a black wall. Something was blocking the outside of the castle, making him even more curious about what sort of commotion had happened.

After a couple minutes of walking, Anastasia stopped outside one of the many doors they had passed by, revealing a luxurious bedroom complete with a king sized bed, various different sized drawers, candles, books and many different items.

He even caught a glimpse of a bathroom with a ginormous bath tub inside, in fact, it looked big enough to even fit two people!

Kai then froze as a shiver ran up his spine, realising why a bathtub might potentially be big enough for two people.

Anastasia smiled as she softy pushed Kai inside, her hand lingering on his back.

"This will be your bedroom for the foreseeable future, I hope that it's too your liking."

Kai ignored the touch in favour of looking around the room. It was ten times better than what he had been used to for the last couple of months, bar the fact that there was no technology or WiFi, but Kai had long gotten over that.

"It's incredible, thank you very much."

Even if Kai wasn't sure whether or not to trust these people, he at least knew when to show gratitude.

"Well, that's good to hear."

Just as he turned around to face Anastasia again, Kai flinched as she placed a hand on his shoulder while petting his cheek with her other hand.

"You're a good boy, I'm sure that you'll do well.

Now, have a good night."

Letting go of Kai, Anastasia smiled sweetly at him before walking away, leaving the door to swing closed itself.


Kerplunkeredcreators' thoughts