
Kai Lane: Beginning

Feelings... "Why.... Me?" "I just wanted to live a normal life. I never imagined that emotions would have such different powers. I used to think about how I'd get higher on exams. How could I live a more relaxed life? Will ı be able to marry a beautiful and kind woman? Now... life is so different now... I'd love to watch the sun set forever, but how can I do that? The hunters will always be after me. " "I'm Kai Lane! I don't care about the rules of this new world! I'll live as I please! And I'm not gonna let anyone hurt me or my friends on this road! " Levels in the book Yellow lightning Blue Lightning Green lightning Orange Lightning Red lightning Purple lightning Each week, two episodes are released on Tuesdays and Fridays

TheWriterMea · ファンタジー
152 Chs

Chapter 47: Quarter Finals

"First fight Summer VS Sarah" Summer and Sarah didn't care about the cheers as they entered the arena. They cared about winning.

As the two faced each other, Summer unsheathed her white sword. He pointed it at Sarah. Both of them were geniuses who had switched to blue lightning in the first round.

"I think you should take out your mana weapon. I know Aserah gave you a bow, and if you want to be my equal, you shouldn't hide your power. " Sarah laughed. As she turned around and signalled Milah, Milah came onto the field with a bow in her hand. After giving the bow, she went back to the hut.

"Let's get started."

Summer's starting medium power came out, while his lightning bolt in the upper left revealed who he was.

"She's going to lose, right? She uses a bow. It's hard for her to win in close combat. But she can't keep Summer at bay for long. "Jack said. Kevin shook his head.

"No, she can. It's a mana weapon. It's not that simple. She can win. "

"Fight with justice. " Sarah instantly tensed the bow and it took its true shape.

An arrow formed on its own at the end of the bow. Sarah's face showed how serious she was.

"Green arrows in a line. "as the arrow left the bow, a new arrow followed every 1 metre for a distance of 100 metres.

Summer saw the arrows and knew he couldn't avoid them.

"My sword skill is a special technique. The techniques you created with your sword skill can't match mine." As Summer's white sword began to glow, his clothes were levitating with the aura that the sword spread around. He held the sword with both hands as his feet dug into the earth.

"Eternal Light Slash!!!"

" Earth Run!! " As Summer accelerated, he cut an arrow as he touched the ground. However, sweat was flowing from his body at such a speed that Summer was soaked to his feet. The constant use of technique was exhausting him. More so than Sarah.

"So you want a war. I wanted it to be quick. Explosive Arrow!" Sarah released another arrow, which exploded just as Summer cut her off. Summer backed up a little more while Sarah tried to hit him with normal arrows. Apparently explosive arrows were harder to use than normal arrows.

"Sarah did a second technique, didn't she? How could she do that? None of us could develop techniques from evolving," Zachery said. This time it was Kronos who answered him.

"Sarah, me, Raiya and Boyd were already blue lightning a week ago. I actually had a technique, but I didn't get a chance to show it. It's normal for Sarah to have another technique, maybe even another one. Unlike me, they were not afraid to hide themselves. "

Meanwhile, Sarah continued to shoot the arrows. Summer was able to escape by rolling on the floor. He could do nothing but stomp his feet on his bum as Sarah didn't dare underestimate him in the slightest, doing her best not to leave him open.

"I have to do something."

Summer gripped his sword tightly as he thought.

"I only know one thing about you, you're a sword with two skills. When Ariel gave me another sword, I refused, for my father's legacy. For you. Now trust me and show me your full power. "Navas, sword of heaven!" Summer's wounds healed as Navas once again glowed with white light. As Summer slowly stood up, Navas gave him more and more strength. His hair turned white as a white light covered his body completely. The whites of his eyes turned white along with the whites of his eyes. Summer was completely transformed in an instant.

"This is Navas' second ability:

The Heavenly Body!" Summer rushed at Sarah with extraordinary speed. This match was now over.

"No! It's not over! I'm not going to lose! " Sarah stretched her bow. There was only 1 metre between her bow and Navas as the words came out of her mouth.

"King Arrow!!!"

The collision was suddenly an explosion. Kai didn't care about them at all and was talking to his mum on the phone. He wasn't interested in this fight at all. The duo was already too strong for him to care.


Summer took a step back as the sword met the arrow.


Summer rushed forward and sliced the arrow in half. In the same manner, without stopping, he sliced Sarah's body diagonally. His strength suddenly increased in an unimaginable proportion.

"The first person to reach the semi-finals... Summer! " Summer could hardly stand up. Everyone who saw the smile on his face thought he was crazy. Few people knew what that smile meant. Passion for war. A fierce passion for war burned in his heart.

"The 2nd fight of the quarter finals Boyd VS Jack" Kai grabbed Jack's arm as he stood up.

"Don't make the same mistake Kevin did. Don't underestimate him." Jack shook his head, this time quickly taking his place.

As Boyd suddenly appeared at the other end of the field, Jack drew his sword and the position stopped. They used to show these positions in combat training before dueling lessons. Jack had listened to the lesson well.

"Weakness ability." Boyd said quietly. His eyes flashed as he pulled a blue sword from the scabbard at his waist. Jack angrily clenched his sword tighter as everyone was shocked by what he saw.

"Blue lightning start peak."

As Boyd went on the offensive, Jack realised he was not going to win this fight easily.

When Boyd suddenly appeared in front of him, he blocked him with his sword. He attacked another time, but Jack blocked him by force. As Boyd attacked, the ferocity of his attacks increased.

"This sword gives me a bad feeling.... Hmmm, I hope it's not too bad," said Kai.

Jack couldn't hold on this time as Boyd attacked from the right with extraordinary speed. His face showed how upset he was as he was cut in half. He really lacked the strength to fight back. He had lost to Boyd, just as he had lost to Zachery.

"You're dead!"

Boyd's words ended in terrible pain.

"The winner of the second round of the quarter-finals is Boyd."

"Match 3 of the quarter-finals, Raiya VS John"

They both pulled out their guns as they hurried down to the field. After waiting for a while, John's voice was heard.

"I give up."

Unexpectedly, John had given up. Raiya frowned. John walked off the field without a care in the world.

"I don't believe I can face Kai."

Everyone was angry that someone had given up again. They were angry about the fights in the top 32. Yet now they were watching the quarter-finals. This was nothing like the top 32!

When John left without explanation, a lot of people booed him. Unfortunately, there was no point. John had already given up. They were coming to the end of the quarter-finals.

"The third winner of the quarter-finals is Raiya. "

"Last fight of the quarter-finals Kai VS Elana" Kai was heading to the court to take the field when Elena stopped him.

"I give up!"

"Damn it! It's the quarter finals you brats! There should be four fights, not two! How can you be such cowards!"

"We all know Kai is strong, but has Elena really fought? She went straight through the top 16 and now she's giving up! Show some manliness!"

"Stupid! She's a woman!"

As everyone gets angry once again, Elena takes her seat without any explanation. This enraged the audience even more, but none of them could do anything. The choice was Elena's.

"Then, since Kai won the last fight, you can leave now. The semi-final and final will take place tomorrow."

People walked out of the arena cursing. On the way, they cursed the whole clan who made this rule. The clock it was only four o'clock. They could go on until midnight.

Kai left early after meeting Emma. The others left slowly.

Milah quickly made her way home. Sarah and Zack wanted to have dinner together. She had declined because she wasn't hungry. She was quite upset about being beaten today. She wanted to at least make it to the quarter finals.

"Hey!" She turned round at the voice she heard behind her. It was a blond boy with brown hair. They were at least three metres apart. It was clear from his deep breathing that he had run all the way here to catch up with her.

"I think your name was Jack. What do you want?" Jack stood up straight as he looked at her.

"I have a proposition for you." Milah turned her head in that direction and smiled. They didn't give her anything she couldn't use. But it wasn't as if she didn't sometimes run into perverts with absurd ideas. After all, Milah was quite beautiful. So he looked at Jack with a little scepticism.

"My mum was a pretty strong enhancer in the past, and my enhancement speed is pretty good at drawing energy. At the very least, I need to draw energy faster. My veins are much stronger than they look. I drew an intense feeling of fear and excitement from a source, but since I don't have the feeling of excitement, the feeling of excitement stayed inside me. Because of that, my energy is not fully purified. It is like a barrier around my core, so my full potential is not coming out. It's a pity that I only realised this today and missed my chance to participate strongly in the tournament. I lost to Boyd and I don't want to lose to him again. I want you to take him. Maybe you can even reach the intermediate level with him. After I get rid of him, I will be able to rank more easily. "

Milah thought for a moment and then looked at Jack again.

"You are my rival. It won't do me any good if your potential increases. " Jack shook his head from side to side.

"We've both been eliminated, now we have the world tournament ahead of us. We all need to work together for this tournament." Milah looked at Jack after thinking again.

"But you already have a mind thief in your house. Why are you giving it to me?"

"Because I'm afraid that if Melony becomes strong again, she'll revert back to her old self, and that will hinder Kevin's development the most. I want them to support each other's feelings, and I'm sure Melony can get stronger quickly without the energy I will give her. " Milah thought a little more and then thought that she had reached the intermediate level. Much earlier than the others. This was not the middle of the beginning. This was directly in the middle of the blue lightning. It was an opportunity that could not be refused.

"I'll accept, but on one condition. Tell me Kai's rank. "

Obviously, he was as curious about this as everyone else. The winner of this tournament would either be Boyd or Kai. Boyd's limits were known, but Kai's were unknown.

Jack took a deep breath and scratched his head.

"Actually, I don't know exactly either. But I know that he is much higher than us and he will definitely win the tournament. You will still agree, right? " Jack held out his hand. He wanted her to accept. This was an opportunity for him and for Milah and he had to take it. He didn't want to get into this with Melony.

Obviously he had not told her how to give this energy.

Jack got his answer as a smile formed on Milah's face. Milah shook Jack's hand.
