
Chapter 6


Wai Chin watches as Ahri's bleary gaze finally focuses, and she realizes what's happening. He then watches as his gorgeous kitsune sister's eyes light up with understanding. She's in no way stupid, and actually quite quick on the draw. As such, it takes Ahri no time at all to properly comprehend just what it is Evelynn was doing in their room. Sure, Wai Chin might be fucking the succubus' throat right now, pounding away at her esophagus as he stuffs his member down her gullet… but Ahri knows what sort of woman Evelynn is.

"You bitch…"

Prowling up the length of the bed, Ahri growls as she reaches where Evelynn is currently laid out between Wai Chin's legs. Then, she rears back an open palm and brings it down HARD on Evelynn's derriere, spanking the succubus and causing her to let out a muffled squeal around Wai Chin's member, even as he forces her down his length time and time again.

"Trying to steal my brother from me, are you? Trying to control my Master? Well, I guess you learned your lesson, didn't you? Or you think you have. You haven't truly, not yet. Master is just getting started, he's going to BREAK you, Evelynn."

Ahri says all of this, but when she reaches for Evelynn's head, grabbing hold of the succubus' horns, Wai Chin lets go and leans back, smiling slightly, all too happy to let his darling sister slave take control. Very quickly, Ahri begins to force Evelynn up and down his cock even faster than he was, not having a care in the world for her well-being as she chokes Evelynn HARD on her Master's member.


Wai Chin enjoys the show, watching as Evelynn's eyes begin to roll back in her head from sheer lack of oxygen to her brain. Ahri is brutal and relentless in skull-fucking her fellow singer using Wai Chin's cock, all while disparaging Evelynn the entire way.

"Stupid, silly, succubus SLUT! Bet you like this, don't you? Bet you LOVE Master's cock. I know I do. How dare you… how DARE you! Fucking little stuck up bitch, think you can play games. Well maybe we won't let you sing ever again, how bout that? Maybe I'll fucking ruin your throat permanently, right fucking now. Maybe this is all you'll be good for from now on, being Master's COCKSLEEVE!"

Ahri forces Evelynn to the base of his member and holds her there, even as the succubus spasms and shakes at the lack of air. But despite her words, his sister is not… well, not completely without mercy. Abruptly, Ahri pulls Evelynn back, letting her come up off of his cock for a moment. The succubus heaves heavily, her breasts bouncing and jiggling as her entire chest moves with her breathing, coughing, gasping, choking, rasping for air.

His sister slave gives her fellow singer all of five seconds of this reprieve before she tugs sharply on one of Evelynn's horns, making her cry out and shoving her open mouth back down Wai Chin's cock quite savagely, once more skull fucking Evelynn on her Master's member.

"That's right. Take it, cunt. Take every last inch of it. You should be so lucky that Master finds you attractive enough to give even a modicum of his attention to!"

All of this… it's really, REALLY working for Wai Chin, truth be told. Watching his sister trash Evelynn is just… great, honestly. Watching Evelynn get thoroughly wrecked by Ahri's actions and his big fat cock is even better. Over and over again, his kitsune sex pet pushes Evelynn to the brink with breath play, nearly knocking the succubus unconscious from lack of air again and again. But she always pulls her back at the last second, keeping her conscious each and every time, and forcing her to continue doing her part in sucking Wai Chin's dick, even as she chokes on it as well.

"I'm getting close, Ahri…"

Hearing that, his sister slave's eyes light up, and she redoubles her pace, getting even more brutal with her fellow singer. Honestly, Wai Chin is convinced that there really will be some actual throat damage at the end of this… but he doesn't have it in him to tell Ahri to dial it back. Not when it feels so damn good. With a loud groan as Ahri forces Evelynn to the base of his cock once more, Wai Chin unloads another thick batch of cum into the succubus' throat.

To her credit, despite all of the abuse she's been put through since his sister woke up, Evelynn does her level best to swallow his every drop, utterly and thoroughly addicted to his seed, wanting it all inside of her belly and doing her level best to drink it down. Some still escapes the sides of her mouth though, trailing down along his ball sack as Ahri keeps Evelynn's head trapped between his thighs, and every last inch of Wai Chin's cock remains buried in the succubus' throat.

When he's finally done, his sister slave pulls Evelynn back off of his cock roughly and ruthlessly, tossing the succubus to the side and taking her place in an instant. She doesn't deep throat his cock or anything like that, but she does hasten to take hold of her Master's length in her delicate fingers, licking and slurping at his ball sack and his member in order to clean him up of the last remnants of his own load, as well as get him hard again.

Evelynn, meanwhile, is left rasping for air once more, even as she slowly levers herself up onto her hands, sitting up on the bed and looking over at Ahri with visible jealousy. Despite the abuse she'd just been put through, it's obvious that the succubus feels Ahri is stealing from her. But before she can move to pull the kitsune away, Wai Chin catches Evelynn's eyes with his own and stops her dead in her tracks, holding her in place with nothing but his gaze, even as he lets Ahri finish cleaning him up.

As soon as she's done, his kitsune sex pet pulls away from his member and looks over at Evelynn. Frozen under his gaze, the succubus can't do much more than yelp when her fellow singer grabs her and begins to manhandle her into position. In no time at all, using both her arms, legs, AND her numerous kitsune tails, Ahri has forced Evelynn into her lap, and is laying back with the other girl spread across her body, her legs and tails forcing Evelynn's own legs apart and exposing her naked, juicy wet cunt to Wai Chin's gaze.

Ahri's actual hands grope at Evelynn's breasts, while the tips of her tails pull open Evelynn's pussy lips, spreading them wide to show off the woman's drooling quim properly.

"Here, Master. Claim this bitch properly… if that's your desire. If not, tell me and I'll get rid of her right now."

Evelynn can't do much more than moan, the succubus squirming in Ahri's grasp. But she's just too weakened by the abuse from earlier, as well as cum drunk on his seed, to possibly fight back against Ahri's multitude of appendages. In the end, the kitsune holds her fast, while Wai Chin finally sits up properly and gets on his knees, shuffling over to where the two girls are waiting for him.

Bringing his sizable cock to bear, the young man places it against Evelynn's open cunt… but he doesn't push in, not immediately. Instead, he rubs his cockhead all over her entrance, even taking the time to press up against her clit. Evelynn whimpers and squirms all the harder, trying to hump upwards into his cock with her hips, trying to get him to penetrate her faster. But between Wai Chin and Ahri, avoiding her attempts is child's play. In the end, the succubus breaks down and begs, as he knew she would.

"P-Please… please, just fuck me. I s-submit… please, Master… please fuck your little succubus sex slave!"

A wicked smile spreads across Ahri's face at that, and it's matched on Wai Chin's even as he chuckles and finally gives Evelynn exactly what she's asking for. His cock slides home into her cunt with little fanfare in the end. She's so ready for it, so wet, that he can just push forward, and his entire member ends up hilted in her depths, filling her quim, slamming up against the entrance of her womb on the very first thrust.

On the first thrust, Evelynn groans happily, but manages to keep her composure, at least somewhat. On the second, the succubus well and truly breaks, her head tilting backwards into Ahri's chest as her back arches, and her eyes rolling back in her skull as her tongue sticks straight out of her wide-open mouth. Not one to pass up an opportunity, Ahri leans forward a little bit, and spits right into her rival singer's mouth, forcing Evelynn to gag on her spit as she smiles sweetly down at the succubus.

"That's right, cunt. You like Master's cock, don't you? Master's cock is amazing… too good for a slut like you in my opinion, but Master knows better than I do~"

Wai Chin just chuckles and keeps on fucking the gorgeous succubus trapped in front of him. Evelynn is wet and slick and tight and he's having the time of his life conquering her body with his cock, plowing her cunt silly with his member. Again, and again, she orgasms around his pistoning prick, eyes rolling around in her head, tongue continuing to loll out of her mouth. Ahri keeps a constant string of saliva slipping from her lips down into Evelynn's open mouth as he fucks the succubus, and Evelynn is forced to swallow it, lest she drown on Ahri's spit.

The whole experience is downright humiliating for the succubus, but perhaps it's exactly what she needed. Her pride irreparably broken, Evelynn becomes much more manageable when she's like this, held in Ahri's grasp and getting fucked by her Master's big fat cock. She's not scheming, she's not trying to take control… she's learning her place, and it's beneath Wai Chin, just like Ahri and Akali are.

With a loud groan, Wai Chin cums deep inside of the succubus, pumping her full of his seed. In response, Evelynn well and truly passes out, her face becoming a permanently affixed ahegaoing expression, and her body twitching and spasming every once in a while, but not giving any other reactions. Even once he's finished cumming, however, Wai Chin doesn't pull out. He does slow down though, reaching out and taking hold of Evelynn's delectable tits in his hands and casually groping and squeezing them, even as he just as casually fucks her at a slow, measured pace.

As he does so, Wai Chin looks up at his sister slave and raises an eyebrow.

"And how would you say this affects our plans, pet?"

Biting her lower lip, Ahri gives her Master's words the consideration they're due. After all, it was always part of the plan that they take Evelynn and make her into Wai Chin's slave, just like Ahri and Akali. Of course, Evelynn, being her dastardly self, had more than jumped the gun on that, leaving them a fair bit ahead of schedule. Still, Wai Chin knew he could count on his pet to adapt… and like always, Ahri was ready to come through for him.

"Well… I think I've found someone, Master. She goes by DJ Sona… with Evelynn here having submitted to you, we can use her abilities to ensnare more women… including this Sona girl."

Ahri looks away for a second before continuing.

"Obviously it would be preferable to ensnare Kai'Sa now, to get the whole group under your control, where we should be… but as we've discussed before, that's currently impossible, even with Evelynn's assistance."

Wai Chin nods at that, even as he continues to slow fuck the insensate succubus between the two of them. Kai'Sa was the final member of K/DA that they needed to bring into the fold and conquer. She was the last one that they had to make submit to Wai Chin, but unlike Ahri and Akali, she wasn't a natural submissive, and unlike Evelynn, she wasn't a succubus who could be overwhelmed by his seed and addicted to his cum.

No, rather, Kai'Sa was almost more machine than woman, more mechanical than biological. Not quite, of course, she was still MOSTLY woman… but she had cybernetic enhancements that allowed her to shut off her pleasure centers, making it impossible to overwhelm her and break her down with lust and ecstasy, whether they had Evelynn to help out or not. Frustrating, but not insurmountable.

Ahri strikes a thoughtful expression as she hums to herself.

"But this DJ Sona chick… she's got some great hacking skills, from what I've heard. She should be just what we need to be able to hack Kai'Sai's implants and take control of her cybernetics, Master."

Wai Chin grunts at that, still burying himself in Evelynn's deliciously tight quim again and again.

"So, we have Evelynn here 'hack' this DJ Sona woman, to then in turn have Sona hack Kai'Sa?"

Ahri smiles brightly and nods, bobbing her head up and down.

"Yes Master, that's it exactly!"

Chuckling, Wai Chin reaches out and slides a hand through his sister's hair, pulling her in for a deep, soul-searing kiss for a few long moments. His sister slave lets him tongue her mouth of course, happily submitting to the kiss until he's finished with her. When he pulls back, Wai Chin gives Ahri a wide grin.

"Good work, pet. You've made me very happy."

Ahri orgasms on the spot, nothing more than his words making her cum in satisfied fulfillment as a result. Wai Chin just laughs and goes back to fucking Evelynn, steadily increasing his pace once more. The succubus might be done for the night, but as she's going to swiftly learn now that she's his submissive little fuck toy, she's not done until HE's done… and Wai Chin is far from finished with her, now that he's awake.

Tomorrow's performance might suffer a bit for it, or even might not have Evelynn in it at all considering the damage Ahri might have done to her throat. But no matter, the tickets are already sold out, and Ahri can more than carry the show all on her own. Everything is exactly as it should be.