A/N: A Christmas Surprise~
"Keep your eyes closed, please Master! You d-don't have to of course, but I think it'll make the surprise better! We're almost there!"
Chuckling, Wai Chin just nods his head amicably. Not only does he keep his eyes closed, but he's also blindfolded at the moment, even as Ahri guides him along, her arms wrapped around one of his and holding him quite securely. It can be… difficult, getting the proper Christmas Present for the man who has everything, and Wai Chin had to admit, he did feel like he had everything.
It could be even more difficult finding the time to secure a surprise Christmas Present for the man you've willingly enslaved yourself to, and that you call Master. After all, it wasn't in Ahri's nature to lie to him, or even keep things from him. So when she'd come to him a month back and explained that she had something special she wanted some time away to prepare for Christmas, Wai Chin had considered it briefly, before ultimately giving his approval.
Whatever Ahri was intending, he was sure it was going to be immensely entertaining and enjoyable. Which was why he was willing to go along with the blindfold, as well as keeping his eyes closed for good measure. He trusted his sister-slave with all his heart, and knew that no matter what, she would never endanger him.
"We're here!"
Wai Chin hums at that, standing still as Ahri lets go of his arm and reaches up to remove the blindfold. Considering that permission enough, he blinks open his eyes and lets them adjust to having light once more. With the car ride and then the walk, elevator ride, and second walk here, Wai Chin had been in the dark for a good twenty minutes at this point.
Still, he was undeniably excited, and finding himself in what looked to be one of the ritziest, most expensive high rises in the city, his excitement only grows. Staring at the door in front of him, Wai Chin glances to his sister.
"You got me a penthouse, pet?"
Blushing, Ahri shakes her head shyly.
"Not JUST a penthouse, Master. You could have as many of those as you want. After all, my money, Evelynn's money, Akali's money… it's all yours~"
Wai Chin chuckles and inclines his head at that, acknowledging the truth of the statement. With DJ Sona as his property as well, the last holdout of K/DA, Kai'Sa, would soon be his as well. And then all of K/DA's revenue would effectively belong to him, just as they all belonged to him. For now though, it was safe to say that he was a very, very wealthy man and leave it at that.
Which meant, whatever Ahri had REALLY gotten for him, the penthouse was just the wrapping paper. Making the young man all the more excited to see what was beyond that door.
Bowing low at the waist in front of him, Ahri holds out her hands, cupping them palm up. In her hands is a key, the key to the penthouse, almost certainly. Humming, Wai Chin takes it, looking it over.
"I'm a little surprised. I was expecting something a bit more… advanced."
Before Ahri can answer, he steps past her and places the key in the lock, turning it. Much to his surprise, this does not unlock the door itself. Instead, a slot in the door slides open, revealing a biometric scanner. Blinking, Wai Chin lets out a startled laugh and leans forward, letting the scanner trace over his eyeball for a moment.
There's a beep and a green light, and only then does the door unlock, keyed in specifically to his DNA. Nodding his approval to his blushing, proud pet, Wai Chin pushes open the door to his brand new penthouse to see what's inside.
At first, he doesn't notice. Everything looks incredibly high-tech at a glance, very post-modern décor. At a first glance, one's eyes gloss right over the multiple irregularities one can see just through the door. But as Wai Chin steps further into the penthouse, with Ahri dutifully closing and locking the door behind him, he sees it. Or rather, he sees THEM.
All over the first floor of the penthouse are women. But not your average women, certainly. Heck, if one didn't know any better, one might think they were just particularly lewd décor. But no, as Wai Chin reaches out and touches one, she reacts. The 'lamp', because that's what she's been made into, wiggles in his grasp a little, and a muffled throaty moan comes out of her no-doubt occupied lips.
From the way she's… assembled, it looks like the lightbulb might literally be inserted into her mouth. Wai Chin doesn't bother removing the shade to find out for sure, he doesn't really care. He's too busy enjoying the feel of her body, which is clad in skintight synthetic material of some sort. Her nipples are rock hard through the suit, and when he runs a hand down betwixt her thighs, it's to find her cunt hot and warm… there's a zipper there as well, in the event that he wanted to enjoy the 'lamp' as more than just a lamp.
But she's not the only one, and he doesn't spend much time on her, certainly not enough to justify pulling open the zipper. Instead, leaving her where she is to illuminate that part of the room, Wai Chin moves deeper in, continuing to enjoy what he's seeing. All over the penthouse, and likely on the upper floors of the luxurious upper-class apartment as well, women have been turned into furniture.
From the look of things, each and every one has been cybernetically modified to act in their new role. From chairs, to coffee tables, to lamps and chandeliers. Those that don't have an actual function are usually regulated to art pieces in the end, on standby in case he ever wanted to play with them, he supposed.
Continuing to look around, Wai Chin calls out absently to Ahri, curious to how she did all of this.
"What's our exposure on this, pet?"
He means legally, of course. He's not about to censure Ahri if she did kidnap all of these women from their lives and turn them into his furniture, but if this is all illegal, he wants to know about it, just in case. But Ahri just shakes her head and smiles as she hands him documentation, clearly anticipating this question.
"All above-board, Master. Each and every one of them signed a contract. Much like Ms. Sona, their debt now belongs to me… and of course, by that I mean it belongs to you~ In exchange, they've all agreed to sell themselves in this capacity until you get bored of them! It might be hard to believe, but this is actually better conditions for most then what they were in before~"
Wai Chin hums at that, nodding slowly. It was hard to believe in all honesty, but perhaps Ahri had gone out and found diamonds in the rough. Homeless girls who still had enough beauty to be cleaned up and given an option they couldn't refuse. Wai Chin had to admit, his pet had an eye for quality. The bodies of each and every modified woman are on display in some fashion, usually covered with skintight bodysuits, and they're all quite… gorgeous.
All different types too, from small tits to big tits, wide hips to petite hips. Each and every one is unique in their one way, and Wai Chin finds himself drinking them all in, while at the same time wondering which to play with first.
"That's not all, Master~ The grand prize is waiting upstairs~"
Oh? Wai Chin raises an eyebrow and allows Ahri to slowly guide him upstairs. As he suspected, there are more girls cybernetically modified into furniture and art décor upstairs as well. But Wai Chin's eyes almost immediately catch on the 'grand prize', the crowning jewel of Ahri's Christmas Present to him. His mouth goes dry and his breath hitches as he stares at her.
"Is that…?"
Encircling him with her arms from behind, hugging him and cuddling him as she rests her chin on his shoulder, Ahri nods with a giggle.
"Mhm! Yes it is, Master. Luxanna Crownguard, in the flesh. Although, that's not her name anymore. She goes by Lux Light now, Master… and she's all yours~"
Luxanna Crownguard, commonly called the Lady of Luminosity, was one of the most well-known women in the world. Not because of anything she'd done, but because of how rich her family was. The Crownguard family could trace their roots back to over half of the royal families the world over, and their fortunes represented that as well, utterly massive. Luxanna was, by far, richer than even him and Ahri… or she should have been.
As always, Ahri is eager to answer, quick to obey.
""Her father disowned her, Master. You know how her family is, when she was discovered to have magic she was exiled and stripped of her name, her titles, and all of her riches. I found her on the streets… and now she belongs to you~"
Leaning in closer, Ahri lowers her voice to a mere whisper.
"It didn't take her father long to regret his decision, and her brother Garen is already out looking for her. But I've covered my tracks well… no one is ever going to find her. And even if they do, she signed on the dotted line. She knew what she was getting into, Master. All of these women did."
Wai Chin slowly nods at that, soaking in this information. Then, in just as soft a voice, he asks something that's been bugging him since they entered.
"I'm sure they did, pet… but I'm surprised that they all seem so… happy about their current circumstances."
Because, really, for all that Ahri had managed to get legal consent from these beautiful furniture pieces, Wai Chin would have expected more terror and horror after the fact. He would have expected his new penthouse to be filled with moaning, whimpering, mewling furniture pieces, writhing and squirming all over the place in their bondage.
Instead, most of them are eerily still, with only the slightest twitch here and there. Even Luxanna herself is… barely moving, though her eyes are visible unlike everyone else, and her gaze is fixated on him.
"I… helped them along, Master. Mentally, they see themselves as the furniture, as the objects that they now are. Not only do they find pleasure in being used by you, but Master also… they structure their identities around it now."
That was… terrifying, while also being insanely arousing. Wasting no more time, Wai Chin begins to move forward, over to where 'Lux Light' is currently stood in the middle of the room, glittering with light, clearly the centerpiece of the whole thing. She's very shiny, and quite bejeweled. Ahri had really gone all out on her.
Her corset is in the underbust style, pointed at both ends and held in place by nipple and clit piercings. Furthermore, she's wearing a bejeweled collar connected to tight cold chains that connect her arms and nipples. She has just enough length to do some tasks, to maneuver her arms around, but it would undeniably tug on her tits.
The whole theme of the get up seems to be that she has much more freedom of movement then the others, but at the expense of a constant tugging on the most sensitive parts of her body, specifically her nipples and clit. There's also a very interesting crown atop her head, with large golden spikes coming off the top of it that almost look MADE for grabbing. Probably because, as it turns out, they are.
"Tell her to kneel, and then grab ahold of those, Master~"
Wai Chin hums and nods.
"Kneel, slave."
For a moment, Lux hesitates… then she obeys. Ahri clarifies why a moment later.
"She doesn't see herself as a slave, Master. She's an object. Her proper address now would probably be 'battery'."
Raising his brow in surprise at that, Wai Chin finally reaches out and grabs hold of Lux's 'crown' by the golden spikes raised off of it. The moment he does so, he gasps, feeling unadulterated power, magical power, rush through him.
"This, Master, is my ultimate gift to you. The Crownguard family have ancient ties to the divine through their royal blood. Lux Light here is no different. So I altered her, developed her… adapted her. She will now act as a magical battery for you. All you have to do is grab onto her crown, and any accumulated power will be transferred over to its rightful owner… you."
Pulling his hands off, Wai Chin stares down at them, watching as they glow. He can feel it, the divine magic that his pet has just gifted him, that he's just drawn from his new magical battery. It's quite intuitive too, almost as if it wants to be used, as if it NEEDS to be used. He could… he could do a lot with this. From subtle to grandiose, he could perform miracles.
Grabbing his sister by the waist, Wai Chin pulls Ahri in, enjoying her adorable submissive squeal as he swallows it with his mouth, kissing her quite insistently and dominating her tongue with his tongue. She happily melts into his grasp, shuddering in his hands as he runs them across her body. When they finally break apart a moment later, he grins at her.
"Thank you, pet. This is the best Christmas Present I've ever gotten."
Then, he turns to his new battery and his grin widens as he looks upon the adoring gaze of one of the most powerful women in the world, modified for his amusement and pleasure.
"Take out my cock and suck it, battery."
And Lux, eager to obey her Master and be used like the object she's been made into, reaches up and does so, moaning as the movement of her arms causes the golden chains to pull on both her nipples and her clit. Soon enough, she has his cock in her mouth while Wai Chin holds her by her golden crown, drawing more and more of her divine magic out of her and into himself.
This was shaping up to be the best Christmas ever… but the night was still young, to be sure. Wai Chin was just getting started enjoying his present in its entirety.