
The hatred

Daylmond's mom always knew Daylmond hid something from her especially if he didn't want to upset his parents.

Daylmond returned to his mom happy he finally met the girl and moreover he talked to her.

He lay on his bed dreaming and thinking how life will be when he will marry the girl.

Daylmond was shy especially when talking to girls and this is one of the reason why his family thought Daylmond could never fall in love.

The next day Tyron Daylmond's brother rang the door bell.Daylmond woke up to open for him.

"Hey morning,what's wrong you look worn out,did you have enough sleep?",he asked.

"Yeah,just I was very busy yesterday that's why",was the reply."Ok I just dropped by to say hi,hope you don't mind".

"sure I don't",replied Daylmond.

"ok before I forget mom will drop by in the middle of the week",Tyron told his brother.Daylmond grinned when he went to the kitchen.

He knew his mom was after the girl but he planned not to say anything to his family since he knew his family what his family was capable of doing.